In case of DELETE/INSERT query, if I am updating a quad with the same value as in datastore, apparently the quad is being deleted but it should update the quad to the same value resulting in no change.
\nFollowing the third example at
\n console.log(\"initial size = \", store.size); // prints 6\n\n // for president25, renaming to the same name.\n await myEngine.queryVoid(\n `\n PREFIX foaf: <>\n DELETE { <http://example/president25> foaf:givenName ?name }\n INSERT { <http://example/president25> foaf:givenName ?name }\n WHERE\n {\n <http://example/president25> foaf:givenName ?name\n }`,\n {\n sources: [store],\n }\n );\n console.log(\"updated size = \", store.size); // prints 5\n
or if I try putting the same name in the query in INSERT
\n console.log(\"initial size = \", store.size); // prints 6\n\n // for president25, renaming to the same name.\n await myEngine.queryVoid(\n `\n PREFIX foaf: <>\n DELETE { <http://example/president25> foaf:givenName ?name }\n INSERT { <http://example/president25> foaf:givenName 'Bill'}\n WHERE\n {\n <http://example/president25> foaf:givenName ?name\n }`,\n {\n sources: [store],\n }\n );\n console.log(\"updated size = \", store.size); // prints 5\n\n
in both above cases, 1 quad is removed which is obvious due to the DELETE, but a new quad is not being inserted.
\nWhy is it so?
GraphDB behaves differently for the same query, it deletes the quad but inserts in back again for the same value.
\nnode v18.6.0
\n\"@comunica/query-sparql\": \"^2.10.2\"
\n\"n3\": \"^1.17.2\"
A bounty has been placed on this issue by:
\n\n\n |
\n |
€272 | \n
Click here to learn more if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.
","createdAt":"2024-02-17T12:26:18Z","closedAt":"2024-04-24T06:38:28Z"},{"state":"CLOSED","title":"Duplicate bindings on construct query","url":"","number":1300,"repository":{"name":"comunica","nameWithOwner":"comunica/comunica","url":"","description":"📬 A knowledge graph querying framework for JavaScript"},"assignees":{"totalCount":1,"nodes":[{"name":"Simon Van Braeckel","avatarUrl":"","url":""}]},"body":"\r\n\r\n\r\n#### Issue type:\r\n\r\n- :heavy_plus_sign: Feature request \r\n\r\n____\r\n#### Description:\r\n\r\nI get unexpected results with `comunica-sparql -q 'CONSTRUCT WHERE {I get unexpected results with comunica-sparql -q 'CONSTRUCT WHERE { <> ?p ?o ; <> ?d . ?d ?e ?f }'
. The output contains a lot of duplicate triples (like some kind of Cartesian product):
<> <> <>, <>.\n<> <> \"Distributie 1a\".\n<> <> <>, <>.\n<> <> \"Distributie 1a\".\n<> <> \"Keyword 1\";\n <> <>.\n<> <> \"Distributie 1a\".\n<> <> \"Keyword 2\";\n <> <>.\n<> <> \"Distributie 1a\".\n<> a <>;\n <> <>.\n<> <> \"Distributie 1a\".\n<> <> <>, <>.\n<> <> \"Distributie 1b\".\n<> <> <>, <>.\n<> <> \"Distributie 1b\".\n<> <> \"Keyword 1\";\n <> <>.\n<> <> \"Distributie 1b\".\n<> <> \"Keyword 2\";\n <> <>.\n<> <> \"Distributie 1b\".\n<> a <>;\n <> <>.\n<> <> \"Distributie 1b\".\n
The source graph in Turtle being:
\n@prefix rdf: <> .\n@prefix schema: <> .\n\n<> a schema:Dataset ;\n\tschema:distribution <>, <> ;\n\tschema:keywords \"Keyword 1\", \"Keyword 2\" .\n\n<> schema:description \"Distributie 1a\" .\n\n<> schema:description \"Distributie 1b\" .\n\n
The expected result (as given by Apache Jena and GraphDB):
\n<>\n a <> ;\n <> <> , <> ;\n <> \"Keyword 1\" , \"Keyword 2\" .\n\n<>\n <> \"Distributie 1b\" .\n\n<>\n <> \"Distributie 1a\" .\n
The issue is not with the comunica-sparql CLI tool, but with the comunica core. This issue is a slimmed down version of the issue as we encounter with the NDE Dataset Register - netwerk-digitaal-erfgoed/dataset-register#831 - where we use Comunica a lot. In this particular case the number of bindings explodes above our set maximum of 50000.
\nsoftware | \nversion | \n
Comunica Init Actor | \n1.22.2 | \n
node | \nv16.14.2 | \n
npm | \n9.7.1 | \n
yarn | \n1.22.19 | \n
Operating System | \nlinux (Linux 6.1.0-13-amd64) | \n
A bounty has been placed on this issue by:
\n\n\n |
\n |
€272 | \n
Click here to learn more if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.
","createdAt":"2023-12-23T17:59:10Z","closedAt":"2024-07-05T19:05:23Z"},{"state":"OPEN","title":"query interface adds prefix declarations before executing query","url":"","number":149,"repository":{"name":"jQuery-Widget.js","nameWithOwner":"comunica/jQuery-Widget.js","url":"","description":"🖼 A jQuery widget to query heterogeneous interfaces using Comunica SPARQL"},"assignees":{"totalCount":0,"nodes":[]},"body":"\r\n\r\n\r\n#### Issue type:\r\n\r\n- :bug: Bug \r\n\r\n____\r\n#### Description:\r\n\r\nThe query interface at seems to add prefix declarations before executing a query, even if these conflict with prefix declarations that are typed into the input. If I configure a datasource `` and enter this query:\r\n\r\n```sparql\r\nPREFIX owl:The query interface at seems to add prefix declarations before executing a query, even if these conflict with prefix declarations that are typed into the input. If I configure a datasource
and enter this query:
PREFIX owl: <>\nPREFIX rdf: <>\nPREFIX rdfs: <>\nSELECT ?s ?o\nWHERE {\n ?s rdf:type ?o .\n}\nLIMIT 10
I get an error from the SPARQL endpoint: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: org.openrdf.query.MalformedQueryException: Multiple prefix declarations for prefix 'owl'
I don't see a way in the UI to configure which prefix declarations are added, or not.
\nA bounty has been placed on this issue by:
\n\n\n |
\n |
€136 | \n
Click here to learn more if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.
","createdAt":"2023-05-29T18:02:39Z","closedAt":null},{"state":"CLOSED","title":"Duplicate file","url":"","number":145,"repository":{"name":"jQuery-Widget.js","nameWithOwner":"comunica/jQuery-Widget.js","url":"","description":"🖼 A jQuery widget to query heterogeneous interfaces using Comunica SPARQL"},"assignees":{"totalCount":1,"nodes":[{"name":"Maxim Stockmans","avatarUrl":"","url":""}]},"body":"When following the installation procedure as suggested in the README (npm installation), and after executing\r\n `comunica-web-client-generator`, the `queries.json` file gets generated twice: \r\n \r\n One in the folder where generator got executed and one in the `build` folder. \r\n\r\n-----\r\n\r\n## Bounty\r\n\r\nA [bounty]( has been placed on this issue by:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n| |\r\n|-|\r\n| []( |\r\n| €136 |\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n[Click here to learn more]( if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.","bodyHTML":"When following the installation procedure as suggested in the README (npm installation), and after executing
, the queries.json
file gets generated twice:
One in the folder where generator got executed and one in the build
A bounty has been placed on this issue by:
\n\n\n |
\n |
€136 | \n
Click here to learn more if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.
","createdAt":"2023-04-18T07:55:10Z","closedAt":"2024-05-29T08:27:07Z"},{"state":"CLOSED","title":"initialBindings in combination with named graph","url":"","number":1154,"repository":{"name":"comunica","nameWithOwner":"comunica/comunica","url":"","description":"📬 A knowledge graph querying framework for JavaScript"},"assignees":{"totalCount":0,"nodes":[]},"body":"\r\n\r\n\r\n#### Issue type:\r\n\r\n- :bug: Bug \r\n\r\n____\r\n#### Description:\r\n\r\nThis query works fine:\r\n\r\n```sparql\r\nCONSTRUCT FROMThis query works fine:
\nCONSTRUCT FROM <> WHERE { ?s ?p ?o } LIMIT 100
With code:
\nconst quadStream = await this.engine.queryQuads(query, {\n sources: [\n {\n type: 'sparql',\n value: '',\n },\n ],\n});
But when adding initial bindings, we get an error:
\nconst quadStream = await this.engine.queryQuads(query, {\n sources: [\n {\n type: 'sparql',\n value: '',\n },\n ],\n initialBindings: bindingsFactory.fromRecord({}) as unknown as Bindings,\n});
Conversely, when we’re not querying named graphs, the initial bindings work fine:
\nCONSTRUCT WHERE { ?s ?p ?o } LIMIT 100
\nCannot read properties of undefined (reading '0')\",\"stack\":\"TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '0')\\n at translateFrom (/Users/david/src/netwerk-digitaal-erfgoed/network-of-terms/node_modules/sparqlalgebrajs/lib/sparql.js:228:32)\\n at translateOperation (/Users/david/src/netwerk-digitaal-erfgoed/network-of-terms/node_modules/sparqlalgebrajs/lib/sparql.js:71:33)\\n at translateProject (/Users/david/src/netwerk-digitaal-erfgoed/network-of-terms/node_modules/sparqlalgebrajs/lib/sparql.js:369:41)\\n at translateOperation (/Users/david/src/netwerk-digitaal-erfgoed/network-of-terms/node_modules/sparqlalgebrajs/lib/sparql.js:82:36)\\n at toSparqlJs (/Users/david/src/netwerk-digitaal-erfgoed/network-of-terms/node_modules/sparqlalgebrajs/lib/sparql.js:48:18)\\n at toSparql (/Users/david/src/netwerk-digitaal-erfgoed/network-of-terms/node_modules/sparqlalgebrajs/lib/sparql.js:42:32)\\n at (/Users/david/src/netwerk-digitaal-erfgoed/network-of-terms/node_modules/@comunica/actor-query-operation-sparql-endpoint/lib/ActorQueryOperationSparqlEndpoint.js:75:52)\\n at ActorQueryOperationSparqlEndpoint.runObservable (/Users/david/src/netwerk-digitaal-erfgoed/network-of-terms/node_modules/@comunica/core/lib/Actor.js:57:29)\\n at MediatorNumber.mediate (/Users/david/src/netwerk-digitaal-erfgoed/network-of-terms/node_modules/@comunica/core/lib/Mediator.js:79:22)\\n at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)\",\"path\":[\"terms\"],\"locations\":[{\"line\":2,\"column\":3}],\"extensions\":{}},\"message\":\"Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '0')\"}\n
A bounty has been placed on this issue by:
\n\n\n |
\n |
€136 | \n
Click here to learn more if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.
","createdAt":"2023-02-09T11:08:02Z","closedAt":"2023-11-10T12:39:18Z"},{"state":"CLOSED","title":"FILTER on langString literals does not work with N3 as source","url":"","number":1146,"repository":{"name":"comunica","nameWithOwner":"comunica/comunica","url":"","description":"📬 A knowledge graph querying framework for JavaScript"},"assignees":{"totalCount":1,"nodes":[{"name":"Daniel Beeke","avatarUrl":"","url":""}]},"body":"```\r\n// add a quad with a language string\r\nconst store = new N3.Store();\r\nstore.addQuad(namedNode(''), namedNode(''), literal('abc', 'en'));\r\n\r\n// query it using SPARQL with a FILTER\r\nconst eng = new comunica.QueryEngine();\r\nconst bindings = await eng.queryBindings('SELECT ?o WHERE { ?s ?p ?o. FILTER(?o = \"abc\"@en) }', { sources: [ store ] });\r\n```\r\n\r\nAny FILTER on ?o in the example fails (with or without language string, = or !=). That is, as soon as a FILTER on the langString literal is present in the query, it won't return any results anymore. No crash or log warnings, just an empty result set.\r\n\r\nObserved on Comunica v2.6.0 in combination with N3 v1.16.3.\r\n\r\n-----\r\n\r\n## Bounty\r\n\r\nA [bounty]( has been placed on this issue by:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n| |\r\n|-|\r\n| []( |\r\n| €272 |\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n[Click here to learn more]( if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.","bodyHTML":"// add a quad with a language string\nconst store = new N3.Store();\nstore.addQuad(namedNode(''), namedNode(''), literal('abc', 'en'));\n\n// query it using SPARQL with a FILTER\nconst eng = new comunica.QueryEngine();\nconst bindings = await eng.queryBindings('SELECT ?o WHERE { ?s ?p ?o. FILTER(?o = \"abc\"@en) }', { sources: [ store ] });\n
Any FILTER on ?o in the example fails (with or without language string, = or !=). That is, as soon as a FILTER on the langString literal is present in the query, it won't return any results anymore. No crash or log warnings, just an empty result set.
\nObserved on Comunica v2.6.0 in combination with N3 v1.16.3.
\nA bounty has been placed on this issue by:
\n\n\n |
\n |
€272 | \n
Click here to learn more if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.
","createdAt":"2023-01-31T07:42:05Z","closedAt":"2023-03-23T09:12:08Z"},{"state":"CLOSED","title":"UTF-8 characters get corrupted when inserting into blazegraph triple store","url":"","number":1140,"repository":{"name":"comunica","nameWithOwner":"comunica/comunica","url":"","description":"📬 A knowledge graph querying framework for JavaScript"},"assignees":{"totalCount":0,"nodes":[]},"body":"\r\n\r\n\r\n#### Issue type:\r\n\r\n- :bug: Bug \r\n\r\n____\r\n#### Description:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nWhen using comunica to insert triples containing diacritics, the characters get corrupted, while if axios is used the triples are inserted correctly.\r\n\r\n\r\nFor example:\r\n\r\n##### Input triples:\r\n\r\n`\"When using comunica to insert triples containing diacritics, the characters get corrupted, while if axios is used the triples are inserted correctly.
\nFor example:
\n`\"urn:uuid:1231231-321-3123-123-123 \"Terzic\" .\"
\n\"urn:uuid:1231231-321-3123-123-123 \"Терзић\" .\"
\n\"urn:uuid:1231231-321-3123-123-123 \"Terzić\" .\"
\n\"urn:uuid:1231231-321-3123-123-123 \"特尔日奇\" .\"
`\"urn:uuid:01231231-0321-3123-0123-000000000123 \"Terzic\" .\"
\n\"urn:uuid:01231231-0321-3123-0123-000000000123 \"Те�зи�\" .\"
\n\"urn:uuid:01231231-0321-3123-0123-000000000123 \"Terzi�\" .\"
\n\"urn:uuid:01231231-0321-3123-0123-000000000123 \"����\" .\"`
\n\"@comunica/query-sparql\": \"^2.4.3\"
A bounty has been placed on this issue by:
\n\n\n |
\n |
€544 | \n
Click here to learn more if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.
","createdAt":"2023-01-16T15:55:01Z","closedAt":"2023-10-18T06:16:28Z"},{"state":"CLOSED","title":"Add check for query-sparql-* depencies","url":"","number":1139,"repository":{"name":"comunica","nameWithOwner":"comunica/comunica","url":"","description":"📬 A knowledge graph querying framework for JavaScript"},"assignees":{"totalCount":0,"nodes":[]},"body":"\r\n\r\n\r\n#### Issue type:\r\n\r\n- :heavy_plus_sign: Feature request \r\n\r\n____\r\n#### Description:\r\n\r\nTo avoid issues such as, we should add a CI check to ensure that all dependencies from the compiled engine configs are available in the package.json file of each engine.\r\nWe may be able to tweak our `depcheck` script for this.\r\n\r\n@jeswr any thoughts on this?\r\n\r\n-----\r\n\r\n## Bounty\r\n\r\nA [bounty]( has been placed on this issue by:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n| |\r\n|-|\r\n| []( |\r\n| €136 |\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n[Click here to learn more]( if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.","bodyHTML":"\n\nTo avoid issues such as e3b9389, we should add a CI check to ensure that all dependencies from the compiled engine configs are available in the package.json file of each engine.
\nWe may be able to tweak our depcheck
script for this.
@jeswr any thoughts on this?
\nA bounty has been placed on this issue by:
\n\n\n |
\n |
€136 | \n
Click here to learn more if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.
","createdAt":"2023-01-11T10:54:51Z","closedAt":"2023-05-05T09:09:30Z"},{"state":"OPEN","title":"Padding on text box makes \"Execute query\" button hard to click on","url":"","number":136,"repository":{"name":"jQuery-Widget.js","nameWithOwner":"comunica/jQuery-Widget.js","url":"","description":"🖼 A jQuery widget to query heterogeneous interfaces using Comunica SPARQL"},"assignees":{"totalCount":0,"nodes":[]},"body":"Removing the \"padding-bottom: 30px\" fixes it. \r\n\r\n![image](\r\n\r\n-----\r\n\r\n## Bounty\r\n\r\nA [bounty]( has been placed on this issue by:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n| |\r\n|-|\r\n| []( |\r\n| €136 |\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n[Click here to learn more]( if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.\r\n","bodyHTML":"Removing the \"padding-bottom: 30px\" fixes it.
\n\nA bounty has been placed on this issue by:
\n\n\n |
\n |
€136 | \n
Click here to learn more if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.
","createdAt":"2022-11-05T11:07:59Z","closedAt":null},{"state":"CLOSED","title":"Optional fails on N3 store","url":"","number":1095,"repository":{"name":"comunica","nameWithOwner":"comunica/comunica","url":"","description":"📬 A knowledge graph querying framework for JavaScript"},"assignees":{"totalCount":1,"nodes":[{"name":"Daniel Beeke","avatarUrl":"","url":""}]},"body":"\r\n\r\n\r\n#### Issue type:\r\n\r\n- :bug: Bug \r\n\r\n____\r\n#### Description:\r\n\r\nGiven the following two triples I would expect four bindings as the result of the following query.\r\n```\r\nGiven the following two triples I would expect four bindings as the result of the following query.
