This repository contains documents related to RWOT8, the eighth Rebooting the Web of Trust design workshop, which will run in Barcelona, Spain on March 1st to 3rd, 2019. The goal of the workshop was to generate five technical white papers and/or proposals on topics decided by the group that would have the greatest impact on the future.
Visit for more information and to purchase tickets.
In advance of the design workshop, all participants produced a one-or-two page topic paper to be shared with the other attendees on either:
- A specific problem that they wanted to solve with a web-of-trust solution, and why current solutions (PGP or CA-based PKI) can't address the problem?
- A specific solution related to the web-of-trust that you'd like others to use or contribute to?
NOTE: To add a paper, create a pull request to this repo with your contribution (preferably .md file or PDF), along with updates to the in this folder and at the top of the repo with a link to your paper and your name. Please also include a byline with contact information in the paper itself.
Here are the advanced readings to date:
- Current Status of the DID Specification by Amy Guy and Dmitri Zagidulin
- Identity Containers. Blockchain implementation proposal with DIDs & ERC725
- Multiformat Superfriends
- Where's the UX? by Alberto Elias
- OIDC Profile for SSI by Oliver Terbu, Andres Junge
- Peer-to-peer DIDs by Brent Zundel
- Digital Trust Protocol by Carsten Keutmann and Tim Pastoor
- PSDAD - Data Format with Secure Semantics by Sandro Hawke
- The universal ledger agent: a logical result of Rabobank's journey in blockchain based self-sovereign identity by David Lamers
- Universal ID Framework by Shigeya Suzuki
- SSI-Framework Proposal by Rieks Joosten
- How do we bootstrap the web of trust for VC by Matt Stone and Dan Burnett
These primers overview major topics which are likely to be discussed at the design workshop. If you read nothing else, read these. (But really, read as much as you can!)
- DID Primer — Decentralized Identifiers (extended version also available)
- Functional Identity Primer — A different way to look at identity
- Verifiable Credentials Primer — the project formerly known as Verifiable Claims