Tasks in this section are tasks that are actively being worked on, and will almost certainly appear in HealthBox in the future.
- Create base HealthBox functionality.
- Create a sample application to demonstrate reading and writing information to HealthBox.
- Create a more fluid and seamless download and installation experience from the V0LT website.
- Add 'MealID' and 'FoodID' values to nutrient samples, which are UUIDs of a certain length generated by sources and store in HealthBox to keep track of which nutrient samples correlate to which specific foods and meals are linked to each nutrient sample.
- Add an input validation template for the API to use to validate inputs.
- Add input validation to the API to prevent sources from submitting malformed data, based on the input validation template.
- Add a way to remove data from HealthBox other than manually editing the database.
Tasks in this section are things that may happen down the road, but aren't a priority.
- Create GUI front end for users not comfortable with the command line.