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Requirements relaxed for simulation of transfers
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- Scenarios are not required to start at t=0, negative output times are also possible
- Transfer times no longer need to part of the output times
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nkehrein committed Dec 9, 2024
1 parent 548c24e commit 95cfe80
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Showing 3 changed files with 178 additions and 54 deletions.
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions R/set_transfer.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -151,3 +151,10 @@ set_transfer2 <- function(x, interval, times, biomass, scaled_comp) {

set_notransfer <- function(x) {
if(length(x) > 1)
return(sapply(x, set_notransfer))

set_transfer(x, interval=-1)
66 changes: 30 additions & 36 deletions R/simulate.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -180,27 +180,35 @@ simulate_transfer <- function(scenario, times, in_sequence=FALSE, ...) {

times <- scenario@times
t_min <- min(times)
if(t_min < 0)
stop("output times must not be negative")
t_max <- max(times)

# find transfer time points that occur during the simulated period
tr_points <- vector("numeric")
ends_on_transfer <- FALSE
if(has_regular_transfer(scenario)) {
# sim has to be long enough for transfers to occur
if(t_max >= scenario@transfer.interval) {
tr_points <- seq(scenario@transfer.interval, t_max, scenario@transfer.interval)
seq_start <- ceiling(t_min / scenario@transfer.interval) * scenario@transfer.interval
seq_end <- t_max
if(seq_start <= seq_end) # avoid errors in case no transfer occurs
tr_points <- seq(seq_start, seq_end, scenario@transfer.interval)
} else {
tr_points <- scenario@transfer.times
# does simulation period end on a transfer?
if(length(tr_points) > 0)
ends_on_transfer <- tail(tr_points, 1) == t_max
ends_on_transfer <- tr_points[length(tr_points)] == t_max
# limit vector to transfer time points which occur during the simulated period.
# but exclude the starting time as a potential transfer
tr_points <- tr_points[tr_points > t_min & tr_points <= t_max]

# if no transfers occurs during simulated period -> early exit
if(length(tr_points) == 0 & !ends_on_transfer)
return(simulate_scenario(set_times(scenario, times), ...))

# add all transfer time points to the output times vector
tr_inserted <- setdiff(tr_points, times)
if(length(tr_inserted) > 0)
times <- sort(c(times, tr_inserted))

# biomass level after each transfer
if(length(scenario@transfer.biomass) == 1)
tr_biomass <- rep(scenario@transfer.biomass, times=length(tr_points))
Expand All @@ -209,34 +217,26 @@ simulate_transfer <- function(scenario, times, in_sequence=FALSE, ...) {
stop("length of biomass and transfer times vectors do not match", call.=FALSE)

# if no transfers occur -> early exit
if(length(tr_points) == 0 & !ends_on_transfer)
return(simulate_scenario(scenario, times=times, ...))

# transfer time points must be contained in output time points
if(length(setdiff(tr_points, times)) > 0)
stop(paste("transfer time points missing in output times:", paste(setdiff(tr_points, times), sep=",")))

df <- data.frame()
t_start <- t_min
#tr_points <- c(tr_points, t_max)
#tr_biomass <- c(tr_biomass, NA_real_) # dummy value
# add last time point to also simulate the remainder of the scenario, if it exists
tr_points <- c(tr_points, t_max)
# simulate population until next transfer to new medium
for(i in seq_along(tr_points)) {
t <- tr_points[i]
period <- times[times >= t_start & times <= t]
# simulate
for(i in seq_along(tr_points))
tr <- tr_points[i]
period <- times[times >= t_start & times <= tr]
out <- solver(set_times(scenario, period), ...)

