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MetaFast pipelines

Here three possible usage pipelines of MetaFast toolkit are presented. Each pipeline can be run via one command with all input arguments or step by step for better control of the intermediate outputs. Also several tools for converting files from internal binary format to common fasta or tab-separated files are described.


Pipeline 1. Metagenomic distance estimation

Original MetaFast pipeline. Compares several metagenomic samples by building the distance matrix between them and creating a heatmap.

java -jar metafast.jar -t matrix-builder -k <k> -i <inputFiles>

After the pipeline has finished, a distance matrix can be found in workDir/matrices/dist_matrix_<date>_<time>_original_order.txt and heatmap in workDir/matrices/dist_matrix_<date>_<time>_heatmap.png.

Pipeline 1

Step-by-step data processing is presented on the image above. Order of tools to run:

  1. K-mers counter
    Extract k-mers from each metagenomic sample and saves in internal binary format for further processing (workDir/kmer-counter-many/kmers/*.kmers.bin)
    java -jar metafast.jar -t kmer-counter-many -k <k> -i <inputFiles>
  2. Sequence builder
    Builds de Bruijn graph for each set of input k-mers independently and extracts linear contigs (workDir/seq-builder-many/sequences/*.seq.fasta)
    java -jar metafast.jar -t seq-builder-many -k <k> -i <*.kmers.bin> -l <minimal sequence length>
  3. Component cutter
    Builds single de Bruijn graph for all sequences and splits it into connected subgraphs of specified size (workDir/component-cutter/components.bin)
    java -jar metafast.jar -t component-cutter -k <k> -i <sequncesFiles> -b1 <minimal component size> -b2 <maximal component size>
  4. Features calculator
    Counts coverage of each component (subgraph) by k-mers for each metagenomic sample independently. For each sample outputs numerical features vector of coverages (workDir/features-calculator/vectors/*.vec)
    java -jar metafast.jar -t features-calculator -k <k> -cm <components.bin> -ka <*.kmers.bin>
  5. Distance matrix calculator
    Calculates distance matrix between samples based on features vectors using Bray-Curtis metric (workDir/matrices/dist_matrix_<date>_<time>_original_order.txt)
    java -jar metafast.jar -t dist-matrix-calculator --features <*.vec>
  6. Heatmap maker
    Produces heatmap and dendrogram based on distance matrix between metagenomic samples (workDir/matrices/dist_matrix_<date>_<time>_heatmap.png)
    java -jar metafast.jar -t heatmap-maker -i <dist_matrix_<date>_<time>_original_order.txt>

Pipeline 2. Unique metagenomic features finder

Pipeline for extracting unique features from groups of metagenomic samples and manipulating with them. Also, supports features construction for samples with unknown category for further category prediction.

java -jar metafast.jar -t unique-features -k <k> -pos <positiveFiles> -neg <negativeFiles> --min-samples <int> --max-samples <int> -b <int> [--split]

k – k-mer size

pos – list of reads files from positive group

neg – list of reads files from negative group

min-samples – minimal number of samples k-mer to be present in

max-samples – maximal number of samples k-mer to be present in

b – maximal frequency for a k-mer to be assumed erroneous

split – saves each component in separate file

Output files in workDir:

kmer-counter-posneg\pos\kmers\*.kmers.bin – k-mers from input files from positive group in binary format

kmer-counter-posneg\neg\kmers\*.kmers.bin – k-mers from input files from negative group in binary format

unique-kmers-multi\kmers\filtered.kmers.bin – unique k-mers in binary format

kmers-filter\kmers\*.kmers.bin – intersection of input k-mers and unique k-mers

component-extractor\components.bin – components built around unique k-mers in binary format

comp2seq\kmers-counter-many\kmers\component_*.kmers.bin – k-mers from components in binary format

comp2seq\kmers_fasta\component_*.fasta – k-mers from components in fasta format

comp2seq\seq-builder-many\sequences\component_*.seq.fasta – contigs from components in fasta format

features-calculator\vectors\* – feature vectors of components' coverage by input files

Pipeline 2

Step-by-step data processing is presented on the image above. Order of tools to run:

