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Libft is a project at 42 that aims to recreate some of the standard C library functions and some additional ones that can be useful for later projects.

Getting Started

To use this library, you need to clone this repository and compile it with make. This will generate a libft.a file that you can link with your own source files.


The functions in this library are divided into three categories:

  • Libc functions: These are functions that mimic the behavior of some of the standard C functions, such as ft_memset, ft_bzero, ft_memcpy, ft_memcpy, ft_memmove, ft_memchr, ft_memcmp, ft_strlen, ft_strdup, ft_strlcpy, ft_strlcat, ft_strchr, ft_strrchr, ft_strnstr, ft_strncmp, ft_atoi, ft_isalpha, ft_isdigit, ft_isalnum, ft_isascii, ft_isprint, ft_toupper, ft_tolower and ft_calloc.
  • Additional functions: These are functions that are not part of the standard C library, but are useful for some common tasks, such as ft_substr, ft_strjoin, ft_strtrim, ft_split, ft_itoa, ft_strmapi, ft_putchar_fd, ft_putstr_fd, ft_putendl_fd and ft_putnbr_fd.
  • Bonus functions: These are functions that deal with linked lists, such as ft_lstnew, ft_lstadd_front, ft_lstsize, ft_lstlast, ft_lstadd_back, ft_lstdelone, ft_lstclear, ft_lstiter and ft_lstmap. You can find more details about each function in the header file libft.h.


To use this library in your own project, you need to include the header file libft.h in your source files and link the libft.a file when compiling. For example:

gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -I./libft -L./libft -lft main.c


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