Communication between some RadioHead nodes and Node.js using the RH_Serial driver and the RHReliableDatagram or RHDatagram manager of the RadioHead library.
With radiohead-serial
you can build reliable networks based on serial hardware (e.g. RS485 or RS232) between multiple different devices like regular computers, minicomputers (e.g. Raspberry Pi) and microprocessors (e.g. Arduino). It is also possible to include radio hardware using a microprocessor (e.g. an Arduino nano) as a serial-radio gateway.
RadioHead is a Packet Radio library for embedded microprocessors.
RH_Serial works with RS232, RS422, RS485, RS488 and other point-to-point and multidropped serial connections, or with TTL serial UARTs such as those on Arduino and many other processors, or with data radios with a serial port interface. RH_Serial provides packetization and error detection over any hardware or virtual serial connection.
RHReliableDatagram provides Addressed, reliable, retransmitted, acknowledged variable length messages.
Based on RadioHead library 1.92 2019-07-14.
Should also work together with newer versions of the RadioHead library.
Since Version 3 this module is based on a TypeScript/JavaScript port of the native RadioHead library.
This module can be used on any Linux, Mac or Windows system, for example a Raspberry Pi with Raspbian or a regular computer.
Hint: Version 5 of radiohead-serial
requires Node.js version 16 or higher.
Currently tested with Node.js versions 16.x, 18.x, 20.x.
The radiohead-serial module is perfect if you want to build your own bus system based on for example RS485.
As a head station you can use a Raspberry Pi minicomputer with a USB-RS485 adapter. The other nodes on the bus can be some microprocessors (e.g. ATMega8 or Arduino) with an TTL-RS485 converter (e.g. Max485) connected. In addition using a serial-radio gateway is possible (see below).
If you want to use other RadioHead drivers (for example RH_ASK), you can simply use an Arduino nano ($2 to $10) as an serial gateway. Other microprocessors can be used too.
Connect your radio hardware to the Arduino and upload the rh_serial_ask_gateway
sketch. Some example sketches are included in the examples directory.
The Arduino will act as a gateway between the serial and the radio network.
Optionally the gateway can filter messages, so that only a specific address range is transmitted through the radio network.
To install the latest version simply use:
npm install radiohead-serial
The examples blow can be found in the examples directory of this package together with TypeScript examples and a gateway Arduino sketch.
The examples assume a Linux system with two USB-RS485 adapters connected. The A and B lines of the RS485 are connected between both adapters. You can also use two machines with respectively one adapter.
Depending on your system you may have to change the used ports (/dev/ttyUSB0) in the examples.
If you want to use ES6 style imports you can use
import { RadioHeadSerial } from 'radiohead-serial';
// Require the radiohead-serial module
var RadioHeadSerial = require('radiohead-serial').RadioHeadSerial;
// Create an instance of the RadioHeadSerial class
var rhs = new RadioHeadSerial({
port: '/dev/ttyUSB0', // COM1 on Windows
baud: 9600,
address: 0x01
// Listen to the 'data' event for received messages
rhs.on('data', function(message){
// Print the received message object
console.log('-> recv:', message);
// Convert the decimal from address to hex
var sender = ('0' + message.headerFrom.toString(16)).slice(-2).toUpperCase();
// Print a readable form of the data
if(message.length > 0){
console.log('-> received ' + message.length + ' bytes from 0x' + sender + ': "' + + '"');
// Create the answer for the client
var answer = new Buffer('Hello back to you, client!');
// Send the answer to the client
rhs.send(message.headerFrom, answer).then(function(){
// Message has been sent successfully
console.log('<- sent to 0x' + sender + ': "' + answer.toString() + '" Raw:', answer);
// Error while sending the message
console.log('<- ERROR', error);
// Print some info
console.log('Server example running.');
console.log('Now start the client example...');
// Require the radiohead-serial module
var RadioHeadSerial = require('radiohead-serial').RadioHeadSerial;
// Create an instance of the RadioHeadSerial class
var rhs = new RadioHeadSerial({
port: '/dev/ttyUSB1', // COM2 on Windows
baud: 9600,
address: 0x02
// Listen on the 'data' event for received messages
rhs.on('data', function(message){
// Print the received message object
console.log('-> recv:', message);
// Convert the decimal from address to hex
var sender = ('0' + message.headerFrom.toString(16)).slice(-2).toUpperCase();
// Print a readable form of the data
if(message.length > 0){
console.log('-> received ' + message.length + ' bytes from 0x' + sender + ': "' + + '"');
// Counter for the number of send messages
var sentCount = 0;
// Function to send a message (calls itself with a timeout until five messages are sent)
function sendData(){
// Create the data to be send to the server
var data = new Buffer('Hello server!');
// Send the data to the server
rhs.send(0x01, data).then(function(){
// Message has been sent successfully
console.log('<- sent to 0x01: "' + data.toString() + '" Raw:', data);
// Error while sending the message
console.log('<- ERROR', error);
// After sending the message, even if failed
// 5 times sent?
if(sentCount < 5){
// Send a new message after 2 seconds
setTimeout(sendData, 2000);
// Close the SerialPort worker after 1 second and exit the client example
// Use the timeout before close() to receive the answer from the server
// The SerialPort is now closed
console.log('Client example done. :-)');
}, 1000);
// Trigger sending the first message
// Print some info
console.log('Client example running.');
console.log('I\'ll try to send hello to the Server five times...');
The current APIv3 uses Events and Promises and has some breaking changes against the old APIv1.
