Provides support for serializing and deserializing JSON-RPC 2.0 messages.
- The serializer supports transparent usage of number and string message identifiers.
- The serializer supports dynamic response type contracts when result data type depends on method parameters.
The serializer is used as a stateful instance. Due to the JSON-RPC protocol nuances, deserializing a response requires more than only defining a response contract. Before deserializing a caller must specify a request identifier mapping to the corresponding method name (static bindings), or specify a request identifier mapping to the corresponding response contract (dynamic bindings). The serializer supports disposing for clearing all active bindings.
As recommended in the specification, the serializer provides backward compatibility for JSON-RPC 1.0 messages, limited to the intersection of JSON-RPC 1.0 and JSON-RPC 2.0 requirements and the API. As an example, the serializer can be used for serializing and deserializing Bitcoin protocol messages, according to the "Bitcoin Core APIs - Remote Procedure Calls" documentation. To enable JSON-RPC 1.0 compatibility, a caller must change the compatibility level on a serializer instance.
- Communication with a JSON-RPC 2.0 server:
var serializer = new JsonRpcSerializer();
var request = new JsonRpcRequest("sum", 1L, new[] { 1, 2 });
var requestString = serializer.SerializeRequest(request);
// [Sending an HTTP request and storing a response string in the "responseString"]
serializer.ResponseContracts["sum"] = new JsonRpcResponseContract(typeof(int));
serializer.StaticResponseBindings[request.Id] = "sum";
var responseData = serializer.DeserializeResponseData(responseString);
var result = (int)responseData.Item.Message.Result;
- Example of client-side usage:
- Example of server-side usage: