The quality of a PLC program is defined by the quantity of tests.
This is a support page, for information read wiki.
If you have a feature request or bug report, please use this Github issue tracker.
If you are adding a bug report, please add steps to reproduce the bug, PLC Logic Prover version and OS version. Screenshots would be helpful. There is a quick set of guidelines below.
If you are curious about the features and enhancements planned for upcoming releases, check out Projects. Also, click Watch button at the top to stay updated with the progress.
If you are looking for more information regarding features, installation and usage of the app, head over to the Documentation page.
When reporting a new issue in the issue tracker, check whether it helps to answer the following questions:
Which App and Operating System version you are using? You can find app version in Help -> About section.
Is the bug reproducible every time, or do you see it occasionally?
Did you first encounter it recently, or has it been always there?
If it is a UI issue, a screenshot or GIF will help tremendously. (Tip: For quick gifs, check out
If it is a problem with Test Runner make sure slot number and IP address of the PLC set correctly.
PLC Logic Prover is a tool with a suite of action units which with right combination allows testing almost any PLC logic. It helps you to improve quality of your PLC program.
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