  1. K-mers counter
    Extract k-mers from each metagenomic sample and saves in internal binary format for further processing (workDir/kmers/*.kmers.bin). This step can be performed separately for metagenomes with known and unknown categories. For the convenience of further explanations we will refer to samples with known categories as group_1.kmers.bin ... group_N.kmers.bin for N categories and ungroupped.kmers.bin for samples with unknown category.
    java -jar metafast.jar -t kmer-counter-many -k <k> -i <inputFiles>
  2. Unique k-mers finder
    Extract k-mers present in at least given number G of samples of one category and absent in all samples of other categories (workDir/kmers/filtered_G.kmers.bin). By default G=1 and can be user-defined to iterate in range [--min-samples; --max-samples].
    java -jar metafast.jar -t unique-kmers-multi -k <k> -i <group_1.kmers.bin> --filter-kmers <group_{2..N}.kmers.bin> --min-samples <int> --max-samples <int> will extract unique k-mers for category 1.
  3. K-mers filter
    Extract k-mers from input metagenomes that are present in specified set of k-mers. It can be used to select unique k-mers for each category from sample with unknown category and classify metagenome based on number of k-mers of each category. (workDir/kmers/*.kmers.bin)
    java -jar metafast.jar -t kmers-filter -k <k> -i <ungroupped.kmers.bin> --filter-kmers <filtered_1.kmers.bin>
  4. Component extractor
    Extract local environment in the de Bruijn graph around specified k-mers. These subgraph components can be used as features specific for analyzed category (workDir/components.bin)
    java -jar metafast.jar -t component-extractor -k <k> -i <group_1.kmers.bin> --pivot <filtered_1.kmers.bin>
  5. Features calculator
    Counts coverage of each component (subgraph) by k-mers for each metagenomic sample independently. For each sample outputs numerical features vector of coverages (workDir/vectors/*.vec). Features vectors for samples with known categories can be further used to train machine learning model to predict categories for samples with unknown categories.
    java -jar metafast.jar -t features-calculator -k <k> -cm <components.bin> -ka <*.kmers.bin>
  6. Sequence extractor

Split specific subgraph components into linear genomic sequences, that can be used for analysis with external tools. It can be run via a single command:
java -jar metafast.jar -t comp2seq -k <k> -cf <components.bin> [--split]
Split flag determines, whether to save sequences from all components into separate files. Resulting sequences can be found in workDir/seq-builder-many/sequences/*.seq.fasta. Alternatively, the following steps result in the same sequences:

  1. Transform subgraphs from binary format to fasta
    java -jar metafast.jar -t bin2fasta -k <k> -cf <components.bin> -o <components.fasta>
  2. Extract linear sequences from subgraphs' k-mers
    java -jar metafast.jar -f seq-builder-many -k <k> -i <components.fasta>

Pipeline 3. Specific metagenomic features counter

Pipeline for extracting specific features from groups of metagenomic samples and manipulating with them. Also supports features construction for samples with unknown category for further category prediction.

TODO: Create class for running pipeline in one command

Pipeline 3

Step-by-step data processing is presented on the image above. Order of tools to run:

  1. K-mers counter
    Extract k-mers from each metagenomic sample and saves in internal binary format for further processing (workDir/kmer-counter-many/kmers/*.kmers.bin). This step can be performed separately for metagenomes with known and unknown categories. For the convenience of further explanations we will refer to samples with known categories as group_1.kmers.bin ... group_N.kmers.bin for N categories and ungroupped.kmers.bin for samples with unknown category.
    java -jar metafast.jar -t kmer-counter-many -k <k> -i <inputFiles>
  2. K-mers' samples counter
    Count number of samples containing k-mers from group G of metagenomic samples. For each k-mer saves the number of samples as a weight (workDir/group_G/n_samples.kmers.bin). These weights can be counted for different categories and further used to identify k-mers specific (i.e. prevalent) for a certain category.
    java -jar metafast.jar -t kmers-samples-counter -k <k> -i <group_1.kmers.bin> -o <group_G> will count for each k-mer in category 1 the number of samples it is found in.
  3. K-mers multiple filters
    This tool is designed to be used with 3 categories of metagenomes and provide the staistics for unclassified metagenomes. In original research, it was applied for metagenomic datasets of patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). Three categories are patients with Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis and healthy subjects. For each metagenomic sample with unknown category k-mers are compared to three sets of weighted k-mers. Output is a tab-separated file containing information about number of k-mers with various abundances among samples in three categories. (workDir/stats/*.stat.txt)
    java -jar metafast.jar -t kmers-multiple-filters -k <k> -i <ungroupped.kmers.bin> -cd <workDir/group_1/n_samples.kmers.bin> -uc <workDir/group_2/n_samples.kmers.bin> -nonibd <workDir/group_3/n_samples.kmers.bin>

