- CB-4889 bumping&resetting version
- [windows8] commandProxy was moved
- CB-4889
- CB-4889 renaming core inside windows8
- CB-4889 renaming org.apache.cordova.core.device-motion to org.apache.cordova.device-motion
- [CB-4752] Incremented plugin version on dev branch.
- tweak scoping
- fixed the scope
- properly stop watching...
- adding timestamp to the response
- fix acceleromter for firefox os
- update firefoxos integration
- fixed callbacks
- accelerometer registers, but is not responding
- fxos added, not working
- CB-5128: added repo + issue tag to plugin.xml for device motion
- CB-5012 ensure result is returned
- [CB-4825] Add CoreMotion.framework to plugin.xml
- [CB-4825] avoid retain cycle in update block
- [CB-4825] use CoreMotion framework for accelerometer
- [CB-4915] Incremented plugin version on dev branch.
- add ubuntu platform
- Added amazon-fireos platform. 2. Change to use amazon-fireos as the platform if the user agent string contains 'cordova-amazon-fireos'
- CB-5658 Add doc/index.md for Device Motion plugin
- Add Tizen support
- CB-6422: [windows8] use cordova/exec/proxy
- CB-6460: Update license headers
- CB-6465: Add license headers to Tizen code
- Add NOTICE file
- CB-6127 Spanish and French Translations added. Github close #10. Github close #12. Github close #11
- ubuntu: don't destroy callback after use
- CB-6798 Add license
- CB-6491 add CONTRIBUTING.md
- FFOS added to supported platforms
- [FFOS] update accelerometer.js
- CB-6127 Updated translations for docs
- FFOS added to supported platforms
- CB-7471 cordova-plugin-device-motion documentation translation: cordova-plugin-device-motion
- Updated doc for browser
- Added support for the browser
- CB-7249 cordova-plugin-device-motion documentation translation
- [CB-7313] minor tweak to documentation of watchAcceleration function parameters
- CB-7160 move to tests dir, add nested plugin.xml
- Removed js-module for tests from plugin.xml
- CB-7160 added manual tests
- added documentation for manual tests
- Removed js-module for tests from plugin.xml
- CB-7160 added manual tests
- Changing cdvtest format to use module exports
- register tests using new style
- update
- Feature Branch: First attempt at new-style-tests
- CB-8083 Fix
callback on Windows - Renamed Windows8 -> Windows
- CB-7977 Mention
in plugin docs - CB-7700 cordova-plugin-device-motion documentation translation: cordova-plugin-device-motion
- CB-7571 Bump version of nested plugin to match parent plugin
- CB-8746 gave plugin major version bump
- CB-8683 updated windows and tizen specific references of old id to new id
- CB-8683 changed plugin-id to pacakge-name
- CB-8653 properly updated translated docs to use new id
- CB-8653 updated translated docs to use new id
- Use TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR, install paramedic by npm
- CB-8312 Multiply accelerometer values by -g on Windows
- CB-8653 Updated Readme
- CB-8562 Integrate TravisCI
- CB-8438 cordova-plugin-device-motion documentation translation: cordova-plugin-device-motion
- CB-8538 Added package.json file
- CB-8096 Pended recently added spec.12 if accelerometer doesn't exist on the device
- CB-8096 Pended auto tests if accelerometer doesn't exist on the device
- CB-8083 Adds test to make sure success callback is called each time
- CB-8926: The tests module tries to access an undefined global
on fail callbacks. This results in another JS error,ReferenceError: 'Accelerometer' is undefined.
This change passes through the error message instead of attempting to index into it. - CB-8876 Introduced a small timeout between tests
- CB-8876 Rewrote wp8 impementation to be more stable
- CB-9128 cordova-plugin-device-motion documentation translation: cordova-plugin-device-motion
- fix npm md issue
- CB-8842 Return cached values on Android if there is no updates from sensor