This is the documentation on how the database stores data.
The list of cards in the card pool.
- Id, unique, stores the card id
- Name, the name of the cardi id
Stores the relationship between cards within a deck.
- id, the id of a card in the deck.
- relatedid, another id inside the same deck, can be the same as id.
- idQuant, how many copies of id you have in the deck.
- relatedQuant, how many copies of relatedid you have in the deck.
- wins, how many times they have won together
- gamesPlayed, how many games they have played togther
- games, how many times they appear in the same deck together.
wins <= gamesPlayed <= games
Other Columns, use SQL Query
- percentage = round(wins*1.0/gamesPlayed,3)
- weight = round(winswins1.0/gamesPlayed,2)
The relationship comparing to see how many times a card wins against another card.
- id, a card in your deck that was played in the game
- otherid, a card in the opposing deck that was played in the game
- wins, how many times id has won playing against otherid
- games, how many games they have played against each other.
The data to see if the ai should play a card or not
- id, the card to check if it should play
- location, the location of the card
- action, the action about to be performed
- result, the result of the action ie, summon in attack or defence or choose to activate an effect.
- verify, what it should check in the game
- value, the value of what it should check
- count, the number of times this holds true
- wins, how many times it has won if the ai has played that card
- games, how many games it has played the card
- inprogress, keeps track if the ai has not yet recorded the results of the games yet.