Accessing server-side MySQL through client javascript API. This project is a branch of dbcloud
You can do almost invoke on MySQL through the javascript API in browser.
The client javascript api support IE6.0+ Chrome FireFox and Wechat
Rapid prototyping does not need to write server-side code.
Academic teaching and research, WYSIWYG
Enterprise internal application
Other applications that do not focus on the security of the database table structure.
- Run MySQL first.
- Put webmysql.war in your servlet server webapps ,Apache Tomcat8.0 , Glass Fish Server4.x and so on.
- Open browser(Chrome FireFox IE) and put http://localhost:8080/webmysql/, The address may be different depending on your settings
Copy and from webmysql.war /src/java/.. , into your src/java/org/dbcloud/mysql
Copy all *.js files in webmysql.war /js to your js directory. JQuery is necessary. IE6.0 need to use the 1.x version and json2.js is necessary.
Edit the web.xml, like this:
- Edit your html file, you can see the index.html
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
<title>MySQL demo</title>
<div id='log'></div>
<script src="js/jQuery-1.12.4.js"></script>
<script src="js/org.dbcloud.mysql.Statement.js"></script>
function log(msg) {
$("#log").append("<p>" + msg.replace("\n", "</p><p>") + "</p>");
try {
log("MySQL Test:");
var stmt = new org.dbcloud.mysql.Statement();
if (stmt) {
var result;
log("create table:" + JSON.stringify(stmt.execute("create table if not exists temp_user(name char(50) ,id int ) ")));
var start = new Date().getTime();
var total = 0;
for (var j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
var sqls = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
sqls.push("insert into temp_user(name,id) values('names" + i + "'," + i + ")");
log("" + JSON.stringify(stmt.execute(sqls)) + "");
log((new Date().getTime() - start) / 1000 + "'s insert " + total + " records!");
result = stmt.executeQuery("select name ,id from temp_user", {document: true});
log("Synchronize the query and return the document structure data, which can be operated directly as a JSON object:");
if (result.rows && result.rows.length > 0)
log("Synchronize query and return two dimensional table structure data:");
result = stmt.executeQuery("select name ,id from temp_user");
if (result.error) {
log("error:" + result.error.message + "\ncode:" + result.error.code + "\nSQLState:" + result.error.SQLState);
stmt.executeQuery({done: function (r) {
log("Asynchronous query:" + JSON.stringify(r));
}, fail: function (e) {
}, always: function () {
log("Deleting the datasheet and closing the data link");
stmt.execute("drop table temp_user")
//stmt.close();//If a server shares a link, it should not be closed.
}}, "select * from temp_user", {document: false});
} catch (e) {