Write Petr Svenda svenda@fi.muni.cz for permissions for CRoCS randomness testing repositories.
Great, we are glad to hear that. Look for example block cipher, hash function or stream cipher. You should add the implementation, its reference in particular factory method and test vectors. Then submit the changes as a pull request. If you have any questions, write Petr Svenda xsvenda@fi.muni.cz, and we will reach you soon.
We suggest you start with "good first issue". Please, comment the issue to mark it as "in progress" by you. If you have any questions, discuss it in the issue. Push the changes as pull request with an overview of the changes. If you have a more general problem, write Petr Svenda svenda@fi.muni.cz.
If you found a bug in our code, or you have some different behavior expectation, submit an issue for it. We would be glad for details as config file and concrete repository version. If you have suggestions, try to give an example - be concrete.