+# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
+Core units classes and functions.
+import inspect
+import operator
+import textwrap
+import warnings
+import numpy as np
+from astropy.utils.decorators import lazyproperty
+from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyWarning
+from astropy.utils.misc import isiterable
+from . import format as unit_format
+from .utils import (
+ is_effectively_unity,
+ resolve_fractions,
+ sanitize_scale,
+ validate_power,
+__all__ = [
+ "UnitsError",
+ "UnitsWarning",
+ "UnitConversionError",
+ "UnitTypeError",
+ "UnitBase",
+ "NamedUnit",
+ "IrreducibleUnit",
+ "Unit",
+ "CompositeUnit",
+ "PrefixUnit",
+ "UnrecognizedUnit",
+ "def_unit",
+ "get_current_unit_registry",
+ "set_enabled_units",
+ "add_enabled_units",
+ "set_enabled_equivalencies",
+ "add_enabled_equivalencies",
+ "set_enabled_aliases",
+ "add_enabled_aliases",
+ "dimensionless_unscaled",
+ "one",
+UNITY = 1.0
+def _flatten_units_collection(items):
+ """
+ Given a list of sequences, modules or dictionaries of units, or
+ single units, return a flat set of all the units found.
+ """
+ if not isinstance(items, list):
+ items = [items]
+ result = set()
+ for item in items:
+ if isinstance(item, UnitBase):
+ result.add(item)
+ else:
+ if isinstance(item, dict):
+ units = item.values()
+ elif inspect.ismodule(item):
+ units = vars(item).values()
+ elif isiterable(item):
+ units = item
+ else:
+ continue
+ for unit in units:
+ if isinstance(unit, UnitBase):
+ result.add(unit)
+ return result
+def _normalize_equivalencies(equivalencies):
+ """Normalizes equivalencies ensuring each is a 4-tuple.
+ The resulting tuple is of the form::
+ (from_unit, to_unit, forward_func, backward_func)
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ equivalencies : list of equivalency pairs
+ Raises
+ ------
+ ValueError if an equivalency cannot be interpreted
+ """
+ if equivalencies is None:
+ return []
+ normalized = []
+ for i, equiv in enumerate(equivalencies):
+ if len(equiv) == 2:
+ funit, tunit = equiv
+ a = b = lambda x: x
+ elif len(equiv) == 3:
+ funit, tunit, a = equiv
+ b = a
+ elif len(equiv) == 4:
+ funit, tunit, a, b = equiv
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(f"Invalid equivalence entry {i}: {equiv!r}")
+ if not (
+ funit is Unit(funit)
+ and (tunit is None or tunit is Unit(tunit))
+ and callable(a)
+ and callable(b)
+ ):
+ raise ValueError(f"Invalid equivalence entry {i}: {equiv!r}")
+ normalized.append((funit, tunit, a, b))
+ return normalized
+class _UnitRegistry:
+ """
+ Manages a registry of the enabled units.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, init=[], equivalencies=[], aliases={}):
+ if isinstance(init, _UnitRegistry):
+ # If passed another registry we don't need to rebuild everything.
+ # but because these are mutable types we don't want to create
+ # conflicts so everything needs to be copied.
+ self._equivalencies = init._equivalencies.copy()
+ self._aliases = init._aliases.copy()
+ self._all_units = init._all_units.copy()
+ self._registry = init._registry.copy()
+ self._non_prefix_units = init._non_prefix_units.copy()
+ # The physical type is a dictionary containing sets as values.
+ # All of these must be copied otherwise we could alter the old
+ # registry.
+ self._by_physical_type = {
+ k: v.copy() for k, v in init._by_physical_type.items()
+ }
+ else:
+ self._reset_units()
+ self._reset_equivalencies()
+ self._reset_aliases()
+ self.add_enabled_units(init)
+ self.add_enabled_equivalencies(equivalencies)
+ self.add_enabled_aliases(aliases)
+ def _reset_units(self):
+ self._all_units = set()
+ self._non_prefix_units = set()
+ self._registry = {}
+ self._by_physical_type = {}
+ def _reset_equivalencies(self):
+ self._equivalencies = set()
+ def _reset_aliases(self):
+ self._aliases = {}
+ @property
+ def registry(self):
+ return self._registry
+ @property
+ def all_units(self):
+ return self._all_units
+ @property
+ def non_prefix_units(self):
+ return self._non_prefix_units
+ def set_enabled_units(self, units):
+ """
+ Sets the units enabled in the unit registry.
+ These units are searched when using
+ `UnitBase.find_equivalent_units`, for example.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ units : list of sequence, dict, or module
+ This is a list of things in which units may be found
+ (sequences, dicts or modules), or units themselves. The
+ entire set will be "enabled" for searching through by
+ methods like `UnitBase.find_equivalent_units` and
+ `UnitBase.compose`.
+ """
+ self._reset_units()
+ return self.add_enabled_units(units)
+ def add_enabled_units(self, units):
+ """
+ Adds to the set of units enabled in the unit registry.
+ These units are searched when using
+ `UnitBase.find_equivalent_units`, for example.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ units : list of sequence, dict, or module
+ This is a list of things in which units may be found
+ (sequences, dicts or modules), or units themselves. The
+ entire set will be added to the "enabled" set for
+ searching through by methods like
+ `UnitBase.find_equivalent_units` and `UnitBase.compose`.
+ """
+ units = _flatten_units_collection(units)
+ for unit in units:
+ # Loop through all of the names first, to ensure all of them
+ # are new, then add them all as a single "transaction" below.
+ for st in unit._names:
+ if st in self._registry and unit != self._registry[st]:
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Object with name {st!r} already exists in namespace. "
+ "Filter the set of units to avoid name clashes before "
+ "enabling them."
+ )
+ for st in unit._names:
+ self._registry[st] = unit
+ self._all_units.add(unit)
+ if not isinstance(unit, PrefixUnit):
+ self._non_prefix_units.add(unit)
+ hash = unit._get_physical_type_id()
+ self._by_physical_type.setdefault(hash, set()).add(unit)
+ def get_units_with_physical_type(self, unit):
+ """
+ Get all units in the registry with the same physical type as
+ the given unit.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ unit : UnitBase instance
+ """
+ return self._by_physical_type.get(unit._get_physical_type_id(), set())
+ @property
+ def equivalencies(self):
+ return list(self._equivalencies)
+ def set_enabled_equivalencies(self, equivalencies):
+ """
+ Sets the equivalencies enabled in the unit registry.
+ These equivalencies are used if no explicit equivalencies are given,
+ both in unit conversion and in finding equivalent units.
+ This is meant in particular for allowing angles to be dimensionless.
+ Use with care.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ equivalencies : list of tuple
+ List of equivalent pairs, e.g., as returned by
+ `~astropy.units.equivalencies.dimensionless_angles`.
+ """
+ self._reset_equivalencies()
+ return self.add_enabled_equivalencies(equivalencies)
+ def add_enabled_equivalencies(self, equivalencies):
+ """
+ Adds to the set of equivalencies enabled in the unit registry.
+ These equivalencies are used if no explicit equivalencies are given,
+ both in unit conversion and in finding equivalent units.
+ This is meant in particular for allowing angles to be dimensionless.
+ Use with care.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ equivalencies : list of tuple
+ List of equivalent pairs, e.g., as returned by
+ `~astropy.units.equivalencies.dimensionless_angles`.
+ """
+ # pre-normalize list to help catch mistakes
+ equivalencies = _normalize_equivalencies(equivalencies)
+ self._equivalencies |= set(equivalencies)
+ @property
+ def aliases(self):
+ return self._aliases
+ def set_enabled_aliases(self, aliases):
+ """
+ Set aliases for units.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ aliases : dict of str, Unit
+ The aliases to set. The keys must be the string aliases, and values
+ must be the `astropy.units.Unit` that the alias will be mapped to.
+ Raises
+ ------
+ ValueError
+ If the alias already defines a different unit.
+ """
+ self._reset_aliases()
+ self.add_enabled_aliases(aliases)
+ def add_enabled_aliases(self, aliases):
+ """
+ Add aliases for units.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ aliases : dict of str, Unit
+ The aliases to add. The keys must be the string aliases, and values
+ must be the `astropy.units.Unit` that the alias will be mapped to.
+ Raises
+ ------
+ ValueError
+ If the alias already defines a different unit.
+ """
+ for alias, unit in aliases.items():
+ if alias in self._registry and unit != self._registry[alias]:
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"{alias} already means {self._registry[alias]}, so "
+ f"cannot be used as an alias for {unit}."
+ )
+ if alias in self._aliases and unit != self._aliases[alias]:
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"{alias} already is an alias for {self._aliases[alias]}, so "
+ f"cannot be used as an alias for {unit}."
+ )
+ for alias, unit in aliases.items():
+ if alias not in self._registry and alias not in self._aliases:
+ self._aliases[alias] = unit
+class _UnitContext:
+ def __init__(self, init=[], equivalencies=[]):
+ _unit_registries.append(_UnitRegistry(init=init, equivalencies=equivalencies))
+ def __enter__(self):
+ pass
+ def __exit__(self, type, value, tb):
+ _unit_registries.pop()
+_unit_registries = [_UnitRegistry()]
+def get_current_unit_registry():
+ return _unit_registries[-1]
+def set_enabled_units(units):
+ """
+ Sets the units enabled in the unit registry.
