A simple Django application that uses BeautifulSoup4 to scrape Haverford College's dining menu to see if 'tenderloins' are on the menu for the day.
This project is simply to familiarize myself with Django and Bootstrap. Many features will be unnecessary, but this project simply gives me a base to experiment and play around with Django, HTML, Javascript, CSS etc. In short, this web app simply checks if 'chicken breast tenderloins' are currently on the menu for the day at Haverford's dining center.
Note: I have not included the settings.py file for this Django project as I may later experiment with databases.
- Modifying phone form
- Need to add further error checking (i.e. no repeated phone numbers)
- Use messages framework to display a success message between requests
- Need to beautify using Bootstrap
- Add a footer with information
- Add database and SMS capabilities using twilio
- Make everything fit nicely on one page
- Add an about page
- Make the asterisk on the 'no tendies' page dynamically bring up text