Pipeline 4. Colored metagenomic features finder

Pipeline for extracting group-specific features from metagenomic samples and manipulating with them. Feature construction is based on k-mers occurencies in samples from different categories, represented as a colored nodes in de Bruijn graph (see figure below).

Colored graph

The data analysis pipeline is symmetric to unique features finder with new steps for k-mers filtering and features extraction. Step-by-step data processing is presented on the image below.

Pipeline 4

Order of tools to run:

  1. K-mers counter
    Extract k-mers from each metagenomic sample and saves in internal binary format for further processing (workDir/kmers/*.kmers.bin). This step can be performed separately for metagenomes with known and unknown categories. For the convenience of further explanations we will refer to samples with known categories as group_1.kmers.bin ... group_N.kmers.bin for N categories and ungroupped.kmers.bin for samples with unknown category.
    java -jar metafast.jar -t kmer-counter-many -k <k> -i <inputFiles>

  2. K-mers coloring (group frequencies counter)
    Count the occurence frequencies of each k-mer in each category of samples and saves in internal binary format for further processing (workDir/colored_kmers/colored_kmers.kmers.bin). Mandatory parameter --class requires a text file in tab-separated format with two columns: sample_name [string] and class [0|1|2]. If val vlag is SET count k-mer occurrence as total coverage in samples, otherwise as number of samples. java -jar metafast.jar -t kmers-color -k <k> -kf <group_{1..N}.kmers.bin> --class <> [-val]

  3. Colored component extractor
    Extract graph components from tangled graph based on k-mers coloring. These subgraph components can be used as features specific for analyzed category (workDir/colored-components/components_color_[0|1|2].bin)
    --n_groups <int> – number of classes (default: 3)
    --separate – use only color-specific k-mers in components (does not work in linear mode)
    --linear – choose best path on fork to create linear components
    --n_comps <int> – select not more than X components for each class (default: -1, means all components)
    --perc – relative abundance of k-mer in group to become color-specific (default: 0.9)
    java -jar metafast.jar -t component-colored -k <k> -i <colored_kmers.kmers.bin>

  4. Features calculator
    Counts coverage of each component (subgraph) by k-mers for each metagenomic sample independently. For each sample outputs numerical features vector of coverages (workDir/vectors/*.vec). Features vectors for samples with known categories can be further used to train machine learning model to predict categories for samples with unknown categories.
    java -jar metafast.jar -t features-calculator -k <k> -cm <components.bin> -ka <*.kmers.bin>

Pipeline 5. Statistical metagenomic features finder

Pipeline for extracting statistically-significant features from groups of metagenomic samples and manipulating with them. Also, supports features construction for samples with unknown category for further category prediction.

java -jar metafast.jar -t stats-features -k <k> -pos <postiveFiles> -neg <negativeFiles> -pchi2 <float> -pmw <float> -b <int> [--split]

k – k-mer size

pos – list of reads files from positive group

neg – list of reads files from negative group

pchi2 – p-value for chi-squared test

pmw – p-value for Mann-Whitney test

b – maximal frequency for a k-mer to be assumed erroneous

split – saves each component in separate file

Output files in workDir:

kmer-counter-posneg\pos\kmers\*.kmers.bin – k-mers from input files from positive group in binary format

kmer-counter-posneg\neg\kmers\*.kmers.bin – k-mers from input files from negative group in binary format

