A Class Object to handle HID input presses coming into a Cisco Video Device.
Some HID Devices like Keyboards and Mice may not need to leverage this, as they provide a simple output, but many other HID Devices like Presentation Clickers can spam an array of automated key presses, which may be difficult to handle in a Macro.
The HIDInputHandler
Class object provided in this Macro helps debounce those messages, so you can have a clean output trigger for your project.
This was written for the Macro Editor, but can be adapted for the jsxapi Node Module.
NOTE: This is NOT a full Macro Solution, it's a piece of code to help developers build a solution
- Auto-Configures codec for HID Device Use
- Handles multi-output HID sequences
- Enables simple setup for HID devices for use within your script
- Use Discovery Mode to easily discover HID sequences, and add them to your project
- Robust Logging
- This Class can not uniquely identify button sequences across multiple HID devices
- If you're working with multiple HID Devices, make sure they have unique key sequences, else they could trigger other automations in your workflow
- If using Identical HID hardware, assume each will trigger the same automation you've programmed into your Macro
Any Cisco Video Conferencing Codec that supports the following xAPI
Be sure to levarage the Software, Product and MTR Filters on the RoomOS Site to determine if these xAPI are available for use on your Device
- Save the
to your video endpoints Macro Editor - Do NOT activate, as it's not necessary
Add the following line of code to your macro below import xapi from 'xapi';
import xapi from 'xapi';
import { HIDInputHandler } from './HID_Input_Handler_Class';
Copy the HIDInputHandler Class Object from the
file and paste it into your main script. It's between lines 3 and 111 -
DO NOT copy the entire script, you only need to copy the HIDInputHandler Class Object over.
Copying the whole script may lead to errors
The HIDInputHandler
Class accepts 2 parameters when it's instantiated, Name and Sequence Delay,
Description: Assign a name for the HID Device your working with
- Default Value: undefined
- DataType: String
- Required: Yes
Description: Set a delay, in milliseconds to handle rapid fire HID messages
- Default Value: 75
- DataType: Integer
- Required: No
Code Example
import xapi from 'xapi';
import { HIDInputHandler } from './HID_Input_Handler_Class';
// Instantiate with tje Name parameter
const myObject = new HIDInputHandler('DeviceName');
// Instantiate with the Name and a modified SequenceDelay parameters
const myOtherObject = new HIDInputHandler('OtherDevice', 200);
.addButton(keyName, type, sequence)
Description: Assign a name for the HID Device your working with
Description: Assign the name of the Key/Button for the HID input. This is used to provide the developer context on which key/button they are interacting with on their HID device
- Default Value: undefined
- DataType: String
- Required: Yes
Description: Assign a Type of the Key/Button for the HID input. This is used to define a type of action the HID device is performing. Examples include short-press, long-press, etc.
- Default Value: undefined
- DataType: String
- Required: Yes
Description: The sequence of key(s) emitted from the HID device. This could be 1 or more values. Some HID devices emit a sequence of keys, while others only emit 1
- Default Value: undefined
- DataType: Array of JSON
- Required: Yes
Code Example
import xapi from 'xapi';
import { HIDInputHandler } from './HID_Input_Handler_Class';
// Instantiate with tje Name parameter
const myObject = new HIDInputHandler('DeviceName');
// 1 Key Sequence example
myObject.addButton('Center-Button', 'short-press', [
{ "Code": "1", "Key": "KEY_ESC", "Type": "Pressed", "id": "1" }
// 2 Key Sequence Example
myObject.addButton('Left-Arrow', 'long-press', [
{ "Code": "1", "Key": "KEY_ESC", "Type": "Pressed", "id": "1" },
