All notable changes to filament-jobs-monitor
will be documented in this file.
- Add support for Filament v3
- Implement a configurable panel plugin class
- Make table columns sortable
- Add a configurable navigation menu resource sort order
- Add a toggle to show a job count badge in the navigation menu
- Add a configuration option to customize the QueueMonitorResource model
- Split the resource label into singular and plural
- Fix : apply sortable to Table (not Forms)
- Apply sortable on all columns
- Added getNavigationSort to Resource and config, and changed getNavigationGroup to work in default installation of package.
- Jobs are sorted by started date from the most recent to the oldest
- New language file for spanish Thanks to the contributors <3 Thanks to the contributors <3
- Thanks to @cntabana there's now a config file to enable/disable the navigation menu
- Initial release : this FilamentPHP plugin contains files to monitor queue jobs. It is compatible with all drivers.