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MLflow SharingHub

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MLflow is a platform to streamline machine learning development, including tracking experiments, packaging code into reproducible runs, and sharing and deploying models.

SharingHub is an AI-focused web portal designed to help you discover, navigate, and analyze your AI-related Git projects hosted on GitLab.

This repository hosts a MLflow "app" plugin that integrates it with SharingHub and GitLab permission system. The plugin also isolates the experiments from each others per GitLab project.

Table of Contents

Getting started


MLflow SharingHub can be configured with a GitLab instance, or a SharingHub instance.

For GitLab

First, create a file named .env and edit the content:



The client-id and client-secret can be created in your GitLab User settings (Preferences). You must create an "Application" with the scopes api read_user openid profile email. The callback URL is http://localhost:5000/auth/authorize.

For SharingHub

The configuration may vary depending on your instance config. First, create a file named .env and edit the content.

If you have a default token configured:






With this integration MLflow SharingHub will use the session cookie of SharingHub to interact with the SharingHub Server.



Being an MLflow plugin, in order to use it you'll have to install this project first. It is recommended to use a virtualenv.

pip install .
# OR
make install

Now you can run the mlflow server, you just need to add the parameter --app-name sharinghub to enable the plugin.


mlflow server --app-name sharinghub

And to enable hot-reload, add the --dev.

mlflow server --app-name sharinghub --dev

Note: the make targets run and run-dev should be preferred as they add more arguments.


Build the image:

docker build . -t mlflow-sharinghub:latest --build-arg VERSION=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)
# OR
make docker-build
docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/data:/home/mlflow/data -p 5000:5000 --env-file .env --name mlflow-sharinghub mlflow-sharinghub:latest
# OR
make docker-run

Deployment guide

First, create a values file, like ./deploy/helm/values.<platform>.yaml. It will serve as your deployment values file.

Note: values named like <var> are "variables", expected to be filled by your real values.

Docker image

This project is delivered as a docker image, you will need to publish it to a docker registry in order to deploy the service.

Build image

You can build the image with the following command:

docker build . -t <docker-registry>/mlflow-sharinghub:latest

Push image

After building the image you can push it to your registry:

docker push <docker-registry>/mlflow-sharinghub:latest

Create a robot account

If you don't already have one in the namespace, create a robot account in the docker registry to access the image.

kubectl create namespace sharinghub

kubectl create secret docker-registry regcred --docker-username='<robot-username>' --docker-password='<robot-password>' --docker-server='<docker-registry>' --namespace sharinghub

Create a secret key

The server needs a secret key for security purposes, create the secret:

kubectl create secret generic mlflow-sharinghub --from-literal secret-key="<random-secret-key>" --namespace sharinghub

Integration configuration

As detailed in Configuration, MLflow SharingHub can be configured to use either SharingHub or GitLab for permission management of projects. Follow the instructions for only one.


Configure your deployment values:

gitlabUrl: https://<gitlab-domain>
gitlabMandatoryTopics: "sharinghub:aimodel" # from sharinghub configuration

You will need to create an application in your Gitlab instance in order to use MLflow SharingHub integration of GitLab.

Configure an application in the GitLab instance for OpenID connect authentication:

Configure application

Callback URLs example:


Note: localhost URL is for development purposes, if you don't want it you can remove it.

You must then create the secret containing the OIDC secrets.

kubectl create secret generic mlflow-sharinghub-gitlab --from-literal client-id="<gitlab-app-client-id>" --from-literal client-secret="<gitlab-app-client-secret>" --namespace sharinghub


Configure your deployment values:

sharinghubUrl: https://sharinghub.<domain-name>
sharinghubStacCollection: "ai-model"
sharinghubAuthDefaultToken: true

Take note that it is important for your SharingHub instance to write its session cookie on <domain-name>.

MLflow server storage

The MLflow server is rather flexible in the location were its data and artifacts are stored, and each can be configured.

Backend store

By default, our docker image uses an sqlite database (a single file) for the data, located at /home/mlflow/data/mlflow.db.


You can alternatively choose PostgreSQL as a database.

From the charts dependency

First, create the secret that will contain PostgreSQL passwords:

kubectl create secret generic mlflow-sharinghub-postgres --from-literal password="<mlflow-user-password>" --from-literal postgres-password="<root-user-password>" --namespace sharinghub

Then, configure the deployment values:

  enabled: true
    existingSecret: mlflow-sharinghub-postgres
For existing instance

Edit your mlflow-sharinghub secret that contains the key secret-key, and add a new key named backend-store-uri with the value postgresql://<user>:<password>@<host>:5432/<database>, filled with your PostgreSQL instance values.

Then, configure the deployment values:

  backendStoreUriSecret: true

Artifacts store

By default, our docker image uses a directory for the artifacts, located at /home/mlflow/data/mlartifacts.


You can alternatively choose to store your artifacts in an S3.

If you chose to use one, you need to create a s3 bucket in your provider and create the associated secret:

kubectl create secret generic mlflow-sharinghub-s3 --from-literal access-key-id="<access-key>" --from-literal secret-access-key="<secret-key>" --namespace sharinghub

Then, configure the deployment values:

  artifactsDestination: s3://<bucket>

  enabled: true
  endpointUrl: https://<s3-endpoint>


You must edit your deployment values with these last pieces of informations:

  repository: <docker-registry>/mlflow-sharinghub
  pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
  tag: "latest"

  -  name: regcred

  enabled: true
  className: "nginx"
  annotations: letsencrypt-prod
    - host: mlflow.<domain-name>
        - path: /
          pathType: ImplementationSpecific
    - secretName: mlflow-sharinghub-tls
        - mlflow.<domain-name>

When all is done, install/update your deployment:

# Install & Update
helm upgrade --install --create-namespace --namespace sharinghub mlflow-sharinghub ./deploy/helm/mlflow-sharinghub -f ./deploy/helm/values.<platform>.yaml


If you want to contribute to this project or understand how it works, please check

Any contribution is greatly appreciated.

Copyright and License

Copyright 2024 CS GROUP - France

MLflow SharingHub is an open source software, distributed under the Apache License 2.0. See the LICENSE file for more information.