Part of the commitizen family. Prompts for conventional changelog standard.
Makes specifying an issue id mandatory. The desired commit types can be configured to make the issue id optional.
Like commitizen, you specify the configuration of cz-conventional-changelog through the package.json's config.commitizen
// ... default values
"config": {
"commitizen": {
"path": "./node_modules/cz-conventional-changelog",
"disableScopeLowerCase": false,
"disableSubjectLowerCase": false,
"maxHeaderWidth": 100,
"maxLineWidth": 100,
"defaultType": "",
"defaultScope": "",
"defaultSubject": "",
"defaultBody": "",
"defaultIssues": "",
"issuePrefix": "#",
"typesWithOptionalIssueIds": ["chore", "docs", "revert"],
"types": {
"feat": {
"description": "A new feature",
"title": "Features"
// ...
The following environment variables can be used to override any default configuration or package.json based configuration.
Environment variable | package.json | Default | Description |
CZ_MAX_HEADER_WIDTH | maxHeaderWidth | 100 | This limits how long a commit message head can be. |
CZ_MAX_LINE_WIDTH | maxLineWidth | 100 | Commit message bodies are automatically wrapped. This decides how long the lines will be. |
CZ_TYPE | defaultType | undefined | The default type. |
CZ_SCOPE | defaultScope | undefined | The default scope. |
DISABLE_SCOPE_LOWERCASE | disableScopeLowerCase | false | Decides if converting given scope to lowercase should be prevented. |
DISABLE_SUBJECT_LOWERCASE | disableSubjectLowerCase | false | Decides of converting given subjest to lowercase should be prevented. |
CZ_SUBJECT | defaultSubject | undefined | A default subject. |
CZ_BODY | defaultBody | undefined | A default body. |
CZ_ISSUES | defaultIssues | undefined | Default issue(s). |
CZ_ISSUE_PREFIX | issuePrefix | # | The issue prefix. |
CZ_TYPES_WITH_ISSUES_OPTIONAL | typesWithOptionalIssueIds | ["chore", "docs", "revert"] | The commit types that may be made without associated issue id(s). |
If using the commitlint js library, the "maxHeaderWidth" configuration property will default to the configuration of the "header-max-length" rule instead of the hard coded value of 100. This can be ovewritten by setting the 'maxHeaderWidth' configuration in package.json or the CZ_MAX_HEADER_WIDTH environment variable.