+ These units are searched when using
+ `UnitBase.find_equivalent_units`, for example.
+ This may be used either permanently, or as a context manager using
+ the ``with`` statement (see example below).
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ units : list of sequence, dict, or module
+ This is a list of things in which units may be found
+ (sequences, dicts or modules), or units themselves. The
+ entire set will be "enabled" for searching through by methods
+ like `UnitBase.find_equivalent_units` and `UnitBase.compose`.
+ Examples
+ --------
+ >>> from astropy import units as u
+ >>> with u.set_enabled_units([u.pc]):
+ ... u.m.find_equivalent_units()
+ ...
+ Primary name | Unit definition | Aliases
+ [
+ pc | 3.08568e+16 m | parsec ,
+ ]
+ >>> u.m.find_equivalent_units()
+ Primary name | Unit definition | Aliases
+ [
+ AU | 1.49598e+11 m | au, astronomical_unit ,
+ Angstrom | 1e-10 m | AA, angstrom ,
+ cm | 0.01 m | centimeter ,
+ earthRad | 6.3781e+06 m | R_earth, Rearth ,
+ jupiterRad | 7.1492e+07 m | R_jup, Rjup, R_jupiter, Rjupiter ,
+ lsec | 2.99792e+08 m | lightsecond ,
+ lyr | 9.46073e+15 m | lightyear ,
+ m | irreducible | meter ,
+ micron | 1e-06 m | ,
+ pc | 3.08568e+16 m | parsec ,
+ solRad | 6.957e+08 m | R_sun, Rsun ,
+ ]
+ """
+ # get a context with a new registry, using equivalencies of the current one
+ context = _UnitContext(equivalencies=get_current_unit_registry().equivalencies)
+ # in this new current registry, enable the units requested
+ get_current_unit_registry().set_enabled_units(units)
+ return context
+def add_enabled_units(units):
+ """
+ Adds to the set of units enabled in the unit registry.
+ These units are searched when using
+ `UnitBase.find_equivalent_units`, for example.
+ This may be used either permanently, or as a context manager using
+ the ``with`` statement (see example below).
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ units : list of sequence, dict, or module
+ This is a list of things in which units may be found
+ (sequences, dicts or modules), or units themselves. The
+ entire set will be added to the "enabled" set for searching
+ through by methods like `UnitBase.find_equivalent_units` and
+ `UnitBase.compose`.
+ Examples
+ --------
+ >>> from astropy import units as u
+ >>> from astropy.units import imperial
+ >>> with u.add_enabled_units(imperial):
+ ... u.m.find_equivalent_units()
+ ...
+ Primary name | Unit definition | Aliases
+ [
+ AU | 1.49598e+11 m | au, astronomical_unit ,
+ Angstrom | 1e-10 m | AA, angstrom ,
+ cm | 0.01 m | centimeter ,
+ earthRad | 6.3781e+06 m | R_earth, Rearth ,
+ ft | 0.3048 m | foot ,
+ fur | 201.168 m | furlong ,
+ inch | 0.0254 m | ,
+ jupiterRad | 7.1492e+07 m | R_jup, Rjup, R_jupiter, Rjupiter ,
+ lsec | 2.99792e+08 m | lightsecond ,
+ lyr | 9.46073e+15 m | lightyear ,
+ m | irreducible | meter ,
+ mi | 1609.34 m | mile ,
+ micron | 1e-06 m | ,
+ mil | 2.54e-05 m | thou ,
+ nmi | 1852 m | nauticalmile, NM ,
+ pc | 3.08568e+16 m | parsec ,
+ solRad | 6.957e+08 m | R_sun, Rsun ,
+ yd | 0.9144 m | yard ,
+ ]
+ """
+ # get a context with a new registry, which is a copy of the current one
+ context = _UnitContext(get_current_unit_registry())
+ # in this new current registry, enable the further units requested
+ get_current_unit_registry().add_enabled_units(units)
+ return context
+def set_enabled_equivalencies(equivalencies):
+ """
+ Sets the equivalencies enabled in the unit registry.
+ These equivalencies are used if no explicit equivalencies are given,
+ both in unit conversion and in finding equivalent units.
+ This is meant in particular for allowing angles to be dimensionless.
+ Use with care.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ equivalencies : list of tuple
+ list of equivalent pairs, e.g., as returned by
+ `~astropy.units.equivalencies.dimensionless_angles`.
+ Examples
+ --------
+ Exponentiation normally requires dimensionless quantities. To avoid
+ problems with complex phases::
+ >>> from astropy import units as u
+ >>> with u.set_enabled_equivalencies(u.dimensionless_angles()):
+ ... phase = 0.5 * u.cycle
+ ... np.exp(1j*phase) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP
+ <Quantity -1.+1.2246468e-16j>
+ """
+ # get a context with a new registry, using all units of the current one
+ context = _UnitContext(get_current_unit_registry())
+ # in this new current registry, enable the equivalencies requested
+ get_current_unit_registry().set_enabled_equivalencies(equivalencies)
+ return context
+def add_enabled_equivalencies(equivalencies):
+ """
+ Adds to the equivalencies enabled in the unit registry.
+ These equivalencies are used if no explicit equivalencies are given,
+ both in unit conversion and in finding equivalent units.
+ This is meant in particular for allowing angles to be dimensionless.
+ Since no equivalencies are enabled by default, generally it is recommended
+ to use `set_enabled_equivalencies`.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ equivalencies : list of tuple
+ list of equivalent pairs, e.g., as returned by
+ `~astropy.units.equivalencies.dimensionless_angles`.
+ """
+ # get a context with a new registry, which is a copy of the current one
+ context = _UnitContext(get_current_unit_registry())
+ # in this new current registry, enable the further equivalencies requested
+ get_current_unit_registry().add_enabled_equivalencies(equivalencies)
+ return context
+def set_enabled_aliases(aliases):
+ """
+ Set aliases for units.
+ This is useful for handling alternate spellings for units, or
+ misspelled units in files one is trying to read.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ aliases : dict of str, Unit
+ The aliases to set. The keys must be the string aliases, and values
+ must be the `astropy.units.Unit` that the alias will be mapped to.
+ Raises
+ ------
+ ValueError
+ If the alias already defines a different unit.
+ Examples
+ --------
+ To temporarily allow for a misspelled 'Angstroem' unit::
+ >>> from astropy import units as u
+ >>> with u.set_enabled_aliases({'Angstroem': u.Angstrom}):
+ ... print(u.Unit("Angstroem", parse_strict="raise") == u.Angstrom)
+ True
+ """
+ # get a context with a new registry, which is a copy of the current one
+ context = _UnitContext(get_current_unit_registry())
+ # in this new current registry, enable the further equivalencies requested
+ get_current_unit_registry().set_enabled_aliases(aliases)
+ return context
+def add_enabled_aliases(aliases):
+ """
+ Add aliases for units.
+ This is useful for handling alternate spellings for units, or
+ misspelled units in files one is trying to read.
+ Since no aliases are enabled by default, generally it is recommended
+ to use `set_enabled_aliases`.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ aliases : dict of str, Unit
+ The aliases to add. The keys must be the string aliases, and values
+ must be the `astropy.units.Unit` that the alias will be mapped to.
+ Raises
+ ------
+ ValueError
+ If the alias already defines a different unit.
+ Examples
+ --------
+ To temporarily allow for a misspelled 'Angstroem' unit::
+ >>> from astropy import units as u
+ >>> with u.add_enabled_aliases({'Angstroem': u.Angstrom}):
+ ... print(u.Unit("Angstroem", parse_strict="raise") == u.Angstrom)
+ True
+ """
+ # get a context with a new registry, which is a copy of the current one
+ context = _UnitContext(get_current_unit_registry())
+ # in this new current registry, enable the further equivalencies requested
+ get_current_unit_registry().add_enabled_aliases(aliases)
+ return context
+class UnitsError(Exception):
+ """
+ The base class for unit-specific exceptions.
+ """
+class UnitScaleError(UnitsError, ValueError):
+ """
+ Used to catch the errors involving scaled units,
+ which are not recognized by FITS format.
+ """
+ pass
+class UnitConversionError(UnitsError, ValueError):
+ """
+ Used specifically for errors related to converting between units or
+ interpreting units in terms of other units.
+ """
+class UnitTypeError(UnitsError, TypeError):
+ """
+ Used specifically for errors in setting to units not allowed by a class.
+ E.g., would be raised if the unit of an `~astropy.coordinates.Angle`
+ instances were set to a non-angular unit.
+ """
+class UnitsWarning(AstropyWarning):
+ """
+ The base class for unit-specific warnings.
+ """
+class UnitBase:
+ """
+ Abstract base class for units.
+ Most of the arithmetic operations on units are defined in this
+ base class.
+ Should not be instantiated by users directly.
+ """
+ # Make sure that __rmul__ of units gets called over the __mul__ of Numpy
+ # arrays to avoid element-wise multiplication.
+ __array_priority__ = 1000
+ _hash = None
+ _type_id = None
+ def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
+ # This may look odd, but the units conversion will be very
+ # broken after deep-copying if we don't guarantee that a given
+ # physical unit corresponds to only one instance
+ return self
+ def _repr_latex_(self):
+ """
+ Generate latex representation of unit name. This is used by
+ the IPython notebook to print a unit with a nice layout.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ Latex string
+ """
+ return unit_format.Latex.to_string(self)
+ def __bytes__(self):
+ """Return string representation for unit."""
