A brand-new, old-school game-engine inspired by the likes of Wolfenstein 3D (1992) and Ultima Underworld: The Stygian Abyss (1992). Uses simple raycasting techniques and a uniform cell grid to render 3D.
See also: my own fork, implementing multiple z-levels, chunking, and more - Fork
Animated textures, floor/wall collisions based on surface manifest, walk through doors, and just for fun - sprites - fishing.
- Remake / Demake a Pokemon town in this "engine"
- Add 8bit audio, music blocks/textures that make a sounds on collision
- Procedurally generated worlds
- Texture transparency (ray pass-through to next texture, for things like windows etc)
- Sprites are all square/rectangular like minecraft and always face the player, but can "change direction" by changing the texture currently displayed
- Separate drawing/raycasting logic from window width and height
- Levels are represented in memory as Jagged Arrays (to save memory)
- Wall and Floor maps are just CSV's (So I can quickly make levels in Excel/LibreOffice)
- Wall and Floor textures are represented by strings so I can very quickly iterate
- Walls/Floors are separate CSV's (this needs runtime tests (todo) so memory access doesn't corrupt)
- Textures/Assets are declared via a manifest.json
- Fixed visual artifacts and pixel densities
- Wall collision detection
- Basic texture mapping for walls
- Very warped tetures with many artifacts
- Very basic ray-casting
- No collision detection