\n<> <> <>\n<> <> \"Lorem ipsum\"@nl\n\n
SELECT * WHERE { \n ?s ?p ?o .\n\n OPTIONAL {\n ?s <> ?name .\n FILTER(lang(?name) = 'nl')\n }\n }\n
\ns, p, o and name
\ns, p and o
When changing the language filter to something that does not exists I get zero bindings.
\nSee for a reproduction.
\nAnd the console on
I am using N3 and Comunica in a web site.
\nN3 is fetched as an ESM module.
\nComunica is included via a script tag.
A bounty has been placed on this issue by:
\n\n\n |
\n |
€544 | \n
Click here to learn more if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.
","createdAt":"2022-10-07T06:32:50Z","closedAt":"2023-03-08T06:36:14Z"},{"state":"CLOSED","title":"Stream halts on order by over empty source","url":"","number":1091,"repository":{"name":"comunica","nameWithOwner":"comunica/comunica","url":"","description":"📬 A knowledge graph querying framework for JavaScript"},"assignees":{"totalCount":0,"nodes":[]},"body":"\r\n\r\n\r\n#### Issue type:\r\n\r\n- :bug: Bug \r\n\r\n____\r\n#### Description:\r\n\r\nThe node process terminates when reading an empty query bindings stream. What is particularly atypical:\r\n- No error is thrown\r\n- Subsequent lines are not executed\r\n- The process exits with a `0` exit code\r\n\r\nSee [here]( for a minimum working example.\r\n\r\n\r\n____\r\n#### Environment:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n```\r\n| software | version\r\n| ---------------- | -------\r\n| Comunica Engine | 2.4.3 (dev)\r\n| node | v16.17.0\r\n| npm | 8.15.0\r\n| yarn | 1.22.19\r\n| Operating System | linux (Linux 5.15.0-46-generic)\r\n\r\n```\r\n\r\n(note, the github issue template should be updated so that it references `node ./engines/query-sparql/bin/query.js -v` instead of `node ./packages/actor-init-query/bin/query.js -v`)\r\n\r\n#### Crash log:\r\n\r\nNone\r\n\r\n-----\r\n\r\n## Bounty\r\n\r\nA [bounty]( has been placed on this issue by:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n| |\r\n|-|\r\n| []( |\r\n| €544 |\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n[Click here to learn more]( if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.\r\n","bodyHTML":"\n\nThe node process terminates when reading an empty query bindings stream. What is particularly atypical:
exit codeSee here for a minimum working example.
\n| software | version\n| ---------------- | -------\n| Comunica Engine | 2.4.3 (dev)\n| node | v16.17.0\n| npm | 8.15.0\n| yarn | 1.22.19\n| Operating System | linux (Linux 5.15.0-46-generic)\n\n
(note, the github issue template should be updated so that it references node ./engines/query-sparql/bin/query.js -v
instead of node ./packages/actor-init-query/bin/query.js -v
\nA bounty has been placed on this issue by:
\n\n\n |
\n |
€544 | \n
Click here to learn more if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.
","createdAt":"2022-10-04T13:08:30Z","closedAt":"2023-05-25T10:41:47Z"},{"state":"CLOSED","title":"Invalid baseIRI when querying a local JSON-LD file","url":"","number":1044,"repository":{"name":"comunica","nameWithOwner":"comunica/comunica","url":"","description":"📬 A knowledge graph querying framework for JavaScript"},"assignees":{"totalCount":1,"nodes":[{"name":"Andrew Zhurov","avatarUrl":"","url":""}]},"body":"\r\n\r\n\r\n#### Issue type:\r\n\r\n- :bug: Bug \r\n\r\n____\r\n#### Description:\r\n\r\nWhen I query a local JSON-LD file with this command\r\n\r\n```shell\r\ncomunica-sparql-file \"/Users/pheyvaer/Development/test.jsonld\" -q \"SELECT * WHERE {?s ?p ?o}\"\r\n````\r\n\r\n I get the following error \r\n\r\n```\r\nFound invalid baseIRI '/Users/pheyvaer/Development/test.jsonld' for value '/Users/pheyvaer/Development/test.jsonld'\r\n```\r\nThe error doesn't occur when adding `file://` to the path:\r\n\r\n```shell\r\ncomunica-sparql-file \"file:///Users/pheyvaer/Development/test.jsonld\" -q \"SELECT * WHERE {?s ?p ?o}\"\r\n````\r\n____\r\n#### Environment:\r\n```shell\r\n$ comunica-sparql-file -v\r\n```\r\n| software | version\r\n| ---------------- | -------\r\n| Comunica Engine | 2.3.0 \r\n| node | v14.19.2\r\n| npm | 8.10.0\r\n| yarn | 1.22.5\r\n| Operating System | darwin (Darwin 21.5.0)\r\n\r\n\r\n#### Crash log:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n-----\r\n\r\n## Bounty\r\n\r\nA [bounty]( has been placed on this issue by:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n| |\r\n|-|\r\n| []( |\r\n| €136 |\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n[Click here to learn more]( if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.\r\n","bodyHTML":"\n\nWhen I query a local JSON-LD file with this command
\ncomunica-sparql-file \"/Users/pheyvaer/Development/test.jsonld\" -q \"SELECT * WHERE {?s ?p ?o}\"
I get the following error
\nFound invalid baseIRI '/Users/pheyvaer/Development/test.jsonld' for value '/Users/pheyvaer/Development/test.jsonld'\n
The error doesn't occur when adding file://
to the path:
comunica-sparql-file \"file:///Users/pheyvaer/Development/test.jsonld\" -q \"SELECT * WHERE {?s ?p ?o}\"
$ comunica-sparql-file -v
software | \nversion | \n
Comunica Engine | \n2.3.0 | \n
node | \nv14.19.2 | \n
npm | \n8.10.0 | \n
yarn | \n1.22.5 | \n
Operating System | \ndarwin (Darwin 21.5.0) | \n
A bounty has been placed on this issue by:
\n\n\n |
\n |
€136 | \n
Click here to learn more if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.
","createdAt":"2022-08-12T09:03:58Z","closedAt":"2023-01-11T10:12:15Z"},{"state":"CLOSED","title":"\"EXISTS found, but no existence hook provided\" in Optional block","url":"","number":1029,"repository":{"name":"comunica","nameWithOwner":"comunica/comunica","url":"","description":"📬 A knowledge graph querying framework for JavaScript"},"assignees":{"totalCount":0,"nodes":[]},"body":"\r\n\r\n\r\n#### Issue type:\r\n\r\n- :bug: Bug \r\n\r\n____\r\n#### Description:\r\n\r\nThe following code test throws \"EXISTS found, but no existence hook provided\" but should pass\r\nNote that these queries worked in @comunica/actor-init-sparql-rdfjs\r\nAlso presumably similar issue to\r\n```\r\nimport 'mocha'\r\nimport n3 from 'n3'\r\nimport { QueryEngine } from '@comunica/query-sparql-rdfjs'\r\nimport chai from 'chai'\r\n\r\nconst sparql = new QueryEngine()\r\n\r\ndescribe('comunica sparql', () => {\r\n it('Does not support EXISTS sparql keyword', async () => {\r\n const store = new n3.Store()\r\n const subject = n3.DataFactory.namedNode('http://subject')\r\n const predicate = n3.DataFactory.namedNode('http://predicate')\r\n const object = n3.DataFactory.namedNode('http://object')\r\n const blank = n3.DataFactory.blankNode()\r\n const spo = n3.DataFactory.quad(subject, predicate, object)\r\n const bpo = n3.DataFactory.quad(blank, predicate, object)\r\n store.addQuads([spo, bpo])\r\n const quadStream = await sparql.queryQuads(`\r\n CONSTRUCT {\r\n ?s ?p ?o.\r\n }\r\n WHERE { \r\n ?s ?p ?o.\r\n OPTIONAL {\r\n FILTER EXISTS {\r\n ?s2 ?p ?o.\r\n FILTER (?s != ?s2)\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n `,\r\n { sources: [store] })\r\n const result_quads = await quadStream.toArray()\r\n chai.expect(result_quads).to.deep.equal([{\r\n termType: 'Quad',\r\n value: '',\r\n graph: {\r\n termType: 'DefaultGraph',\r\n value: '',\r\n },\r\n subject: {\r\n id: 'http://subject',\r\n },\r\n predicate: {\r\n id: 'http://predicate',\r\n },\r\n object: {\r\n id: 'http://object',\r\n },\r\n }, {\r\n termType: 'Quad',\r\n value: '',\r\n graph: {\r\n termType: 'DefaultGraph',\r\n value: '',\r\n },\r\n subject: {\r\n termType: 'BlankNode',\r\n value: 'bc_0_n3-01',\r\n },\r\n predicate: {\r\n id: 'http://predicate',\r\n },\r\n object: {\r\n id: 'http://object',\r\n },\r\n }])\r\n })\r\n})\r\n\r\n```\r\n\r\n____\r\n#### Environment:\r\n\r\n `node ./packages/actor-init-query/bin/query.js -v`--> not part of \"@comunica/query-sparql-rdfjs\": \"^2.3.0\",\r\n\r\n#### Crash log:\r\n\r\nNA\r\n\r\n-----\r\n\r\n## Bounty\r\n\r\nA [bounty]( has been placed on this issue by:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n| |\r\n|-|\r\n| []( |\r\n| €136 |\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n[Click here to learn more]( if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.\r\n","bodyHTML":"\n\nThe following code test throws \"EXISTS found, but no existence hook provided\" but should pass
\nNote that these queries worked in @comunica/actor-init-sparql-rdfjs
\nAlso presumably similar issue to #650
import 'mocha'\nimport n3 from 'n3'\nimport { QueryEngine } from '@comunica/query-sparql-rdfjs'\nimport chai from 'chai'\n\nconst sparql = new QueryEngine()\n\ndescribe('comunica sparql', () => {\n it('Does not support EXISTS sparql keyword', async () => {\n const store = new n3.Store()\n const subject = n3.DataFactory.namedNode('http://subject')\n const predicate = n3.DataFactory.namedNode('http://predicate')\n const object = n3.DataFactory.namedNode('http://object')\n const blank = n3.DataFactory.blankNode()\n const spo = n3.DataFactory.quad(subject, predicate, object)\n const bpo = n3.DataFactory.quad(blank, predicate, object)\n store.addQuads([spo, bpo])\n const quadStream = await sparql.queryQuads(`\n CONSTRUCT {\n ?s ?p ?o.\n }\n WHERE { \n ?s ?p ?o.\n OPTIONAL {\n FILTER EXISTS {\n ?s2 ?p ?o.\n FILTER (?s != ?s2)\n }\n }\n }\n `,\n { sources: [store] })\n const result_quads = await quadStream.toArray()\n chai.expect(result_quads).to.deep.equal([{\n termType: 'Quad',\n value: '',\n graph: {\n termType: 'DefaultGraph',\n value: '',\n },\n subject: {\n id: 'http://subject',\n },\n predicate: {\n id: 'http://predicate',\n },\n object: {\n id: 'http://object',\n },\n }, {\n termType: 'Quad',\n value: '',\n graph: {\n termType: 'DefaultGraph',\n value: '',\n },\n subject: {\n termType: 'BlankNode',\n value: 'bc_0_n3-01',\n },\n predicate: {\n id: 'http://predicate',\n },\n object: {\n id: 'http://object',\n },\n }])\n })\n})\n\n
node ./packages/actor-init-query/bin/query.js -v
--> not part of \"@comunica/query-sparql-rdfjs\": \"^2.3.0\",
\nA bounty has been placed on this issue by:
\n\n\n |
\n |
€136 | \n
Click here to learn more if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.
","createdAt":"2022-07-18T20:14:45Z","closedAt":"2023-05-25T10:58:27Z"},{"state":"CLOSED","title":"secure conversion to ActionContext object for context added to source","url":"","number":1003,"repository":{"name":"comunica","nameWithOwner":"comunica/comunica","url":"","description":"📬 A knowledge graph querying framework for JavaScript"},"assignees":{"totalCount":1,"nodes":[{"name":"Aron Buzogany","avatarUrl":"","url":""}]},"body":"#### Issue type:\r\n\r\n- :heavy_plus_sign: Feature request \r\n\r\n____\r\n#### Description:\r\n\r\n\r\nAt present a context can be added to a source making a new ActionContext. \r\ne.g. const context = {sources: [ {value:'path_to_source', context : new ActionContext({'@comunica/bus-context-preprocess:mapping':'path_to_mapping'})}] }\r\nI would like to be able to add a context using a plain object, and count on Comunica to convert this object to a ActionContext, like is done with the other context objects. \r\ne.g. const context = {sources: [ {value:'path_to_source', context :{'@comunica/bus-context-preprocess:mapping':'path_to_mapping'}}] }\r\n\r\n-----\r\n\r\n## Bounty\r\n\r\nA [bounty]( has been placed on this issue by:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n| |\r\n|-|\r\n| []( |\r\n| €272 |\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n[Click here to learn more]( if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.","bodyHTML":"At present a context can be added to a source making a new ActionContext.
\ne.g. const context = {sources: [ {value:'path_to_source', context : new ActionContext({'@comunica/bus-context-preprocess:mapping':'path_to_mapping'})}] }
\nI would like to be able to add a context using a plain object, and count on Comunica to convert this object to a ActionContext, like is done with the other context objects.
\ne.g. const context = {sources: [ {value:'path_to_source', context :{'@comunica/bus-context-preprocess:mapping':'path_to_mapping'}}] }
A bounty has been placed on this issue by:
\n\n\n |
\n |
€272 | \n
Click here to learn more if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.
","createdAt":"2022-05-25T14:40:02Z","closedAt":"2023-10-16T12:49:33Z"},{"state":"CLOSED","title":"Querying graphdb results in a lot of requests","url":"","number":994,"repository":{"name":"comunica","nameWithOwner":"comunica/comunica","url":"","description":"📬 A knowledge graph querying framework for JavaScript"},"assignees":{"totalCount":0,"nodes":[]},"body":"#### Issue type:\r\n\r\n- :bug: Bug \r\n\r\n____\r\n#### Description:\r\n\r\nQuery to GraphDB results in a lot of requests.\r\n\r\nCode example with screenshot of the logs:\r\n\r\n-----\r\n\r\n## Bounty\r\n\r\nA [bounty]( has been placed on this issue by:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n| |\r\n|-|\r\n| []( |\r\n| €272 |\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n[Click here to learn more]( if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.","bodyHTML":"Query to GraphDB results in a lot of requests.
\nCode example with screenshot of the logs:
\nA bounty has been placed on this issue by:
\n\n\n |
\n |
€272 | \n
Click here to learn more if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.
","createdAt":"2022-04-26T10:16:26Z","closedAt":"2023-01-16T14:07:43Z"},{"state":"CLOSED","title":"INSERT DATA query on solid pod crashes in browser - again","url":"","number":30,"repository":{"name":"comunica-feature-solid","nameWithOwner":"comunica/comunica-feature-solid","url":"","description":"📬 Comunica packages for query execution over Solid data pods"},"assignees":{"totalCount":1,"nodes":[{"name":"Ludwig","avatarUrl":"","url":""}]},"body":"_This issue has been modified by @rubensworks to describe the intended solution_\r\n\r\n**Problem:**\r\n\r\nThe external [`solid-client-authn-js`]( has a [bug]( that makes it pass incorrect content types on PUT requests.\r\n\r\nThis only occurs in browsers, not in Node.js.\r\n\r\n**Possible solution:**\r\n\r\nSince the bug only seems to occur when using headers using a `Headers` object, and not when passing headers as a plain record, we may be able to work around it by just converting our `Headers` object to a record.\r\n\r\n**Implementation suggestions:**\r\n\r\nThe same workaround as [here]( could be applied [here](\r\n\r\n-----\r\n\r\nOriginal issue:\r\n\r\n#### Issue type:\r\n\r\n- :bug: Bug \r\n\r\n____\r\n#### Description:\r\n\r\nI'm trying to do an insert query using `@comunica/query-sparql-solid` in a next.js + typescript app. I recently ran into another problem reported here ( with a very similar setup. I since switched from the deprecated `@comunica/actor-init-sparql-solid` to `@comunica/query-sparql-solid`. Therefore, the same pre-condition applies: the same query works when executed via command line. This is what I'm trying to do in my TypeScript code:\r\n\r\n```\r\n const insertQuery = `\r\n INSERT DATA {\r\n <${\r\n getDefaultSession().info.webId?.split(\"#\")[0]\r\n }#Seppli>This issue has been modified by @rubensworks to describe the intended solution
\nThe external solid-client-authn-js
has a bug that makes it pass incorrect content types on PUT requests.
This only occurs in browsers, not in Node.js.
\nPossible solution:
\nSince the bug only seems to occur when using headers using a Headers
object, and not when passing headers as a plain record, we may be able to work around it by just converting our Headers
object to a record.
Implementation suggestions:
\nThe same workaround as here could be applied here.
\nOriginal issue:
\nI'm trying to do an insert query using @comunica/query-sparql-solid
in a next.js + typescript app. I recently ran into another problem reported here (#22) with a very similar setup. I since switched from the deprecated @comunica/actor-init-sparql-solid
to @comunica/query-sparql-solid
. Therefore, the same pre-condition applies: the same query works when executed via command line. This is what I'm trying to do in my TypeScript code:
const insertQuery = `\n INSERT DATA {\n <${\n getDefaultSession().info.webId?.split(\"#\")[0]\n }#Seppli> <> 'Seppli'.\n }\n `;\n\n console.log(insertQuery);\n\n await engine.queryVoid(insertQuery, {\n sources: [getDefaultSession().info.webId!],\n \"@comunica/actor-http-inrupt-solid-client-authn:session\":\n getDefaultSession(),\n });\n
Full code available here. But it fails with this error: Unsupported patch content type: text/plain.