+ return unit_format.Generic.to_string(self).encode("unicode_escape")
+ def __str__(self):
+ """Return string representation for unit."""
+ return unit_format.Generic.to_string(self)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ string = unit_format.Generic.to_string(self)
+ return f'Unit("{string}")'
+ def _get_physical_type_id(self):
+ """
+ Returns an identifier that uniquely identifies the physical
+ type of this unit. It is comprised of the bases and powers of
+ this unit, without the scale. Since it is hashable, it is
+ useful as a dictionary key.
+ """
+ if self._type_id is None:
+ unit = self.decompose()
+ self._type_id = tuple(zip((base.name for base in unit.bases), unit.powers))
+ return self._type_id
+ @property
+ def names(self):
+ """
+ Returns all of the names associated with this unit.
+ """
+ raise AttributeError(
+ "Can not get names from unnamed units. Perhaps you meant to_string()?"
+ )
+ @property
+ def name(self):
+ """
+ Returns the canonical (short) name associated with this unit.
+ """
+ raise AttributeError(
+ "Can not get names from unnamed units. Perhaps you meant to_string()?"
+ )
+ @property
+ def aliases(self):
+ """
+ Returns the alias (long) names for this unit.
+ """
+ raise AttributeError(
+ "Can not get aliases from unnamed units. Perhaps you meant to_string()?"
+ )
+ @property
+ def scale(self):
+ """
+ Return the scale of the unit.
+ """
+ return 1.0
+ @property
+ def bases(self):
+ """
+ Return the bases of the unit.
+ """
+ return [self]
+ @property
+ def powers(self):
+ """
+ Return the powers of the unit.
+ """
+ return [1]
+ def to_string(self, format=unit_format.Generic, **kwargs):
+ r"""Output the unit in the given format as a string.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ format : `astropy.units.format.Base` instance or str
+ The name of a format or a formatter object. If not
+ provided, defaults to the generic format.
+ **kwargs
+ Further options forwarded to the formatter. Currently
+ recognized is ``fraction``, which can take the following values:
+ - `False` : display unit bases with negative powers as they are;
+ - 'inline' or `True` : use a single-line fraction;
+ - 'multiline' : use a multiline fraction (available for the
+ 'latex', 'console' and 'unicode' formats only).
+ Raises
+ ------
+ TypeError
+ If ``format`` is of the wrong type.
+ ValueError
+ If ``format`` or ``fraction`` are not recognized.
+ Examples
+ --------
+ >>> import astropy.units as u
+ >>> kms = u.Unit('km / s')
+ >>> kms.to_string() # Generic uses fraction='inline' by default
+ 'km / s'
+ >>> kms.to_string('latex') # Latex uses fraction='multiline' by default
+ '$\\mathrm{\\frac{km}{s}}$'
+ >>> print(kms.to_string('unicode', fraction=False))
+ km s⁻¹
+ >>> print(kms.to_string('unicode', fraction='inline'))
+ km / s
+ >>> print(kms.to_string('unicode', fraction='multiline'))
+ km
+ ──
+ s
+ """
+ f = unit_format.get_format(format)
+ return f.to_string(self, **kwargs)
+ def __format__(self, format_spec):
+ """Try to format units using a formatter."""
+ try:
+ return self.to_string(format=format_spec)
+ except ValueError:
+ return format(str(self), format_spec)
+ @staticmethod
+ def _normalize_equivalencies(equivalencies):
+ """Normalizes equivalencies, ensuring each is a 4-tuple.
+ The resulting tuple is of the form::
+ (from_unit, to_unit, forward_func, backward_func)
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ equivalencies : list of equivalency pairs, or None
+ Returns
+ -------
+ A normalized list, including possible global defaults set by, e.g.,
+ `set_enabled_equivalencies`, except when `equivalencies`=`None`,
+ in which case the returned list is always empty.
+ Raises
+ ------
+ ValueError if an equivalency cannot be interpreted
+ """
+ normalized = _normalize_equivalencies(equivalencies)
+ if equivalencies is not None:
+ normalized += get_current_unit_registry().equivalencies
+ return normalized
+ def __pow__(self, p):
+ p = validate_power(p)
+ return CompositeUnit(1, [self], [p], _error_check=False)
+ def __truediv__(self, m):
+ if isinstance(m, (bytes, str)):
+ m = Unit(m)
+ if isinstance(m, UnitBase):
+ if m.is_unity():
+ return self
+ return CompositeUnit(1, [self, m], [1, -1], _error_check=False)
+ try:
+ # Cannot handle this as Unit, re-try as Quantity
+ from .quantity import Quantity
+ return Quantity(1, self) / m
+ except TypeError:
+ return NotImplemented
+ def __rtruediv__(self, m):
+ if isinstance(m, (bytes, str)):
+ return Unit(m) / self
+ try:
+ # Cannot handle this as Unit. Here, m cannot be a Quantity,
+ # so we make it into one, fasttracking when it does not have a
+ # unit, for the common case of <array> / <unit>.
+ from .quantity import Quantity
+ if hasattr(m, "unit"):
+ result = Quantity(m)
+ result /= self
+ return result
+ else:
+ return Quantity(m, self ** (-1))
+ except TypeError:
+ return NotImplemented
+ def __mul__(self, m):
+ if isinstance(m, (bytes, str)):
+ m = Unit(m)
+ if isinstance(m, UnitBase):
+ if m.is_unity():
+ return self
+ elif self.is_unity():
+ return m
+ return CompositeUnit(1, [self, m], [1, 1], _error_check=False)
+ # Cannot handle this as Unit, re-try as Quantity.
+ try:
+ from .quantity import Quantity
+ return Quantity(1, unit=self) * m
+ except TypeError:
+ return NotImplemented
+ def __rmul__(self, m):
+ if isinstance(m, (bytes, str)):
+ return Unit(m) * self
+ # Cannot handle this as Unit. Here, m cannot be a Quantity,
+ # so we make it into one, fasttracking when it does not have a unit
+ # for the common case of <array> * <unit>.
+ try:
+ from .quantity import Quantity
+ if hasattr(m, "unit"):
+ result = Quantity(m)
+ result *= self
+ return result
+ else:
+ return Quantity(m, unit=self)
+ except TypeError:
+ return NotImplemented
+ def __rlshift__(self, m):
+ try:
+ from .quantity import Quantity
+ return Quantity(m, self, copy=False, subok=True)
+ except Exception:
+ return NotImplemented
+ def __rrshift__(self, m):
+ warnings.warn(
+ ">> is not implemented. Did you mean to convert "
+ f"to a Quantity with unit {m} using '<<'?",
+ AstropyWarning,
+ )
+ return NotImplemented
+ def __hash__(self):
+ if self._hash is None:
+ parts = (
+ [str(self.scale)]
+ + [x.name for x in self.bases]
+ + [str(x) for x in self.powers]
+ )
+ self._hash = hash(tuple(parts))
+ return self._hash
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ # If we get pickled, we should *not* store the memoized members since
+ # hashes of strings vary between sessions.
+ state = self.__dict__.copy()
+ state.pop("_hash", None)
+ state.pop("_type_id", None)
+ return state
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ if self is other:
+ return True
+ try:
+ other = Unit(other, parse_strict="silent")
+ except (ValueError, UnitsError, TypeError):
+ return NotImplemented
+ # Other is unit-like, but the test below requires it is a UnitBase
+ # instance; if it is not, give up (so that other can try).
+ if not isinstance(other, UnitBase):
+ return NotImplemented
+ try:
+ return is_effectively_unity(self._to(other))
+ except UnitsError:
+ return False
+ def __ne__(self, other):
+ return not (self == other)
+ def __le__(self, other):
+ scale = self._to(Unit(other))
+ return scale <= 1.0 or is_effectively_unity(scale)
+ def __ge__(self, other):
+ scale = self._to(Unit(other))
+ return scale >= 1.0 or is_effectively_unity(scale)
+ def __lt__(self, other):
+ return not (self >= other)
+ def __gt__(self, other):
+ return not (self <= other)
+ def __neg__(self):
+ return self * -1.0
+ def is_equivalent(self, other, equivalencies=[]):
+ """
+ Returns `True` if this unit is equivalent to ``other``.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ other : `~astropy.units.Unit`, str, or tuple
+ The unit to convert to. If a tuple of units is specified, this
+ method returns true if the unit matches any of those in the tuple.
+ equivalencies : list of tuple
+ A list of equivalence pairs to try if the units are not
+ directly convertible. See :ref:`astropy:unit_equivalencies`.
+ This list is in addition to possible global defaults set by, e.g.,
+ `set_enabled_equivalencies`.
+ Use `None` to turn off all equivalencies.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ bool
+ """
+ equivalencies = self._normalize_equivalencies(equivalencies)
+ if isinstance(other, tuple):
+ return any(self.is_equivalent(u, equivalencies) for u in other)
+ other = Unit(other, parse_strict="silent")
+ return self._is_equivalent(other, equivalencies)
+ def _is_equivalent(self, other, equivalencies=[]):
+ """Returns `True` if this unit is equivalent to `other`.
+ See `is_equivalent`, except that a proper Unit object should be
+ given (i.e., no string) and that the equivalency list should be
+ normalized using `_normalize_equivalencies`.
