A Pulp plugin to support hosting your own galaxy.
For more information, please see the documentation or the Pulp project page.
$ ./compose build
$ ./compose up -d postgres redis
$ ./compose run --rm api manage migrate
$ ./compose run --rm -e PULP_FIXTURE_DIRS='["/app/dev/automation-hub"]' api \
> manage loaddata initial_data.json
4.1. Create superuser.
Default username and password used for development environment is admin
\ admin
$ ./compose run --rm api manage createsuperuser
Example output:
Username: admin
Email address: admin@example.com
Password (again):
The password is too similar to the username.
This password is too short. It must contain at least 8 characters.
This password is too common.
Bypass password validation and create user anyway? [y/N]: y
Superuser created successfully.
4.2. Create pulp_ansible
repository and distribution
Open django shell.
$ docker-compose run --rm pulp-api manage shell
Execute the following code:
>>> from pulp_ansible.app.models import AnsibleRepository, AnsibleDistribution
>>> repo = AnsibleRepository.objects.create(name='automation-hub')
>>> AnsibleDistribution.objects.create(name='automation-hub', base_path='automation-hub', repository=repo)
<AnsibleDistribution: automation-hub>
>>> # Press <CTRL+D> to exit.
In background:
$ ./compose up -d
In foreground:
$ ./compose up