A drag-and-drop visual scripting language that will compile to source code, built using Electron. Inspiration for the project came from using the Blueprints system within Unreal Engine 4.
The misson of Covalent is to provide an easily extendable, node based editor which will allow novices and experts to quickly build Javascript code without actually writing a single line. This code can be used for frontend functionality, as well as backend node.js code. This could mean that a person could potentially build a full API using Nodejs using a Covalent, all drag-and-drop.
This is a brand new open source project, and there is still a long way to go, but I hope that you will join us on this adventure.
Join our Discord! - https://discord.gg/VVBMWGG
This is the folder structure of the project:
├── engine/
├── menubar/
├── index.html
├── main.js
├── renderer.js
└── gulpfile.js
- Engine: The engine will contains all the necessary components to create things on the canvas
- Menubar: The menubar contains the tree structure to load menu files
- index.html: will put together everything on the DOM interface (which is the black menu bar, the red menu bar), load the renderer.js, React and Babel
- main.js: This is the modules to control application life and create native browser window (specify width, height, and create window of the application over here)
- renderer.js: this is the JS file that will first call the master parent class (listener.js), which in turn will create the canvas to draw the nodes on
- gulpfile.js: Electron does not have built in live reload, so this project is utilizing gulp to re-render the browser everytime there is a change on the JavaScript file
There are currently 8 classes containing within this file, within the engine folder:
├── board.js # the board that contains all the node object, connectors and sockets
├── connector-builder.js # this build the connector between the two node
├── connector.js # this is the class to create a connector
├── listeners.js # this handle all event listeners (mousedown, mouseup..etc.) and is the root class
├── node-builder.js # this build the node itself
├── node-object.js # this is the class to create a node object itself
├── searchbar.js # this is the searchbar to create a node, connector, socket...etc.
└── socket.js # this is the socket
- Node-object: the most basic object of Covalent is a node, which can be interpreted as a function f(x). The node will contain arguments and returns (args can be intepreted as parameters of a function, returns are return of an argument). LeftExec and RightExec allow a node to keep track of the order of the Node Stack (e.g f(A) -> f(B)) so when a program execute, it knows to go from f(A) -> f(B).
- Node builder: a node builder builds a node. It has a parseJSON method to parse the attributes of a node, and then draw the node onto the screen.
- Connector: a connector links two node objects together. A connector contains a start point and an endpoint.
- Connector Builder: a connector builder contains method to build a connector. It calculates the Belzier Curve in bezierCurveCalc(), and handle the logic to make sure that while a return can be map to multiple parameter, each parameter can only be map to one returns.
- Searchbar: a searchbar contains the method to render a search bar every time user right click on the canvas, and it allows user to create node, connector onto the screen by choosing for menu attributes from the searchbar.
- Listeners: this is the master method that will get called when the Browser Window first open. The listener will render a board, then automatically call the method initEventListeners(), which listen for when user press on key or mouse.
# Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/covalent-team/covalent.git
# Go into the repository
cd covalent
# Install dependencies
npm install
npm install --global gulp-cli
# Run the app
Make sure you have Gulp installed both globally and locally.
- Live Reload with Electron-Connect: https://github.com/Quramy/electron-connect