This document gives an overview of variables used in the Azure platform of the Tectonic SDK.
Name | Description | Type | Default |
tectonic_admin_email | (internal) The e-mail address used to: 1. login as the admin user to the Tectonic Console. 2. generate DNS zones for some providers. Note: This field MUST be in all lower-case e-mail address format and set manually prior to creating the cluster. |
string | - |
tectonic_admin_password | (internal) The admin user password to login to the Tectonic Console. Note: This field MUST be set manually prior to creating the cluster. Backslashes and double quotes must also be escaped. |
string | - |
tectonic_azure_client_secret | (internal) The client secret to use. | string | - |
tectonic_azure_cloud_environment | (optional) Azure cloud environment to use. See for available environments. | string | AZUREPUBLICCLOUD |
tectonic_azure_config_version | (internal) This declares the version of the Azure configuration variables. It has no impact on generated assets but declares the version contract of the configuration. | string | 1.1 |
tectonic_azure_etcd_storage_type | (optional) Storage account type for the etcd node(s). Example: Premium_LRS. Using Premium storage is constrained by the of instance specified in 'tectonic_azure_etcd_vm_size'. See | string | Premium_LRS |
tectonic_azure_etcd_vm_size | (optional) Instance size for the etcd node(s). Example: Standard_DS2_v2. | string | Standard_DS2_v2 |
tectonic_azure_external_dns_zone_id | (optional) The ID of the external Azure DNS zone used for nodes & endpoints FQDNs. Required when 'tectonic_base_domain' is set. This must be a pre-existing, properly configured Azure DNS zone that the Azure service principal running the Tectonic installer has permission to perform operations on. Note this is the complete ID as returned in the "id" field by the Azure client, not just the name of the resource. Example: "/subscriptions/b520eabf-d6c0-4757-8a5e-0fa7d2fe12b5/resourceGroups/my-k8s-cluster/providers/Microsoft.Network/dnszones/my-k8s-dns |
string | `` |
tectonic_azure_external_master_subnet_id | (optional) Subnet ID within an existing VNet to deploy master nodes into. Required to use an existing VNet. Note this is the complete ID as returned in the "id" field by the Azure client, not just the name of the resource. Example: "/subscriptions/b520eabf-d6c0-4757-8a5e-0fa7d2fe12b5/resourceGroups/my-k8s-cluster/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/test-pre-vnet/subnets/my-k8s-subnet |
string | `` |
tectonic_azure_external_nsg_master_id | (optional) The ID of the external Network Security Group used for masters. Leave blank to have a new one created. Note this is the complete ID as returned in the "id" field by the Azure client, not just the name of the resource. Example: "/subscriptions/b520eabf-d6c0-4757-8a5e-0fa7d2fe12b5/resourceGroups/my-k8s-cluster/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/my-master-nsg |
string | `` |
tectonic_azure_external_nsg_worker_id | (optional) The ID of the external Network Security Group used for workers. Leave blank to have a new one created. Note this is the complete ID as returned in the "id" field by the Azure client, not just the name of the resource. Example: "/subscriptions/b520eabf-d6c0-4757-8a5e-0fa7d2fe12b5/resourceGroups/my-k8s-cluster/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/my-worker-nsg |
string | `` |
tectonic_azure_external_resource_group | (optional) Name of an external resource group to place created resources in. Leave blank to have a new one created. | string | `` |
tectonic_azure_external_vnet_id | (optional) Resource ID of an existing Virtual Network to launch nodes into. Leave blank to create a new Virtual Network. Note this is the complete ID as returned in the "id" field by the Azure client, not just the name of the resource. Example: /subscriptions/b520eabf-d6c0-4757-8a5e-0fa7d2fe12b5/resourceGroups/my-k8s-cluster/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/my-k8s-vnet |
string | `` |
tectonic_azure_external_worker_subnet_id | (optional) Subnet ID within an existing VNet to deploy worker nodes into. Required to use an existing VNet. Note this is the complete ID as returned in the "id" field by the Azure client, not just the name of the resource. Example: "/subscriptions/b520eabf-d6c0-4757-8a5e-0fa7d2fe12b5/resourceGroups/my-k8s-cluster/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/test-pre-vnet/subnets/my-k8s-subnet |
string | `` |
tectonic_azure_extra_tags | (optional) A map of extra Azure tags to be applied to created resources. NOTE: Tags MUST NOT contain reserved characters '<,>,%,&,,?,/' or control characters. | map | <map> |
tectonic_azure_location | (internal) An Azure location where the cluster will be built. Use the location name as returned in the Name column by az account list-locations CLI command. Lowercase string with no spaces between words. Example: southcentralus |
string | - |
tectonic_azure_location_fault_domains | (internal) This mapping is for internal use only. It should not be overriden by users. It holds the correspondent number of fault domains for each location, because Azure doesn't provide an API call to query this data per location. The latest version of this data is always available at this location: | map | <map> |
