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Camel Hazelcast route on Kubernetes cluster


This quickstart run in a Java standalone container, using Spring with Apache Camel (Hazelcast component).

This quickstart is based on the Kubernetes example here:

This example is based on:

  • Minikube (Kubernetes version >= 1.5) or Minishift (Openshift >= 3.5)

  • Fabric8 Maven Plugin (version >= 3.2)


First thing you’ll need to do is preparing the environment.

Once your Minikube node is up and running you’ll need to run the following command. In your src/main/resources/fabric8/ folder you’ll find two yaml file. Run the following command using them:

$ kubectl create -f src/main/resources/fabric8/hazelcast-service.yaml
$ kubectl create -f src/main/resources/fabric8/hazelcast-deployment.yaml

or once your Minishift cluster is up and running:

$ oc create -f src/main/resources/fabric8/hazelcast-service.yaml
$ oc create -f src/main/resources/fabric8/hazelcast-deployment.yaml

To check the correct startup of the Hazelcast instance run the following command:

$ kubectl get deployment
hazelcast   1         1         1            1           1m

or on Minishift

$ oc get deployment
hazelcast   1         1         1            1           1m

and check the status of the pod

$ kubectl get pods
NAME                         READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
hazelcast-69df7cd6c-ccbft    1/1       Running   0          54s

on Minishift:

$ oc get pods
NAME                         READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
hazelcast-1638707704-n64tk   1/1       Running   0          1m

Now you can decide to scale-up your Hazelcast cluster

$ kubectl scale deployment hazelcast --replicas 4

on Minishift

$ oc scale deployment hazelcast --replicas=4

and again check the status of your pods

$ kubectl get pods
NAME                         READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
hazelcast-69df7cd6c-2ps79    1/1       Running   0          30s
hazelcast-69df7cd6c-ccbft    1/1       Running   0          1m
hazelcast-69df7cd6c-csdwr    1/1       Running   0          30s
hazelcast-69df7cd6c-ghxgq    1/1       Running   0          30s

on Minishift

$ oc get pods
NAME                         READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
hazelcast-1638707704-g8qwh   1/1       Running   0          1m
hazelcast-1638707704-n64tk   1/1       Running   0          3m
hazelcast-1638707704-wwwff   1/1       Running   0          1m
hazelcast-1638707704-z1g6r   1/1       Running   0          1m

