Example Integrations for Veracode DAST into CI/CD Systems.
The script relies on environment variables to direct it. These can be created in your CI/CD system. It specifically needs:
1. VeraID - Your Veracode ID
2. VeraPW - Your Veracode Secret Key
3. Dyanamic_Target - The url you wish to scan
4. Dynamic_User - The user you need for authenticated scan
5. Dynamic_Pass - The password for the user
6. JOB_NAME - The Dynamic Analysis name in the plaftorm.
For this example it assumes the JOB_NAME is the same as the Dynamic Analysis you wish to create/update and that there is a corresponding application to link to with the same name.
The example also assumes the web site can work with Veracode's Dynamic Analysis Auto login feature
To create your Veracode ID/Secret Key you can look here: https://help.veracode.com/r/c_api_credentials3
An example that creates or updates a Dynamic Analysis using Veracodes Internal Scanning Management for authenticated sites behind the firewall
The script relies on environment variables to direct it. These can be created in your CI/CD system. It specifically needs:
1. VeraID - Your Veracode ID
2. VeraPW - Your Veracode Secret Key
3. Dyanamic_Target - The url you wish to scan
4. Dynamic_User - The user you need for authenticated scan
5. Dynamic_Pass - The password for the user
6. JOB_NAME - The Dynamic Analysis name in the plaftorm.
7. gateway_id - The ID of your Internal Scanning Management Gateway
8. endpoint_id - The ID of your Internal Scanning Management Endpoint to use
For this example it assumes the JOB_NAME is the same as the Dynamic Analysis you wish to create/update and that there is a corresponding application to link to with the same name.
The example also assumes the web site can work with Veracode's Dynamic Analysis Auto login feature
To create your Veracode ID/Secret Key you can look for instructions here: https://help.veracode.com/r/c_api_credentials3 To find your gateway_id and endpoint_id you can look for instructions here: https://help.veracode.com/r/t_dynamic_ISM
Note: more examples to come later