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Repository files navigation

Managing Plugins

Since version 8, Vim will natively auto-load plugins in directories matching ~/.vim/pack/*/start/. This makes it convenient to manage plugins using git submodules instead of a package manager like Plug or Pathogen.

How To Add Plugins

git submodule add <git-address> ./pack/plugins/start/<plugin-name>`

How to Sync Local Plugins

Use this if your local machine doesn't seem to have the correct plugins installed

git submodule update --init

How To Update Plugin Versions

git submodule update --remote --merge
git commit

How To Remove Plugins

git submodule deinit ./pack/plugins/start/<plugin-name>
git rm ./pack/plugins/start/<plugin-name>
rm -Rf .git/modules/pack/plugins/start/<plugin-name>
git commit

How to Revert Changes to Plugins

git submodule deinit -f .
git submodule update --init

Managing Language Server

The vim-lsp-settings plugin is used to manage LSPs and integrate them with the vim-lsp plugin.

Use :LspInstallServer to install a language server for the currently open filetype.

Use :LspUninstallServer <server-name> to install a language server.

LSP servers are installed in $HOME/.local/share/vim-lsp-settings/servers


Integralist Blog Vim and Composeability Vim Registers Vim Status Line


Terminal Tab Management on OSX

<cmd t> to open a new terminal tab

<cmd w> to close the current terminal tab

<ctrl tab> and <ctrl shift tab> to cycle terminal tabs

File Browsing with Netrw

:e . to open a netrw file browser in the current directory

:help netrw-quickmap to list netrw commands.

i to cycle file list style. Option 3/4 is tree mode.

- to go to the parent directory

v to open the file under the cursor in a new vertical split

t to open the file under the cursor in a new tab

I to toggle the banner

r to reverse the list's sort order

Marking Files in Netrw

mt to set a target directory

mf to mark a file

mm to move marked files into the target directory

md to open a diff of up to 3 marked files.

Manage Screen Splits

sp <filename> to open a new horizontal split

vs <filename> to open a new vertical split

:res 10 to horizontally resize the current split to l0 rows.

:vert res 50 to vertically resize the current split to 50 columns.

<ctrl w> while pressing the navigation keys j, k, h, l to move between splits.

Use :term or :vert term to open a terminal window as a split. Use exit to exit.

Hold shift while using the commands to move between splits to move splits around.

Use <ctrl w><shift t> to open the current split in a new tab.

Manage Multiple Editor Tabs

:tabedit <filename> to open a file in a new tab.

gt and gT to cycle between tabs.

2gt to go to the 2nd open tab.

From netrw, use t to open the file under the cursor in a new tab.

Editing Basics

u and <ctrl r for undo and redo

:w and :q to write and quit

Prefix any yank with “* to copy to the system clipboard.

Moving the Cursor

hjkl for moving the cursor

web for jumping between words

ftFT for searching within a line

% for jumping to matching bracket

^, $, 0 for going to the beginning and end of lines

/ and ? for searching forwards and back

v for highlighting using visual mode

gg to jump to the beginning of the file

G to jump to the end of the file

; to repeat the last motion in normal mode

, to repeat the last motion in normal mode (in reverse!)

<ctrl d> move up by a half page

<ctrl u> move up by a half page

<ctrl y> scroll the page up

<ctrl e> scroll the page down

zz move the current line to the middle of the screen

zt move the current line to the top of the screen

zb move the current line to the bottom of the screen


y copy ("yank")

Y copy line

d delete

D delete line

c change

C change line

> indent and < unindent

= to correct indentation

gu and gU to capitalize and un-capitalize

g~ to change the capitalization

~ to change the capitalization of a single character

. repeat previous action


i inside

a around

Examples of Composeability

15k move the cursor up by 15 lines

3W move the cursor to the third WORD (continuous non-whitespace chars)

7dj deletes the next 7 lines in the j direction (down)

5>j to indent the next 5 lines. Good to pair with .

ggVG to select the entire file in visual mode.

ci( to change the contents of the nearest pair of parentheses.

da{ delete the contents of the nearest curly bracket, including the brackets

ct" to change the contents between the cursor and the next double quote. yat to yank the HTML tag under the cursor

=at to fix indentation around the current tag

cit to change the inside of an html tag

>i{ indent everything inside the enclosing curly braces

vi{> indent everything inside the enclosing curly braces (with highlighting)

vi"p to select inside of double quotes and paste

viW to select a WORD (continuous chars inside whitespace)

gUiW to uppercase the inside of the current WORD


gq to format long lines

= to fix indentation

=ap to re-indent the enclosing paragraph.

>l and <h to move endentation to the right and left.

<ctrl a> and <ctrl x> to increment and decrement numbers. Prefix with g to get a staircase effect.

Multi-File Navigation

:b# to open the last open buffer. ("back")

gf to open a file whose name is under the cursor.

<ctrl w> gf to open the file under the cursor in a new tab.

:pwd to show the current directory

:b <tab> to cycle through all open (buffered) files

:only to close all other splits except the current

Find and Replace

:%s/before/after to substitute the first instance of "before" with "after".

:49,$s/before/after to substitute between the 49th and final line

:s/ to substitute only on the current line.

& to repeat the previous substitution.

g& to apply the previous substitution to the entire file.

:vimgrep '<pattern>' <filepath> to search the codebase

:cn, :cp, :cnf :cnp to jump between matches.

:cr to return to the first match.

:cdo s/before/after/gc | update to interactively find and replace matches from :vimgrep

Use gd or gD to go to a local declaration of a variable.

gD always starts from the top of the file.


<ctrl> n to autocomplete.

<ctrl> p to autocomplete using words pressing you have already typed.

<ctrl> xf to autocomplete filenames.

<ctrl> n and <ctrl> p to cycle through autocomplete options.


Press q in normal mode to start recording a macro, and then another key, let's say w that the macro will be assigned to.

Input your macro, and press q again to finish recording.

Type @w in normal mode to replay the macro.

Type 3@w to replay the macro 3 times

Diffing Files

[c and ]c to jump between regions of the diff.

:diffget or do to pull in the current change from the opposite file.

:diffput or dp to push the current change into the opposite file.

:diffupdate to re-scan your open files for a diff.

Migrating to Neovim

After installing neovim, add this to ~/.config/nvim/init.vim:

set runtimepath^=~/.vim runtimepath+=~/.vim/after
let &packpath=&runtimepath
source ~/.vim/vimrc

Neovim Tips

Use <SPACE>sf to search files


Source control your ~/.vim directory.

Learn manage plugins, colors, etc.. as git submodules

Look at other people's RC files


My personal vim config and resources






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