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100 Days of RTL Design Journey

probable journey of RTL coding with Chandra Prakash

Welcome to the "100 Days of RTL Design Journey" repository! This is a personal challenge aimed at improving our RTL (Register Transfer Level) design skills and becoming proficient in digital hardware design. Throughout this journey, we will dedicate 100 consecutive days to learn, practice, and create RTL designs for various digital circuits.

I am Chandra Prakash, a VLSI enthusiast, and this is my journey of 100 days of RTL (Verilog, System Verilog, UVM). I mostly use Questasim software for the simulation of RTL codes, and the Synthesis is performed using Xilinx Vivado Design Suite.

Table of Contents


RTL Design is a crucial aspect of digital hardware design, where we describe the behavior of digital circuits using hardware description languages (HDLs) like Verilog or VHDL. This repository is a personal commitment to dive deep into the world of RTL design, sharpen our skills, and become proficient in creating efficient and robust digital circuits.


Track our progress through the 100 days in this section. Below, you can find a table or list that will be regularly updated with the day number, design description, and links to each day's RTL design folder.

Verilog Implementations ---------------------------- System Verilog Implementations

Day Design Description Link --- Day Design Description Link
1 Half Adder Day 1 51 Reduction methods, Soring algos Day 51
2 Full Adder Day 2 52 Array manipulation methods Day 52
3 Half Subtractor Day 3 53 Interface concept Day 53
4 3 bit ALU Day 4 54 OOPS basics Day 54
5 Binary to Gray converter Day 5 55 Inheritance Day 55
6 Multiplier Day 6 56 Polymorphism Day 56
7 BCD to Excess 3 Day 7 57 Shallow copy Day 57
8 MUX Implementations Day 8 58 Deep Copy Day 58
9 DEMUX Implementations Day 9 59 Randomization
10 Carry LookAhead Adder Day 10 60
11 D- Flip Flop Day 11 61
12 SR Flip Flop Day 12 62
13 JK Flip Flop Day 13 63
14 Master Slave Flip Flop Day 14 64
15 SR latch Day 15 65
16 Encoders & Decoders Day 16 66
17 Counters Day 17 67
18 Johnson Counter Day 18 68
19 Ring Counter Day 19 69
20 Up/Down Counter Day 20 70
21 PISO Shift Register Day 21 71
22 SIPO Shift Register Day 22
23 Universal Shift Register Day 23
24 Random-Access Memory Day 34
25 Paralell Shifter Day 25
26 Two port RAM Day 26
27 Serial Adder Day 27
28 FIFO queue Implementation Day 28
29 LIFO queue Implementation Day 29
30 Priority Encoder Day 30
31 32 bit Ripple Carry Adder Day 31
32 Sequence detector - Moore Model Day 32
33 Priority Resolver Day 33
34 Odd Frequency Generator Day 34
35 Even Frequency generator Day 35
36 Booth's Multiplier Day 36
37 Pipeline Shiter Day 37
38 Pseudo Random Frequency Generator Day 38
39 Prime Number Finder Day 39
40 Palindrome Checker Day 40
41 32 Bit carry LookAhead Adder Day 41
42 Butterfly Unit - DSP Day 42
43 ROM design Day 43
44 Fibonacci Generator Day 44
45 Sequence detector using FSM Day 45
46 Ceaser Cipher method Day 46
47 Vending Machine Day 47
48 Moore Model Day 48
49 Cyclic redundancy code Day 49
50 Hamming code generation Day 50

Tools used

  • Altera Model Sim (RTL and testbench simulation)
  • Intel Quartus (Synthesis and Simulation)
  • Xilinx Vivado ( Simulation, Testbench, Synthesis)


During this journey, we can refer to various resources to enhance our understanding and improve our RTL design skills. Here are some recommended resources:


Contributions to this repository are more than welcome! If you have suggestions, bug fixes, or want to add more RTL designs to the progress section, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License - see the LICENSE file for details.


  • Users are free to use, modify, and distribute this software in accordance with the terms of the license.
  • Contributors must agree to the project's Contributor License Agreement (CLA) before submitting pull requests. Please refer to the Contributing user agreement file for more details.