+ """
+ if isinstance(other, UnrecognizedUnit):
+ return False
+ if self._get_physical_type_id() == other._get_physical_type_id():
+ return True
+ elif len(equivalencies):
+ unit = self.decompose()
+ other = other.decompose()
+ for a, b, forward, backward in equivalencies:
+ if b is None:
+ # after canceling, is what's left convertible
+ # to dimensionless (according to the equivalency)?
+ try:
+ (other / unit).decompose([a])
+ return True
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ elif (a._is_equivalent(unit) and b._is_equivalent(other)) or (
+ b._is_equivalent(unit) and a._is_equivalent(other)
+ ):
+ return True
+ return False
+ def _apply_equivalencies(self, unit, other, equivalencies):
+ """
+ Internal function (used from `_get_converter`) to apply
+ equivalence pairs.
+ """
+ def make_converter(scale1, func, scale2):
+ def convert(v):
+ return func(_condition_arg(v) / scale1) * scale2
+ return convert
+ for funit, tunit, a, b in equivalencies:
+ if tunit is None:
+ ratio = other.decompose() / unit.decompose()
+ try:
+ ratio_in_funit = ratio.decompose([funit])
+ return make_converter(ratio_in_funit.scale, a, 1.0)
+ except UnitsError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ try:
+ scale1 = funit._to(unit)
+ scale2 = tunit._to(other)
+ return make_converter(scale1, a, scale2)
+ except UnitsError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ scale1 = tunit._to(unit)
+ scale2 = funit._to(other)
+ return make_converter(scale1, b, scale2)
+ except UnitsError:
+ pass
+ def get_err_str(unit):
+ unit_str = unit.to_string("unscaled")
+ physical_type = unit.physical_type
+ if physical_type != "unknown":
+ unit_str = f"'{unit_str}' ({physical_type})"
+ else:
+ unit_str = f"'{unit_str}'"
+ return unit_str
+ unit_str = get_err_str(unit)
+ other_str = get_err_str(other)
+ raise UnitConversionError(f"{unit_str} and {other_str} are not convertible")
+ def _get_converter(self, other, equivalencies=[]):
+ """Get a converter for values in ``self`` to ``other``.
+ If no conversion is necessary, returns ``unit_scale_converter``
+ (which is used as a check in quantity helpers).
+ """
+ # First see if it is just a scaling.
+ try:
+ scale = self._to(other)
+ except UnitsError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ if scale == 1.0:
+ return unit_scale_converter
+ else:
+ return lambda val: scale * _condition_arg(val)
+ # if that doesn't work, maybe we can do it with equivalencies?
+ try:
+ return self._apply_equivalencies(
+ self, other, self._normalize_equivalencies(equivalencies)
+ )
+ except UnitsError as exc:
+ # Last hope: maybe other knows how to do it?
+ # We assume the equivalencies have the unit itself as first item.
+ # TODO: maybe better for other to have a `_back_converter` method?
+ if hasattr(other, "equivalencies"):
+ for funit, tunit, a, b in other.equivalencies:
+ if other is funit:
+ try:
+ converter = self._get_converter(tunit, equivalencies)
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ else:
+ return lambda v: b(converter(v))
+ raise exc
+ def _to(self, other):
+ """
+ Returns the scale to the specified unit.
+ See `to`, except that a Unit object should be given (i.e., no
+ string), and that all defaults are used, i.e., no
+ equivalencies and value=1.
+ """
+ # There are many cases where we just want to ensure a Quantity is
+ # of a particular unit, without checking whether it's already in
+ # a particular unit. If we're being asked to convert from a unit
+ # to itself, we can short-circuit all of this.
+ if self is other:
+ return 1.0
+ # Don't presume decomposition is possible; e.g.,
+ # conversion to function units is through equivalencies.
+ if isinstance(other, UnitBase):
+ self_decomposed = self.decompose()
+ other_decomposed = other.decompose()
+ # Check quickly whether equivalent. This is faster than
+ # `is_equivalent`, because it doesn't generate the entire
+ # physical type list of both units. In other words it "fails
+ # fast".
+ if self_decomposed.powers == other_decomposed.powers and all(
+ self_base is other_base
+ for (self_base, other_base) in zip(
+ self_decomposed.bases, other_decomposed.bases
+ )
+ ):
+ return self_decomposed.scale / other_decomposed.scale
+ raise UnitConversionError(f"'{self!r}' is not a scaled version of '{other!r}'")
+ def to(self, other, value=UNITY, equivalencies=[]):
+ """
+ Return the converted values in the specified unit.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ other : unit-like
+ The unit to convert to.
+ value : int, float, or scalar array-like, optional
+ Value(s) in the current unit to be converted to the
+ specified unit. If not provided, defaults to 1.0
+ equivalencies : list of tuple
+ A list of equivalence pairs to try if the units are not
+ directly convertible. See :ref:`astropy:unit_equivalencies`.
+ This list is in addition to possible global defaults set by, e.g.,
+ `set_enabled_equivalencies`.
+ Use `None` to turn off all equivalencies.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ values : scalar or array
+ Converted value(s). Input value sequences are returned as
+ numpy arrays.
+ Raises
+ ------
+ UnitsError
+ If units are inconsistent
+ """
+ if other is self and value is UNITY:
+ return UNITY
+ else:
+ return self._get_converter(Unit(other), equivalencies)(value)
+ def in_units(self, other, value=1.0, equivalencies=[]):
+ """
+ Alias for `to` for backward compatibility with pynbody.
+ """
+ return self.to(other, value=value, equivalencies=equivalencies)
+ def decompose(self, bases=set()):
+ """
+ Return a unit object composed of only irreducible units.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ bases : sequence of UnitBase, optional
+ The bases to decompose into. When not provided,
+ decomposes down to any irreducible units. When provided,
+ the decomposed result will only contain the given units.
+ This will raises a `UnitsError` if it's not possible
+ to do so.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ unit : `~astropy.units.CompositeUnit`
+ New object containing only irreducible unit objects.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def _compose(
+ self, equivalencies=[], namespace=[], max_depth=2, depth=0, cached_results=None
+ ):
+ def is_final_result(unit):
+ # Returns True if this result contains only the expected
+ # units
+ return all(base in namespace for base in unit.bases)
+ unit = self.decompose()
+ key = hash(unit)
+ cached = cached_results.get(key)
+ if cached is not None:
+ if isinstance(cached, Exception):
+ raise cached
+ return cached
+ # Prevent too many levels of recursion
+ # And special case for dimensionless unit
+ if depth >= max_depth:
+ cached_results[key] = [unit]
+ return [unit]
+ # Make a list including all of the equivalent units
+ units = [unit]
+ for funit, tunit, a, b in equivalencies:
+ if tunit is not None:
+ if self._is_equivalent(funit):
+ scale = funit.decompose().scale / unit.scale
+ units.append(Unit(a(1.0 / scale) * tunit).decompose())
+ elif self._is_equivalent(tunit):
+ scale = tunit.decompose().scale / unit.scale
+ units.append(Unit(b(1.0 / scale) * funit).decompose())
+ else:
+ if self._is_equivalent(funit):
+ units.append(Unit(unit.scale))
+ # Store partial results
+ partial_results = []
+ # Store final results that reduce to a single unit or pair of
+ # units
+ if len(unit.bases) == 0:
+ final_results = [{unit}, set()]
+ else:
+ final_results = [set(), set()]
+ for tunit in namespace:
+ tunit_decomposed = tunit.decompose()
+ for u in units:
+ # If the unit is a base unit, look for an exact match
+ # to one of the bases of the target unit. If found,
+ # factor by the same power as the target unit's base.
+ # This allows us to factor out fractional powers
+ # without needing to do an exhaustive search.
+ if len(tunit_decomposed.bases) == 1:
+ for base, power in zip(u.bases, u.powers):
+ if tunit_decomposed._is_equivalent(base):
+ tunit = tunit**power
+ tunit_decomposed = tunit_decomposed**power
+ break
+ composed = (u / tunit_decomposed).decompose()
+ factored = composed * tunit
+ len_bases = len(composed.bases)
+ if is_final_result(factored) and len_bases <= 1:
+ final_results[len_bases].add(factored)
+ else:
+ partial_results.append((len_bases, composed, tunit))
+ # Do we have any minimal results?
+ for final_result in final_results:
+ if len(final_result):
+ results = final_results[0].union(final_results[1])
+ cached_results[key] = results
+ return results
+ partial_results.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(0))
+ # ...we have to recurse and try to further compose
+ results = []
+ for len_bases, composed, tunit in partial_results:
+ try:
+ composed_list = composed._compose(
+ equivalencies=equivalencies,
+ namespace=namespace,
+ max_depth=max_depth,
+ depth=depth + 1,
+ cached_results=cached_results,
+ )
+ except UnitsError:
+ composed_list = []
+ for subcomposed in composed_list:
+ results.append((len(subcomposed.bases), subcomposed, tunit))
+ if len(results):
+ results.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(0))
+ min_length = results[0][0]
+ subresults = set()
+ for len_bases, composed, tunit in results:
+ if len_bases > min_length:
+ break
+ else:
+ factored = composed * tunit
+ if is_final_result(factored):
+ subresults.add(factored)
+ if len(subresults):
+ cached_results[key] = subresults
+ return subresults
+ if not is_final_result(self):
+ result = UnitsError(
+ f"Cannot represent unit {self} in terms of the given units"
+ )
+ cached_results[key] = result
+ raise result
+ cached_results[key] = [self]
+ return [self]
+ def compose(
+ self, equivalencies=[], units=None, max_depth=2, include_prefix_units=None
+ ):
+ """
+ Return the simplest possible composite unit(s) that represent
+ the given unit. Since there may be multiple equally simple
+ compositions of the unit, a list of units is always returned.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ equivalencies : list of tuple
+ A list of equivalence pairs to also list. See
+ :ref:`astropy:unit_equivalencies`.
