Exercise solutions for Erlang courses:
- FutureLearn 2017: online courses on FutureLearn (February – April 2017).
- Erlang/OTP: official documentation. See also
- Learn You Some Erlang for Great Good!: book by Fred Hebert, available under a Creative Commons licence (and as a printed book). The book's title was inspired by Learn You a Haskell for Great Good!.
- Try Erlang: "a hands-on tutorial" that uses a web-based Erlang shell.
- Stuff Goes Bad: Erlang in Anger is a free ebook by Fred Hebert.
- Erlang Programming on Wikibooks.
- David Matuszek: A Concise Guide to Erlang (2010).
- Stefan Alfbo: Erlang Shell Cheat Sheet (23 April 2013).
- Joe Armstrong: Programming Erlang (2nd edition). Pragmatic Programmers, 2013. (548 pages) Book by one of the creators of Erlang. (Some reviewers have complained that some of the code samples don't work.)
- Francesco Cesarini, Simon Thompson: Erlang Programming: A Concurrent Approach to Software Development. O'Reilly Media, 2009. (498 pages)
- Martin Logan, Eric Merritt, Richard Carlsson: Erlang and OTP in Action. Manning Publications, 2010. (500 pages)
- Paul Barry: Introduction to Erlang for Python Programmers: 28-minute presentation at PyCon Ireland 2011. See also the presentation slides.
- Getting Started with Erlang for users of IntelliJ IDEA 2016.3.
- vim-erlang: for users of the text editor vim.
- Cowboy: an HTTP server. (See also the Cowboy User Guide.)
- Zotonic: a web framework and CMS.
- Concuerror: testing tool for concurrent Erlang programs.
- JSON libraries: jsx, jsone.
- jesse: JSON Schema validator for Erlang.
- erldocs: an alternative to the official Erlang documentation.
- Fred Hebert: On Erlang's Syntax (22 July 2010).
- Erlang Developer Community.
- Erlang Factory: Erlang conferences.
- Joe Armstrong: A History of Erlang.
- Inside Erlang – creator Joe Armstrong tells his story (4 December 2014).