{ "Code": "1", "Key": "KEY_ESC", "Type": "Released", "id": "1" }
// Multi-Key Sequence Example
myObject.addButton('Left-Arrow', 'short-press', [
{ "Code": "125", "Key": "KEY_LEFTMETA", "Type": "Pressed", "id": "1" },
{ "Code": "28", "Key": "KEY_ENTER", "Type": "Pressed", "id": "1" },
{ "Code": "125", "Key": "KEY_LEFTMETA", "Type": "Released", "id": "1" },
{ "Code": "28", "Key": "KEY_ENTER", "Type": "Released", "id": "1" },
{ "Code": "56", "Key": "KEY_LEFTALT", "Type": "Pressed", "id": "1" },
{ "Code": "125", "Key": "KEY_LEFTMETA", "Type": "Pressed", "id": "1" },
{ "Code": "25", "Key": "KEY_P", "Type": "Pressed", "id": "1" },
{ "Code": "56", "Key": "KEY_LEFTALT", "Type": "Released", "id": "1" },
{ "Code": "125", "Key": "KEY_LEFTMETA", "Type": "Released", "id": "1" },
{ "Code": "25", "Key": "KEY_P", "Type": "Released", "id": "1" }
.handlePress(data, callBack)
Description: Assign a name for the HID Device your working with
Description: Assign the name of the Key/Button for the HID input. This is used to provide the developer context on which key/button they are interacting with on their HID device
- Default Value: undefined
- DataType: String
- Required: Yes
Description: Assign the name of the Key/Button for the HID input. This is used to provide the developer context on which key/button they are interacting with on their HID device
- Default Value: undefined
- DataType: String
- Required: Yes
Code Example
import xapi from 'xapi';
import { HIDInputHandler } from './HID_Input_Handler_Class';
const myObject = new HIDInputHandler('DeviceName');
myObject.addButton('Center-Button', 'short-press', [
{ "Code": "1", "Key": "KEY_ESC", "Type": "Pressed", "id": "1" }
//Subscribe to the UserInterface InputDevice Key Action Event
xapi.Event.UserInterface.InputDevice.Key.Action.on(event => {
//Pass the InputDevice Key Action (event) into the handlePress method
myObject.handlePress(event, press => {
//The handlePress method will process the payload, including multi-key sequences and provides a clean output
Example Press Log Output
DeviceName: 'myObject',
KeyName: 'Center-Button',
Type: 'short-press',
Id: 1
Description: Discovery Mode will print to the console any unidentified Key/Button sequences for you. It's meant to help guide a developer find sequence for the HID button they are working with. This API is dependent on the .handlePres() method to print to the console.
Description: enable/disable Discovery Mode.
- Default Value: false
- DataType: Boolean
- Required: No
Code and Example Output
import xapi from 'xapi';
import { HIDInputHandler } from './HID_Input_Handler_Class';
// Instantiate with tje Name parameter
const myObject = new HIDInputHandler('DeviceName');
//Be default, this is set to false, to enable add the following line to your script
//Subscribe to the UserInterface InputDevice Key Action Event
xapi.Event.UserInterface.InputDevice.Key.Action.on(event => {
//The handlePress method will now print to console Discovered Key Sequences
myObject.handlePress(event, press => {
// Your Code
Example Discovery Log Output
HIDInputHandler_Log: `New Key Sequence Discovered, use the following sequence information and the addButton(keyName, type, sequence) method add this to your solution`,
Sequence: [
{ "Code": "125", "Key": "KEY_LEFTMETA", "Type": "Pressed", "id": "1" },
{ "Code": "28", "Key": "KEY_ENTER", "Type": "Pressed", "id": "1" },
{ "Code": "125", "Key": "KEY_LEFTMETA", "Type": "Released", "id": "1" },
{ "Code": "28", "Key": "KEY_ENTER", "Type": "Released", "id": "1" },
{ "Code": "56", "Key": "KEY_LEFTALT", "Type": "Pressed", "id": "1" },
{ "Code": "125", "Key": "KEY_LEFTMETA", "Type": "Pressed", "id": "1" },
{ "Code": "25", "Key": "KEY_P", "Type": "Pressed", "id": "1" },
{ "Code": "56", "Key": "KEY_LEFTALT", "Type": "Released", "id": "1" },
{ "Code": "125", "Key": "KEY_LEFTMETA", "Type": "Released", "id": "1" },
{ "Code": "25", "Key": "KEY_P", "Type": "Released", "id": "1" }