+ This list is in addition to possible global defaults set by, e.g.,
+ `set_enabled_equivalencies`.
+ Use `None` to turn off all equivalencies.
+ units : set of `~astropy.units.Unit`, optional
+ If not provided, any known units may be used to compose
+ into. Otherwise, ``units`` is a dict, module or sequence
+ containing the units to compose into.
+ max_depth : int, optional
+ The maximum recursion depth to use when composing into
+ composite units.
+ include_prefix_units : bool, optional
+ When `True`, include prefixed units in the result.
+ Default is `True` if a sequence is passed in to ``units``,
+ `False` otherwise.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ units : list of `CompositeUnit`
+ A list of candidate compositions. These will all be
+ equally simple, but it may not be possible to
+ automatically determine which of the candidates are
+ better.
+ """
+ # if units parameter is specified and is a sequence (list|tuple),
+ # include_prefix_units is turned on by default. Ex: units=[u.kpc]
+ if include_prefix_units is None:
+ include_prefix_units = isinstance(units, (list, tuple))
+ # Pre-normalize the equivalencies list
+ equivalencies = self._normalize_equivalencies(equivalencies)
+ # The namespace of units to compose into should be filtered to
+ # only include units with bases in common with self, otherwise
+ # they can't possibly provide useful results. Having too many
+ # destination units greatly increases the search space.
+ def has_bases_in_common(a, b):
+ if len(a.bases) == 0 and len(b.bases) == 0:
+ return True
+ for ab in a.bases:
+ for bb in b.bases:
+ if ab == bb:
+ return True
+ return False
+ def has_bases_in_common_with_equiv(unit, other):
+ if has_bases_in_common(unit, other):
+ return True
+ for funit, tunit, a, b in equivalencies:
+ if tunit is not None:
+ if unit._is_equivalent(funit):
+ if has_bases_in_common(tunit.decompose(), other):
+ return True
+ elif unit._is_equivalent(tunit):
+ if has_bases_in_common(funit.decompose(), other):
+ return True
+ else:
+ if unit._is_equivalent(funit):
+ if has_bases_in_common(dimensionless_unscaled, other):
+ return True
+ return False
+ def filter_units(units):
+ filtered_namespace = set()
+ for tunit in units:
+ if (
+ isinstance(tunit, UnitBase)
+ and (include_prefix_units or not isinstance(tunit, PrefixUnit))
+ and has_bases_in_common_with_equiv(decomposed, tunit.decompose())
+ ):
+ filtered_namespace.add(tunit)
+ return filtered_namespace
+ decomposed = self.decompose()
+ if units is None:
+ units = filter_units(self._get_units_with_same_physical_type(equivalencies))
+ if len(units) == 0:
+ units = get_current_unit_registry().non_prefix_units
+ elif isinstance(units, dict):
+ units = set(filter_units(units.values()))
+ elif inspect.ismodule(units):
+ units = filter_units(vars(units).values())
+ else:
+ units = filter_units(_flatten_units_collection(units))
+ def sort_results(results):
+ if not len(results):
+ return []
+ # Sort the results so the simplest ones appear first.
+ # Simplest is defined as "the minimum sum of absolute
+ # powers" (i.e. the fewest bases), and preference should
+ # be given to results where the sum of powers is positive
+ # and the scale is exactly equal to 1.0
+ results = list(results)
+ results.sort(key=lambda x: np.abs(x.scale))
+ results.sort(key=lambda x: np.sum(np.abs(x.powers)))
+ results.sort(key=lambda x: np.sum(x.powers) < 0.0)
+ results.sort(key=lambda x: not is_effectively_unity(x.scale))
+ last_result = results[0]
+ filtered = [last_result]
+ for result in results[1:]:
+ if str(result) != str(last_result):
+ filtered.append(result)
+ last_result = result
+ return filtered
+ return sort_results(
+ self._compose(
+ equivalencies=equivalencies,
+ namespace=units,
+ max_depth=max_depth,
+ depth=0,
+ cached_results={},
+ )
+ )
+ def to_system(self, system):
+ """
+ Converts this unit into ones belonging to the given system.
+ Since more than one result may be possible, a list is always
+ returned.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ system : module
+ The module that defines the unit system. Commonly used
+ ones include `astropy.units.si` and `astropy.units.cgs`.
+ To use your own module it must contain unit objects and a
+ sequence member named ``bases`` containing the base units of
+ the system.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ units : list of `CompositeUnit`
+ The list is ranked so that units containing only the base
+ units of that system will appear first.
+ """
+ bases = set(system.bases)
+ def score(compose):
+ # In case that compose._bases has no elements we return
+ # 'np.inf' as 'score value'. It does not really matter which
+ # number we would return. This case occurs for instance for
+ # dimensionless quantities:
+ compose_bases = compose.bases
+ if len(compose_bases) == 0:
+ return np.inf
+ else:
+ sum = 0
+ for base in compose_bases:
+ if base in bases:
+ sum += 1
+ return sum / float(len(compose_bases))
+ x = self.decompose(bases=bases)
+ composed = x.compose(units=system)
+ composed = sorted(composed, key=score, reverse=True)
+ return composed
+ @lazyproperty
+ def si(self):
+ """
+ Returns a copy of the current `Unit` instance in SI units.
+ """
+ from . import si
+ return self.to_system(si)[0]
+ @lazyproperty
+ def cgs(self):
+ """
+ Returns a copy of the current `Unit` instance with CGS units.
+ """
+ from . import cgs
+ return self.to_system(cgs)[0]
+ @property
+ def physical_type(self):
+ """
+ Physical type(s) dimensionally compatible with the unit.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ `~astropy.units.physical.PhysicalType`
+ A representation of the physical type(s) of a unit.
+ Examples
+ --------
+ >>> from astropy import units as u
+ >>> u.m.physical_type
+ PhysicalType('length')
+ >>> (u.m ** 2 / u.s).physical_type
+ PhysicalType({'diffusivity', 'kinematic viscosity'})
+ Physical types can be compared to other physical types
+ (recommended in packages) or to strings.
+ >>> area = (u.m ** 2).physical_type
+ >>> area == u.m.physical_type ** 2
+ True
+ >>> area == "area"
+ True
+ `~astropy.units.physical.PhysicalType` objects can be used for
+ dimensional analysis.
+ >>> number_density = u.m.physical_type ** -3
+ >>> velocity = (u.m / u.s).physical_type
+ >>> number_density * velocity
+ PhysicalType('particle flux')
+ """
+ from . import physical
+ return physical.get_physical_type(self)
+ def _get_units_with_same_physical_type(self, equivalencies=[]):
+ """
+ Return a list of registered units with the same physical type
+ as this unit.
+ This function is used by Quantity to add its built-in
+ conversions to equivalent units.
+ This is a private method, since end users should be encouraged
+ to use the more powerful `compose` and `find_equivalent_units`
+ methods (which use this under the hood).
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ equivalencies : list of tuple
+ A list of equivalence pairs to also pull options from.
+ See :ref:`astropy:unit_equivalencies`. It must already be
+ normalized using `_normalize_equivalencies`.
+ """
+ unit_registry = get_current_unit_registry()
+ units = set(unit_registry.get_units_with_physical_type(self))
+ for funit, tunit, a, b in equivalencies:
+ if tunit is not None:
+ if self.is_equivalent(funit) and tunit not in units:
+ units.update(unit_registry.get_units_with_physical_type(tunit))
+ if self._is_equivalent(tunit) and funit not in units:
+ units.update(unit_registry.get_units_with_physical_type(funit))
+ else:
+ if self.is_equivalent(funit):
+ units.add(dimensionless_unscaled)
+ return units
+ class EquivalentUnitsList(list):
+ """
+ A class to handle pretty-printing the result of
+ `find_equivalent_units`.
+ """
+ HEADING_NAMES = ("Primary name", "Unit definition", "Aliases")
+ ROW_LEN = 3 # len(HEADING_NAMES), but hard-code since it is constant
+ NO_EQUIV_UNITS_MSG = "There are no equivalent units"
+ def __repr__(self):
+ if len(self) == 0:
+ return self.NO_EQUIV_UNITS_MSG
+ else:
+ lines = self._process_equivalent_units(self)
+ lines.insert(0, self.HEADING_NAMES)
+ widths = [0] * self.ROW_LEN
+ for line in lines:
+ for i, col in enumerate(line):
+ widths[i] = max(widths[i], len(col))
+ f = " {{0:<{}s}} | {{1:<{}s}} | {{2:<{}s}}".format(*widths)
+ lines = [f.format(*line) for line in lines]
+ lines = lines[0:1] + ["["] + [f"{x} ," for x in lines[1:]] + ["]"]
+ return "\n".join(lines)
+ def _repr_html_(self):
+ """
+ Outputs a HTML table representation within Jupyter notebooks.