tectonic_azure_master_storage_type | (optional) Storage account type for the master node(s). Example: Premium_LRS. Using Premium storage is constrained by the of instance specified in 'tectonic_azure_master_vm_size'. See | string | Premium_LRS |
tectonic_azure_master_vm_size | (optional) Instance size for the master node(s). Example: Standard_DS2_v2. | string | Standard_DS2_v2 |
tectonic_azure_private_cluster | (optional) Setting this to true will result in NO public facing endpoints being created. All traffic is contained within the VNET. A VNET with an already configured and active VPN connection is required and needs to be supplied via 'tectonic_azure_external_vnet_id'. DNS is currently required, either the Azure managed one or configured via the generic DNS module. | string | false |
tectonic_azure_ssh_key | (required) Path to an SSH public key file to be provisioned as the SSH key for the 'core' user. | string | - |
tectonic_azure_ssh_network_external | (optional) Network (external) to allow SSH access from. Maps to source_address_prefix in Azure. Defaults to * . Can be external to Azure environment. Allowed values: [network CIDR (i.e., | VirtualNetwork | Internet | * ] |
string | * |
tectonic_azure_ssh_network_internal | (optional) Network (internal) to allow SSH access from. Maps to source_address_prefix in Azure. Defaults to VirtualNetwork . Should be internal to Azure environment. Allowed values: [network CIDR (i.e., | VirtualNetwork | Internet | * ] |
string | VirtualNetwork |
tectonic_azure_vnet_cidr_block | (optional) Range of IP addresses assigned to the Virtual Network in which the cluster nodes run. This should not overlap with any other networks, such as the Kubernetes cluster (pod) range, service range or a private datacenter connected via ExpressRoute." | string | |
tectonic_azure_worker_storage_type | (optional) Storage account type for the worker node(s). Example: Premium_LRS. Using Premium storage is constrained by the of instance specified in 'tectonic_azure_worker_vm_size'. See | string | Premium_LRS |
tectonic_azure_worker_vm_size | (optional) Instance size for the worker node(s). Example: Standard_DS2_v2. | string | Standard_DS2_v2 |
tectonic_base_domain | The base DNS domain of the cluster. It must NOT contain a trailing period. Some DNS providers will automatically add this if necessary. Example: .Note: This field MUST be set manually prior to creating the cluster. This applies only to cloud platforms. [Azure-specific NOTE] To use Azure-provided DNS, tectonic_base_domain should be set to "" If using DNS records, ensure that tectonic_base_domain is set to a properly configured external DNS zone. Instructions for configuring delegated domains for Azure DNS can be found here: |
string | - |
tectonic_bootstrap_upgrade_cl | (internal) Whether to trigger a ContainerLinux upgrade on node bootstrap. | string | true |
tectonic_ca_cert | (optional) The content of the PEM-encoded CA certificate, used to generate Tectonic Console's server certificate. If left blank, a CA certificate will be automatically generated. | string | `` |
tectonic_ca_key | (optional) The content of the PEM-encoded CA key, used to generate Tectonic Console's server certificate. This field is mandatory if tectonic_ca_cert is set. |
string | `` |
tectonic_ca_key_alg | (optional) The algorithm used to generate tectonic_ca_key. The default value is currently recommended. This field is mandatory if tectonic_ca_cert is set. |
string | RSA |
tectonic_cluster_cidr | (optional) This declares the IP range to assign Kubernetes pod IPs in CIDR notation. | string | |
tectonic_cluster_name | The name of the cluster. If used in a cloud-environment, this will be prepended to tectonic_base_domain resulting in the URL to the Tectonic console.Note: This field MUST be set manually prior to creating the cluster. Warning: Special characters in the name like '.' may cause errors on OpenStack platforms due to resource name constraints. |
string | - |
tectonic_config_version | (internal) This declares the version of the global configuration variables. It has no impact on generated assets but declares the version contract of the configuration. | string | 1.0 |
tectonic_container_base_images | (internal) Base images of the components to use | map | <map> |
tectonic_container_images | (internal) Container images to use | map | <map> |
tectonic_container_linux_channel | (optional) The Container Linux update channel. Examples: stable , beta , alpha |
string | stable |
tectonic_container_linux_version | The Container Linux version to use. Set to latest to select the latest available version for the selected update channel.Examples: latest , 1465.6.0 |
string | latest |
tectonic_custom_ca_pem_list | (optional) A list of PEM encoded CA files that will be installed in /etc/ssl/certs on etcd, master, and worker nodes. | list | <list> |
tectonic_ddns_key_algorithm | (optional) This only applies if you use the modules/dns/ddns module. Specifies the RFC2136 Dynamic DNS server key algorithm. |
string | `` |
tectonic_ddns_key_name | (optional) This only applies if you use the modules/dns/ddns module. Specifies the RFC2136 Dynamic DNS server key name. |
string | `` |
tectonic_ddns_key_secret | (optional) This only applies if you use the modules/dns/ddns module. Specifies the RFC2136 Dynamic DNS server key secret. |
string | `` |