# append results to output data.frame
if(i==1) {
df <- rbind(df, out)
} else {
# append simulation results, but exclude values for the starting time point
# where the transfer occurred. the starting time point `t` could be included more
# than once in the `times` or `period` vector
df <- rbind(df, out[-seq(sum(period == t)),])
# select rows/time points:
# 1) that do NOT occur directly after a transfer, i.e. the start of a simulation
selector <- i == 1 | period != t_start
# 2) that were NOT inserted for technical reasons
if(length(tr_inserted) > 0) {
selector <- selector & !(period %in% tr_inserted)
df <- rbind(df, out[selector, ])

# Transfer a fixed number of biomass to a new medium:
# use last state as starting point
Expand All @@ -248,13 +248,7 @@ simulate_transfer <- function(scenario, times, in_sequence=FALSE, ...) {
# scale other compartments relative to new biomass
init[scenario@transfer.comp.scaled] <- init[scenario@transfer.comp.scaled] * BM.fac
scenario <- set_init(scenario, init)
t_start <- t
# simulate the remainder of the scenario if any exists
if(t_max > max(tr_points)) {
period <- times[times >= t_start]
out <- solver(set_times(scenario, period), ...)
df <- rbind(df, out[-seq(sum(period == t)),])
t_start <- tr

# add metadata at which system state the subsequent simulation should start
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159 changes: 141 additions & 18 deletions tests/testthat/test-simulate_transfer.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,36 +1,159 @@
test_that("regular intervals", {
metsulfuron %>%
test_that("regular intervals, starting and ending on transfer", {
sc <- metsulfuron %>%
set_init(c(BM=1)) %>%
set_times(0:10) %>%
set_noexposure() %>%
set_transfer(interval=2, biomass=1) %>%
simulate() -> rs
set_transfer(interval=5, biomass=1)

ref <- sc %>%
set_notransfer() %>%
set_times(0:5) %>%

rs <- simulate(sc)
# first batch must equal to ref sim
expect_equal(rs[1:6, ], ref, tolerance=1e-6, ignore_attr=TRUE)
# second batch must also equal to ref sim, apart from the timestamp and sim start (t==0)
expect_equal(rs[7:11, -1], ref[2:6, -1], tolerance=1e-6, ignore_attr=TRUE)

# negative starting time
rs <- sc %>%
set_times(-5:5) %>%
expect_equal(rs[1:6, -1], ref[, -1], tolerance=1e-6, ignore_attr=TRUE)
expect_equal(rs[7:11, -1], ref[2:6, -1], tolerance=1e-6, ignore_attr=TRUE)

test_that("regular intervals, not starting on transfer", {
sc <- metsulfuron %>%
set_init(c(BM=1)) %>%
set_times(1:10) %>%
set_noexposure() %>%
set_transfer(interval=5, biomass=1)

ref <- sc %>%
set_notransfer() %>%
set_times(0:5) %>%

expect_equal(rs[,-1], rs[c(1:3, rep(2:3, 6)),-1], tolerance=1e-6, ignore_attr=T)
rs <- simulate(sc)
expect_equal(rs[1:5, -1], ref[1:5, -1], tolerance=1e-6, ignore_attr=TRUE)
expect_equal(rs[6:10, -1], ref[2:6, -1], tolerance=1e-6, ignore_attr=TRUE)

# negative starting time
rs <- sc %>%
set_times(-4:5) %>%
expect_equal(rs[1:5, -1], ref[1:5, -1], tolerance=1e-6, ignore_attr=TRUE)
expect_equal(rs[6:10, -1], ref[2:6, -1], tolerance=1e-6, ignore_attr=TRUE)

test_that("regular intervals, not ending on transfer", {
sc <- metsulfuron %>%
set_init(c(BM=1)) %>%
set_times(0:9) %>%
set_noexposure() %>%
set_transfer(interval=5, biomass=1)

ref <- sc %>%
set_notransfer() %>%
set_times(0:5) %>%

rs <- simulate(sc)
expect_equal(rs[1:6, ], ref[1:6, ], tolerance=1e-6, ignore_attr=TRUE)
expect_equal(rs[7:10, -1], ref[2:5, -1], tolerance=1e-6, ignore_attr=TRUE)