+ """
+ if len(self) == 0:
+ return f"<p>{self.NO_EQUIV_UNITS_MSG}</p>"
+ else:
+ # HTML tags to use to compose the table in HTML
+ blank_table = '<table style="width:50%">{}</table>'
+ blank_row_container = "<tr>{}</tr>"
+ heading_row_content = "<th>{}</th>" * self.ROW_LEN
+ data_row_content = "<td>{}</td>" * self.ROW_LEN
+ # The HTML will be rendered & the table is simple, so don't
+ # bother to include newlines & indentation for the HTML code.
+ heading_row = blank_row_container.format(
+ heading_row_content.format(*self.HEADING_NAMES)
+ )
+ data_rows = self._process_equivalent_units(self)
+ all_rows = heading_row
+ for row in data_rows:
+ html_row = blank_row_container.format(data_row_content.format(*row))
+ all_rows += html_row
+ return blank_table.format(all_rows)
+ @staticmethod
+ def _process_equivalent_units(equiv_units_data):
+ """
+ Extract attributes, and sort, the equivalent units pre-formatting.
+ """
+ processed_equiv_units = []
+ for u in equiv_units_data:
+ irred = u.decompose().to_string()
+ if irred == u.name:
+ irred = "irreducible"
+ processed_equiv_units.append((u.name, irred, ", ".join(u.aliases)))
+ processed_equiv_units.sort()
+ return processed_equiv_units
+ def find_equivalent_units(
+ self, equivalencies=[], units=None, include_prefix_units=False
+ ):
+ """
+ Return a list of all the units that are the same type as ``self``.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ equivalencies : list of tuple
+ A list of equivalence pairs to also list. See
+ :ref:`astropy:unit_equivalencies`.
+ Any list given, including an empty one, supersedes global defaults
+ that may be in effect (as set by `set_enabled_equivalencies`)
+ units : set of `~astropy.units.Unit`, optional
+ If not provided, all defined units will be searched for
+ equivalencies. Otherwise, may be a dict, module or
+ sequence containing the units to search for equivalencies.
+ include_prefix_units : bool, optional
+ When `True`, include prefixed units in the result.
+ Default is `False`.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ units : list of `UnitBase`
+ A list of unit objects that match ``u``. A subclass of
+ `list` (``EquivalentUnitsList``) is returned that
+ pretty-prints the list of units when output.
+ """
+ results = self.compose(
+ equivalencies=equivalencies,
+ units=units,
+ max_depth=1,
+ include_prefix_units=include_prefix_units,
+ )
+ results = {x.bases[0] for x in results if len(x.bases) == 1}
+ return self.EquivalentUnitsList(results)
+ def is_unity(self):
+ """
+ Returns `True` if the unit is unscaled and dimensionless.
+ """
+ return False
+class NamedUnit(UnitBase):
+ """
+ The base class of units that have a name.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ st : str, list of str, 2-tuple
+ The name of the unit. If a list of strings, the first element
+ is the canonical (short) name, and the rest of the elements
+ are aliases. If a tuple of lists, the first element is a list
+ of short names, and the second element is a list of long
+ names; all but the first short name are considered "aliases".
+ Each name *should* be a valid Python identifier to make it
+ easy to access, but this is not required.
+ namespace : dict, optional
+ When provided, inject the unit, and all of its aliases, in the
+ given namespace dictionary. If a unit by the same name is
+ already in the namespace, a ValueError is raised.
+ doc : str, optional
+ A docstring describing the unit.
+ format : dict, optional
+ A mapping to format-specific representations of this unit.
+ For example, for the ``Ohm`` unit, it might be nice to have it
+ displayed as ``\\Omega`` by the ``latex`` formatter. In that
+ case, `format` argument should be set to::
+ {'latex': r'\\Omega'}
+ Raises
+ ------
+ ValueError
+ If any of the given unit names are already in the registry.
+ ValueError
+ If any of the given unit names are not valid Python tokens.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, st, doc=None, format=None, namespace=None):
+ UnitBase.__init__(self)
+ if isinstance(st, (bytes, str)):
+ self._names = [st]
+ self._short_names = [st]
+ self._long_names = []
+ elif isinstance(st, tuple):
+ if not len(st) == 2:
+ raise ValueError("st must be string, list or 2-tuple")
+ self._names = st[0] + [n for n in st[1] if n not in st[0]]
+ if not len(self._names):
+ raise ValueError("must provide at least one name")
+ self._short_names = st[0][:]
+ self._long_names = st[1][:]
+ else:
+ if len(st) == 0:
+ raise ValueError("st list must have at least one entry")
+ self._names = st[:]
+ self._short_names = [st[0]]
+ self._long_names = st[1:]
+ if format is None:
+ format = {}
+ self._format = format
+ if doc is None:
+ doc = self._generate_doc()
+ else:
+ doc = textwrap.dedent(doc)
+ doc = textwrap.fill(doc)
+ self.__doc__ = doc
+ self._inject(namespace)
+ def _generate_doc(self):
+ """
+ Generate a docstring for the unit if the user didn't supply
+ one. This is only used from the constructor and may be
+ overridden in subclasses.
+ """
+ names = self.names
+ if len(self.names) > 1:
+ return f"{names[1]} ({names[0]})"
+ else:
+ return names[0]
+ def get_format_name(self, format):
+ """
+ Get a name for this unit that is specific to a particular
+ format.
+ Uses the dictionary passed into the `format` kwarg in the
+ constructor.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ format : str
+ The name of the format
+ Returns
+ -------
+ name : str
+ The name of the unit for the given format.
+ """
+ return self._format.get(format, self.name)
+ @property
+ def names(self):
+ """
+ Returns all of the names associated with this unit.
+ """
+ return self._names
+ @property
+ def name(self):
+ """
+ Returns the canonical (short) name associated with this unit.
+ """
+ return self._names[0]
+ @property
+ def aliases(self):
+ """
+ Returns the alias (long) names for this unit.
+ """
+ return self._names[1:]
+ @property
+ def short_names(self):
+ """
+ Returns all of the short names associated with this unit.
+ """
+ return self._short_names
+ @property
+ def long_names(self):
+ """
+ Returns all of the long names associated with this unit.
+ """
+ return self._long_names
+ def _inject(self, namespace=None):
+ """
+ Injects the unit, and all of its aliases, in the given
+ namespace dictionary.
+ """
+ if namespace is None:
+ return
+ # Loop through all of the names first, to ensure all of them
+ # are new, then add them all as a single "transaction" below.
+ for name in self._names:
+ if name in namespace and self != namespace[name]:
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Object with name {name!r} already exists in "
+ f"given namespace ({namespace[name]!r})."
+ )
+ for name in self._names:
+ namespace[name] = self
+def _recreate_irreducible_unit(cls, names, registered):
+ """
+ This is used to reconstruct units when passed around by
+ multiprocessing.
+ """
+ registry = get_current_unit_registry().registry
+ if names[0] in registry:
+ # If in local registry return that object.
+ return registry[names[0]]
+ else:
+ # otherwise, recreate the unit.
+ unit = cls(names)
+ if registered:
+ # If not in local registry but registered in origin registry,
+ # enable unit in local registry.
+ get_current_unit_registry().add_enabled_units([unit])
+ return unit
+class IrreducibleUnit(NamedUnit):
+ """
+ Irreducible units are the units that all other units are defined
+ in terms of.
+ Examples are meters, seconds, kilograms, amperes, etc. There is
+ only once instance of such a unit per type.
+ """
+ def __reduce__(self):
+ # When IrreducibleUnit objects are passed to other processes
+ # over multiprocessing, they need to be recreated to be the
+ # ones already in the subprocesses' namespace, not new
+ # objects, or they will be considered "unconvertible".
+ # Therefore, we have a custom pickler/unpickler that
+ # understands how to recreate the Unit on the other side.
+ registry = get_current_unit_registry().registry
+ return (
+ _recreate_irreducible_unit,
+ (self.__class__, list(self.names), self.name in registry),
+ self.__getstate__(),
+ )
+ @property
+ def represents(self):
+ """The unit that this named unit represents.
+ For an irreducible unit, that is always itself.
+ """
+ return self
+ def decompose(self, bases=set()):
+ if len(bases) and self not in bases:
+ for base in bases:
+ try:
+ scale = self._to(base)
+ except UnitsError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ if is_effectively_unity(scale):
+ return base
+ else:
+ return CompositeUnit(scale, [base], [1], _error_check=False)
+ raise UnitConversionError(
+ f"Unit {self} can not be decomposed into the requested bases"
+ )
+ return self
+class UnrecognizedUnit(IrreducibleUnit):
+ """
+ A unit that did not parse correctly. This allows for
+ round-tripping it as a string, but no unit operations actually work
+ on it.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ st : str
+ The name of the unit.
+ """
+ # For UnrecognizedUnits, we want to use "standard" Python
+ # pickling, not the special case that is used for
+ # IrreducibleUnits.
+ __reduce__ = object.__reduce__
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return f"UnrecognizedUnit({str(self)})"
+ def __bytes__(self):
+ return self.name.encode("ascii", "replace")
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.name
+ def to_string(self, format=None):
+ return self.name
+ def _unrecognized_operator(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"The unit {self.name!r} is unrecognized, so all arithmetic operations "
+ "with it are invalid."
