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221 lines (172 loc) · 9.15 KB
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Contributors' Guide

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Install the repository
  3. Setup a Ruby environment
  4. Add your own posts
  5. Preview your posts
  6. General troubleshooting



This site is built around Jekyll. Jekyll takes all the markdown files and generates a static HTML website. Therefore, to easily work on your posts and preview them locally before publishing them, it requires that you install Ruby and Jekyll. The instructions on how to setup a Ruby environment, and launch Jekyll on your local version of the website, are provided below.


Install the repository

# Clone the repository
git clone

# Navigate to where you cloned the repository

# Setup the pre-commit hooks, to ensure that the changes you commit will respect the rules enforced by the CI
bash ./utils/

It is important to navigate to the folder where you cloned the repository, since following commands in this guide will assume you are working from inside this repository.


Setup a Ruby environment

Kindly refer to Linux guide for Linux users and Windows guide for Windows users.

Ruby setup on Linux

We strongly encourage following the method described below to install Ruby, because it does not rely on a specific Linux package manager, and is therefore distro-agnostic. It also avoids having to deal with possibly mismatched versions of Ruby in the repositories of some distributions, e.g. Ubuntu. If you follow another method to setup a Ruby environment, do so at your own risk!

Install rbenv in a distro-agnostic way

Detailed instructions about how to setup Ruby can be found on the rbenv-installer and rbenv repositories. What we list below are simply the instructions to install ruby and setup a working environment.

# Launch rbenv-installer with curl
# rbenv-installer takes care of also installing ruby-build if `rbenv install` is not already available
curl -fsSL | bash

# Add rbenv to your bashrc to make it visible to all future instances of your shell
echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'eval "$(rbenv init -)"' >> ~/.bashrc

# source your bashrc to make it visible to your current shell
source ~/.bashrc

# Verify the state of your rbenv installation with rbenv-doctor
curl -fsSL | bash

Install Ruby

rbenv install -v 2.7.1
rbenv global 2.7.1

Make sure you have the right version installed and selected:

ruby -v

It is likely that you will not want Rubygems to generate local documentation for each gem that you install, as this process can be lengthy. To disable this, run:

echo "gem: --no-document" > ~/.gemrc

Ruby setup on Windows

For Windows users, here is a quick guide to install Ruby environment. Please visit Jekyll on Windows website for more information.

Download and install Ruby + Devkit

  1. Grab the latest version of RubyInstaller from here.
  2. Opt for default installation. Dont forget to check the ridk install on the last stage of the installation wizard.

Install the project's dependencies

# Install `bundler` to manage dependencies
gem install bundler:2.3.14

# Install the dependencies
bundle install

# Check if Jekyll has been installed properly
jekyll -v

Congratulations, you are done with setting up the Ruby environment for the MYRIAD website on your machine!


Add your own posts

The process for adding posts is git-centric. Basically, you just need to add a file to the repo and make a pull request. Let's go into the details :

  1. Make sure you are part of the creatis-myriad GitHub organization. If you are not, you can contact Olivier Bernard to have him invite you to the organization;
  2. Create a markdown file titled and put it in the collections/_posts folder at the root of the repository. It is important that you respect this format, since the title is used to extract metadata about the posts. If you do not respect this format, the page will not build properly. Here is an example of a valid name:;
  3. Write your review. You can use the review template as a starting point. A more fleshed-out example of a review is provided below:
    layout: review
    title: U-Net Convolutional Networks for Biomedical Image Segmentation
    tags: deep-learning CNN segmentation medical essentials
        authors: "O. Ronneberger, P. Fischer, T. Brox"
        title:   "U-Net: Convolutional Networks for Biomedical Image Segmentation"
        venue:   "Proceedings of MICCAI 2015, p.234-241"
    pdf: ""
    # Introduction
    Famous 2D image segmentation CNN made of a series of convolutions and
    deconvolutions. The convolution feature maps are connected to the deconv maps of
    the same size. The network was tested on the 2 class 2D ISBI cell segmentation
    Used the crossentropy loss and a lot of data augmentation.
    The network architecture:
    A U-Net is based on Fully Convolutional Networks (FCNNs)[^1].
    The loss used is a cross-entropy:
    $$ E = \sum_{x \in \Omega} w(\bold{x}) \log (p_{l(\bold{x})}(\bold{x})) $$
    The U-Net architecture is used by many authors, and has been re-visited in
    many reviews, such as in [this one](
    # References
    [^1]: Jonathan Long, Evan Shelhamer, and Trevor Darrell. Fully convolutional
          networks for semantic segmentation (2014). arXiv:1411.4038.
  4. Make a new branch, commit your file(s) and push your branch;
  5. Create a pull request between your branch and the main branch of the repository;
  6. Add reviewers. It is recommended to add everyone that you think are knowledgeable about the subject, but you can also add anyone you think would be interested in your review;
  7. Merge your branch when every reviewer approved it. Once merged, the remote branch will automatically be deleted.


Preview your posts locally

It is possible to launch a Jekyll webserver locally to inspect how your local version of the repository would look like once published. To do so, simply follow the commands below from within the cloned repository's root directory:

Warning: If you run the command from a folder inside the repository, Jekyll will fail to load correctly and the preview will be broken.

# Run a local Jekyll webserver
bundle exec jekyll serve

After the local Jekyll webserver is launched, you can access it at http://localhost:4000.



Running bundle install or bundle exec jekyll serve does not work

If you previously installed a version of this repo and it now does not work, you may have a version mismatch. To clean and reinstall, try to comment all gems specification in Gemfile and then run:

bundle clean --force

then uncomment your changes in Gemfile and run

bundle install

If that does not resolve your problem, you may have a tooling version mismatch. The error messages following bundle install should provide some information. Otherwise, do not hesitate to create an issue on Github to get some help.

Running bundle install has modified Gemfile.lock

This is likely happening because you don't have Ruby 2.7.1. Confirm by running git diff. If you see something like this:

-   ruby 2.7.1
+   ruby 2.4.0p0

it confirms that you need to upgrade Ruby. To do so, run the following commands:

# Install the correct version of Ruby and set it as the global default
rbenv install 2.7.1
rbenv global 2.7.1

# Uninstall the previous version of Ruby
rbenv uninstall 2.4.0

# Install the dependencies for the new Ruby version
gem install bundler:2.3.14
bundle install

After this, there shouldn't be changes in Gemfile.lock.