\ncomunica-solid-react-test (main)$ ./node_modules/.bin/comunica-sparql-solid -v
\nsoftware | \nversion | \n
Comunica Engine | \n2.0.6 | \n
node | \nv16.14.0 | \n
npm | \n8.3.1 | \n
yarn | \n1.22.17 | \n
Operating System | \nlinux (Linux 5.13.0-37-generic) | \n
A bounty has been placed on this issue by:
\n\n\n |
\n |
€272 | \n
Click here to learn more if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.
","createdAt":"2022-03-24T21:23:59Z","closedAt":"2022-09-06T08:29:56Z"},{"state":"OPEN","title":"Improve error reporting","url":"","number":106,"repository":{"name":"jQuery-Widget.js","nameWithOwner":"comunica/jQuery-Widget.js","url":"","description":"🖼 A jQuery widget to query heterogeneous interfaces using Comunica SPARQL"},"assignees":{"totalCount":0,"nodes":[]},"body":"When an error occurs during query execution (error event is called), the error message is just appended to the results box. We should make error messages really clear.\r\n\r\nSomething similar to this would be ideal:\r\n\r\n\r\n-----\r\n\r\n## Bounty\r\n\r\nA [bounty]( has been placed on this issue by:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n| |\r\n|-|\r\n| []( |\r\n| €272 |\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n[Click here to learn more]( if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.\r\n","bodyHTML":"When an error occurs during query execution (error event is called), the error message is just appended to the results box. We should make error messages really clear.
\nSomething similar to this would be ideal:
A bounty has been placed on this issue by:
\n\n\n |
\n |
€272 | \n
Click here to learn more if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.
","createdAt":"2022-03-04T12:49:47Z","closedAt":null},{"state":"OPEN","title":"Expose ESM modules","url":"","number":930,"repository":{"name":"comunica","nameWithOwner":"comunica/comunica","url":"","description":"📬 A knowledge graph querying framework for JavaScript"},"assignees":{"totalCount":1,"nodes":[{"name":"Jesse Wright","avatarUrl":"","url":""}]},"body":"#### Issue type:\r\n\r\n- :heavy_plus_sign: Feature request \r\n\r\n____\r\n#### Description:\r\n\r\nCurrently, Comunica only exposes CommonJS modules for Node.js.\r\nIn the future, we should expose both ESM and CJS modules, as this will make it easier to use Comunica in other environments, like the browser.\r\n\r\nSome pointers:\r\n-\r\n-\r\n-\r\n\r\nRelated to #857.\r\n\r\n-----\r\n\r\n## Bounty\r\n\r\nA [bounty]( has been placed on this issue by:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n| |\r\n|-|\r\n| []( |\r\n| *Variable budget* |\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n[Click here to learn more]( if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.","bodyHTML":"Currently, Comunica only exposes CommonJS modules for Node.js.
\nIn the future, we should expose both ESM and CJS modules, as this will make it easier to use Comunica in other environments, like the browser.
Some pointers:
\nRelated to #857.
\nA bounty has been placed on this issue by:
\n\n\n |
\n |
Variable budget | \n
Click here to learn more if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.
","createdAt":"2022-02-14T12:35:10Z","closedAt":null},{"state":"CLOSED","title":"ORDER BY is not implemented completely","url":"","number":892,"repository":{"name":"comunica","nameWithOwner":"comunica/comunica","url":"","description":"📬 A knowledge graph querying framework for JavaScript"},"assignees":{"totalCount":1,"nodes":[{"name":"Thomas Tanon","avatarUrl":"","url":""}]},"body":"_This issue has been modified by @rubensworks to describe the intended solution_\r\n\r\nApparently, [we only support ordering by literal values](, and a total ordering as mentioned in the [SPARQL spec]( has not been implemented yet.\r\n\r\nThe goal of this issue is to properly implement total ordering in sparqlee (with the necessary unit tests), and optionally some integration tests here in Comunica.\r\n\r\n-----\r\n\r\n#### Issue type:\r\n\r\n- :bug: Bug \r\n\r\n____\r\n#### Description:\r\n\r\nRunning queries with ORDER BY on @comunica/actor-init-sparql-file, IRIs are not sorted.\r\n\r\nRelevant paragraph in the SPARQL 1.1 Spec (\r\n\r\n> The \"<\" operator (see the Operator Mapping and 17.3.1 Operator Extensibility) defines the relative order of pairs of numerics, simple literals, xsd:strings, xsd:booleans and xsd:dateTimes. Pairs of IRIs are ordered by comparing them as simple literals.\r\n\r\nExample (using VALUES for self-containment, but I've found the same issue with actual input sources):\r\n```javascript\r\nimport { newEngine } from '@comunica/actor-init-sparql-file'\r\n\r\nconst query = `\r\n PREFIX ex:This issue has been modified by @rubensworks to describe the intended solution
\nApparently, we only support ordering by literal values, and a total ordering as mentioned in the SPARQL spec has not been implemented yet.
\nThe goal of this issue is to properly implement total ordering in sparqlee (with the necessary unit tests), and optionally some integration tests here in Comunica.
\nRunning queries with ORDER BY on @comunica/actor-init-sparql-file, IRIs are not sorted.
\nRelevant paragraph in the SPARQL 1.1 Spec (
\n\n\nThe \"<\" operator (see the Operator Mapping and 17.3.1 Operator Extensibility) defines the relative order of pairs of numerics, simple literals, xsd:strings, xsd:booleans and xsd:dateTimes. Pairs of IRIs are ordered by comparing them as simple literals.
Example (using VALUES for self-containment, but I've found the same issue with actual input sources):
\nimport { newEngine } from '@comunica/actor-init-sparql-file'\n\nconst query = `\n PREFIX ex: <>\n SELECT ?x\n WHERE {\n VALUES ?x {ex:b ex:a ex:c}\n } ORDER BY ?x`;\n\nconst engine = newEngine();\nconst resPromise = engine.query(query);\n\n// show the results\nresPromise\n .then((result) => result.bindings())\n .then((ba) => => Object.fromEntries(b.entries())))\n .then(console.log);\n\n// expected output:\n//\n// [\n// {\n// '?x': NamedNode { termType: 'NamedNode', value: '' }\n// },\n// {\n// '?x': NamedNode { termType: 'NamedNode', value: '' }\n// },\n// {\n// '?x': NamedNode { termType: 'NamedNode', value: '' }\n// }\n// ]\n\n// actual output:\n//\n// [\n// {\n// '?x': NamedNode { termType: 'NamedNode', value: '' }\n// },\n// {\n// '?x': NamedNode { termType: 'NamedNode', value: '' }\n// },\n// {\n// '?x': NamedNode { termType: 'NamedNode', value: '' }\n// }\n// ]
Result of running from my package node node_modules/@comunica/actor-init-sparql/bin/query.js -v
software | \nversion | \n
Comunica Init Actor | \n1.22.3 | \n
node | \nv14.18.1 | \n
npm | \n6.14.15 | \n
yarn | \n1.22.17 | \n
Operating System | \nlinux (Linux 5.4.0-48-generic) | \n
Not applicable.
\nA bounty has been placed on this issue by:
\n\n\n |
\n |
€544 | \n
Click here to learn more if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.
","createdAt":"2021-11-21T17:42:37Z","closedAt":"2022-05-12T07:07:51Z"},{"state":"CLOSED","title":"Include Sparqlee into the main Comunica monorepo","url":"","number":131,"repository":{"name":"sparqlee","nameWithOwner":"comunica/sparqlee","url":"","description":"⚙️ SPARQL expression evaluator library - Moved to @comunica/expression-evaluator"},"assignees":{"totalCount":0,"nodes":[]},"body":"We may want to consider making this project part of the main Comunica monorepo because\r\n\r\n* there are quite a bit of interdependencies, and changes in either project require annoying interlinking,\r\n* any major changes in sparqlee require manual checking in Comunica if things like spec and integration tests still work, while making this part of the monorepo would allow us to use Comunica's CI pipeline for this.\r\n\r\nBefore we would do this move, we need to make sure that this project follows all of Comunica's coding conventions, and that we have 100% testing coverage, so this depends on #38.\r\n\r\n-----\r\n\r\n## Bounty\r\n\r\nA [bounty]( has been placed on this issue by:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n| |\r\n|-|\r\n| []( |\r\n| *Variable budget* |\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n[Click here to learn more]( if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.","bodyHTML":"We may want to consider making this project part of the main Comunica monorepo because
\nBefore we would do this move, we need to make sure that this project follows all of Comunica's coding conventions, and that we have 100% testing coverage, so this depends on #38.
\nA bounty has been placed on this issue by:
\n\n\n |
\n |
Variable budget | \n
Click here to learn more if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.
","createdAt":"2021-10-29T15:09:24Z","closedAt":"2023-08-25T11:06:20Z"},{"state":"CLOSED","title":"Remove dependency on Node.js APIs","url":"","number":857,"repository":{"name":"comunica","nameWithOwner":"comunica/comunica","url":"","description":"📬 A knowledge graph querying framework for JavaScript"},"assignees":{"totalCount":1,"nodes":[{"name":"Thomas Tanon","avatarUrl":"","url":""}]},"body":"#### Issue type:\r\n\r\n- :heavy_plus_sign: Feature request \r\n\r\n____\r\n#### Description:\r\n\r\nCurrently, when trying to bundle Comunica via tools such as Webpack (>= 5.x) requires users to manually configure polyfills for Node.js built-ins. We should make this process easier by not directly depending on Node.js built-ins, and instead use libraries such as `readable-stream`.\r\n\r\nThis will also require some changes to several dependencies, such as RDF parsers.\r\n\r\nWe should ensure that no such Node.js built-in dependencies are added in the future, either via a linter rule if that exists, or via a webpack process during CI.\r\n\r\nWe should make sure that we don't see any performance degradations because of this.\r\n\r\n**The end-result of this issue should be that we can run webpack 5 on @comunica/query-sparql without having to configure any polyfills.**\r\n\r\nAlso add `\"sideEffects\": false` to package.json where applicable.\r\n\r\nRelated to :\r\n\r\n*\r\n*\r\n*\r\n*\r\n*\r\n* *And possibly several others*\r\n\r\n-----\r\n\r\n## Bounty\r\n\r\nA [bounty]( has been placed on this issue by:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n| |\r\n|-|\r\n| []( |\r\n| *Variable budget* |\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n[Click here to learn more]( if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.\r\n","bodyHTML":"Currently, when trying to bundle Comunica via tools such as Webpack (>= 5.x) requires users to manually configure polyfills for Node.js built-ins. We should make this process easier by not directly depending on Node.js built-ins, and instead use libraries such as readable-stream
This will also require some changes to several dependencies, such as RDF parsers.
\nWe should ensure that no such Node.js built-in dependencies are added in the future, either via a linter rule if that exists, or via a webpack process during CI.
\nWe should make sure that we don't see any performance degradations because of this.
\nThe end-result of this issue should be that we can run webpack 5 on @comunica/query-sparql without having to configure any polyfills.
\nAlso add \"sideEffects\": false
to package.json where applicable.
Related to :
\nA bounty has been placed on this issue by:
\n\n\n |
\n |
Variable budget | \n
Click here to learn more if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.
","createdAt":"2021-09-11T12:30:33Z","closedAt":"2022-08-22T12:58:13Z"},{"state":"CLOSED","title":"Send original SPARQL query string to endpoints","url":"","number":844,"repository":{"name":"comunica","nameWithOwner":"comunica/comunica","url":"","description":"📬 A knowledge graph querying framework for JavaScript"},"assignees":{"totalCount":1,"nodes":[{"name":null,"avatarUrl":"","url":""}]},"body":"_This issue has been modified by @rubensworks to describe the intended solution_\r\n\r\nThe problem is that we always parse the incoming query, and serialize it again when we send it to a SPARQL endpoint. Since this parsing-serializing process sometimes results in slightly different queries, this may cause issues for certain use cases. To solve this, we need to keep track of the original query string, and use that one in the case of querying a SPARQL endpoint.\r\n\r\nIn actor-init-sparql, we need to add the original query string into the context.\r\nIn `actor-query-operation-sparql-endpoint`, we need to check this context entry, and use that one if it exists.\r\n\r\nThe only difficulty here is that we have to make sure that this context entry does not propagate to places where it shouldn't. For example, if this actor is only used because of a `SERVICE` keyword, we need to make sure that the actor still uses the `SERVICE` operation instead of the full original query. We could do this by just making sure that the service operator unsets or overrides this entry.\r\n\r\n-----\r\n\r\nOriginal issue:\r\n\r\n\r\n#### Issue type:\r\n\r\n- :question: Question \r\n\r\n____\r\n#### Question:\r\n\r\nI want to query SPARQL endpoint ``, backed by Virtuoso, using the query underneath:\r\n\r\n```sparql\r\nSELECT * WHERE {\r\n ?uriThis issue has been modified by @rubensworks to describe the intended solution
\nThe problem is that we always parse the incoming query, and serialize it again when we send it to a SPARQL endpoint. Since this parsing-serializing process sometimes results in slightly different queries, this may cause issues for certain use cases. To solve this, we need to keep track of the original query string, and use that one in the case of querying a SPARQL endpoint.
\nIn actor-init-sparql, we need to add the original query string into the context.
\nIn actor-query-operation-sparql-endpoint
, we need to check this context entry, and use that one if it exists.
The only difficulty here is that we have to make sure that this context entry does not propagate to places where it shouldn't. For example, if this actor is only used because of a SERVICE
keyword, we need to make sure that the actor still uses the SERVICE
operation instead of the full original query. We could do this by just making sure that the service operator unsets or overrides this entry.
Original issue:
\nI want to query SPARQL endpoint
, backed by Virtuoso, using the query underneath:
SELECT * WHERE {\n ?uri <> <>;\n <> ?label.\n FILTER(<bif:contains>(?label, \"emile\"))\n BIND(\"no name\" AS ?name)\n}\nLIMIT 100
It's a silly query - but the crucial parts are the FILTER
and the BIND
. If I execute this using Comunica...
npx comunica-sparql sparql@ -f query.rq
...where file query.rq
contains the query above...then the result is:
[Invalid SPARQL endpoint ( response: undefined
My guess is that Comunica is rewriting the query, e.g. to:
\nSELECT * WHERE {\n ?uri <> <>;\n <> ?label.\n BIND(\"no name\" AS ?name)\n FILTER(<bif:contains>(?label, \"emile\"))\n}\nLIMIT 100
is placed after BIND
. If I execute this query via the endpoint's query editor on
, then Virtuoso yields the error:
Virtuoso 37000 Error SP031: SPARQL compiler: The group does not contain triple pattern with '$label' object before bif:contains() predicate
Is it possible to influence the way that Comunica rewrites the query?
\nA bounty has been placed on this issue by:
\n\n\n |
\n |
€544 | \n
Click here to learn more if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.
","createdAt":"2021-07-28T15:44:07Z","closedAt":"2021-11-26T15:26:55Z"},{"state":"CLOSED","title":"Resizing text area breaks vertical layout","url":"","number":95,"repository":{"name":"jQuery-Widget.js","nameWithOwner":"comunica/jQuery-Widget.js","url":"","description":"🖼 A jQuery widget to query heterogeneous interfaces using Comunica SPARQL"},"assignees":{"totalCount":1,"nodes":[{"name":"Kasper Zutterman","avatarUrl":"","url":""}]},"body":"When you resize the query and/or context text area, it visually breaks the vertical layout.\r\nThis can be prevented by making the text areas only vertically resizable.\r\n![image](\r\n\r\n-----\r\n\r\n## Bounty\r\n\r\nA [bounty]( has been placed on this issue by:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n| |\r\n|-|\r\n| []( |\r\n| €136 |\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n[Click here to learn more]( if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.","bodyHTML":"When you resize the query and/or context text area, it visually breaks the vertical layout.
\nThis can be prevented by making the text areas only vertically resizable.
A bounty has been placed on this issue by:
\n\n\n |
\n |
€136 | \n
Click here to learn more if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.
","createdAt":"2021-07-16T08:01:56Z","closedAt":"2024-05-24T08:43:08Z"},{"state":"OPEN","title":"Result counter and timer don't update when map gets populated on Chrome","url":"","number":90,"repository":{"name":"jQuery-Widget.js","nameWithOwner":"comunica/jQuery-Widget.js","url":"","description":"🖼 A jQuery widget to query heterogeneous interfaces using Comunica SPARQL"},"assignees":{"totalCount":0,"nodes":[]},"body":"While the query is running the counter and clock are updating, but when the map is shown these fields freeze. Only when I press Stop Execution it gets updated.\r\n\r\n[Sample Query](\r\n\r\n![image](\r\n\r\n\r\nThis problem occurs on Google Chrome, on Firefox this isn't an issue.\r\n\r\n-----\r\n\r\n## Bounty\r\n\r\nA [bounty]( has been placed on this issue by:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n| |\r\n|-|\r\n| []( |\r\n| €136 |\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n[Click here to learn more]( if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.","bodyHTML":"While the query is running the counter and clock are updating, but when the map is shown these fields freeze. Only when I press Stop Execution it gets updated.
\n\n\nThis problem occurs on Google Chrome, on Firefox this isn't an issue.
\nA bounty has been placed on this issue by:
\n\n\n |
\n |
€136 | \n
Click here to learn more if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.
