- fixed CRAN checks (vignettes and documentation formats)
- properly defined tests of classes with inherits
- fixed a bug in exports
- transition to roxygen documentation and fixing the format of some files (CITATION, NEWS, ...)
- updated references
- new maintainer
- improved documentation and added installation instructions
- fix a compatibility bug of the PCA object read by mixOmics
- improve mixKernel and SOMbrero compatibility
- the select.features function has been added. This function replace the ukfs function and provides a supervised feature selection method based on the kernel framwork
- the ukfs function has been added. This function aims at selecting relevant variables using unsupervised kernel method
- fix a bug in kernel.pca.permute with duplicated block variables (reported by Devin Leopold)
- Additional kernels: gaussian.radial.basis, poisson
- Initial release