Confluent welcomes contributions to our open source projects on Github.
You can create issues in the project to identify problems, raise questions, or suggest improvements. Learn more at Github's issue guide.
You can also create a local copy of each project, and edit the contents, and then submit them back to us to review and incorporate here. The steps are:
- Fork the repo on GitHub
- Clone the project to your own machine
- Commit changes to your own branch
- Push your work back up to your fork
- Submit a Pull request so that we can review your changes
NOTE: Be sure to merge the latest from "upstream" before making a pull request!
Learn more from Github's guides on Understanding the GitHub Flow and Forking a Project
Please refer to for copyright and licensing details. In general, creative content (writing and images) are released with a Creative Commons Attribution No Derivatives 4.0 International license, and code is released with the Apache 2.0 License.
Confluent does not require you to assign the copyright of your contributions, you retain the copyright. Confluent does require that you make your contributions available under the Apache 2.0 license in order to be included in the main repo.
If appropriate, include the Apache 2.0 License summary at the top of each file along with the copyright info. If you are adding a new file that you wrote, include your name in the copyright notice in the license summary at the top of the file.
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