+ )
+ __pow__ = __truediv__ = __rtruediv__ = __mul__ = __rmul__ = _unrecognized_operator
+ __lt__ = __gt__ = __le__ = __ge__ = __neg__ = _unrecognized_operator
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ try:
+ other = Unit(other, parse_strict="silent")
+ except (ValueError, UnitsError, TypeError):
+ return NotImplemented
+ return isinstance(other, type(self)) and self.name == other.name
+ def __ne__(self, other):
+ return not (self == other)
+ def is_equivalent(self, other, equivalencies=None):
+ self._normalize_equivalencies(equivalencies)
+ return self == other
+ def _get_converter(self, other, equivalencies=None):
+ self._normalize_equivalencies(equivalencies)
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"The unit {self.name!r} is unrecognized. It can not be converted "
+ "to other units."
+ )
+ def get_format_name(self, format):
+ return self.name
+ def is_unity(self):
+ return False
+class _UnitMetaClass(type):
+ """
+ This metaclass exists because the Unit constructor should
+ sometimes return instances that already exist. This "overrides"
+ the constructor before the new instance is actually created, so we
+ can return an existing one.
+ """
+ def __call__(
+ self,
+ s="",
+ represents=None,
+ format=None,
+ namespace=None,
+ doc=None,
+ parse_strict="raise",
+ ):
+ # Short-circuit if we're already a unit
+ if hasattr(s, "_get_physical_type_id"):
+ return s
+ # turn possible Quantity input for s or represents into a Unit
+ from .quantity import Quantity
+ if isinstance(represents, Quantity):
+ if is_effectively_unity(represents.value):
+ represents = represents.unit
+ else:
+ represents = CompositeUnit(
+ represents.value * represents.unit.scale,
+ bases=represents.unit.bases,
+ powers=represents.unit.powers,
+ _error_check=False,
+ )
+ if isinstance(s, Quantity):
+ if is_effectively_unity(s.value):
+ s = s.unit
+ else:
+ s = CompositeUnit(
+ s.value * s.unit.scale,
+ bases=s.unit.bases,
+ powers=s.unit.powers,
+ _error_check=False,
+ )
+ # now decide what we really need to do; define derived Unit?
+ if isinstance(represents, UnitBase):
+ # This has the effect of calling the real __new__ and
+ # __init__ on the Unit class.
+ return super().__call__(
+ s, represents, format=format, namespace=namespace, doc=doc
+ )
+ # or interpret a Quantity (now became unit), string or number?
+ if isinstance(s, UnitBase):
+ return s
+ elif isinstance(s, (bytes, str)):
+ if len(s.strip()) == 0:
+ # Return the NULL unit
+ return dimensionless_unscaled
+ if format is None:
+ format = unit_format.Generic
+ f = unit_format.get_format(format)
+ if isinstance(s, bytes):
+ s = s.decode("ascii")
+ try:
+ return f.parse(s)
+ except NotImplementedError:
+ raise
+ except Exception as e:
+ if parse_strict == "silent":
+ pass
+ else:
+ # Deliberately not issubclass here. Subclasses
+ # should use their name.
+ if f is not unit_format.Generic:
+ format_clause = f.name + " "
+ else:
+ format_clause = ""
+ msg = (
+ f"'{s}' did not parse as {format_clause}unit: {str(e)} "
+ "If this is meant to be a custom unit, "
+ "define it with 'u.def_unit'. To have it "
+ "recognized inside a file reader or other code, "
+ "enable it with 'u.add_enabled_units'. "
+ "For details, see "
+ "https://docs.astropy.org/en/latest/units/combining_and_defining.html"
+ )
+ if parse_strict == "raise":
+ raise ValueError(msg)
+ elif parse_strict == "warn":
+ warnings.warn(msg, UnitsWarning)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "'parse_strict' must be 'warn', 'raise' or 'silent'"
+ )
+ return UnrecognizedUnit(s)
+ elif isinstance(s, (int, float, np.floating, np.integer)):
+ return CompositeUnit(s, [], [], _error_check=False)
+ elif isinstance(s, tuple):
+ from .structured import StructuredUnit
+ return StructuredUnit(s)
+ elif s is None:
+ raise TypeError("None is not a valid Unit")
+ else:
+ raise TypeError(f"{s} can not be converted to a Unit")
+class Unit(NamedUnit, metaclass=_UnitMetaClass):
+ """
+ The main unit class.
+ There are a number of different ways to construct a Unit, but
+ always returns a `UnitBase` instance. If the arguments refer to
+ an already-existing unit, that existing unit instance is returned,
+ rather than a new one.
+ - From a string::
+ Unit(s, format=None, parse_strict='silent')
+ Construct from a string representing a (possibly compound) unit.
+ The optional `format` keyword argument specifies the format the
+ string is in, by default ``"generic"``. For a description of
+ the available formats, see `astropy.units.format`.
+ The optional ``parse_strict`` keyword controls what happens when an
+ unrecognized unit string is passed in. It may be one of the following:
+ - ``'raise'``: (default) raise a ValueError exception.
+ - ``'warn'``: emit a Warning, and return an
+ `UnrecognizedUnit` instance.
+ - ``'silent'``: return an `UnrecognizedUnit` instance.
+ - From a number::
+ Unit(number)
+ Creates a dimensionless unit.
+ - From a `UnitBase` instance::
+ Unit(unit)
+ Returns the given unit unchanged.
+ - From no arguments::
+ Unit()
+ Returns the dimensionless unit.
+ - The last form, which creates a new `Unit` is described in detail
+ below.
+ See also: https://docs.astropy.org/en/stable/units/
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ st : str or list of str
+ The name of the unit. If a list, the first element is the
+ canonical (short) name, and the rest of the elements are
+ aliases.
+ represents : UnitBase instance
+ The unit that this named unit represents.
+ doc : str, optional
+ A docstring describing the unit.
+ format : dict, optional
+ A mapping to format-specific representations of this unit.
+ For example, for the ``Ohm`` unit, it might be nice to have it
+ displayed as ``\\Omega`` by the ``latex`` formatter. In that
+ case, `format` argument should be set to::
+ {'latex': r'\\Omega'}
+ namespace : dict, optional
+ When provided, inject the unit (and all of its aliases) into
+ the given namespace.
+ Raises
+ ------
+ ValueError
+ If any of the given unit names are already in the registry.
+ ValueError
+ If any of the given unit names are not valid Python tokens.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, st, represents=None, doc=None, format=None, namespace=None):
+ represents = Unit(represents)
+ self._represents = represents
+ NamedUnit.__init__(self, st, namespace=namespace, doc=doc, format=format)
+ @property
+ def represents(self):
+ """The unit that this named unit represents."""
+ return self._represents
+ def decompose(self, bases=set()):
+ return self._represents.decompose(bases=bases)
+ def is_unity(self):
+ return self._represents.is_unity()
+ def __hash__(self):
+ if self._hash is None:
+ self._hash = hash((self.name, self._represents))
+ return self._hash
+ @classmethod
+ def _from_physical_type_id(cls, physical_type_id):
+ # get string bases and powers from the ID tuple
+ bases = [cls(base) for base, _ in physical_type_id]
+ powers = [power for _, power in physical_type_id]
+ if len(physical_type_id) == 1 and powers[0] == 1:
+ unit = bases[0]
+ else:
+ unit = CompositeUnit(1, bases, powers, _error_check=False)
+ return unit
+class PrefixUnit(Unit):
+ """
+ A unit that is simply a SI-prefixed version of another unit.
+ For example, ``mm`` is a `PrefixUnit` of ``.001 * m``.
+ The constructor is the same as for `Unit`.
+ """
+class CompositeUnit(UnitBase):
+ """
+ Create a composite unit using expressions of previously defined
+ units.
+ Direct use of this class is not recommended. Instead use the
+ factory function `Unit` and arithmetic operators to compose
+ units.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ scale : number
+ A scaling factor for the unit.
+ bases : sequence of `UnitBase`
+ A sequence of units this unit is composed of.
+ powers : sequence of numbers
+ A sequence of powers (in parallel with ``bases``) for each
+ of the base units.
+ """
+ _decomposed_cache = None
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ scale,
+ bases,
+ powers,
+ decompose=False,
+ decompose_bases=set(),
+ _error_check=True,
+ ):
+ # There are many cases internal to astropy.units where we
+ # already know that all the bases are Unit objects, and the
+ # powers have been validated. In those cases, we can skip the
+ # error checking for performance reasons. When the private
+ # kwarg `_error_check` is False, the error checking is turned
+ # off.
+ if _error_check:
+ for base in bases:
+ if not isinstance(base, UnitBase):
+ raise TypeError("bases must be sequence of UnitBase instances")
+ powers = [validate_power(p) for p in powers]
+ if not decompose and len(bases) == 1 and powers[0] >= 0:
+ # Short-cut; with one unit there's nothing to expand and gather,
+ # as that has happened already when creating the unit. But do only
+ # positive powers, since for negative powers we need to re-sort.
+ unit = bases[0]
+ power = powers[0]
+ if power == 1:
+ scale *= unit.scale
+ self._bases = unit.bases
+ self._powers = unit.powers
+ elif power == 0:
+ self._bases = []
+ self._powers = []
+ else:
+ scale *= unit.scale**power
+ self._bases = unit.bases
+ self._powers = [
+ operator.mul(*resolve_fractions(p, power)) for p in unit.powers
+ ]
+ self._scale = sanitize_scale(scale)
+ else:
+ # Regular case: use inputs as preliminary scale, bases, and powers,
+ # then "expand and gather" identical bases, sanitize the scale, &c.
