All notable changes to the Crowdin Sketch Plugin extension will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Add string-based projects support
- UI/UX improvements
- Dependencies update
- Custom key naming pattern (#117)
Dependencies update (#113, #114, #116)
- fix: add extension for send screenshots, correct check for find updated screenshots (#118)
- Get list of projects only with manager access (#109)
- Add text message instead of empty files select (#111)
- Make strings tab first (#107)
- Dependencies update (#105, #106, #108, #110)
- Ability to edit string identifier (#103)
- Link duplicate texts functionality (#96)
- New key naming pattern - Element name (#92)
- Edit string form updates (#93)
- possibility to edit context and max length
- update screenshots for updated string
- Add string form update (#93)
- added checkbox to update screenshots
- Pseudo-Localization feature for Translation mode (#90)
- UI improvements in Strings mode tab (#90)
- Added button to remove string from mass adding form (#85)
- Added checkbox to push or not hidden strings in mass add string form (#85)
- Preview/translate/upload for multiple selected artboards (#85)
- Made string mode tab opened by default (#85)
- Preview specific artboards now only in new page (#85)
- Disable buttons when nothing is selected (#85)
- Option to preview strings translations in the current page (#81)
- Option to update texts linked to strings changed in Crowdin (#81)
- Option to preview string keys (#81)
- Recursive search for selected text elements for strings mass adding (#83)
- Fix: fixed issue with use single string in multiple places (#80)
- Fix: updating text in design if source string was edited (#79)
- String labels (#76)
- Fixed strings rendering (#64)
- Limited amount of strings to display (#66)
- Fixed missing context in new strings (#60)
- Fixes UI for adding multiple strings. Common markup fixes (#61)
- Files multiselect (#56)
- Removed max length autofill (#56)
- Button to preview selected artboard (#54)
- Max. length field to add string form (#53)
- Logout button (#54)
- Validation to not add string with not unique identifier (#54)
- Removed delete button when adding new string (#54)
- Updating max length every time when text was changed (#54)
- Improved strings select/deselect performance (#50)
- Significantly improved text coordinates (#50)
- Improved loading strings for the specific branch (#50)
- Fixed info icon color (#50)
- Branch configuration (#46)
- Improved performance & code refactoring (#48)
- Search strings by identifier (#44)
- Content segmentation option (#45)
- Additional file type which can be edited (#44)
- Info icon with information about string identifier, context and file (#45)
- Fixed messages with long text (#45)
- Fixed position of the "check" icon (#42)
- Possibility to deselect used strings by right clicking on it (#40)
- Issue with multi line strings (#40)
- Strings management update (#38):
- new option in settings called 'Key Naming Pattern'
- adding multiple strings
- used string identifier for layer name instead of string text
- added 'check' icon to used strings
- Using file path as a file name (#36)
- Fixed UI for Override translations functionality (#37)
- Added flag to enable/disable translations override (#34)
- Fixed issue with single project (#34)
- Introduced new UI/UX for the plugin (#28)
- Added "Crowdin Strings", "Screenshots" and "Preview" functionality (#26)
- Fixed height value and text coordinates for nested symbols (#26)
- feat: added sketch plugin user agent
- feat: implemented "All Languages" option for translations
- feat: re-implemented translations loading
- feat: updated skpm builder version
- feat: updated client version
- Sketch Symbols support
- "Contact Us" menu option
- Messages when user pull/push strings with translated elements
- Improved error messages
- Updated texts
- First release!