","createdAt":"2021-06-29T12:26:35Z","closedAt":null},{"state":"OPEN","title":"Switching between similarly named queries fails to update query text area","url":"","number":87,"repository":{"name":"jQuery-Widget.js","nameWithOwner":"comunica/jQuery-Widget.js","url":"","description":"🖼 A jQuery widget to query heterogeneous interfaces using Comunica SPARQL"},"assignees":{"totalCount":0,"nodes":[]},"body":"When switching between queries with similar names, the query text area does not update:\r\nReplicate at\r\n\r\nReplication steps:\r\n- Select \"Buurt in Gemeente\" query\r\n- Select \"Buurt in Gemeente met @ reverse\" query\r\nAfter this, the \"Buurt in Gemeente\" query is still showing in the GrapQL Query text area\r\n![Linked Data Fragments client - Google Chrome 29_06_2021 12_53_31](\r\n\r\n-----\r\n\r\n## Bounty\r\n\r\nA [bounty]( has been placed on this issue by:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n| |\r\n|-|\r\n| []( |\r\n| €136 |\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n[Click here to learn more]( if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.","bodyHTML":"When switching between queries with similar names, the query text area does not update:
\nReplicate at
Replication steps:
\nA bounty has been placed on this issue by:
\n\n\n |
\n |
€136 | \n
Click here to learn more if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.
","createdAt":"2021-06-29T10:59:14Z","closedAt":null},{"state":"CLOSED","title":"Implement OPT+ operator","url":"","number":825,"repository":{"name":"comunica","nameWithOwner":"comunica/comunica","url":"","description":"📬 A knowledge graph querying framework for JavaScript"},"assignees":{"totalCount":1,"nodes":[{"name":"Jesse Wright","avatarUrl":"","url":""}]},"body":"#### Issue type:\r\n\r\n- :heavy_plus_sign: Feature request \r\n\r\n____\r\n#### Description:\r\n\r\nThe standard OPTIONAL operator is SPARQL is non-monotonic, which can lead to problem with streaming results. Concretely, intermediary results that do _not_ match with an OPTIONAL block will not be emitted until the whole relevant part of the dataset is handled. In practise, this means that some results will not become available to the user as soon as possible.\r\n\r\nThe paper [\"OPT+: A Monotonic Alternative to OPTIONAL in SPARQL\" (by Sijin Cheng and Olaf Hartig)](\r\nintroduces the OPT+ operator, which makes OPTIONAL monotonic by changing its semantics (`A OPT+ B = (A AND B) UNION A`).\r\n\r\nThe modified nested loop join algorithm from the paper (others are proposed) seems to achieve the best results.\r\n\r\nWe can create a modified version (or provide a config option) of our OPTIONAL actor (`actor-query-operation-leftjoin-nestedloop`) that considers this modification.\r\nIn essence, this modification means that a result can be emitted twice: once _without_ the optional binding, and once _with_ the optional binding.\r\n\r\nSince this modification is not strictly spec-compliant anymore, we should not enable it by default. But having it available can be useful for many use cases, especially when we have many sources (or when we are doing link traversal).\r\n\r\n-----\r\n\r\n## Bounty\r\n\r\nA [bounty]( has been placed on this issue by:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n| |\r\n|-|\r\n| []( |\r\n| €1088 |\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n[Click here to learn more]( if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.","bodyHTML":"The standard OPTIONAL operator is SPARQL is non-monotonic, which can lead to problem with streaming results. Concretely, intermediary results that do not match with an OPTIONAL block will not be emitted until the whole relevant part of the dataset is handled. In practise, this means that some results will not become available to the user as soon as possible.
\nThe paper \"OPT+: A Monotonic Alternative to OPTIONAL in SPARQL\" (by Sijin Cheng and Olaf Hartig)
\nintroduces the OPT+ operator, which makes OPTIONAL monotonic by changing its semantics (A OPT+ B = (A AND B) UNION A
The modified nested loop join algorithm from the paper (others are proposed) seems to achieve the best results.
\nWe can create a modified version (or provide a config option) of our OPTIONAL actor (actor-query-operation-leftjoin-nestedloop
) that considers this modification.
\nIn essence, this modification means that a result can be emitted twice: once without the optional binding, and once with the optional binding.
Since this modification is not strictly spec-compliant anymore, we should not enable it by default. But having it available can be useful for many use cases, especially when we have many sources (or when we are doing link traversal).
\nA bounty has been placed on this issue by:
\n\n\n |
\n |
€1088 | \n
Click here to learn more if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.
","createdAt":"2021-05-28T13:11:35Z","closedAt":"2024-06-05T06:31:01Z"},{"state":"CLOSED","title":"Run CI on windows and mac","url":"","number":798,"repository":{"name":"comunica","nameWithOwner":"comunica/comunica","url":"","description":"📬 A knowledge graph querying framework for JavaScript"},"assignees":{"totalCount":1,"nodes":[{"name":"Jesse Wright","avatarUrl":"","url":""}]},"body":"#### Issue type:\r\n\r\n- :heavy_plus_sign: Feature request \r\n\r\n____\r\n#### Description:\r\n\r\nAs we have migrated to GitHub Actions to run our CI, it should be easy to run on Windows and Mac as well.\r\nEssentially, we need to add `macos-latest` and `windows-latest` to the test job in our CI.\r\nHowever, [tests seem to fail](, which is why it isn't enabled yet.\r\n\r\nMay be related to #713 and #616.\r\n\r\n-----\r\n\r\n## Bounty\r\n\r\nA [bounty]( has been placed on this issue by:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n| |\r\n|-|\r\n| []( |\r\n| €272 |\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n[Click here to learn more]( if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.","bodyHTML":"As we have migrated to GitHub Actions to run our CI, it should be easy to run on Windows and Mac as well.
\nEssentially, we need to add macos-latest
and windows-latest
to the test job in our CI.
\nHowever, tests seem to fail, which is why it isn't enabled yet.
May be related to #713 and #616.
\nA bounty has been placed on this issue by:
\n\n\n |
\n |
€272 | \n
Click here to learn more if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.
","createdAt":"2021-03-23T10:55:56Z","closedAt":"2024-06-12T07:16:30Z"},{"state":"CLOSED","title":"Ensure backpressure is maintained in streams","url":"","number":759,"repository":{"name":"comunica","nameWithOwner":"comunica/comunica","url":"","description":"📬 A knowledge graph querying framework for JavaScript"},"assignees":{"totalCount":1,"nodes":[{"name":"Jesse Wright","avatarUrl":"","url":""}]},"body":"#### Issue type:\r\n\r\n- :bug: Bug \r\n\r\n____\r\n#### Description:\r\n\r\nThere seem to be a couple of places where we are not adhering to Node's backpressure conventions with regards to streams.\r\n\r\nConcretely, we seem to be creating new streams (such as `Readable`, `PassThrough` and `Transform`), and `push`-ing into them (via a `'data'` handler on another stream). Node handles backpressuring via the return value of `push`, which we are ignoring in this manner.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nA better solution would be to simply `pipe` instead of calling `push` on each data element.\r\n\r\nRelated to\r\n\r\n-----\r\n\r\n## Bounty\r\n\r\nA [bounty]( has been placed on this issue by:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n| |\r\n|-|\r\n| []( |\r\n| €1088 |\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n[Click here to learn more]( if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.\r\n","bodyHTML":"There seem to be a couple of places where we are not adhering to Node's backpressure conventions with regards to streams.
\nConcretely, we seem to be creating new streams (such as Readable
, PassThrough
and Transform
), and push
-ing into them (via a 'data'
handler on another stream). Node handles backpressuring via the return value of push
, which we are ignoring in this manner.
\nA better solution would be to simply pipe
instead of calling push
on each data element.
Related to rubensworks/rdf-parse.js@269c757
\nA bounty has been placed on this issue by:
\n\n\n |
\n |
€1088 | \n
Click here to learn more if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.
","createdAt":"2020-11-12T14:10:28Z","closedAt":"2024-05-22T13:05:11Z"},{"state":"CLOSED","title":"Throwing `Projection of ungrouped variable` error on valid query","url":"","number":120,"repository":{"name":"SPARQL.js","nameWithOwner":"RubenVerborgh/SPARQL.js","url":"","description":"A parser for the SPARQL query language in JavaScript"},"assignees":{"totalCount":1,"nodes":[{"name":"Daniel Beeke","avatarUrl":"","url":""}]},"body":"We're encountering issues with the most recent sparqljs releases, where the error checking is too strict.\r\nThis query is valid, but throws an `Projection of ungrouped variable (?p)` error:\r\n\r\n```\r\nselect ?p (count(*) as ?n) {\r\n [ ?p [] ].\r\n}\r\n```\r\n\r\nThis seems to be introduced by this PR: #108\r\n\r\n\r\n-----\r\n\r\n## Bounty\r\n\r\nA [bounty]( has been placed on this issue by:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n| |\r\n|-|\r\n| []( |\r\n| €272 |\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n[Click here to learn more]( if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.","bodyHTML":"We're encountering issues with the most recent sparqljs releases, where the error checking is too strict.
\nThis query is valid, but throws an Projection of ungrouped variable (?p)
select ?p (count(*) as ?n) {\n [ ?p [] ].\n}\n
This seems to be introduced by this PR: #108
\nA bounty has been placed on this issue by:
\n\n\n |
\n |
€272 | \n
Click here to learn more if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.
","createdAt":"2020-10-29T10:13:22Z","closedAt":"2021-10-01T10:37:44Z"},{"state":"CLOSED","title":"URL encoded strings are decoded in IRIs","url":"","number":39,"repository":{"name":"rdfxml-streaming-parser.js","nameWithOwner":"rdfjs/rdfxml-streaming-parser.js","url":"","description":"Streaming RDF/XML parser"},"assignees":{"totalCount":1,"nodes":[{"name":"Thomas Tanon","avatarUrl":"","url":""}]},"body":"Hi, I have a rdf-xml file where an IRI contains the character sequence ` `, which is a URL encoding for newlines (`\\n`). In the output of rdfxml-streaming-parser, this string is decoded, so that my IRI now instead contains `\\n`. The same can be seen for other strings such as `>` and `<`. This is different from what N3 does for turtle-family parsing. I'm not certain which approach would be correct. \r\n\r\n```javascript\r\nconst fs = require('fs');\r\nconst RdfXmlParser = require(\"rdfxml-streaming-parser\").RdfXmlParser;\r\nconst N3 = require('n3');\r\n\r\nfs.createReadStream('test.rdf')\r\n .pipe(new RdfXmlParser())\r\n .on('data', console.log)\r\n\r\nfs.createReadStream('test.ttl')\r\n .pipe(new N3.StreamParser())\r\n .on('data', console.log)\r\n```\r\n\r\ninput files: \r\n\r\n```rdf\r\n\r\nHi, I have a rdf-xml file where an IRI contains the character sequence 

, which is a URL encoding for newlines (\\n
). In the output of rdfxml-streaming-parser, this string is decoded, so that my IRI now instead contains \\n
. The same can be seen for other strings such as >
and <
. This is different from what N3 does for turtle-family parsing. I'm not certain which approach would be correct.
const fs = require('fs');\nconst RdfXmlParser = require(\"rdfxml-streaming-parser\").RdfXmlParser;\nconst N3 = require('n3');\n\nfs.createReadStream('test.rdf')\n .pipe(new RdfXmlParser())\n .on('data', console.log)\n\nfs.createReadStream('test.ttl')\n .pipe(new N3.StreamParser())\n .on('data', console.log)
input files:
\n<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?>\n<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=\"\"\n xmlns:ns0=\"b:\">\n\n <rdf:Description rdf:about=\"a:
\">\n <ns0:b rdf:resource=\"c:c\"/>\n </rdf:Description>\n\n</rdf:RDF>
\nQuad {\n subject: NamedNode { value: 'a:\\n' },\n predicate: NamedNode { value: 'b:b' },\n object: NamedNode { value: 'c:c' },\n graph: DefaultGraph { value: '' }\n}\nQuad {\n subject: NamedNode { id: 'a:
' },\n predicate: NamedNode { id: 'b:b' },\n object: NamedNode { id: 'c:c' },\n graph: DefaultGraph { id: '' }\n}\n
A bounty has been placed on this issue by:
\n\n\n |
\n |
€544 | \n
Click here to learn more if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.
","createdAt":"2020-06-30T12:55:55Z","closedAt":"2022-08-25T07:26:06Z"},{"state":"CLOSED","title":"Parsing issue with SPARQL query on inverse paths in anonymous node","url":"","number":99,"repository":{"name":"SPARQL.js","nameWithOwner":"RubenVerborgh/SPARQL.js","url":"","description":"A parser for the SPARQL query language in JavaScript"},"assignees":{"totalCount":1,"nodes":[{"name":"Daniel Beeke","avatarUrl":"","url":""}]},"body":"_Originally reported in by @jaw111._\r\n\r\nThere is an odd combination of syntax that is flagged as an error.\r\n\r\n```sparql\r\nSELECT *\r\nWHERE {\r\n ?movie a dbpedia-owl:Film ;\r\n dbpedia-owl:starring [\r\n rdfs:label \"Brad Pitt\"@en ;\r\n ^dbpedia-owl:starring ?otherMovie\r\n ] .\r\n}\r\n```\r\n\r\nGives the error:\r\n\r\n```\r\n# Parse error on line 21:\r\ Pitt\"@en ; ^dbpedia-owl:starrin\r\n----------------------^\r\nExpecting 'IRIREF', 'PNAME_NS', 'VAR', '}', 'GRAPH', ';', 'a', ']', 'PNAME_LN', '.', got '^'\r\n```\r\n\r\nWhilst removing the triple pattern for `a` works just fine:\r\n\r\n```sparql\r\nSELECT *\r\nWHERE {\r\n ?movie\r\n dbpedia-owl:starring [\r\n rdfs:label \"Brad Pitt\"@en ;\r\n ^dbpedia-owl:starring ?otherMovie\r\n ] .\r\n}\r\n```\r\n\r\n-----\r\n\r\n## Bounty\r\n\r\nA [bounty]( has been placed on this issue by:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n| |\r\n|-|\r\n| []( |\r\n| €272 |\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n[Click here to learn more]( if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.","bodyHTML":"Originally reported in by comunica/comunica#677 @jaw111.
\nThere is an odd combination of syntax that is flagged as an error.
\nSELECT *\nWHERE {\n ?movie a dbpedia-owl:Film ;\n dbpedia-owl:starring [\n rdfs:label \"Brad Pitt\"@en ;\n ^dbpedia-owl:starring ?otherMovie\n ] .\n}
Gives the error:
\n# Parse error on line 21:\ Pitt\"@en ; ^dbpedia-owl:starrin\n----------------------^\nExpecting 'IRIREF', 'PNAME_NS', 'VAR', '}', 'GRAPH', ';', 'a', ']', 'PNAME_LN', '.', got '^'\n
Whilst removing the triple pattern for a
works just fine:
SELECT *\nWHERE {\n ?movie\n dbpedia-owl:starring [\n rdfs:label \"Brad Pitt\"@en ;\n ^dbpedia-owl:starring ?otherMovie\n ] .\n}
A bounty has been placed on this issue by:
\n\n\n |
\n |
€272 | \n
Click here to learn more if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.
","createdAt":"2020-06-25T11:32:44Z","closedAt":"2021-11-29T13:39:03Z"},{"state":"CLOSED","title":"Achieve full test coverage","url":"","number":38,"repository":{"name":"sparqlee","nameWithOwner":"comunica/sparqlee","url":"","description":"⚙️ SPARQL expression evaluator library - Moved to @comunica/expression-evaluator"},"assignees":{"totalCount":1,"nodes":[{"name":"Thomas Tanon","avatarUrl":"","url":""}]},"body":"We need additional and effective (unit/spec/integration/util) tests so that we achieve a 100% testing coverage.\r\n\r\nRelated to:\r\n\r\n* #35\r\n* #37\r\n* #34\r\n* #50\r\n* #40\r\n* #41\r\n* #21\r\n* #20\r\n-----\r\n\r\n## Bounty\r\n\r\nA [bounty]( has been placed on this issue by:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n| |\r\n|-|\r\n| []( |\r\n| €544 |\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n[Click here to learn more]( if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.","bodyHTML":"We need additional and effective (unit/spec/integration/util) tests so that we achieve a 100% testing coverage.
\nRelated to:
\n\nA bounty has been placed on this issue by:
\n\n\n |
\n |
€544 | \n
Click here to learn more if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.