# negative starting time
rs <- sc %>%
set_times(-5:4) %>%
expect_equal(rs[1:6, -1], ref[1:6, -1], tolerance=1e-6, ignore_attr=TRUE)
expect_equal(rs[7:10, ], ref[2:5, ], tolerance=1e-6, ignore_attr=TRUE)

test_that("regular intervals, no transfers relevant", {
# starts and ends transfer
sc <- metsulfuron %>%
set_init(c(BM=1)) %>%
set_times(0:5) %>%
set_noexposure() %>%
set_transfer(interval=5, biomass=1)
rs <- simulate(sc)
ref <- sc %>%
set_notransfer() %>%

expect_equal(rs, ref, tolerance=1e-6)

# negative starting time
rs <- sc %>%
set_times(-5:0) %>%
expect_equal(rs[, -1], ref[, -1], tolerance=1e-6, ignore_attr=TRUE)

# starts and ends somewhere in between transfers
sc <- sc %>% set_times(1:4)
rs <- sc %>% simulate()
ref <- sc %>%
set_notransfer() %>%

expect_equal(rs, ref, tolerance=1e-6)

test_that("regular intervals with redundant time-points", {
metsulfuron %>%
times <- c(0, 0, 1:5, 5, 6, 6, 7:10)

sc <- metsulfuron %>%
set_init(c(BM=1)) %>%
set_noexposure() %>%
set_times(rep(0:13, each=2)) %>%
set_transfer(interval=2, biomass=1) %>%
simulate() -> rs
set_times(times) %>%
set_transfer(interval=5, biomass=1)
rs <- simulate(sc)

expect_equal(rs$time, rep(0:13, each=2))
# starts at 0 with init, then values at t+1, t+2 should repeat until the end
expect_equal(rs$BM[1:2], c(1, 1))
expect_equal(rs$BM[c(3,4,7,8,27,28)], rep(1.0881825, 6), tolerance=1e-5)
expect_equal(rs$BM[c(5,6,9,10)], rep(1.18407, 4), tolerance=1e-5)
ref <- sc %>%
set_notransfer() %>%
set_times(times[times <= 5]) %>%

expect_equal(rs$time, times)
expect_equal(rs[1:8, ], ref, tolerance=1e-6)
expect_equal(rs[9:14, -1], ref[c(3, 3:7), -1], tolerance=1e-6, ignore_attr=TRUE)

test_that("transfer not in output times", {
sc <- metsulfuron %>%
set_init(c(BM=1)) %>%
set_noexposure() %>%
set_times(c(1, 10)) %>%
set_transfer(interval=5, biomass=1)
rs <- simulate(sc)

ref <- sc %>%
set_notransfer() %>%
set_times(0:5) %>%

expect_equal(rs[, 1], c(1, 10))
expect_equal(rs[1, -1], ref[1, -1], tolerance=1e-6, ignore_attr=TRUE)
expect_equal(rs[2, -1], ref[6, -1], tolerance=1e-6, ignore_attr=TRUE)

test_that("custom time points", {
metsulfuron %>%
sc <- metsulfuron %>%
set_init(c(BM=1)) %>%
set_noexposure() %>%
set_transfer(times=c(2,4,6,8,10,12), biomass=1) %>%
simulate() -> rs
set_transfer(times=c(3, 8), biomass=1)
rs <- simulate(sc)
ref <- sc %>%
set_notransfer() %>%

expect_equal(rs[,-1], rs[c(1:3, rep(2:3, 6)),-1], tolerance=1e-6, ignore_attr=T)
expect_equal(rs[1:4, -1], ref[1:4, -1], tolerance=1e-6) # first batch
expect_equal(rs[5:9, -1], ref[2:6, -1], tolerance=1e-6, ignore_attr=TRUE) # second batch
expect_equal(rs[10:15, -1], ref[2:7, -1], tolerance=1e-6, ignore_attr=TRUE) # third batch

test_that("custom biomass", {
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