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vng edited this page Nov 21, 2024 · 2 revisions


Depending on how and where you want to host your instance of everyblog, steps might differ. This guide aims to show you the general setup, which can be used to create your own everyblog instance using tools like Vercel or Docker.


1. Environment variables

These should be set within the everyblog environment. Either create a .env file in the project's root directory or provide them via command arguments, as you would with Docker for example.


2. Installation

Make sure, your everyblog environment has access to a NodeJS install. This can either be achieved by simply downloading the installer here or by using a Docker image that supports NodeJS. The default docker image includes the latest NodeJS install by default.

3. Dependencies

After successfully installing NodeJS, use npm install to download all required dependencies. The official everyblog Docker image is built to download dependencies automatically.

4. Starting the instance

npm run start will run the application through http://localhost:3000/. The first start might take a bit longer as your everyblog instance optimizes images and other content. If you're running the install through Docker, this command is not required, refer to the Docker hosting guide instead.

5. Post install

Your everyblog instance should now be running smoothly. If you plan on running everyblog behind a web-server like Nginx, you can add those configurations now. If you installed the everyblog Docker image, your port might vary, depending on your specific settings.

Hosting on Vercel

Probably the easiest and cost-efficient solution for a small site. Vercel offers hosting of NextJS projects with a single click and makes getting started trivial. everyblog can also make use of Vercel features like edge functions.

Hosting with Docker


Simply pull the latest docker image of everyblog and deploy with docker run. More detailed steps will follow when Docker deployment is officially supported.