","createdAt":"2019-05-20T15:53:09Z","closedAt":"2022-06-01T05:25:09Z"},{"state":"OPEN","title":"HTTP caching","url":"","number":166,"repository":{"name":"comunica","nameWithOwner":"comunica/comunica","url":"","description":"📬 A knowledge graph querying framework for JavaScript"},"assignees":{"totalCount":0,"nodes":[]},"body":"#### Issue type:\r\n\r\n- :heavy_plus_sign: Feature request\r\n\r\n____\r\n#### Description:\r\n\r\nWe should add support for proper client-side caching of HTTP resources.\r\nWe should check both the `Expires`, `Cache-Control`, `ETag` and `Last-Modified` headers, and appropriately send requests with `If-None-Match`/`If-Modified-Since` if needed.\r\n\r\nWe should make the cache actor work on the http bus.\r\n\r\nThere may be npm packages available that can help us out.\r\n\r\nThis article contains some useful information on caching:\r\n\r\nMore relevant papers:\r\n* Bahn, Hyokyung, et al. \"Efficient replacement of nonuniform objects in web caches.\" Computer 35.6 (2002): 65-73.\r\n* Jin, Shudong, and Azer Bestavros. \"GreedyDual∗ Web caching algorithm: exploiting the two sources of temporal locality in Web request streams.\" Computer Communications 24.2 (2001): 174-183.\r\n* Jin, Shudong, and Azer Bestavros. \"Popularity-aware greedy dual-size web proxy caching algorithms.\" Proceedings 20th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems. IEEE, 2000.\r\n\r\n-----\r\n\r\n**Implementation suggestions:**\r\n\r\n* A new package: `actor-http-cache` on the http bus\r\n* This new actor should be able to use a [`Cache`]( from the context (interface is available in TS when using dom types).\r\n* A simple default LRUCache-based `Cache` implementation should be set here if the user provided none in the context:\r\nIt can be implemented using\r\n* This actor should invoke the HTTP invalidation bus when cache entries become invalidation, to ensure that other parts of the query engine that cache things will be notified. This can be done by adding a `mediatorHttpInvalidate` to this actor, and invoking it like here:\r\n* This actor should also listen to manual HTTP invalidations via an HTTP invalidate observer, just like here:\r\n\r\n-----\r\n\r\n**Things that become possible after this issue has been resolved:**\r\n\r\n* The hardcoded cache store and cache semantics can be moved to a bus, with corresponding default actors. We should still allow values to be set for them via the context, in which case the bus should not be invoked.\r\n\r\n-----\r\n\r\n## Bounty\r\n\r\nA [bounty]( has been placed on this issue by:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n| |\r\n|-|\r\n| []( |\r\n| €544 |\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n[Click here to learn more]( if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.","bodyHTML":"We should add support for proper client-side caching of HTTP resources.
\nWe should check both the Expires
, Cache-Control
, ETag
and Last-Modified
headers, and appropriately send requests with If-None-Match
if needed.
We should make the cache actor work on the http bus.
\nThere may be npm packages available that can help us out.
\nThis article contains some useful information on caching:
\nMore relevant papers:
\nImplementation suggestions:
on the http busCache
from the context (interface is available in TS when using dom types).Cache
implementation should be set here if the user provided none in the context:
to this actor, and invoking it like here: that become possible after this issue has been resolved:
\nA bounty has been placed on this issue by:
\n\n\n |
\n |
€544 | \n
Click here to learn more if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.
","createdAt":"2018-07-03T10:59:23Z","closedAt":null},{"state":"CLOSED","title":"Clearer error reporting for incorrect input","url":"","number":119,"repository":{"name":"comunica","nameWithOwner":"comunica/comunica","url":"","description":"📬 A knowledge graph querying framework for JavaScript"},"assignees":{"totalCount":0,"nodes":[]},"body":"_This issue has been modified by @rubensworks to describe the intended solution_\r\n\r\n**Problem:**\r\n\r\nThe problem is that some (most?) errors that can be produced by Comunica are quite cryptic.\r\nThis is a consequence of inter-actor communication happening via mediators, which can produce errors such as:\r\n```\r\nError: https://.../rdf-dereference.json#mediatorRdfParse mediated over all rejecting actors:\r\nError: Unrecognized media type: text/html\r\nError: Unrecognized media type: text/html\r\nError: Unrecognized media type: text/html\r\n at MediatorRace.js:55\r\n```\r\n\r\nSo the common format is that mediators show an error message that accumulates error messages from failing actors.\r\n\r\n**Possible solution:**\r\n\r\nOne possible solution could be to reformat these types of error messages to something roughly like:\r\n```\r\nError: RDF parsing failed: none of the configured parsers were able to handle the content type 'text/html'.\r\n Error messages of failing actors:\r\n ActorNameX: Unrecognized media type: text/html\r\n ActorNameY: Unrecognized media type: text/html\r\n ActorNameZ: Unrecognized media type: text/html\r\n```\r\n\r\n(certainly open to other suggestions)\r\n\r\n**Implementation suggestions:**\r\n\r\nWe could have mediators accept an error message format (with placeholders for things such as `contentType` in parsing actions).\r\n\r\nEach mediator would also require some polishing (and alignment) in how it produces error messages.\r\n\r\nSomething like the following should be possible: `mediator.mediate(action, (failReasons) => 'This is an error message')`\r\n\r\n-----\r\n\r\nOriginal issue:\r\n\r\n#### Issue type:\r\n\r\n- :heavy_plus_sign: Feature request\r\n\r\n#### Description:\r\n\r\nWhen invoking `comunica-sparql` with (for instance) an error in the query, I get:\r\n\r\n```\r\nError: Unknown prefix: schema\r\n at Object.anonymous (/Users/ruben/.nvm/versions/node/v8.9.4/lib/node_modules/@comunica/actor-init-sparql/node_modules/sparqljs/lib/SparqlParser.js:498:29)\r\n at Parser.parse (/Users/ruben/.nvm/versions/node/v8.9.4/lib/node_modules/@comunica/actor-init-sparql/node_modules/sparqljs/lib/SparqlParser.js:642:36)\r\n at Parser.parser.parse (/Users/ruben/.nvm/versions/node/v8.9.4/lib/node_modules/@comunica/actor-init-sparql/node_modules/sparqljs/sparql.js:22:37)\r\n at Object.translate (/Users/ruben/.nvm/versions/node/v8.9.4/lib/node_modules/@comunica/actor-init-sparql/node_modules/sparqlalgebrajs/lib/sparqlAlgebra.js:30:25)\r\n at (/Users/ruben/.nvm/versions/node/v8.9.4/lib/node_modules/@comunica/actor-init-sparql/node_modules/@comunica/actor-sparql-parse-algebra/lib/ActorSparqlParseAlgebra.js:16:47)\r\n at MediatorRace.mediate (/Users/ruben/.nvm/versions/node/v8.9.4/lib/node_modules/@comunica/actor-init-sparql/node_modules/@comunica/core/lib/Mediator.js:80:22)\r\n atThis issue has been modified by @rubensworks to describe the intended solution
\nThe problem is that some (most?) errors that can be produced by Comunica are quite cryptic.
\nThis is a consequence of inter-actor communication happening via mediators, which can produce errors such as:
Error: https://.../rdf-dereference.json#mediatorRdfParse mediated over all rejecting actors:\nError: Unrecognized media type: text/html\nError: Unrecognized media type: text/html\nError: Unrecognized media type: text/html\n at MediatorRace.js:55\n
So the common format is that mediators show an error message that accumulates error messages from failing actors.
\nPossible solution:
\nOne possible solution could be to reformat these types of error messages to something roughly like:
\nError: RDF parsing failed: none of the configured parsers were able to handle the content type 'text/html'.\n Error messages of failing actors:\n ActorNameX: Unrecognized media type: text/html\n ActorNameY: Unrecognized media type: text/html\n ActorNameZ: Unrecognized media type: text/html\n
(certainly open to other suggestions)
\nImplementation suggestions:
\nWe could have mediators accept an error message format (with placeholders for things such as contentType
in parsing actions).
Each mediator would also require some polishing (and alignment) in how it produces error messages.
\nSomething like the following should be possible: mediator.mediate(action, (failReasons) => 'This is an error message')
Original issue:
\nWhen invoking comunica-sparql
with (for instance) an error in the query, I get:
Error: Unknown prefix: schema\n at Object.anonymous (/Users/ruben/.nvm/versions/node/v8.9.4/lib/node_modules/@comunica/actor-init-sparql/node_modules/sparqljs/lib/SparqlParser.js:498:29)\n at Parser.parse (/Users/ruben/.nvm/versions/node/v8.9.4/lib/node_modules/@comunica/actor-init-sparql/node_modules/sparqljs/lib/SparqlParser.js:642:36)\n at Parser.parser.parse (/Users/ruben/.nvm/versions/node/v8.9.4/lib/node_modules/@comunica/actor-init-sparql/node_modules/sparqljs/sparql.js:22:37)\n at Object.translate (/Users/ruben/.nvm/versions/node/v8.9.4/lib/node_modules/@comunica/actor-init-sparql/node_modules/sparqlalgebrajs/lib/sparqlAlgebra.js:30:25)\n at (/Users/ruben/.nvm/versions/node/v8.9.4/lib/node_modules/@comunica/actor-init-sparql/node_modules/@comunica/actor-sparql-parse-algebra/lib/ActorSparqlParseAlgebra.js:16:47)\n at MediatorRace.mediate (/Users/ruben/.nvm/versions/node/v8.9.4/lib/node_modules/@comunica/actor-init-sparql/node_modules/@comunica/core/lib/Mediator.js:80:22)\n at <anonymous>\n at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:188:7)\n at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:686:11)\n at startup (bootstrap_node.js:187:16)\n
Would be helpful to a) hide the stacktrace (only show it when a certain flag is set) and b) for this particular case, make the error message (a bit) more descriptive.
\nA bounty has been placed on this issue by:
\n\n\n |
\n |
€1632 | \n
Click here to learn more if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.
","createdAt":"2018-03-19T08:42:12Z","closedAt":"2024-09-06T13:44:53Z"},{"state":"CLOSED","title":"Allow HTTP timeout configuration","url":"","number":70,"repository":{"name":"comunica","nameWithOwner":"comunica/comunica","url":"","description":"📬 A knowledge graph querying framework for JavaScript"},"assignees":{"totalCount":1,"nodes":[{"name":"Thomas Tanon","avatarUrl":"","url":""}]},"body":"We should allow users to pass an HTTP timeout value via the context (`httpTimeout`).\r\n\r\nThis could be implemented using our own `setTimeout` and the fetch `AbortController`:\r\n\r\nWe should keep in mind here that we should clear our own timeout once the request completes (response object is available).\r\n\r\nAdditionally, we need an extra context option (boolean: `httpTimeoutOnBody`) to make it so that the timeout not only applies to the time until response starts coming in, but also to the time until the response body is fully available. The latter could take longer, or potentially be infinite for e.g. continuous data streams. This should also take into account that response bodies can be cancelled from within Comunica.\r\n\r\n-----\r\n\r\n## Bounty\r\n\r\nA [bounty]( has been placed on this issue by:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n| |\r\n|-|\r\n| []( |\r\n| €1088 |\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n[Click here to learn more]( if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.","bodyHTML":"We should allow users to pass an HTTP timeout value via the context (httpTimeout
This could be implemented using our own setTimeout
and the fetch AbortController
: node-fetch/node-fetch#95
We should keep in mind here that we should clear our own timeout once the request completes (response object is available).
\nAdditionally, we need an extra context option (boolean: httpTimeoutOnBody
) to make it so that the timeout not only applies to the time until response starts coming in, but also to the time until the response body is fully available. The latter could take longer, or potentially be infinite for e.g. continuous data streams. This should also take into account that response bodies can be cancelled from within Comunica.
A bounty has been placed on this issue by:
\n\n\n |
\n |
€1088 | \n
Click here to learn more if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.
","createdAt":"2018-01-15T14:21:31Z","closedAt":"2022-06-28T12:55:53Z"}]}}}},"__N_SSG":true} \ No newline at end of file +{"pageProps":{"githubData":{"data":{"search":{"nodes":[{"state":"CLOSED","title":"DELETE/INSERT is deleting the quad but not updating the same value in the data store.","url":"","number":1301,"repository":{"name":"comunica","nameWithOwner":"comunica/comunica","url":"","description":"📬 A knowledge graph querying framework for JavaScript"},"assignees":{"totalCount":1,"nodes":[{"name":"Karel Klíma","avatarUrl":"","url":""}]},"body":"\r\n\r\n\r\n#### Issue type:\r\n\r\n- :bug: Bug \r\n\r\n____\r\n#### Description:\r\n\r\n\r\n In case of DELETE/INSERT query, if I am updating a quad with the same value as in datastore, apparently the quad is being deleted but it should update the quad to the same value resulting in no change. \r\n \r\n Following the third example at\r\n```\r\n console.log(\"initial size = \", store.size); // prints 6\r\n\r\n // for president25, renaming to the same name.\r\n await myEngine.queryVoid(\r\n `\r\n PREFIX foaf:In case of DELETE/INSERT query, if I am updating a quad with the same value as in datastore, apparently the quad is being deleted but it should update the quad to the same value resulting in no change.
\nFollowing the third example at
\n console.log(\"initial size = \", store.size); // prints 6\n\n // for president25, renaming to the same name.\n await myEngine.queryVoid(\n `\n PREFIX foaf: <>\n DELETE { <http://example/president25> foaf:givenName ?name }\n INSERT { <http://example/president25> foaf:givenName ?name }\n WHERE\n {\n <http://example/president25> foaf:givenName ?name\n }`,\n {\n sources: [store],\n }\n );\n console.log(\"updated size = \", store.size); // prints 5\n
or if I try putting the same name in the query in INSERT
\n console.log(\"initial size = \", store.size); // prints 6\n\n // for president25, renaming to the same name.\n await myEngine.queryVoid(\n `\n PREFIX foaf: <>\n DELETE { <http://example/president25> foaf:givenName ?name }\n INSERT { <http://example/president25> foaf:givenName 'Bill'}\n WHERE\n {\n <http://example/president25> foaf:givenName ?name\n }`,\n {\n sources: [store],\n }\n );\n console.log(\"updated size = \", store.size); // prints 5\n\n
in both above cases, 1 quad is removed which is obvious due to the DELETE, but a new quad is not being inserted.
\nWhy is it so?
GraphDB behaves differently for the same query, it deletes the quad but inserts in back again for the same value.
\nnode v18.6.0
\n\"@comunica/query-sparql\": \"^2.10.2\"
\n\"n3\": \"^1.17.2\"
A bounty has been placed on this issue by:
\n\n\n |
\n |
€272 | \n
Click here to learn more if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.
","createdAt":"2024-02-17T12:26:18Z","closedAt":"2024-04-24T06:38:28Z"},{"state":"CLOSED","title":"Duplicate bindings on construct query","url":"","number":1300,"repository":{"name":"comunica","nameWithOwner":"comunica/comunica","url":"","description":"📬 A knowledge graph querying framework for JavaScript"},"assignees":{"totalCount":1,"nodes":[{"name":"Simon Van Braeckel","avatarUrl":"","url":""}]},"body":"\r\n\r\n\r\n#### Issue type:\r\n\r\n- :heavy_plus_sign: Feature request \r\n\r\n____\r\n#### Description:\r\n\r\nI get unexpected results with `comunica-sparql -q 'CONSTRUCT WHERE {I get unexpected results with comunica-sparql -q 'CONSTRUCT WHERE { <> ?p ?o ; <> ?d . ?d ?e ?f }'
. The output contains a lot of duplicate triples (like some kind of Cartesian product):
<> <> <>, <>.\n<> <> \"Distributie 1a\".\n<> <> <>, <>.\n<> <> \"Distributie 1a\".\n<> <> \"Keyword 1\";\n <> <>.\n<> <> \"Distributie 1a\".\n<> <> \"Keyword 2\";\n <> <>.\n<> <> \"Distributie 1a\".\n<> a <>;\n <> <>.\n<> <> \"Distributie 1a\".\n<> <> <>, <>.\n<> <> \"Distributie 1b\".\n<> <> <>, <>.\n<> <> \"Distributie 1b\".\n<> <> \"Keyword 1\";\n <> <>.\n<> <> \"Distributie 1b\".\n<> <> \"Keyword 2\";\n <> <>.\n<> <> \"Distributie 1b\".\n<> a <>;\n <> <>.\n<> <> \"Distributie 1b\".\n
The source graph in Turtle being:
\n@prefix rdf: <> .\n@prefix schema: <> .\n\n<> a schema:Dataset ;\n\tschema:distribution <>, <> ;\n\tschema:keywords \"Keyword 1\", \"Keyword 2\" .\n\n<> schema:description \"Distributie 1a\" .\n\n<> schema:description \"Distributie 1b\" .\n\n
The expected result (as given by Apache Jena and GraphDB):
\n<>\n a <> ;\n <> <> , <> ;\n <> \"Keyword 1\" , \"Keyword 2\" .\n\n<>\n <> \"Distributie 1b\" .\n\n<>\n <> \"Distributie 1a\" .\n
The issue is not with the comunica-sparql CLI tool, but with the comunica core. This issue is a slimmed down version of the issue as we encounter with the NDE Dataset Register - netwerk-digitaal-erfgoed/dataset-register#831 - where we use Comunica a lot. In this particular case the number of bindings explodes above our set maximum of 50000.
\nsoftware | \nversion | \n
Comunica Init Actor | \n1.22.2 | \n
node | \nv16.14.2 | \n
npm | \n9.7.1 | \n
yarn | \n1.22.19 | \n
Operating System | \nlinux (Linux 6.1.0-13-amd64) | \n
A bounty has been placed on this issue by:
\n\n\n |
\n |
€272 | \n
Click here to learn more if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.
","createdAt":"2023-12-23T17:59:10Z","closedAt":"2024-07-05T19:05:23Z"},{"state":"OPEN","title":"query interface adds prefix declarations before executing query","url":"","number":149,"repository":{"name":"jQuery-Widget.js","nameWithOwner":"comunica/jQuery-Widget.js","url":"","description":"🖼 A jQuery widget to query heterogeneous interfaces using Comunica SPARQL"},"assignees":{"totalCount":0,"nodes":[]},"body":"\r\n\r\n\r\n#### Issue type:\r\n\r\n- :bug: Bug \r\n\r\n____\r\n#### Description:\r\n\r\nThe query interface at seems to add prefix declarations before executing a query, even if these conflict with prefix declarations that are typed into the input. If I configure a datasource `` and enter this query:\r\n\r\n```sparql\r\nPREFIX owl:The query interface at seems to add prefix declarations before executing a query, even if these conflict with prefix declarations that are typed into the input. If I configure a datasource
and enter this query:
PREFIX owl: <>\nPREFIX rdf: <>\nPREFIX rdfs: <>\nSELECT ?s ?o\nWHERE {\n ?s rdf:type ?o .\n}\nLIMIT 10
I get an error from the SPARQL endpoint: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: org.openrdf.query.MalformedQueryException: Multiple prefix declarations for prefix 'owl'
I don't see a way in the UI to configure which prefix declarations are added, or not.
