myshell v1.0.1
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/_/ /_/ /_/\__, /____/_/ /_/\___/_/_/
/____/ Help center
Usage: msh <command>
<...> = required
[...] = optional
collection|c clone|c <url> [collection-name] - Clone a collection from a git repository
url - The URL of the git repository to clone
collection-name - The name of the collection to create. Default is the name of the repository
collection|c list|ls - List all collections
collection|c new|n <collection-name> - Create a new collection
collection-name - The name of the collection to create
edit|e [script-name] [flags] - Open a specified or all scripts in the editor
script-name - If provided, the script with the specified name will be opened in the editor
-quick|-q - Use the quick editor command
help|h - Get help for myshell
list|ls [tag] [flags] - List all available commands
tag - If provided, only scripts with the specified tag will be listed
-collection|-c - Show the collection of the scripts
-group|-g - Group the scripts by collection
-simple|-s - Print the list in a simple format
manual|m <script> - Get the manual for the script
script - The name of the script to get the manual for
migrate-scripts - Migrate all existing scripts to msh
move|mv <script> <dest-collection> - Move a script to a different collection
script - The name of the script to move
dest-collection - The name of the collection to move the script to
new|n <new-script> [collection-name] [flags]- Create a new script
script-name - The name of the script to create
collection-name - The name of the collection to add the script to. The default collection can be set in the config
-edit|-e - Open the script in the editor after creation
-man|-m - Add a manual to the script
-quick-edit|-qe - Open the script in the editor after creation, using the quick editor command
print|p <script-name> [flags] - Print the contents of a script
script-name - The name of the script to print
-run|-r - Run the script after printing
remove|rm <script> [flags] - Remove a script
script - The name of the script to remove
-force|-f - Remove script without storing it in the trash
restore <script> [collection-name] - Restore a script from the trash
script - The name of the script to restore
collection-name - The name of the collection to restore the script to
sync|s [collection-name] [flags] - Synchronize all or one collections
collection-name - The name of the collection to synchronize
-up|-u - Push changes to the remote repository
-detached|-d - Synchronize the collection in detached mode
version|v [flags] - Print the version of myshell
-simple|-s - Print the version in a simple format
Global flags (apply to all commands):
--quiet|--q - Do not print any output
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