Today, I was instructed to create three simple windows applications using visual basic. I forgot my flash drive, so imma upload my code on here.
circle: Finds the area of a circle after user inputs the radius.
squareArea: Finds the area of a square after the side length is inputed by the user.
triangleArea: Finds the area of a triangle after the base and height is inputed by the user.
luck: Gives you 5 random numbers. The first number is red (because why not?)
average: Finds the average of two numbers.
greater: Compares numbers and then tells you if the numbers are equal/greater to eachother in a message box.
largerNumber: Compares numbers and then tells you which one is greater.
80+: Tells you if you passed (greater than or equal to 80) or failed (less than 80) in a message box.
**The Odds Evens one was orignally supposed to be something else at first, but I was too lazy to change the name.**
GrossPay: Calculates the gross pay when given the # of hours worked and the pay rate.
GrossPay.v2: It has the same functions as the original, but it comes with a tiny hint of judgment
I've realized that uploading all of my code on Github is more effiencent than bringing my flashdrive all the time. (Guess who is gonna get 100 on the exam!!!)