\nA bounty has been placed on this issue by:
\n\n\n |
\n |
€136 | \n
Click here to learn more if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.
","createdAt":"2023-05-29T18:02:39Z","closedAt":null},{"state":"CLOSED","title":"Duplicate file","url":"","number":145,"repository":{"name":"jQuery-Widget.js","nameWithOwner":"comunica/jQuery-Widget.js","url":"","description":"🖼 A jQuery widget to query heterogeneous interfaces using Comunica SPARQL"},"assignees":{"totalCount":1,"nodes":[{"name":"Maxim Stockmans","avatarUrl":"","url":""}]},"body":"When following the installation procedure as suggested in the README (npm installation), and after executing\r\n `comunica-web-client-generator`, the `queries.json` file gets generated twice: \r\n \r\n One in the folder where generator got executed and one in the `build` folder. \r\n\r\n-----\r\n\r\n## Bounty\r\n\r\nA [bounty]( has been placed on this issue by:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n| |\r\n|-|\r\n| []( |\r\n| €136 |\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n[Click here to learn more]( if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.","bodyHTML":"When following the installation procedure as suggested in the README (npm installation), and after executing
, the queries.json
file gets generated twice:
One in the folder where generator got executed and one in the build
A bounty has been placed on this issue by:
\n\n\n |
\n |
€136 | \n
Click here to learn more if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.
","createdAt":"2023-04-18T07:55:10Z","closedAt":"2024-05-29T08:27:07Z"},{"state":"CLOSED","title":"initialBindings in combination with named graph","url":"","number":1154,"repository":{"name":"comunica","nameWithOwner":"comunica/comunica","url":"","description":"📬 A knowledge graph querying framework for JavaScript"},"assignees":{"totalCount":0,"nodes":[]},"body":"\r\n\r\n\r\n#### Issue type:\r\n\r\n- :bug: Bug \r\n\r\n____\r\n#### Description:\r\n\r\nThis query works fine:\r\n\r\n```sparql\r\nCONSTRUCT FROMThis query works fine:
\nCONSTRUCT FROM <> WHERE { ?s ?p ?o } LIMIT 100
With code:
\nconst quadStream = await this.engine.queryQuads(query, {\n sources: [\n {\n type: 'sparql',\n value: '',\n },\n ],\n});
But when adding initial bindings, we get an error:
\nconst quadStream = await this.engine.queryQuads(query, {\n sources: [\n {\n type: 'sparql',\n value: '',\n },\n ],\n initialBindings: bindingsFactory.fromRecord({}) as unknown as Bindings,\n});
Conversely, when we’re not querying named graphs, the initial bindings work fine:
\nCONSTRUCT WHERE { ?s ?p ?o } LIMIT 100
\nCannot read properties of undefined (reading '0')\",\"stack\":\"TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '0')\\n at translateFrom (/Users/david/src/netwerk-digitaal-erfgoed/network-of-terms/node_modules/sparqlalgebrajs/lib/sparql.js:228:32)\\n at translateOperation (/Users/david/src/netwerk-digitaal-erfgoed/network-of-terms/node_modules/sparqlalgebrajs/lib/sparql.js:71:33)\\n at translateProject (/Users/david/src/netwerk-digitaal-erfgoed/network-of-terms/node_modules/sparqlalgebrajs/lib/sparql.js:369:41)\\n at translateOperation (/Users/david/src/netwerk-digitaal-erfgoed/network-of-terms/node_modules/sparqlalgebrajs/lib/sparql.js:82:36)\\n at toSparqlJs (/Users/david/src/netwerk-digitaal-erfgoed/network-of-terms/node_modules/sparqlalgebrajs/lib/sparql.js:48:18)\\n at toSparql (/Users/david/src/netwerk-digitaal-erfgoed/network-of-terms/node_modules/sparqlalgebrajs/lib/sparql.js:42:32)\\n at (/Users/david/src/netwerk-digitaal-erfgoed/network-of-terms/node_modules/@comunica/actor-query-operation-sparql-endpoint/lib/ActorQueryOperationSparqlEndpoint.js:75:52)\\n at ActorQueryOperationSparqlEndpoint.runObservable (/Users/david/src/netwerk-digitaal-erfgoed/network-of-terms/node_modules/@comunica/core/lib/Actor.js:57:29)\\n at MediatorNumber.mediate (/Users/david/src/netwerk-digitaal-erfgoed/network-of-terms/node_modules/@comunica/core/lib/Mediator.js:79:22)\\n at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)\",\"path\":[\"terms\"],\"locations\":[{\"line\":2,\"column\":3}],\"extensions\":{}},\"message\":\"Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '0')\"}\n
A bounty has been placed on this issue by:
\n\n\n |
\n |
€136 | \n
Click here to learn more if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.
","createdAt":"2023-02-09T11:08:02Z","closedAt":"2023-11-10T12:39:18Z"},{"state":"CLOSED","title":"FILTER on langString literals does not work with N3 as source","url":"","number":1146,"repository":{"name":"comunica","nameWithOwner":"comunica/comunica","url":"","description":"📬 A knowledge graph querying framework for JavaScript"},"assignees":{"totalCount":1,"nodes":[{"name":"Daniel Beeke","avatarUrl":"","url":""}]},"body":"```\r\n// add a quad with a language string\r\nconst store = new N3.Store();\r\nstore.addQuad(namedNode(''), namedNode(''), literal('abc', 'en'));\r\n\r\n// query it using SPARQL with a FILTER\r\nconst eng = new comunica.QueryEngine();\r\nconst bindings = await eng.queryBindings('SELECT ?o WHERE { ?s ?p ?o. FILTER(?o = \"abc\"@en) }', { sources: [ store ] });\r\n```\r\n\r\nAny FILTER on ?o in the example fails (with or without language string, = or !=). That is, as soon as a FILTER on the langString literal is present in the query, it won't return any results anymore. No crash or log warnings, just an empty result set.\r\n\r\nObserved on Comunica v2.6.0 in combination with N3 v1.16.3.\r\n\r\n-----\r\n\r\n## Bounty\r\n\r\nA [bounty]( has been placed on this issue by:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n| |\r\n|-|\r\n| []( |\r\n| €272 |\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n[Click here to learn more]( if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.","bodyHTML":"// add a quad with a language string\nconst store = new N3.Store();\nstore.addQuad(namedNode(''), namedNode(''), literal('abc', 'en'));\n\n// query it using SPARQL with a FILTER\nconst eng = new comunica.QueryEngine();\nconst bindings = await eng.queryBindings('SELECT ?o WHERE { ?s ?p ?o. FILTER(?o = \"abc\"@en) }', { sources: [ store ] });\n
Any FILTER on ?o in the example fails (with or without language string, = or !=). That is, as soon as a FILTER on the langString literal is present in the query, it won't return any results anymore. No crash or log warnings, just an empty result set.
\nObserved on Comunica v2.6.0 in combination with N3 v1.16.3.
\nA bounty has been placed on this issue by:
\n\n\n |
\n |
€272 | \n
Click here to learn more if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.
","createdAt":"2023-01-31T07:42:05Z","closedAt":"2023-03-23T09:12:08Z"},{"state":"CLOSED","title":"UTF-8 characters get corrupted when inserting into blazegraph triple store","url":"","number":1140,"repository":{"name":"comunica","nameWithOwner":"comunica/comunica","url":"","description":"📬 A knowledge graph querying framework for JavaScript"},"assignees":{"totalCount":0,"nodes":[]},"body":"\r\n\r\n\r\n#### Issue type:\r\n\r\n- :bug: Bug \r\n\r\n____\r\n#### Description:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nWhen using comunica to insert triples containing diacritics, the characters get corrupted, while if axios is used the triples are inserted correctly.\r\n\r\n\r\nFor example:\r\n\r\n##### Input triples:\r\n\r\n`\"When using comunica to insert triples containing diacritics, the characters get corrupted, while if axios is used the triples are inserted correctly.
\nFor example:
\n`\"urn:uuid:1231231-321-3123-123-123 \"Terzic\" .\"
\n\"urn:uuid:1231231-321-3123-123-123 \"Терзић\" .\"
\n\"urn:uuid:1231231-321-3123-123-123 \"Terzić\" .\"
\n\"urn:uuid:1231231-321-3123-123-123 \"特尔日奇\" .\"
`\"urn:uuid:01231231-0321-3123-0123-000000000123 \"Terzic\" .\"
\n\"urn:uuid:01231231-0321-3123-0123-000000000123 \"Те�зи�\" .\"
\n\"urn:uuid:01231231-0321-3123-0123-000000000123 \"Terzi�\" .\"
\n\"urn:uuid:01231231-0321-3123-0123-000000000123 \"����\" .\"`
\n\"@comunica/query-sparql\": \"^2.4.3\"
A bounty has been placed on this issue by:
\n\n\n |
\n |
€544 | \n
Click here to learn more if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.
","createdAt":"2023-01-16T15:55:01Z","closedAt":"2023-10-18T06:16:28Z"},{"state":"CLOSED","title":"Add check for query-sparql-* depencies","url":"","number":1139,"repository":{"name":"comunica","nameWithOwner":"comunica/comunica","url":"","description":"📬 A knowledge graph querying framework for JavaScript"},"assignees":{"totalCount":0,"nodes":[]},"body":"\r\n\r\n\r\n#### Issue type:\r\n\r\n- :heavy_plus_sign: Feature request \r\n\r\n____\r\n#### Description:\r\n\r\nTo avoid issues such as, we should add a CI check to ensure that all dependencies from the compiled engine configs are available in the package.json file of each engine.\r\nWe may be able to tweak our `depcheck` script for this.\r\n\r\n@jeswr any thoughts on this?\r\n\r\n-----\r\n\r\n## Bounty\r\n\r\nA [bounty]( has been placed on this issue by:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n| |\r\n|-|\r\n| []( |\r\n| €136 |\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n[Click here to learn more]( if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.","bodyHTML":"\n\nTo avoid issues such as e3b9389, we should add a CI check to ensure that all dependencies from the compiled engine configs are available in the package.json file of each engine.
\nWe may be able to tweak our depcheck
script for this.
@jeswr any thoughts on this?
\nA bounty has been placed on this issue by:
\n\n\n |
\n |
€136 | \n
Click here to learn more if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.
","createdAt":"2023-01-11T10:54:51Z","closedAt":"2023-05-05T09:09:30Z"},{"state":"OPEN","title":"Padding on text box makes \"Execute query\" button hard to click on","url":"","number":136,"repository":{"name":"jQuery-Widget.js","nameWithOwner":"comunica/jQuery-Widget.js","url":"","description":"🖼 A jQuery widget to query heterogeneous interfaces using Comunica SPARQL"},"assignees":{"totalCount":0,"nodes":[]},"body":"Removing the \"padding-bottom: 30px\" fixes it. \r\n\r\n![image](\r\n\r\n-----\r\n\r\n## Bounty\r\n\r\nA [bounty]( has been placed on this issue by:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n| |\r\n|-|\r\n| []( |\r\n| €136 |\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n[Click here to learn more]( if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.\r\n","bodyHTML":"Removing the \"padding-bottom: 30px\" fixes it.
\n\nA bounty has been placed on this issue by:
\n\n\n |
\n |
€136 | \n
Click here to learn more if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.
","createdAt":"2022-11-05T11:07:59Z","closedAt":null},{"state":"CLOSED","title":"Optional fails on N3 store","url":"","number":1095,"repository":{"name":"comunica","nameWithOwner":"comunica/comunica","url":"","description":"📬 A knowledge graph querying framework for JavaScript"},"assignees":{"totalCount":1,"nodes":[{"name":"Daniel Beeke","avatarUrl":"","url":""}]},"body":"\r\n\r\n\r\n#### Issue type:\r\n\r\n- :bug: Bug \r\n\r\n____\r\n#### Description:\r\n\r\nGiven the following two triples I would expect four bindings as the result of the following query.\r\n```\r\nGiven the following two triples I would expect four bindings as the result of the following query.
\n<> <> <>\n<> <> \"Lorem ipsum\"@nl\n\n
SELECT * WHERE { \n ?s ?p ?o .\n\n OPTIONAL {\n ?s <> ?name .\n FILTER(lang(?name) = 'nl')\n }\n }\n
\ns, p, o and name
\ns, p and o
When changing the language filter to something that does not exists I get zero bindings.
\nSee for a reproduction.
\nAnd the console on
I am using N3 and Comunica in a web site.
\nN3 is fetched as an ESM module.
\nComunica is included via a script tag.
A bounty has been placed on this issue by:
\n\n\n |
\n |
€544 | \n
Click here to learn more if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.
","createdAt":"2022-10-07T06:32:50Z","closedAt":"2023-03-08T06:36:14Z"},{"state":"CLOSED","title":"Stream halts on order by over empty source","url":"","number":1091,"repository":{"name":"comunica","nameWithOwner":"comunica/comunica","url":"","description":"📬 A knowledge graph querying framework for JavaScript"},"assignees":{"totalCount":0,"nodes":[]},"body":"\r\n\r\n\r\n#### Issue type:\r\n\r\n- :bug: Bug \r\n\r\n____\r\n#### Description:\r\n\r\nThe node process terminates when reading an empty query bindings stream. What is particularly atypical:\r\n- No error is thrown\r\n- Subsequent lines are not executed\r\n- The process exits with a `0` exit code\r\n\r\nSee [here]( for a minimum working example.\r\n\r\n\r\n____\r\n#### Environment:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n```\r\n| software | version\r\n| ---------------- | -------\r\n| Comunica Engine | 2.4.3 (dev)\r\n| node | v16.17.0\r\n| npm | 8.15.0\r\n| yarn | 1.22.19\r\n| Operating System | linux (Linux 5.15.0-46-generic)\r\n\r\n```\r\n\r\n(note, the github issue template should be updated so that it references `node ./engines/query-sparql/bin/query.js -v` instead of `node ./packages/actor-init-query/bin/query.js -v`)\r\n\r\n#### Crash log:\r\n\r\nNone\r\n\r\n-----\r\n\r\n## Bounty\r\n\r\nA [bounty]( has been placed on this issue by:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n| |\r\n|-|\r\n| []( |\r\n| €544 |\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n[Click here to learn more]( if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.\r\n","bodyHTML":"\n\nThe node process terminates when reading an empty query bindings stream. What is particularly atypical:
exit codeSee here for a minimum working example.
\n| software | version\n| ---------------- | -------\n| Comunica Engine | 2.4.3 (dev)\n| node | v16.17.0\n| npm | 8.15.0\n| yarn | 1.22.19\n| Operating System | linux (Linux 5.15.0-46-generic)\n\n
(note, the github issue template should be updated so that it references node ./engines/query-sparql/bin/query.js -v
instead of node ./packages/actor-init-query/bin/query.js -v
\nA bounty has been placed on this issue by:
\n\n\n |
\n |
€544 | \n
Click here to learn more if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.
","createdAt":"2022-10-04T13:08:30Z","closedAt":"2023-05-25T10:41:47Z"},{"state":"CLOSED","title":"Invalid baseIRI when querying a local JSON-LD file","url":"","number":1044,"repository":{"name":"comunica","nameWithOwner":"comunica/comunica","url":"","description":"📬 A knowledge graph querying framework for JavaScript"},"assignees":{"totalCount":1,"nodes":[{"name":"Andrew Zhurov","avatarUrl":"","url":""}]},"body":"\r\n\r\n\r\n#### Issue type:\r\n\r\n- :bug: Bug \r\n\r\n____\r\n#### Description:\r\n\r\nWhen I query a local JSON-LD file with this command\r\n\r\n```shell\r\ncomunica-sparql-file \"/Users/pheyvaer/Development/test.jsonld\" -q \"SELECT * WHERE {?s ?p ?o}\"\r\n````\r\n\r\n I get the following error \r\n\r\n```\r\nFound invalid baseIRI '/Users/pheyvaer/Development/test.jsonld' for value '/Users/pheyvaer/Development/test.jsonld'\r\n```\r\nThe error doesn't occur when adding `file://` to the path:\r\n\r\n```shell\r\ncomunica-sparql-file \"file:///Users/pheyvaer/Development/test.jsonld\" -q \"SELECT * WHERE {?s ?p ?o}\"\r\n````\r\n____\r\n#### Environment:\r\n```shell\r\n$ comunica-sparql-file -v\r\n```\r\n| software | version\r\n| ---------------- | -------\r\n| Comunica Engine | 2.3.0 \r\n| node | v14.19.2\r\n| npm | 8.10.0\r\n| yarn | 1.22.5\r\n| Operating System | darwin (Darwin 21.5.0)\r\n\r\n\r\n#### Crash log:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n-----\r\n\r\n## Bounty\r\n\r\nA [bounty]( has been placed on this issue by:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n| |\r\n|-|\r\n| []( |\r\n| €136 |\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n[Click here to learn more]( if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.\r\n","bodyHTML":"\n\nWhen I query a local JSON-LD file with this command
\ncomunica-sparql-file \"/Users/pheyvaer/Development/test.jsonld\" -q \"SELECT * WHERE {?s ?p ?o}\"
I get the following error
\nFound invalid baseIRI '/Users/pheyvaer/Development/test.jsonld' for value '/Users/pheyvaer/Development/test.jsonld'\n
The error doesn't occur when adding file://
to the path:
comunica-sparql-file \"file:///Users/pheyvaer/Development/test.jsonld\" -q \"SELECT * WHERE {?s ?p ?o}\"
$ comunica-sparql-file -v
software | \nversion | \n
Comunica Engine | \n2.3.0 | \n
node | \nv14.19.2 | \n
npm | \n8.10.0 | \n
yarn | \n1.22.5 | \n
Operating System | \ndarwin (Darwin 21.5.0) | \n
A bounty has been placed on this issue by:
\n\n\n |
\n |
€136 | \n
Click here to learn more if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.