Receiving and sending of messages is always done asynchronous.
TypeScript typings are included in the package.
constructor (options: RadioHeadSerialOptions);
Constructor of the RadioHeadSerial class using an options object. Loads and initializes the RadioHead driver and manager.
This is the preferred way to create a new instance of the RadioHeadSerial class since v4.1.0
port: string;
baud: number = 9600;
address: number = 1;
reliable: boolean = true;
autoInit: boolean = true;
Object containing the options for a new RadioHeadSerial instance.
- The serial port/device to be used for the communication. For example /dev/ttyUSB0 or COM1.baud
- Optional The baud rate to be used for the communication. Supported are 50, 75, 110, 134, 150, 200, 300, 600, 1200, 1800, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, 230400. (default 9600)address
- Optional The address of this node in the RadioHead network. Address range goes from 1 to 254. (default 1)reliable
- Optional false if RHDatagram should be used instead of RHReliableDatagram. (default true)autoInit
- Optional false if the manager/serial port should not be initialized automatically. If false you have to call instance.init() manually. (default true)
constructor (port: string, baud: number = 9600, address: number = 1, reliable: boolean = true);
Constructor of the RadioHeadSerial class using sinle arguments. Loads and initializes the RadioHead driver and manager.
- The serial port/device to be used for the communication. For example /dev/ttyUSB0 or COM1.baud
- Optional The baud rate to be used for the communication. Supported are 50, 75, 110, 134, 150, 200, 300, 600, 1200, 1800, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, 230400. (default 9600)address
- Optional The address of this node in the RadioHead network. Address range goes from 1 to 254. (default 1)reliable
- Optional false if RHDatagram should be used instead of RHReliableDatagram. (default true)
init (): Promise<{}>;
Initializes the manager and the serial port if options.autoInit was false on construction of the class.
Returns a promise which will be resolved if the serial port is opened and the manager is initialized or rejected in case of an error.
May be called multiple times to re-init the serial port on errors.
isInitDone (): boolean;
Returns if the init is done (true
) or not (false
close (): Promise<{}>;
Closes the serial port. After close() is called, no messages can be received. Returns a promise which will be resolved if the serial port is closed.
send (to: number, data: Buffer, length?: number): Promise<{}>;
Sends a message through the RadioHead network. Returns a Promise which will be resolved when the message has been sent, or rejected in case of an error.
- Recipient address. Use 255 for broadcast
- Buffer containing the message to send.length
- Optional number of bytes to send from the buffer. If not given the whole buffer is sent. The maximum length is 60 bytes.
setAddress (address: number): void;
Sets the address of this node in the RadioHead network.
- The new address. Address range goes from 1 to 254.
thisAddress (): number;
Returns the address of this node.
setRetries (count: number): void;
Sets the maximum number of retries. Defaults to 3 at construction time. If set to 0, each message will only ever be sent once.
- New number of retries.
getRetries (): number
Returns the currently configured maximum retries count.
setTimeout (timeout: number): void;
Sets the minimum retransmit timeout in milliseconds. If an ack is taking longer than this time, a message will be retransmitted. Default is 200.
- New timeout in milliseconds.
getRetransmissions (): number;
Returns the number of retransmissions we have had to send since starting or since the last call to resetRetransmissions().
resetRetransmissions (): void;
Resets the count of the number of retransmissions to 0.
setPromiscuous (promiscuous: boolean): void;
Tells the receiver to accept messages with any to address, not just messages addressed to this node or the broadcast address.
- true if you wish to receive messages with any to address. (default false)
rhs.on('data', (message: RH_ReceivedMessage) => { /* do something */ });
The data
event is emitted for every received message and includes an object with the following information.
- The received data as a Buffer.length
- The length of the received data.headerFrom
- The from address of the received message.headerTo
- The to address of the received message.headerId
- The id of the received message.headerFlags
- The flags of the received message.
rhs.on('error', (err: Error) => { /* do something */ });
The error
event is emitted if there is an error with the driver.
- The error.
rhs.on('close', () => { /* do something */ });
The close
event is emitted if the serial port is closed.
This may be intended by calling rhs.close()
or caused by any port failure.
The actual version of the module.
The maximum supported message length. This is the maximum size for a Buffer used for sending or receiving messages.
also exports classes RH_Serial
, RHDatagram
and RHReliableDatagram
and some additional constants.
They represent the same classes from the native RadioHead library.
You can use them to create custom implementations.
For more information see
Licensed under GPL Version 2
Copyright (c) 2017-2024 Peter Müller (
The RadioHead library is Copyright (C) 2008 Mike McCauley.