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title: "CBOR Encoded Certificate Revocation Management" docname: draft-cose-cbor-revocation-management-latest abbrev: C509 Revocation

ipr: trust200902 cat: std submissiontype: IETF coding: utf-8 pi: # can use array (if all yes) or hash here toc: yes sortrefs: yes symrefs: yes tocdepth: 2 venue: group: "CBOR Object Signing and Encryption" type: "Working Group" mail: "" arch: "" github: "cose-wg/CBOR-certificates"

author: - ins: J. Preuß Mattsson name: John Preuß Mattsson org: Ericsson AB email: - ins: G. Selander name: Göran Selander org: Ericsson AB email: - ins: S. Raza name: Shahid Raza org: RISE AB email: - ins: J. Höglund name: Joel Höglund org: RISE AB email: - ins: M. Furuhed name: Martin Furuhed org: Nexus Group email:

normative: RFC2119: RFC5280: RFC6960: RFC7228: RFC8949: RFC8174: I-D.ietf-cose-cbor-encoded-cert:


--- abstract

This document specifies CBOR encodings of messages for certificate revocation lists, and

--- middle

Introduction {#intro}

One of the challenges with deploying a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) for the Internet of Things (IoT) is the management of X.509 public key certificates {{RFC5280}}, since that is not optimized for constrained environments with restricted hardware definitions and data transport capabilities, see {{RFC7228}}.

A more compact representation of X.509 certificates has been specified through the use of the Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR, {{RFC8949}}). This CBOR encoding of X.509 certificates, referred to as C509 {{I-D.ietf-cose-cbor-encoded-cert}}, also enables reduced code complexity, code size, memory and CPU usage, while allowing compatibility with ordinary ASN.1 DER-encoded X.509 for use with legacy deployments. A "native" C509 encoding is specified, identical to the backwards compatible format except for the scope of the signature, suitable for very constrained greenfield deployments.

The current specification adds to this work by specifying corresponding revokation related encoding and strucure.

Notational Conventions

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 {{RFC2119}} {{RFC8174}} when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.

This specification makes use of the terminology in {{RFC5280}}, and {{RFC6960}}. When referring to CBOR, this specification always refers to Deterministically Encoded CBOR as specified in Sections 4.2.1 and 4.2.2 of {{RFC8949}}.

C509 Certificate Revocation List {#CRL}

The section defines the C509 Certificate Revocation List (CRL) format based on and compatible with {{RFC5280}} reusing the formatting for C509 certificates defined in {{I-D.ietf-cose-cbor-encoded-cert}}.

C509CertificateRevocationList = [
   issuerSignatureValue : any,

; The elements of the following group are used in a CBOR Sequence:
TBSCertificateRevocationList = (
   C509CertificateRevocationListType: int,
   issuer: Name,
   thisUpdate: Time,
   nextUpdate: Time,
   revokedCertificates: RevokedCertificates,
   crlExtensions: Extensions,
   issuerSignatureAlgorithm: AlgorithmIdentifier,

RevokedCertificates = [
    userCertificate: CertificateSerialNumber,
    revocationDate: Time,
    crlEntryExtensions: Extensions,

{: #fig-C509CRLCDDL title="CDDL for C509CertificateRevocationList."} {: artwork-align="center"}

C509 Online Certificate Status Protocol {#OCSP}

C509 OCSP request

To encode OCSP requests, the CDDL below gives the cbor encoding corresponding to the ASN.1 encoding defined in RFC 6960 {{RFC6960}}.

 C509OCSPRequest    =     [
       optionalSignature : *any,

   TBSRequest   =     [
       version : uint .default 1,
       requestorName : *GeneralName,
       requestList : [+Request],
       requestExtensions : *[+extension]

   Request    =    [
       reqCert : CertID,
       singleRequestExtensions : *[+extension]

   CertID          =     [
       hashAlgorithm : AlgorithmIdentifier,
       issuerNameHash : bytes, -- Hash of issuer's DN
       issuerKeyHash : bytes, -- Hash of issuer's public key
       serialNumber : CertificateSerialNumber

   extension = TBD

	GeneralName, AlgorithmIdentifier, CertificateSerialNumber
	Main C509 document

{: #fig-C509OCSPREQCDDL title="CDDL for C509OCSPRequest."} {: artwork-align="center"}

C509 OCSP response

Concerning OCSP responses we address the id-pkix-ocsp-basic response type as defined in defined in RFC 6960 {{RFC6960}}.

   C509OCSPResponse = [
      responseStatus : C509OCSPResponseStatus,
      responseBytes : *BasicOCSPResponse

   OCSPResponseStatus = 0..6 ; inclusive range
	; semantics of integer values as in rfc6960, 4.2.1.  ASN.1 Specification of the OCSP Response

   BasicOCSPResponse    =  [
      tbsResponseData : ResponseData,
      signatureAlgorithm : AlgorithmIdentifier,
      signature : any,
      certs : *[C509Certificate]

   ResponseData = [
      version : uint .default 1,
      responderID : ResponderID,
      producedAt : Time,
      responses : [+SingleResponse],
      responseExtensions : *[+extension]

   ResponderID = Name / KeyHash

   Name = TBD

   KeyHash = bytes -- SHA-1 hash of responder's public key (excluding the tag and length fields)
	; OBSOLETE, but needed if we want to fully recreate RFC6960 style messages

   SingleResponse = [
      certID : CertID,
      certStatus : CertStatus,
      thisUpdate : Time,
      nextUpdate : *Time,
      singleExtensions : *[+extension]

   CertStatus = {1: NULL} / {2: RevokedInfo} / {3: NULL}
	; good / revoked / unknown, semantics from RFC6960

   RevokedInfo = (
       revocationTime : Time,
       revocationReason : *CRLReason

   CRLReason = 0..10 ; inclusive range
	; semantics of integer values from RFC6960, 5.3.1.

{: #fig-C509OCSPRESCDDL title="CDDL for C509OCSPResponse."} {: artwork-align="center"}

Example C509 CRL Message {#appA}


Example C509 OCSP Message {#appB}



{: numbered="no"}