stats-kmers\kmers\filtered_groupA.kmers.bin – statistically significant k-mers for positive group in binary format

stats-kmers\kmers\filtered_groupB.kmers.bin – statistically significant k-mers for negative group in binary format

component-extractor\components.bin – components built around unique k-mers in binary format

comp2seq\kmers-counter-many\kmers\component_*.kmers.bin – k-mers from components in binary format

comp2seq\kmers_fasta\component_*.fasta – k-mers from components in fasta format

comp2seq\seq-builder-many\sequences\component_*.seq.fasta – contigs from components in fasta format

features-calculator\vectors\* – feature vectors of components' coverage by input files

Pipeline 5

Step-by-step data processing is presented on the image above. Order of tools to run:

  1. K-mers counter
    Extract k-mers from each metagenomic sample and saves in internal binary format for further processing (workDir/kmers/*.kmers.bin). This step can be performed separately for metagenomes with known and unknown categories. For the convenience of further explanations we will refer to samples with known categories as group_1.kmers.bin and group_2.kmers.bin for two categories and ungroupped.kmers.bin for samples with unknown category.
    java -jar metafast.jar -t kmer-counter-many -k <k> -i <inputFiles>
  2. Statistical k-mers finder
    Extract k-mers with a statistically significant difference in abundance between categories of samples.
    java -jar metafast.jar -t stats-kmers -k <k> -A <group_1.kmers.bin> -B <group_2.kmers.bin> -pchi2 <float> -pmw <float>
  3. Component extractor
    Extract local environment in the de Bruijn graph around specified k-mers. These subgraph components can be used as features specific for analyzed category (workDir/components.bin)
    java -jar metafast.jar -t component-extractor -k <k> -i <group_1.kmers.bin> --pivot <filtered_groupA.kmers.bin>
  4. Features calculator
    Counts coverage of each component (subgraph) by k-mers for each metagenomic sample independently. For each sample outputs numerical features vector of coverages (workDir/vectors/*.vec). Features vectors for samples with known categories can be further used to train machine learning model to predict categories for samples with unknown categories.
    java -jar metafast.jar -t features-calculator -k <k> -cm <components.bin> -ka <*.kmers.bin>
  5. Sequence extractor

Split specific subgraph components into linear genomic sequences, that can be used for analysis with external tools. It can be run via a single command:
java -jar metafast.jar -t comp2seq -k <k> -cf <components.bin> [--split]
Split flag determines, whether to save sequences from all components into separate files. Resulting sequences can be found in workDir/seq-builder-many/sequences/*.seq.fasta. Alternatively, the following steps result in the same sequences:

  1. Transform subgraphs from binary format to fasta
    java -jar metafast.jar -t bin2fasta -k <k> -cf <components.bin> -o <components.fasta>
  2. Extract linear sequences from subgraphs' k-mers
    java -jar metafast.jar -f seq-builder-many -k <k> -i <components.fasta>

Format conversion tools

Components to GFA converter

Tool accepts de Bruijn graph components in internal MetaFast binary format and outputs them in GFA format. Which can be further visualised via Bandage. Nodes graph coverage is controlled with -i parameter containing samples' k-mers and -cov parameter responsible for total coverage calculation mode.

java -jar metafast.jar -t comp2graph -k <k> -cf <binary components> [-i <samples' k-mers>] [-cov]

Binary to Fasta converter

Tool accepts k-mers or components in internal MetaFast binary format and outputs them in fasta format. Components are printed as a set of k-mers and different components can be printed separately (--split option).

java -jar metafast.jar -t bin2fasta -k <k> {-kf <binary k-mers> | -cf <binary components>} [--split]

Binary to tab-separated converter

Tool accepts k-mers or components in internal MetaFast binary format and outputs them in tab-separated format. First column contains k-mers and second column contains their respective number of occurences.

java -jar metafast.jar -t view -k <k> {-kf <binary k-mers> | -cf <binary components>}

Sequence to components converter

Tool accepts genomic sequences in fasta format and converts them to components, so that they can be used for features calculations.

java -jar metafast.jar -t seq2comp -k <k> -i <sequencesFile>