","createdAt":"2022-08-12T09:03:58Z","closedAt":"2023-01-11T10:12:15Z"},{"state":"CLOSED","title":"\"EXISTS found, but no existence hook provided\" in Optional block","url":"","number":1029,"repository":{"name":"comunica","nameWithOwner":"comunica/comunica","url":"","description":"📬 A knowledge graph querying framework for JavaScript"},"assignees":{"totalCount":0,"nodes":[]},"body":"\r\n\r\n\r\n#### Issue type:\r\n\r\n- :bug: Bug \r\n\r\n____\r\n#### Description:\r\n\r\nThe following code test throws \"EXISTS found, but no existence hook provided\" but should pass\r\nNote that these queries worked in @comunica/actor-init-sparql-rdfjs\r\nAlso presumably similar issue to\r\n```\r\nimport 'mocha'\r\nimport n3 from 'n3'\r\nimport { QueryEngine } from '@comunica/query-sparql-rdfjs'\r\nimport chai from 'chai'\r\n\r\nconst sparql = new QueryEngine()\r\n\r\ndescribe('comunica sparql', () => {\r\n it('Does not support EXISTS sparql keyword', async () => {\r\n const store = new n3.Store()\r\n const subject = n3.DataFactory.namedNode('http://subject')\r\n const predicate = n3.DataFactory.namedNode('http://predicate')\r\n const object = n3.DataFactory.namedNode('http://object')\r\n const blank = n3.DataFactory.blankNode()\r\n const spo = n3.DataFactory.quad(subject, predicate, object)\r\n const bpo = n3.DataFactory.quad(blank, predicate, object)\r\n store.addQuads([spo, bpo])\r\n const quadStream = await sparql.queryQuads(`\r\n CONSTRUCT {\r\n ?s ?p ?o.\r\n }\r\n WHERE { \r\n ?s ?p ?o.\r\n OPTIONAL {\r\n FILTER EXISTS {\r\n ?s2 ?p ?o.\r\n FILTER (?s != ?s2)\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n `,\r\n { sources: [store] })\r\n const result_quads = await quadStream.toArray()\r\n chai.expect(result_quads).to.deep.equal([{\r\n termType: 'Quad',\r\n value: '',\r\n graph: {\r\n termType: 'DefaultGraph',\r\n value: '',\r\n },\r\n subject: {\r\n id: 'http://subject',\r\n },\r\n predicate: {\r\n id: 'http://predicate',\r\n },\r\n object: {\r\n id: 'http://object',\r\n },\r\n }, {\r\n termType: 'Quad',\r\n value: '',\r\n graph: {\r\n termType: 'DefaultGraph',\r\n value: '',\r\n },\r\n subject: {\r\n termType: 'BlankNode',\r\n value: 'bc_0_n3-01',\r\n },\r\n predicate: {\r\n id: 'http://predicate',\r\n },\r\n object: {\r\n id: 'http://object',\r\n },\r\n }])\r\n })\r\n})\r\n\r\n```\r\n\r\n____\r\n#### Environment:\r\n\r\n `node ./packages/actor-init-query/bin/query.js -v`--> not part of \"@comunica/query-sparql-rdfjs\": \"^2.3.0\",\r\n\r\n#### Crash log:\r\n\r\nNA\r\n\r\n-----\r\n\r\n## Bounty\r\n\r\nA [bounty]( has been placed on this issue by:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n| |\r\n|-|\r\n| []( |\r\n| €136 |\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n[Click here to learn more]( if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.\r\n","bodyHTML":"\n\nThe following code test throws \"EXISTS found, but no existence hook provided\" but should pass
\nNote that these queries worked in @comunica/actor-init-sparql-rdfjs
\nAlso presumably similar issue to #650
import 'mocha'\nimport n3 from 'n3'\nimport { QueryEngine } from '@comunica/query-sparql-rdfjs'\nimport chai from 'chai'\n\nconst sparql = new QueryEngine()\n\ndescribe('comunica sparql', () => {\n it('Does not support EXISTS sparql keyword', async () => {\n const store = new n3.Store()\n const subject = n3.DataFactory.namedNode('http://subject')\n const predicate = n3.DataFactory.namedNode('http://predicate')\n const object = n3.DataFactory.namedNode('http://object')\n const blank = n3.DataFactory.blankNode()\n const spo = n3.DataFactory.quad(subject, predicate, object)\n const bpo = n3.DataFactory.quad(blank, predicate, object)\n store.addQuads([spo, bpo])\n const quadStream = await sparql.queryQuads(`\n CONSTRUCT {\n ?s ?p ?o.\n }\n WHERE { \n ?s ?p ?o.\n OPTIONAL {\n FILTER EXISTS {\n ?s2 ?p ?o.\n FILTER (?s != ?s2)\n }\n }\n }\n `,\n { sources: [store] })\n const result_quads = await quadStream.toArray()\n chai.expect(result_quads).to.deep.equal([{\n termType: 'Quad',\n value: '',\n graph: {\n termType: 'DefaultGraph',\n value: '',\n },\n subject: {\n id: 'http://subject',\n },\n predicate: {\n id: 'http://predicate',\n },\n object: {\n id: 'http://object',\n },\n }, {\n termType: 'Quad',\n value: '',\n graph: {\n termType: 'DefaultGraph',\n value: '',\n },\n subject: {\n termType: 'BlankNode',\n value: 'bc_0_n3-01',\n },\n predicate: {\n id: 'http://predicate',\n },\n object: {\n id: 'http://object',\n },\n }])\n })\n})\n\n
node ./packages/actor-init-query/bin/query.js -v
--> not part of \"@comunica/query-sparql-rdfjs\": \"^2.3.0\",
\nA bounty has been placed on this issue by:
\n\n\n |
\n |
€136 | \n
Click here to learn more if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.
","createdAt":"2022-07-18T20:14:45Z","closedAt":"2023-05-25T10:58:27Z"},{"state":"CLOSED","title":"secure conversion to ActionContext object for context added to source","url":"","number":1003,"repository":{"name":"comunica","nameWithOwner":"comunica/comunica","url":"","description":"📬 A knowledge graph querying framework for JavaScript"},"assignees":{"totalCount":1,"nodes":[{"name":"Aron Buzogany","avatarUrl":"","url":""}]},"body":"#### Issue type:\r\n\r\n- :heavy_plus_sign: Feature request \r\n\r\n____\r\n#### Description:\r\n\r\n\r\nAt present a context can be added to a source making a new ActionContext. \r\ne.g. const context = {sources: [ {value:'path_to_source', context : new ActionContext({'@comunica/bus-context-preprocess:mapping':'path_to_mapping'})}] }\r\nI would like to be able to add a context using a plain object, and count on Comunica to convert this object to a ActionContext, like is done with the other context objects. \r\ne.g. const context = {sources: [ {value:'path_to_source', context :{'@comunica/bus-context-preprocess:mapping':'path_to_mapping'}}] }\r\n\r\n-----\r\n\r\n## Bounty\r\n\r\nA [bounty]( has been placed on this issue by:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n| |\r\n|-|\r\n| []( |\r\n| €272 |\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n[Click here to learn more]( if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.","bodyHTML":"At present a context can be added to a source making a new ActionContext.
\ne.g. const context = {sources: [ {value:'path_to_source', context : new ActionContext({'@comunica/bus-context-preprocess:mapping':'path_to_mapping'})}] }
\nI would like to be able to add a context using a plain object, and count on Comunica to convert this object to a ActionContext, like is done with the other context objects.
\ne.g. const context = {sources: [ {value:'path_to_source', context :{'@comunica/bus-context-preprocess:mapping':'path_to_mapping'}}] }
A bounty has been placed on this issue by:
\n\n\n |
\n |
€272 | \n
Click here to learn more if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.
","createdAt":"2022-05-25T14:40:02Z","closedAt":"2023-10-16T12:49:33Z"},{"state":"CLOSED","title":"Querying graphdb results in a lot of requests","url":"","number":994,"repository":{"name":"comunica","nameWithOwner":"comunica/comunica","url":"","description":"📬 A knowledge graph querying framework for JavaScript"},"assignees":{"totalCount":0,"nodes":[]},"body":"#### Issue type:\r\n\r\n- :bug: Bug \r\n\r\n____\r\n#### Description:\r\n\r\nQuery to GraphDB results in a lot of requests.\r\n\r\nCode example with screenshot of the logs:\r\n\r\n-----\r\n\r\n## Bounty\r\n\r\nA [bounty]( has been placed on this issue by:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n| |\r\n|-|\r\n| []( |\r\n| €272 |\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n[Click here to learn more]( if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.","bodyHTML":"Query to GraphDB results in a lot of requests.
\nCode example with screenshot of the logs:
\nA bounty has been placed on this issue by:
\n\n\n |
\n |
€272 | \n
Click here to learn more if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.
","createdAt":"2022-04-26T10:16:26Z","closedAt":"2023-01-16T14:07:43Z"},{"state":"CLOSED","title":"INSERT DATA query on solid pod crashes in browser - again","url":"","number":30,"repository":{"name":"comunica-feature-solid","nameWithOwner":"comunica/comunica-feature-solid","url":"","description":"📬 Comunica packages for query execution over Solid data pods"},"assignees":{"totalCount":1,"nodes":[{"name":"Ludwig","avatarUrl":"","url":""}]},"body":"_This issue has been modified by @rubensworks to describe the intended solution_\r\n\r\n**Problem:**\r\n\r\nThe external [`solid-client-authn-js`]( has a [bug]( that makes it pass incorrect content types on PUT requests.\r\n\r\nThis only occurs in browsers, not in Node.js.\r\n\r\n**Possible solution:**\r\n\r\nSince the bug only seems to occur when using headers using a `Headers` object, and not when passing headers as a plain record, we may be able to work around it by just converting our `Headers` object to a record.\r\n\r\n**Implementation suggestions:**\r\n\r\nThe same workaround as [here]( could be applied [here](\r\n\r\n-----\r\n\r\nOriginal issue:\r\n\r\n#### Issue type:\r\n\r\n- :bug: Bug \r\n\r\n____\r\n#### Description:\r\n\r\nI'm trying to do an insert query using `@comunica/query-sparql-solid` in a next.js + typescript app. I recently ran into another problem reported here ( with a very similar setup. I since switched from the deprecated `@comunica/actor-init-sparql-solid` to `@comunica/query-sparql-solid`. Therefore, the same pre-condition applies: the same query works when executed via command line. This is what I'm trying to do in my TypeScript code:\r\n\r\n```\r\n const insertQuery = `\r\n INSERT DATA {\r\n <${\r\n getDefaultSession().info.webId?.split(\"#\")[0]\r\n }#Seppli>This issue has been modified by @rubensworks to describe the intended solution
\nThe external solid-client-authn-js
has a bug that makes it pass incorrect content types on PUT requests.
This only occurs in browsers, not in Node.js.
\nPossible solution:
\nSince the bug only seems to occur when using headers using a Headers
object, and not when passing headers as a plain record, we may be able to work around it by just converting our Headers
object to a record.
Implementation suggestions:
\nThe same workaround as here could be applied here.
\nOriginal issue:
\nI'm trying to do an insert query using @comunica/query-sparql-solid
in a next.js + typescript app. I recently ran into another problem reported here (#22) with a very similar setup. I since switched from the deprecated @comunica/actor-init-sparql-solid
to @comunica/query-sparql-solid
. Therefore, the same pre-condition applies: the same query works when executed via command line. This is what I'm trying to do in my TypeScript code:
const insertQuery = `\n INSERT DATA {\n <${\n getDefaultSession().info.webId?.split(\"#\")[0]\n }#Seppli> <> 'Seppli'.\n }\n `;\n\n console.log(insertQuery);\n\n await engine.queryVoid(insertQuery, {\n sources: [getDefaultSession().info.webId!],\n \"@comunica/actor-http-inrupt-solid-client-authn:session\":\n getDefaultSession(),\n });\n
Full code available here. But it fails with this error: Unsupported patch content type: text/plain.
\ncomunica-solid-react-test (main)$ ./node_modules/.bin/comunica-sparql-solid -v
\nsoftware | \nversion | \n
Comunica Engine | \n2.0.6 | \n
node | \nv16.14.0 | \n
npm | \n8.3.1 | \n
yarn | \n1.22.17 | \n
Operating System | \nlinux (Linux 5.13.0-37-generic) | \n
A bounty has been placed on this issue by:
\n\n\n |
\n |
€272 | \n
Click here to learn more if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.
","createdAt":"2022-03-24T21:23:59Z","closedAt":"2022-09-06T08:29:56Z"},{"state":"OPEN","title":"Improve error reporting","url":"","number":106,"repository":{"name":"jQuery-Widget.js","nameWithOwner":"comunica/jQuery-Widget.js","url":"","description":"🖼 A jQuery widget to query heterogeneous interfaces using Comunica SPARQL"},"assignees":{"totalCount":0,"nodes":[]},"body":"When an error occurs during query execution (error event is called), the error message is just appended to the results box. We should make error messages really clear.\r\n\r\nSomething similar to this would be ideal:\r\n\r\n\r\n-----\r\n\r\n## Bounty\r\n\r\nA [bounty]( has been placed on this issue by:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n| |\r\n|-|\r\n| []( |\r\n| €272 |\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n[Click here to learn more]( if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.\r\n","bodyHTML":"When an error occurs during query execution (error event is called), the error message is just appended to the results box. We should make error messages really clear.
\nSomething similar to this would be ideal:
A bounty has been placed on this issue by:
\n\n\n |
\n |
€272 | \n
Click here to learn more if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.
","createdAt":"2022-03-04T12:49:47Z","closedAt":null},{"state":"OPEN","title":"Expose ESM modules","url":"","number":930,"repository":{"name":"comunica","nameWithOwner":"comunica/comunica","url":"","description":"📬 A knowledge graph querying framework for JavaScript"},"assignees":{"totalCount":1,"nodes":[{"name":"Jesse Wright","avatarUrl":"","url":""}]},"body":"#### Issue type:\r\n\r\n- :heavy_plus_sign: Feature request \r\n\r\n____\r\n#### Description:\r\n\r\nCurrently, Comunica only exposes CommonJS modules for Node.js.\r\nIn the future, we should expose both ESM and CJS modules, as this will make it easier to use Comunica in other environments, like the browser.\r\n\r\nSome pointers:\r\n-\r\n-\r\n-\r\n\r\nRelated to #857.\r\n\r\n-----\r\n\r\n## Bounty\r\n\r\nA [bounty]( has been placed on this issue by:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n| |\r\n|-|\r\n| []( |\r\n| *Variable budget* |\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n[Click here to learn more]( if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.","bodyHTML":"Currently, Comunica only exposes CommonJS modules for Node.js.
\nIn the future, we should expose both ESM and CJS modules, as this will make it easier to use Comunica in other environments, like the browser.
Some pointers:
\nRelated to #857.
\nA bounty has been placed on this issue by:
\n\n\n |
\n |
Variable budget | \n
Click here to learn more if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.
","createdAt":"2022-02-14T12:35:10Z","closedAt":null},{"state":"CLOSED","title":"ORDER BY is not implemented completely","url":"","number":892,"repository":{"name":"comunica","nameWithOwner":"comunica/comunica","url":"","description":"📬 A knowledge graph querying framework for JavaScript"},"assignees":{"totalCount":1,"nodes":[{"name":"Thomas Tanon","avatarUrl":"","url":""}]},"body":"_This issue has been modified by @rubensworks to describe the intended solution_\r\n\r\nApparently, [we only support ordering by literal values](, and a total ordering as mentioned in the [SPARQL spec]( has not been implemented yet.\r\n\r\nThe goal of this issue is to properly implement total ordering in sparqlee (with the necessary unit tests), and optionally some integration tests here in Comunica.\r\n\r\n-----\r\n\r\n#### Issue type:\r\n\r\n- :bug: Bug \r\n\r\n____\r\n#### Description:\r\n\r\nRunning queries with ORDER BY on @comunica/actor-init-sparql-file, IRIs are not sorted.\r\n\r\nRelevant paragraph in the SPARQL 1.1 Spec (\r\n\r\n> The \"<\" operator (see the Operator Mapping and 17.3.1 Operator Extensibility) defines the relative order of pairs of numerics, simple literals, xsd:strings, xsd:booleans and xsd:dateTimes. Pairs of IRIs are ordered by comparing them as simple literals.\r\n\r\nExample (using VALUES for self-containment, but I've found the same issue with actual input sources):\r\n```javascript\r\nimport { newEngine } from '@comunica/actor-init-sparql-file'\r\n\r\nconst query = `\r\n PREFIX ex:This issue has been modified by @rubensworks to describe the intended solution
\nApparently, we only support ordering by literal values, and a total ordering as mentioned in the SPARQL spec has not been implemented yet.
\nThe goal of this issue is to properly implement total ordering in sparqlee (with the necessary unit tests), and optionally some integration tests here in Comunica.
\nRunning queries with ORDER BY on @comunica/actor-init-sparql-file, IRIs are not sorted.
\nRelevant paragraph in the SPARQL 1.1 Spec (
\n\n\nThe \"<\" operator (see the Operator Mapping and 17.3.1 Operator Extensibility) defines the relative order of pairs of numerics, simple literals, xsd:strings, xsd:booleans and xsd:dateTimes. Pairs of IRIs are ordered by comparing them as simple literals.
