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                          README file for NuWTun

src-flo : Flow solver files
src-adj : Adjoint solver files, NOT FINISHED YET
examples: Example test cases
docs    : Manual, license, etc.


You will need a fortran 90 compiler since dynamic memory allocation is used.
Compilation has been tested with gfortran. Set your compiler and flags in and define a shell variable called NUWTUN_HOME which contains the
absolute path to the root directory. You also need the archive tool "ar"; this
should be available on most systems. To compile the flow solver execute the
following commands at the shell prompt:

$ cd $NUWTUN_HOME/src-flo
$ make


If you have ftnchek, then you can generate a call-tree inside the
docs/tree/src-flo directory. Inside the directory src-flo type "make tree" to
generate the tree. This has been tested to work only on GNU/Linux. You can
change the location where the call-tree is stored by changing the CTDIR
variable in to appropriate value.


Nuwtun can output the solution in plot3d format. Plot3d files can be read by
the following visualization softwares:

Tecplot: Commercial software, but probably the best one.

Paraview: Free software, based on VTK, can read only grid and solution files,
not the function file.

Mayavi: Free software, similar to Paraview and is based on VTK. Only 3-D files
can be read.

Calculix: Free software, can read both 2-d and 3-d files, only formatted, can
read grid, solution and function files. It is quite good for 2-D.
Running flow solver


make flo


$NUWTUN_HOME/src-flo/nuwtun_flo < > flo.log 2>&1 &

Monitor the run with tail

tail -f flo.log

Some output files:

fort.17: residual history
fort.18: cl,cd history
fort.19: some global results, useful for optimization

Plot convergence history (requires gnuplot)

gnuplot $NUWTUN_HOME/src-utl/nwthist.gnu

This creates files clcd.eps and res.eps


The output is in plot3d format which can be viewed using Calculix cgx or Paraview.

There are some programs in src-utl to process the output.

extract: This reads flo.log to extract some surface data.
ext2cp: Run this after running extract
plot2vtk_2d: Writes a vtk file for 2d (use Visit/Paraview to see vtk file)
plot2vtk_3d: Writes a vtk file for 3d (use Visit/Paraview to see vtk file)

Run make inside this directory to compile all the programs.
Grid deformation tools

src-grd has radial-basis function based deformation tools for shape and grid.
See the README file inside this directory.