ADE20K-RAW dataset results
Our proposed ADE 20K RAW dataset download link:
Google Drive or 百度网盘 (passwd: acv7)
Dataset Format:
-- data
-- ADE20K
-- ADEChallengeData2016
-- annotations
-- training
-- validation
-- images
# Synthesis RAW data
-- training_raw (synthesis RAW)
-- validation_raw
-- training_raw_low (synthesis RAW, low-light)
-- validation_raw_low
-- training_raw_over_exp (synthesis RAW, over-exposure)
-- validation_raw_over_exp
# Compare ISP methods
-- ISP_methods
-- 1_SID (
-- 2_InvISP (
-- 3_ECCV16 (
We release the ADE 20K RAW segmentation weights and training logs:
RAW-Adapters (SegFormer with MIT-B5/B3/B0 backbone) :
normal-light (normal) & over-exposure (oe) & low-light (low) -
Demosaic (SegFormer with MIT-B5 backbone) :
normal-light (normal) & over-exposure (oe) & low-light (low) -
Other Compare ISP Methods (SegFormer with MIT-B5 backbone):
InvISP (CVPR 2021): normal-light & over-exposure & low-light
ECCV 16 ISP (ECCV 2016): normal-light & over-exposure & low-light
SID (CVPR 1028): low-light