You can also take a look at the logs from the pods with kubectl or oc

kubectl logs hazelcast-69df7cd6c-ghxgq
2018-02-19 07:14:43.728  INFO 5 --- [           main] com.github.pires.hazelcast.Application   : Starting Application on hazelcast-69df7cd6c-ghxgq with PID 5 (/bootstrapper.jar started by root in /)
2018-02-19 07:14:43.751  INFO 5 --- [           main] com.github.pires.hazelcast.Application   : No active profile set, falling back to default profiles: default
2018-02-19 07:14:43.841  INFO 5 --- [           main] s.c.a.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext : Refreshing org.springframework.context.annotation.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext@5f4da5c3: startup date [Mon Feb 19 07:14:43 GMT 2018]; root of context hierarchy
2018-02-19 07:14:44.636  INFO 5 --- [           main] o.s.j.e.a.AnnotationMBeanExporter        : Registering beans for JMX exposure on startup
2018-02-19 07:14:44.647  INFO 5 --- [           main] c.g.p.h.HazelcastDiscoveryController     : Asking k8s registry at https://kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local..
2018-02-19 07:14:44.993  INFO 5 --- [           main] c.g.p.h.HazelcastDiscoveryController     : Found 2 pods running Hazelcast.
2018-02-19 07:14:45.060  INFO 5 --- [           main] com.hazelcast.instance.AddressPicker     : [LOCAL] [someGroup] [3.9.3] Interfaces is disabled, trying to pick one address from TCP-IP config addresses: [,]
2018-02-19 07:14:45.060  INFO 5 --- [           main] com.hazelcast.instance.AddressPicker     : [LOCAL] [someGroup] [3.9.3] Prefer IPv4 stack is true.
2018-02-19 07:14:45.065  INFO 5 --- [           main] com.hazelcast.instance.AddressPicker     : [LOCAL] [someGroup] [3.9.3] Picked []:5701, using socket ServerSocket[addr=/,localport=5701], bind any local is true
2018-02-19 07:14:45.105  INFO 5 --- [           main] com.hazelcast.system                     : []:5701 [someGroup] [3.9.3] Hazelcast 3.9.3 (20180216 - 539b124) starting at []:5701
2018-02-19 07:14:45.105  INFO 5 --- [           main] com.hazelcast.system                     : []:5701 [someGroup] [3.9.3] Copyright (c) 2008-2018, Hazelcast, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
2018-02-19 07:14:45.105  INFO 5 --- [           main] com.hazelcast.system                     : []:5701 [someGroup] [3.9.3] Configured Hazelcast Serialization version: 1
2018-02-19 07:14:45.370  INFO 5 --- [           main] c.h.s.i.o.impl.BackpressureRegulator     : []:5701 [someGroup] [3.9.3] Backpressure is disabled
2018-02-19 07:14:46.712  INFO 5 --- [           main] com.hazelcast.instance.Node              : []:5701 [someGroup] [3.9.3] Creating TcpIpJoiner
2018-02-19 07:14:47.218  INFO 5 --- [           main] c.h.s.i.o.impl.OperationExecutorImpl     : []:5701 [someGroup] [3.9.3] Starting 2 partition threads and 3 generic threads (1 dedicated for priority tasks)
2018-02-19 07:14:47.221  INFO 5 --- [           main] c.h.internal.diagnostics.Diagnostics     : []:5701 [someGroup] [3.9.3] Diagnostics disabled. To enable add -Dhazelcast.diagnostics.enabled=true to the JVM arguments.
2018-02-19 07:14:47.227  INFO 5 --- [           main] com.hazelcast.core.LifecycleService      : []:5701 [someGroup] [3.9.3] []:5701 is STARTING
2018-02-19 07:14:47.274  INFO 5 --- [cached.thread-3] com.hazelcast.nio.tcp.TcpIpConnector     : []:5701 [someGroup] [3.9.3] Connecting to /, timeout: 0, bind-any: true
2018-02-19 07:14:47.283  INFO 5 --- [cached.thread-3] c.h.nio.tcp.TcpIpConnectionManager       : []:5701 [someGroup] [3.9.3] Established socket connection between / and /
2018-02-19 07:14:54.177  INFO 5 --- [thread-Acceptor] com.hazelcast.nio.tcp.TcpIpAcceptor      : []:5701 [someGroup] [3.9.3] Accepting socket connection from /
2018-02-19 07:14:54.200  INFO 5 --- [cached.thread-3] c.h.nio.tcp.TcpIpConnectionManager       : []:5701 [someGroup] [3.9.3] Established socket connection between / and /
2018-02-19 07:14:54.411  INFO 5 --- [ration.thread-0] com.hazelcast.system                     : []:5701 [someGroup] [3.9.3] Cluster version set to 3.9
2018-02-19 07:14:54.429  INFO 5 --- [ration.thread-0] c.h.internal.cluster.ClusterService      : []:5701 [someGroup] [3.9.3]

Members {size:2, ver:2} [
    Member []:5701 - 59045d20-faf3-4a73-b4de-e8036f4b7caa
    Member []:5701 - e737cd89-cbf1-4358-8d5a-f5b06a464c4a this

2018-02-19 07:14:55.482  INFO 5 --- [thread-Acceptor] com.hazelcast.nio.tcp.TcpIpAcceptor      : []:5701 [someGroup] [3.9.3] Accepting socket connection from /
2018-02-19 07:14:55.516  INFO 5 --- [cached.thread-3] c.h.nio.tcp.TcpIpConnectionManager       : []:5701 [someGroup] [3.9.3] Established socket connection between / and /
2018-02-19 07:14:56.330  INFO 5 --- [           main] com.hazelcast.core.LifecycleService      : []:5701 [someGroup] [3.9.3] []:5701 is STARTED
2018-02-19 07:14:56.339  INFO 5 --- [           main] com.github.pires.hazelcast.Application   : Started Application in 13.151 seconds (JVM running for 13.526)
2018-02-19 07:15:02.079  INFO 5 --- [ration.thread-0] c.h.internal.cluster.ClusterService      : []:5701 [someGroup] [3.9.3]

Members {size:4, ver:3} [
    Member []:5701 - 59045d20-faf3-4a73-b4de-e8036f4b7caa
    Member []:5701 - e737cd89-cbf1-4358-8d5a-f5b06a464c4a this
    Member []:5701 - d80f7b66-26b1-4b48-92ea-c07ddac05314
    Member []:5701 - b1c0aa3a-760e-4d89-955b-c1650e1e5661

Building and running

Navigate to the project folder and the example can be built with

$ mvn clean -Pkubernetes-install fabric8:deploy

When the example runs in fabric8, you can use the Kubectl command tool to inspect the status

To list all the running pods on Minikube:

$ kubectl get pods

Then find the name on Minikube of the pod that runs this quickstart, and output the logs from the running pods with:

$ kubectl logs <name of pod>

To list all the running pods on Minishift:

$ oc get pods

Then find the name on Minishift of the pod that runs this quickstart, and output the logs from the running pods with:

$ kubectl logs <name of pod>

and you should see something like this:

Feb 19, 2018 7:18:39 AM com.hazelcast.client.connection.ClientConnectionManager
INFO: hz.client_0 [someGroup] [3.9.2] Setting ClientConnection{alive=true, connectionId=1, channel=NioChannel{/>hazelcast/}, remoteEndpoint=[]:5701, lastReadTime=2018-02-19 07:18:39.464, lastWriteTime=2018-02-19 07:18:39.424, closedTime=never, lastHeartbeatRequested=never, lastHeartbeatReceived=never, connected server version=3.9.3} as owner with principal ClientPrincipal{uuid='0daabf2b-0b33-4a55-8453-683d7fa0436e', ownerUuid='59045d20-faf3-4a73-b4de-e8036f4b7caa'}
Feb 19, 2018 7:18:39 AM com.hazelcast.core.LifecycleService
INFO: hz.client_0 [someGroup] [3.9.2] HazelcastClient 3.9.2 (20180103 - 17e4ec3) is CLIENT_CONNECTED
Feb 19, 2018 7:18:39 AM com.hazelcast.internal.diagnostics.Diagnostics
INFO: hz.client_0 [someGroup] [3.9.2] Diagnostics disabled. To enable add -Dhazelcast.diagnostics.enabled=true to the JVM arguments.
2018-02-19 07:18:39,582 [main           ] INFO  SpringCamelContext             - Apache Camel 2.21.0-SNAPSHOT (CamelContext: camel-1) is starting
2018-02-19 07:18:39,583 [main           ] INFO  ManagedManagementStrategy      - JMX is enabled
2018-02-19 07:18:39,842 [main           ] INFO  DefaultTypeConverter           - Type converters loaded (core: 193, classpath: 1)
2018-02-19 07:18:40,028 [main           ] INFO  SpringCamelContext             - StreamCaching is not in use. If using streams then its recommended to enable stream caching. See more details at
Feb 19, 2018 7:18:40 AM com.hazelcast.client.connection.ClientConnectionManager
INFO: hz.client_0 [someGroup] [3.9.2] Authenticated with server []:5701, server version:3.9.3 Local address: /
Feb 19, 2018 7:18:40 AM com.hazelcast.client.connection.ClientConnectionManager
INFO: hz.client_0 [someGroup] [3.9.2] Authenticated with server []:5701, server version:3.9.3 Local address: /
Feb 19, 2018 7:18:40 AM com.hazelcast.client.connection.ClientConnectionManager
INFO: hz.client_0 [someGroup] [3.9.2] Authenticated with server []:5701, server version:3.9.3 Local address: /
2018-02-19 07:18:40,837 [main           ] INFO  SpringCamelContext             - Route: route1 started and consuming from: timer://foo?period=5000
2018-02-19 07:18:40,838 [main           ] INFO  SpringCamelContext             - Route: route2 started and consuming from: hazelcast-topic://foo
2018-02-19 07:18:40,838 [main           ] INFO  SpringCamelContext             - Total 2 routes, of which 2 are started
2018-02-19 07:18:40,840 [main           ] INFO  SpringCamelContext             - Apache Camel 2.21.0-SNAPSHOT (CamelContext: camel-1) started in 1.258 seconds
2018-02-19 07:18:40,843 [main           ] INFO  DefaultLifecycleProcessor      - Starting beans in phase 2147483646
2018-02-19 07:18:41,846 [2 - timer://foo] INFO  route1                         - Producer side: Sending data to Hazelcast topic..
2018-02-19 07:18:41,886 [lient_0.event-3] INFO  route2                         - Consumer side: Detected following action: received
2018-02-19 07:18:46,840 [2 - timer://foo] INFO  route1                         - Producer side: Sending data to Hazelcast topic..
2018-02-19 07:18:46,842 [lient_0.event-3] INFO  route2                         - Consumer side: Detected following action: received
2018-02-19 07:18:51,840 [2 - timer://foo] INFO  route1                         - Producer side: Sending data to Hazelcast topic..
2018-02-19 07:18:51,842 [lient_0.event-3] INFO  route2                         - Consumer side: Detected following action: received


Run following to undeploy on Minikube

$ mvn -Pkubernetes-install fabric8:undeploy
$ kubectl delete -f src/main/resources/fabric8/hazelcast-deployment.yaml
$ kubectl delete -f src/main/resources/fabric8/hazelcast-service.yaml

Run following to undeploy on Minishift

$ mvn -Pkubernetes-install fabric8:undeploy
$ oc delete -f src/main/resources/fabric8/hazelcast-deployment.yaml
$ oc delete -f src/main/resources/fabric8/hazelcast-service.yaml

Make sure no pod is running

$ kubectl get pods
No resources found.
$ oc get pods
No resources found.

Help and contributions

If you hit any problem using Camel or have some feedback, then please let us know.

We also love contributors, so get involved :-)

The Camel riders!