7.5.0 - Xiaomi Door Lock, Sensirion SCD4x CO₂ sensor and a lot of improvements
Changes in 7.5.0
A lot of improvements this time, also thanks to @dmamontov, @Magalex2x14, @chkuendig and @ctoth
New sensors
- Xiaomi Door Lock Youth Edition (MJZNMSQ01YD) (#667) (@Ernst79)
- Sensirion SCD4x CO₂ Gadget (#686) (@chkuendig)
- Optimization of the aioblescan BLEScanRequester initialisation (@Magalex2x14)
- Improvements for the Bluetooth adapter reset mechanism (@Magalex2x14)
- Fix for high database load of iBeacon and AltBeacon sensor (Fix for #687) (@dmamontov)
- Add support for BLE advertisements with multiple service data packets (Fix for #680) (@Ernst79)
- Rewrite loading of the configuration (Fix for #681) (@Ernst79)
- Add voltage sensors to CGG1 and MHO-C401, as they can send both in ATC and Xiaomi format, causing issues (Related to for #683) (@Ernst79)
- Fix broken log call and spelling errors (@ctoth)
- Fix major and minor detection (@dmamontov)