tectonic_ddns_server | (optional) This only applies if you use the modules/dns/ddns module. Specifies the RFC2136 Dynamic DNS server IP/host to register IP addresses to. |
string | `` |
tectonic_etcd_backup_size | (optional) The size in MB of the PersistentVolume used for handling etcd backups. | string | 512 |
tectonic_etcd_backup_storage_class | (optional) The name of an existing Kubernetes StorageClass that will be used for handling etcd backups. | string | `` |
tectonic_etcd_ca_cert_path | (optional) The path of the file containing the CA certificate for TLS communication with etcd. Note: This works only when used in conjunction with an external etcd cluster. If set, the variable tectonic_etcd_servers must also be set. |
string | /dev/null |
tectonic_etcd_client_cert_path | (optional) The path of the file containing the client certificate for TLS communication with etcd. Note: This works only when used in conjunction with an external etcd cluster. If set, the variables tectonic_etcd_servers , tectonic_etcd_ca_cert_path , and tectonic_etcd_client_key_path must also be set. |
string | /dev/null |
tectonic_etcd_client_key_path | (optional) The path of the file containing the client key for TLS communication with etcd. Note: This works only when used in conjunction with an external etcd cluster. If set, the variables tectonic_etcd_servers , tectonic_etcd_ca_cert_path , and tectonic_etcd_client_cert_path must also be set. |
string | /dev/null |
tectonic_etcd_count | The number of etcd nodes to be created. If set to zero, the count of etcd nodes will be determined automatically. Note: This is not supported on bare metal. |
string | 0 |
tectonic_etcd_servers | (optional) List of external etcd v3 servers to connect with (hostnames/IPs only). Needs to be set if using an external etcd cluster. Note: If this variable is defined, the installer will not create self-signed certs. To provide a CA certificate to trust the etcd servers, set "tectonic_etcd_ca_cert_path". Example: ["etcd1", "etcd2", "etcd3"] |
list | <list> |
tectonic_etcd_tls_enabled | (optional) If set to true , all etcd endpoints will be configured to use the "https" scheme.Note: If tectonic_experimental is set to true this variable has no effect, because the experimental self-hosted etcd always uses TLS. |
string | true |
tectonic_image_re | (internal) Regular expression used to extract repo and tag components | string | /^([^/]+/[^/]+/[^/]+):(.*)$/ |
tectonic_kubelet_debug_config | (internal) debug flags for the kubelet (used in CI only) | string | `` |
tectonic_license_path | The path to the tectonic licence file. You can download the Tectonic license file from your Account overview page at [1]. [1] Note: This field MUST be set manually prior to creating the cluster unless tectonic_vanilla_k8s is set to true . |
string | `` |
tectonic_master_count | The number of master nodes to be created. This applies only to cloud platforms. | string | 1 |
tectonic_networking | (optional) Configures the network to be used in Tectonic. One of the following values can be used: - "flannel": enables overlay networking only. This is implemented by flannel using VXLAN. - "canal": [ALPHA] enables overlay networking including network policy. Overlay is implemented by flannel using VXLAN. Network policy is implemented by Calico. - "calico": [ALPHA] enables BGP based networking. Routing and network policy is implemented by Calico. Note this has been tested on baremetal installations only. |
string | flannel |
tectonic_pull_secret_path | The path the pull secret file in JSON format. This is known to be a "Docker pull secret" as produced by the docker login [1] command. A sample JSON content is shown in [2]. You can download the pull secret from your Account overview page at [3]. [1] [2] [3] Note: This field MUST be set manually prior to creating the cluster unless tectonic_vanilla_k8s is set to true . |
string | `` |
tectonic_self_hosted_etcd | (internal) [ALPHA] If set to one of the following values, self-hosted etcd is deployed: - "enabled": Deploys a self-hosted etcd cluster. - "pv_backup": Deploys a self-hosted etcd cluster including backups to Persistence Volumes. tectonic_etcd_backup_size and tectonic_etcd_backup_storage_class must be configured when using this setting. |
string | `` |
tectonic_service_cidr | (optional) This declares the IP range to assign Kubernetes service cluster IPs in CIDR notation. The maximum size of this IP range is /12 | string | |
tectonic_stats_url | (internal) The Tectonic statistics collection URL to which to report. | string | |
tectonic_tls_validity_period | Validity period of the self-signed certificates (in hours). Default is 3 years. This setting is ignored if user provided certificates are used. | string | 26280 |
tectonic_update_app_id | (internal) The Tectonic Omaha update App ID | string | 6bc7b986-4654-4a0f-94b3-84ce6feb1db4 |
tectonic_update_channel | (internal) The Tectonic Omaha update channel | string | tectonic-1.7-production |
tectonic_update_server | (internal) The URL of the Tectonic Omaha update server | string | |
tectonic_vanilla_k8s | If set to true, a vanilla Kubernetes cluster will be deployed, omitting any Tectonic assets. | string | false |
tectonic_versions | (internal) Versions of the components to use | map | <map> |
tectonic_worker_count | The number of worker nodes to be created. This applies only to cloud platforms. | string | 3 |