A template for building server-side applications with FastAPI.
- Python 3.12: to run the app
- PDM: the package and dependency manager
- Node.js 22: required by
- Docker: to run database setup scripts
- bash: to run some scripts
# start database
$ pdm run db-up
# set configurations
$ cp .env.example .env
# edit the variables in `.env` if you want
# restore dependencies & generate prisma client
$ pdm install
$ pdm run prisma-generate
# migrate database
$ pdm run migrate-deploy
# run lint & format
$ pdm run lint
# run tests
$ pdm run test
# run test with coverage
$ pdm run test-cov
# start application
# watch mode
$ pdm run dev
# or
# production mode
$ pdm run start
# stop database
$ pdm run db-down
# update schema definitions in prisma/schema.prisma
# format the prisma schema
$ pdm run prisma-format
# generate migration script
$ pdm run migrate-dev-create
# enter the migration script name in the cli interaction
# apply the migration scripts
$ pdm run migrate-deploy
# before start application
# don't forget to generate prisma client based on latest prisma schema
$ pdm run prisma-generate