+ self._scale = scale
+ self._bases = bases
+ self._powers = powers
+ self._expand_and_gather(decompose=decompose, bases=decompose_bases)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ if len(self._bases):
+ return super().__repr__()
+ else:
+ if self._scale != 1.0:
+ return f"Unit(dimensionless with a scale of {self._scale})"
+ else:
+ return "Unit(dimensionless)"
+ @property
+ def scale(self):
+ """
+ Return the scale of the composite unit.
+ """
+ return self._scale
+ @property
+ def bases(self):
+ """
+ Return the bases of the composite unit.
+ """
+ return self._bases
+ @property
+ def powers(self):
+ """
+ Return the powers of the composite unit.
+ """
+ return self._powers
+ def _expand_and_gather(self, decompose=False, bases=set()):
+ def add_unit(unit, power, scale):
+ if bases and unit not in bases:
+ for base in bases:
+ try:
+ scale *= unit._to(base) ** power
+ except UnitsError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ unit = base
+ break
+ if unit in new_parts:
+ a, b = resolve_fractions(new_parts[unit], power)
+ new_parts[unit] = a + b
+ else:
+ new_parts[unit] = power
+ return scale
+ new_parts = {}
+ scale = self._scale
+ for b, p in zip(self._bases, self._powers):
+ if decompose and b not in bases:
+ b = b.decompose(bases=bases)
+ if isinstance(b, CompositeUnit):
+ scale *= b._scale**p
+ for b_sub, p_sub in zip(b._bases, b._powers):
+ a, b = resolve_fractions(p_sub, p)
+ scale = add_unit(b_sub, a * b, scale)
+ else:
+ scale = add_unit(b, p, scale)
+ new_parts = [x for x in new_parts.items() if x[1] != 0]
+ new_parts.sort(key=lambda x: (-x[1], getattr(x[0], "name", "")))
+ self._bases = [x[0] for x in new_parts]
+ self._powers = [x[1] for x in new_parts]
+ self._scale = sanitize_scale(scale)
+ def __copy__(self):
+ """
+ For compatibility with python copy module.
+ """
+ return CompositeUnit(self._scale, self._bases[:], self._powers[:])
+ def decompose(self, bases=set()):
+ if len(bases) == 0 and self._decomposed_cache is not None:
+ return self._decomposed_cache
+ for base in self.bases:
+ if not isinstance(base, IrreducibleUnit) or (
+ len(bases) and base not in bases
+ ):
+ break
+ else:
+ if len(bases) == 0:
+ self._decomposed_cache = self
+ return self
+ x = CompositeUnit(
+ self.scale, self.bases, self.powers, decompose=True, decompose_bases=bases
+ )
+ if len(bases) == 0:
+ self._decomposed_cache = x
+ return x
+ def is_unity(self):
+ unit = self.decompose()
+ return len(unit.bases) == 0 and unit.scale == 1.0
+si_prefixes = [
+ (["Q"], ["quetta"], 1e30),
+ (["R"], ["ronna"], 1e27),
+ (["Y"], ["yotta"], 1e24),
+ (["Z"], ["zetta"], 1e21),
+ (["E"], ["exa"], 1e18),
+ (["P"], ["peta"], 1e15),
+ (["T"], ["tera"], 1e12),
+ (["G"], ["giga"], 1e9),
+ (["M"], ["mega"], 1e6),
+ (["k"], ["kilo"], 1e3),
+ (["h"], ["hecto"], 1e2),
+ (["da"], ["deka", "deca"], 1e1),
+ (["d"], ["deci"], 1e-1),
+ (["c"], ["centi"], 1e-2),
+ (["m"], ["milli"], 1e-3),
+ (["u"], ["micro"], 1e-6),
+ (["n"], ["nano"], 1e-9),
+ (["p"], ["pico"], 1e-12),
+ (["f"], ["femto"], 1e-15),
+ (["a"], ["atto"], 1e-18),
+ (["z"], ["zepto"], 1e-21),
+ (["y"], ["yocto"], 1e-24),
+ (["r"], ["ronto"], 1e-27),
+ (["q"], ["quecto"], 1e-30),
+binary_prefixes = [
+ (["Ki"], ["kibi"], 2**10),
+ (["Mi"], ["mebi"], 2**20),
+ (["Gi"], ["gibi"], 2**30),
+ (["Ti"], ["tebi"], 2**40),
+ (["Pi"], ["pebi"], 2**50),
+ (["Ei"], ["exbi"], 2**60),
+def _add_prefixes(u, excludes=[], namespace=None, prefixes=False):
+ """
+ Set up all of the standard metric prefixes for a unit. This
+ function should not be used directly, but instead use the
+ `prefixes` kwarg on `def_unit`.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ excludes : list of str, optional
+ Any prefixes to exclude from creation to avoid namespace
+ collisions.
+ namespace : dict, optional
+ When provided, inject the unit (and all of its aliases) into
+ the given namespace dictionary.
+ prefixes : list, optional
+ When provided, it is a list of prefix definitions of the form:
+ (short_names, long_tables, factor)
+ """
+ if prefixes is True:
+ prefixes = si_prefixes
+ elif prefixes is False:
+ prefixes = []
+ for short, full, factor in prefixes:
+ names = []
+ format = {}
+ for prefix in short:
+ if prefix in excludes:
+ continue
+ for alias in u.short_names:
+ names.append(prefix + alias)
+ # This is a hack to use Greek mu as a prefix
+ # for some formatters.
+ if prefix == "u":
+ format["latex"] = r"\mu " + u.get_format_name("latex")
+ format["unicode"] = "\N{MICRO SIGN}" + u.get_format_name("unicode")
+ for key, val in u._format.items():
+ format.setdefault(key, prefix + val)
+ for prefix in full:
+ if prefix in excludes:
+ continue
+ for alias in u.long_names:
+ names.append(prefix + alias)
+ if len(names):
+ PrefixUnit(
+ names,
+ CompositeUnit(factor, [u], [1], _error_check=False),
+ namespace=namespace,
+ format=format,
+ )
+def def_unit(
+ s,
+ represents=None,
+ doc=None,
+ format=None,
+ prefixes=False,
+ exclude_prefixes=[],
+ namespace=None,
+ """
+ Factory function for defining new units.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ s : str or list of str
+ The name of the unit. If a list, the first element is the
+ canonical (short) name, and the rest of the elements are
+ aliases.
+ represents : UnitBase instance, optional
+ The unit that this named unit represents. If not provided,
+ a new `IrreducibleUnit` is created.
+ doc : str, optional
+ A docstring describing the unit.
+ format : dict, optional
+ A mapping to format-specific representations of this unit.
+ For example, for the ``Ohm`` unit, it might be nice to
+ have it displayed as ``\\Omega`` by the ``latex``
+ formatter. In that case, `format` argument should be set
+ to::
+ {'latex': r'\\Omega'}
+ prefixes : bool or list, optional
+ When `True`, generate all of the SI prefixed versions of the
+ unit as well. For example, for a given unit ``m``, will
+ generate ``mm``, ``cm``, ``km``, etc. When a list, it is a list of
+ prefix definitions of the form:
+ (short_names, long_tables, factor)
+ Default is `False`. This function always returns the base
+ unit object, even if multiple scaled versions of the unit were
+ created.
+ exclude_prefixes : list of str, optional
+ If any of the SI prefixes need to be excluded, they may be
+ listed here. For example, ``Pa`` can be interpreted either as
+ "petaannum" or "Pascal". Therefore, when defining the
+ prefixes for ``a``, ``exclude_prefixes`` should be set to
+ ``["P"]``.
+ namespace : dict, optional
+ When provided, inject the unit (and all of its aliases and
+ prefixes), into the given namespace dictionary.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ unit : `~astropy.units.UnitBase`
+ The newly-defined unit, or a matching unit that was already
+ defined.
+ """
+ if represents is not None:
+ result = Unit(s, represents, namespace=namespace, doc=doc, format=format)
+ else:
+ result = IrreducibleUnit(s, namespace=namespace, doc=doc, format=format)
+ if prefixes:
+ _add_prefixes(
+ result, excludes=exclude_prefixes, namespace=namespace, prefixes=prefixes
+ )
+ return result
+def _condition_arg(value):
+ """
+ Validate value is acceptable for conversion purposes.
+ Will convert into an array if not a scalar, and can be converted
+ into an array
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ value : int or float value, or sequence of such values
+ Returns
+ -------
+ Scalar value or numpy array
+ Raises
+ ------
+ ValueError
+ If value is not as expected
+ """
+ if isinstance(value, (np.ndarray, float, int, complex, np.void)):
+ return value
+ avalue = np.array(value)
+ if avalue.dtype.kind not in ["i", "f", "c"]:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Value not scalar compatible or convertible to "
+ "an int, float, or complex array"
+ )
+ return avalue
+def unit_scale_converter(val):
+ """Function that just multiplies the value by unity.
+ This is a separate function so it can be recognized and
+ discarded in unit conversion.
+ """
+ return 1.0 * _condition_arg(val)
+dimensionless_unscaled = CompositeUnit(1, [], [], _error_check=False)
+# Abbreviation of the above, see #1980
+one = dimensionless_unscaled
+# Maintain error in old location for backward compatibility
+# TODO: Is this still needed? Should there be a deprecation warning?
+unit_format.fits.UnitScaleError = UnitScaleError