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Christopher Konopka edited this page May 7, 2019 · 1 revision

arduivisPD is a template paradigm that streamlines the interconnectivity potential of an Arduino with Pure Data.

how to use the template

  1. Press "device" to find the correct device number and type the number into the number box above "open" to make the connection; wait 2 seconds

  2. Start polling.

  3. You're done!

At this point the data should be flowing between PD and the Arduino, providing a real-time link for rapid-prototyping.

  • waiting 2 seconds sounds absurd, but it helps ensure that the connection is made. When there is a large number of inputs sometimes the serial protocol takes a little longer to establish itself


single input formatting

void setup() 
  //  Create/open serial port

void loop() 

  // Slider from Pure Data  
    int pdSlider;

  // Parse incoming Pure Data slider values
  // from Pure Data, to Arduino   
    pdSlider = Serial.parseInt();  

multiple input formatting

void setup() 
  // Create/open serial port

void loop() 
  // Sliders from pd
  int pdSlider1, pdSlider2, pdSlider3, pdSlider4;
  // Parse incoming pd slider values
  // from pd, to Arduino
  pdSlider1 = Serial.parseInt();
  pdSlider2 = Serial.parseInt();
  pdSlider3 = Serial.parseInt(); 
  pdSlider4 = Serial.parseInt(); 


single output formatting

void setup() 
  // Create/open serial port  

  // Define LED mode 
  // PWM LED    
    pinMode(3, OUTPUT);

void loop() 
  // Loop variables  
    int lp = 0; 
  // Loop #1  
  // Incremental Loop
  for(lp = 0; lp<=255; lp++)         // Create incremental loop
    // Incremental loop values to LED
    // Controls PWM fade

    // Incremental loop values to serial buffer
    // [comport] object
    // to Pure Data, from Arduin o    

  // Loop #2
  // Decremental Loop  
  for(lp = 255; lp>=0; lp--)    // Create decremental loop
    // Deremental loop values to LED
    // Controls PWM fade      

    // Decremental loop values to serial buffer
    // [comport] object
    // to Pure Data, from Arduino       

multiple output formatting

void setup() 
  // Create/open serial port

  // Define LED mode 
  // PWM LED  
  pinMode(3, OUTPUT);     

void loop() 
  // Loop variables
    int lp = 0;
    int startIncrement = 0; 
    int incrementLoopRange = 255; 
    int startDecrement = 255;
    int decrementLoopRange = 0;

  // Loop Function        
    lp = loopSystem(startIncrement, incrementLoopRange, startDecrement,     decrementLoopRange);

int loopSystem(int startIncrement, int incrementLoopRange, int startDecrement, int    decrementLoopRange)
  int lp;

  // Loop #1
  // Incremental Loop
  for(lp = startIncrement; lp < incrementLoopRange; lp++)         
    // Incremental loop values to LED
    // Controls fade of 4 LEDs
      analogWrite(3, lp);    
      analogWrite(5, lp - 13);
      analogWrite(6, lp + 47);
      analogWrite(9, lp - 60);

      // Incremental loop values to serial buffer
      // [comport] object
      // to Pure Data, from Arduino
        Serial.print(" ");         
        Serial.print(lp - 13);
        Serial.print(" ");         
        Serial.print(lp + 47);
        Serial.print(" ");         
        Serial.println(lp - 60);

  // Loop #2
  // Decremental Loop
  for(lp = startDecrement; lp > decrementLoopRange; lp--)    
    // Deremental loop values to LED
    // Controls fade of 4 LEDs
      analogWrite(3, lp);    
      analogWrite(5, lp - 13);
      analogWrite(6, lp + 47);
      analogWrite(9, lp - 60);

      // Decremental loop values to serial buffer
      // [comport] object
      // to Pure Data, from Arduino  
        Serial.print(" ");         
        Serial.print(lp - 13);
        Serial.print(" ");         
        Serial.print(lp + 47);
        Serial.print(" ");         
        Serial.println(lp - 60);

Caveat w/real-time data streaming

This example demonstrates a flow of data from sliders in PD, routed to an Arduino where the data is parsed in the serial buffer and then sent from the Arduino back to PD. The patch below demonstrates this paradigm and the code is below the image.

void setup() 
  // Create/open serial port

  // Define LED mode 
  // PWM LED
  pinMode(3, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(5, OUTPUT);  
  pinMode(6, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(9, OUTPUT);    

void loop() 
  // Sliders from pd
  word pdSlider1, pdSlider2, pdSlider3, pdSlider4;
  // Parse incoming pd slider values
  // from pd, to Arduino
  pdSlider1 = Serial.parseInt();
  pdSlider2 = Serial.parseInt();
  pdSlider3 = Serial.parseInt(); 
  pdSlider4 = Serial.parseInt(); 

  // Write parsed values to LEDs
  // Fading LED
  // from pd, to Arduino
  analogWrite(3, pdSlider1);
  analogWrite(5, pdSlider2);    
  analogWrite(6, pdSlider3);     
  analogWrite(9, pdSlider4);  

  // Print output of slider to serial buffer
  // This is mainly for debugging
  Serial.print(" ");
  Serial.print(" ");
  Serial.print(" ");