Tembea Kenya is an application that enables users to explore places to visit in Kenya under various categories.
Features include:
- User can view destinations
- User can add and remove bookmarks
- User can view destination google maps page
- User can view destination wikipedia page
Want to explore the process of creating the application? Visit the links below that details the steps taken:
Get the app from Play store or the Releases page.
- Python: For webscrapping and API
- Flutter: Frontend and logic of the app
- Figma: Prototyping UI mockups.
- Vscode : Coding
- Requirements.txt contains all the packages that were used for webscraping and the api
- The Pubspec.yaml file contains all the dependencies that were used in creating of the application
- Name: Cosmas Nyairo
- Website: https://cosmasnyairo.github.io
- Email : nyairocosmas@gmail.com