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42 lines (40 loc) · 1.89 KB

File metadata and controls

42 lines (40 loc) · 1.89 KB


├── Xmodmap             # remap Caps Lock to Control and viceversa
├── Xresources          # urxvt configuration
├── config
│   ├── awesome          # an awesome window manager
│   └── uzbl             # a web browser that follows the UNIX philosophy
├── gitconfig           # git configuration
├── hgrc                # mercurial configuration
├── inputrc             # readline settings
├── mcabberrc
├── newsbeuter
│   ├── config           # rss reader configuration
│   └── urls             # feeds
├── noserc              # a test runner for Python
├── pip
│   └── pipconf         # pip installs Python packages
├── ssh
│   └── config           # SSH configuration
├── tmuxconf           # terminal  multiplexor
├── tmuxinator          # tmuxinator sessions
│   └── 
├── turses              # a Twitter client for the console, check it out!
│   └── config
├── urlview             # scrapes URLs from mail
├── vim
│   ├── bundle           # plugin manager
│   └── syntax           # syntax files for VIM
├── vimrc               # the programmer's editor
├── xinitrc             # launches X
├── zsh
│   ├── aliaseszsh
│   ├── bindingszsh     # key bindings
│   ├── completionzsh   # autocompletion configuration
│   ├── environmentzsh  # env variables
│   ├── settingszsh     # zsh settings
│   └── themezsh        # ls colors, prompt, and moar
├── zshrc               # zsh configuration file
└── bin
    └── randombg         # a script for setting a random background