- Purchase mp3s and lossless FLAC music using the NEM cryptocurrency, pegged to USD prices via the public Binance exchange API.
- Streamed audio via transcoded fragmented AAC files, using a custom Media Source Extensions-based audio player, for bandwidth-frugal streaming.
- Scan QR codes to pay via a supported mobile wallet.
- Payments are made directly from fan to artist accounts. The app is entirely non-custodial, tracking payments via unique purchase codes embedded with each purchase.
- Artists are required to purchase a utility token (nemp3:credits) to use the platform.
- Audio files are stored in an Amazon S3 bucket in FLAC/AAC/MP3 format.
- Log in either with a local email/password combo, or via Google's OAuth service (Google, Spotify and Twitter SSOs).
- Uses RabbitMQ with a worker pool for non thread-blocking audio/artwork file transcoding/zipping.
- Image processing and optimisation via the Sharp module.
- A MERN-stack SPA, set up with a local MongoDB Docker container by default as part of a Docker Compose container group.
- DKIM email key support for reliable contact form email, less likely to be flagged for spam.
To run your own app, you will need to amend the following environmental variables (.env files supported):
Client app build-time env vars:
- REACT_APP_NODE_ENV (development/production)
- REACT_APP_CLOUDFRONT (your cloudfront URL host, .e.g my-subdomain.cloudfront.net)
- REACT_APP_NEM_NETWORK (testnet/mainnet)
- REACT_APP_RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY from Google, for sign-up and contact form recaptcha support.
Server env vars (non-exhaustive, see current config/ for examples/defaults):
- AWS_REGION - your S3 Bucket region.
- BENTO4_DIR - path to the bento4 executable for creating fragmented AAC files.
- BUCKET_IMG - your S3 image Bucket name.
- BUCKET_MP3 - your S3 mp3 Bucket name.
- BUCKET_OPT - your streaming audio Bucket name.
- BUCKET_SRC - your FLAC/source uploads Bucket name.
- NEM_NODES - a list of nodes to use for NEM purchase-checking (official nodes recommended).
- NEM_NETWORK_ID - NEM network ID (number, e.g. nem.model.network.data.mainnet.id using the NEM SDK).
- PAYMENT_ADDRESS - a NEM payment address for supporting the site.
- PRIV_KEY - private key of token hot wallet to send tokens out to users. Recommended that this be a separate microservice located on a different server, securely consuming the RabbitMQ queue for token disbursement. Or if on the same server, use a separate wallet to the main payment account, with a small amount of tokens at any time.
- QUEUE_ARTWORK - the RabbitMQ queue name for artwork processing workers.
- QUEUE_CREDITS - as above for credits disbursement workers.
- QUEUE_TRANSCODE - as above for the audio file transcoding workers.
- RABBIT_HOST - RabbitMQ host name.
- SOCKET_HOST - socket.io host name.
- TEMP_PATH - local path name for temp files (uploads, processing).
Other vars should be pretty self-explanatory (oauth credentials etc.)