Example (using VALUES for self-containment, but I've found the same issue with actual input sources):
\nimport { newEngine } from '@comunica/actor-init-sparql-file'\n\nconst query = `\n PREFIX ex: <>\n SELECT ?x\n WHERE {\n VALUES ?x {ex:b ex:a ex:c}\n } ORDER BY ?x`;\n\nconst engine = newEngine();\nconst resPromise = engine.query(query);\n\n// show the results\nresPromise\n .then((result) => result.bindings())\n .then((ba) => => Object.fromEntries(b.entries())))\n .then(console.log);\n\n// expected output:\n//\n// [\n// {\n// '?x': NamedNode { termType: 'NamedNode', value: '' }\n// },\n// {\n// '?x': NamedNode { termType: 'NamedNode', value: '' }\n// },\n// {\n// '?x': NamedNode { termType: 'NamedNode', value: '' }\n// }\n// ]\n\n// actual output:\n//\n// [\n// {\n// '?x': NamedNode { termType: 'NamedNode', value: '' }\n// },\n// {\n// '?x': NamedNode { termType: 'NamedNode', value: '' }\n// },\n// {\n// '?x': NamedNode { termType: 'NamedNode', value: '' }\n// }\n// ]
Result of running from my package node node_modules/@comunica/actor-init-sparql/bin/query.js -v
software | \nversion | \n
Comunica Init Actor | \n1.22.3 | \n
node | \nv14.18.1 | \n
npm | \n6.14.15 | \n
yarn | \n1.22.17 | \n
Operating System | \nlinux (Linux 5.4.0-48-generic) | \n
Not applicable.
\nA bounty has been placed on this issue by:
\n\n\n |
\n |
€544 | \n
Click here to learn more if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.
","createdAt":"2021-11-21T17:42:37Z","closedAt":"2022-05-12T07:07:51Z"},{"state":"CLOSED","title":"Include Sparqlee into the main Comunica monorepo","url":"","number":131,"repository":{"name":"sparqlee","nameWithOwner":"comunica/sparqlee","url":"","description":"⚙️ SPARQL expression evaluator library - Moved to @comunica/expression-evaluator"},"assignees":{"totalCount":0,"nodes":[]},"body":"We may want to consider making this project part of the main Comunica monorepo because\r\n\r\n* there are quite a bit of interdependencies, and changes in either project require annoying interlinking,\r\n* any major changes in sparqlee require manual checking in Comunica if things like spec and integration tests still work, while making this part of the monorepo would allow us to use Comunica's CI pipeline for this.\r\n\r\nBefore we would do this move, we need to make sure that this project follows all of Comunica's coding conventions, and that we have 100% testing coverage, so this depends on #38.\r\n\r\n-----\r\n\r\n## Bounty\r\n\r\nA [bounty]( has been placed on this issue by:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n| |\r\n|-|\r\n| []( |\r\n| *Variable budget* |\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n[Click here to learn more]( if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.","bodyHTML":"We may want to consider making this project part of the main Comunica monorepo because
\nBefore we would do this move, we need to make sure that this project follows all of Comunica's coding conventions, and that we have 100% testing coverage, so this depends on #38.
\nA bounty has been placed on this issue by:
\n\n\n |
\n |
Variable budget | \n
Click here to learn more if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.
","createdAt":"2021-10-29T15:09:24Z","closedAt":"2023-08-25T11:06:20Z"},{"state":"CLOSED","title":"Remove dependency on Node.js APIs","url":"","number":857,"repository":{"name":"comunica","nameWithOwner":"comunica/comunica","url":"","description":"📬 A knowledge graph querying framework for JavaScript"},"assignees":{"totalCount":1,"nodes":[{"name":"Thomas Tanon","avatarUrl":"","url":""}]},"body":"#### Issue type:\r\n\r\n- :heavy_plus_sign: Feature request \r\n\r\n____\r\n#### Description:\r\n\r\nCurrently, when trying to bundle Comunica via tools such as Webpack (>= 5.x) requires users to manually configure polyfills for Node.js built-ins. We should make this process easier by not directly depending on Node.js built-ins, and instead use libraries such as `readable-stream`.\r\n\r\nThis will also require some changes to several dependencies, such as RDF parsers.\r\n\r\nWe should ensure that no such Node.js built-in dependencies are added in the future, either via a linter rule if that exists, or via a webpack process during CI.\r\n\r\nWe should make sure that we don't see any performance degradations because of this.\r\n\r\n**The end-result of this issue should be that we can run webpack 5 on @comunica/query-sparql without having to configure any polyfills.**\r\n\r\nAlso add `\"sideEffects\": false` to package.json where applicable.\r\n\r\nRelated to :\r\n\r\n*\r\n*\r\n*\r\n*\r\n*\r\n* *And possibly several others*\r\n\r\n-----\r\n\r\n## Bounty\r\n\r\nA [bounty]( has been placed on this issue by:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n| |\r\n|-|\r\n| []( |\r\n| *Variable budget* |\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n[Click here to learn more]( if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.\r\n","bodyHTML":"Currently, when trying to bundle Comunica via tools such as Webpack (>= 5.x) requires users to manually configure polyfills for Node.js built-ins. We should make this process easier by not directly depending on Node.js built-ins, and instead use libraries such as readable-stream
This will also require some changes to several dependencies, such as RDF parsers.
\nWe should ensure that no such Node.js built-in dependencies are added in the future, either via a linter rule if that exists, or via a webpack process during CI.
\nWe should make sure that we don't see any performance degradations because of this.
\nThe end-result of this issue should be that we can run webpack 5 on @comunica/query-sparql without having to configure any polyfills.
\nAlso add \"sideEffects\": false
to package.json where applicable.
Related to :
\nA bounty has been placed on this issue by:
\n\n\n |
\n |
Variable budget | \n
Click here to learn more if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.
","createdAt":"2021-09-11T12:30:33Z","closedAt":"2022-08-22T12:58:13Z"},{"state":"CLOSED","title":"Send original SPARQL query string to endpoints","url":"","number":844,"repository":{"name":"comunica","nameWithOwner":"comunica/comunica","url":"","description":"📬 A knowledge graph querying framework for JavaScript"},"assignees":{"totalCount":1,"nodes":[{"name":null,"avatarUrl":"","url":""}]},"body":"_This issue has been modified by @rubensworks to describe the intended solution_\r\n\r\nThe problem is that we always parse the incoming query, and serialize it again when we send it to a SPARQL endpoint. Since this parsing-serializing process sometimes results in slightly different queries, this may cause issues for certain use cases. To solve this, we need to keep track of the original query string, and use that one in the case of querying a SPARQL endpoint.\r\n\r\nIn actor-init-sparql, we need to add the original query string into the context.\r\nIn `actor-query-operation-sparql-endpoint`, we need to check this context entry, and use that one if it exists.\r\n\r\nThe only difficulty here is that we have to make sure that this context entry does not propagate to places where it shouldn't. For example, if this actor is only used because of a `SERVICE` keyword, we need to make sure that the actor still uses the `SERVICE` operation instead of the full original query. We could do this by just making sure that the service operator unsets or overrides this entry.\r\n\r\n-----\r\n\r\nOriginal issue:\r\n\r\n\r\n#### Issue type:\r\n\r\n- :question: Question \r\n\r\n____\r\n#### Question:\r\n\r\nI want to query SPARQL endpoint ``, backed by Virtuoso, using the query underneath:\r\n\r\n```sparql\r\nSELECT * WHERE {\r\n ?uriThis issue has been modified by @rubensworks to describe the intended solution
\nThe problem is that we always parse the incoming query, and serialize it again when we send it to a SPARQL endpoint. Since this parsing-serializing process sometimes results in slightly different queries, this may cause issues for certain use cases. To solve this, we need to keep track of the original query string, and use that one in the case of querying a SPARQL endpoint.
\nIn actor-init-sparql, we need to add the original query string into the context.
\nIn actor-query-operation-sparql-endpoint
, we need to check this context entry, and use that one if it exists.
The only difficulty here is that we have to make sure that this context entry does not propagate to places where it shouldn't. For example, if this actor is only used because of a SERVICE
keyword, we need to make sure that the actor still uses the SERVICE
operation instead of the full original query. We could do this by just making sure that the service operator unsets or overrides this entry.
Original issue:
\nI want to query SPARQL endpoint
, backed by Virtuoso, using the query underneath:
SELECT * WHERE {\n ?uri <> <>;\n <> ?label.\n FILTER(<bif:contains>(?label, \"emile\"))\n BIND(\"no name\" AS ?name)\n}\nLIMIT 100
It's a silly query - but the crucial parts are the FILTER
and the BIND
. If I execute this using Comunica...
npx comunica-sparql sparql@ -f query.rq
...where file query.rq
contains the query above...then the result is:
[Invalid SPARQL endpoint ( response: undefined
My guess is that Comunica is rewriting the query, e.g. to:
\nSELECT * WHERE {\n ?uri <> <>;\n <> ?label.\n BIND(\"no name\" AS ?name)\n FILTER(<bif:contains>(?label, \"emile\"))\n}\nLIMIT 100
is placed after BIND
. If I execute this query via the endpoint's query editor on
, then Virtuoso yields the error:
Virtuoso 37000 Error SP031: SPARQL compiler: The group does not contain triple pattern with '$label' object before bif:contains() predicate
Is it possible to influence the way that Comunica rewrites the query?
\nA bounty has been placed on this issue by:
\n\n\n |
\n |
€544 | \n
Click here to learn more if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.
","createdAt":"2021-07-28T15:44:07Z","closedAt":"2021-11-26T15:26:55Z"},{"state":"CLOSED","title":"Resizing text area breaks vertical layout","url":"","number":95,"repository":{"name":"jQuery-Widget.js","nameWithOwner":"comunica/jQuery-Widget.js","url":"","description":"🖼 A jQuery widget to query heterogeneous interfaces using Comunica SPARQL"},"assignees":{"totalCount":1,"nodes":[{"name":"Kasper Zutterman","avatarUrl":"","url":""}]},"body":"When you resize the query and/or context text area, it visually breaks the vertical layout.\r\nThis can be prevented by making the text areas only vertically resizable.\r\n![image](\r\n\r\n-----\r\n\r\n## Bounty\r\n\r\nA [bounty]( has been placed on this issue by:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n| |\r\n|-|\r\n| []( |\r\n| €136 |\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n[Click here to learn more]( if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.","bodyHTML":"When you resize the query and/or context text area, it visually breaks the vertical layout.
\nThis can be prevented by making the text areas only vertically resizable.
A bounty has been placed on this issue by:
\n\n\n |
\n |
€136 | \n
Click here to learn more if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.
","createdAt":"2021-07-16T08:01:56Z","closedAt":"2024-05-24T08:43:08Z"},{"state":"OPEN","title":"Result counter and timer don't update when map gets populated on Chrome","url":"","number":90,"repository":{"name":"jQuery-Widget.js","nameWithOwner":"comunica/jQuery-Widget.js","url":"","description":"🖼 A jQuery widget to query heterogeneous interfaces using Comunica SPARQL"},"assignees":{"totalCount":0,"nodes":[]},"body":"While the query is running the counter and clock are updating, but when the map is shown these fields freeze. Only when I press Stop Execution it gets updated.\r\n\r\n[Sample Query](\r\n\r\n![image](\r\n\r\n\r\nThis problem occurs on Google Chrome, on Firefox this isn't an issue.\r\n\r\n-----\r\n\r\n## Bounty\r\n\r\nA [bounty]( has been placed on this issue by:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n| |\r\n|-|\r\n| []( |\r\n| €136 |\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n[Click here to learn more]( if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.","bodyHTML":"While the query is running the counter and clock are updating, but when the map is shown these fields freeze. Only when I press Stop Execution it gets updated.
\n\n\nThis problem occurs on Google Chrome, on Firefox this isn't an issue.
\nA bounty has been placed on this issue by:
\n\n\n |
\n |
€136 | \n
Click here to learn more if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.
","createdAt":"2021-06-29T12:26:35Z","closedAt":null},{"state":"OPEN","title":"Switching between similarly named queries fails to update query text area","url":"","number":87,"repository":{"name":"jQuery-Widget.js","nameWithOwner":"comunica/jQuery-Widget.js","url":"","description":"🖼 A jQuery widget to query heterogeneous interfaces using Comunica SPARQL"},"assignees":{"totalCount":0,"nodes":[]},"body":"When switching between queries with similar names, the query text area does not update:\r\nReplicate at\r\n\r\nReplication steps:\r\n- Select \"Buurt in Gemeente\" query\r\n- Select \"Buurt in Gemeente met @ reverse\" query\r\nAfter this, the \"Buurt in Gemeente\" query is still showing in the GrapQL Query text area\r\n![Linked Data Fragments client - Google Chrome 29_06_2021 12_53_31](\r\n\r\n-----\r\n\r\n## Bounty\r\n\r\nA [bounty]( has been placed on this issue by:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n| |\r\n|-|\r\n| []( |\r\n| €136 |\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n[Click here to learn more]( if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.","bodyHTML":"When switching between queries with similar names, the query text area does not update:
\nReplicate at
Replication steps:
\nA bounty has been placed on this issue by:
\n\n\n |
\n |
€136 | \n
Click here to learn more if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.
","createdAt":"2021-06-29T10:59:14Z","closedAt":null},{"state":"CLOSED","title":"Implement OPT+ operator","url":"","number":825,"repository":{"name":"comunica","nameWithOwner":"comunica/comunica","url":"","description":"📬 A knowledge graph querying framework for JavaScript"},"assignees":{"totalCount":1,"nodes":[{"name":"Jesse Wright","avatarUrl":"","url":""}]},"body":"#### Issue type:\r\n\r\n- :heavy_plus_sign: Feature request \r\n\r\n____\r\n#### Description:\r\n\r\nThe standard OPTIONAL operator is SPARQL is non-monotonic, which can lead to problem with streaming results. Concretely, intermediary results that do _not_ match with an OPTIONAL block will not be emitted until the whole relevant part of the dataset is handled. In practise, this means that some results will not become available to the user as soon as possible.\r\n\r\nThe paper [\"OPT+: A Monotonic Alternative to OPTIONAL in SPARQL\" (by Sijin Cheng and Olaf Hartig)](\r\nintroduces the OPT+ operator, which makes OPTIONAL monotonic by changing its semantics (`A OPT+ B = (A AND B) UNION A`).\r\n\r\nThe modified nested loop join algorithm from the paper (others are proposed) seems to achieve the best results.\r\n\r\nWe can create a modified version (or provide a config option) of our OPTIONAL actor (`actor-query-operation-leftjoin-nestedloop`) that considers this modification.\r\nIn essence, this modification means that a result can be emitted twice: once _without_ the optional binding, and once _with_ the optional binding.\r\n\r\nSince this modification is not strictly spec-compliant anymore, we should not enable it by default. But having it available can be useful for many use cases, especially when we have many sources (or when we are doing link traversal).\r\n\r\n-----\r\n\r\n## Bounty\r\n\r\nA [bounty]( has been placed on this issue by:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n| |\r\n|-|\r\n| []( |\r\n| €1088 |\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n[Click here to learn more]( if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.","bodyHTML":"The standard OPTIONAL operator is SPARQL is non-monotonic, which can lead to problem with streaming results. Concretely, intermediary results that do not match with an OPTIONAL block will not be emitted until the whole relevant part of the dataset is handled. In practise, this means that some results will not become available to the user as soon as possible.
\nThe paper \"OPT+: A Monotonic Alternative to OPTIONAL in SPARQL\" (by Sijin Cheng and Olaf Hartig)
\nintroduces the OPT+ operator, which makes OPTIONAL monotonic by changing its semantics (A OPT+ B = (A AND B) UNION A
The modified nested loop join algorithm from the paper (others are proposed) seems to achieve the best results.
\nWe can create a modified version (or provide a config option) of our OPTIONAL actor (actor-query-operation-leftjoin-nestedloop
) that considers this modification.
\nIn essence, this modification means that a result can be emitted twice: once without the optional binding, and once with the optional binding.
Since this modification is not strictly spec-compliant anymore, we should not enable it by default. But having it available can be useful for many use cases, especially when we have many sources (or when we are doing link traversal).
\nA bounty has been placed on this issue by:
\n\n\n |
\n |
€1088 | \n
Click here to learn more if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.
","createdAt":"2021-05-28T13:11:35Z","closedAt":"2024-06-05T06:31:01Z"},{"state":"CLOSED","title":"Run CI on windows and mac","url":"","number":798,"repository":{"name":"comunica","nameWithOwner":"comunica/comunica","url":"","description":"📬 A knowledge graph querying framework for JavaScript"},"assignees":{"totalCount":1,"nodes":[{"name":"Jesse Wright","avatarUrl":"","url":""}]},"body":"#### Issue type:\r\n\r\n- :heavy_plus_sign: Feature request \r\n\r\n____\r\n#### Description:\r\n\r\nAs we have migrated to GitHub Actions to run our CI, it should be easy to run on Windows and Mac as well.\r\nEssentially, we need to add `macos-latest` and `windows-latest` to the test job in our CI.\r\nHowever, [tests seem to fail](, which is why it isn't enabled yet.\r\n\r\nMay be related to #713 and #616.\r\n\r\n-----\r\n\r\n## Bounty\r\n\r\nA [bounty]( has been placed on this issue by:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n| |\r\n|-|\r\n| []( |\r\n| €272 |\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n[Click here to learn more]( if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.","bodyHTML":"As we have migrated to GitHub Actions to run our CI, it should be easy to run on Windows and Mac as well.
\nEssentially, we need to add macos-latest
and windows-latest
to the test job in our CI.
\nHowever, tests seem to fail, which is why it isn't enabled yet.
May be related to #713 and #616.
\nA bounty has been placed on this issue by:
\n\n\n |
\n |
€272 | \n
Click here to learn more if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.
","createdAt":"2021-03-23T10:55:56Z","closedAt":"2024-06-12T07:16:30Z"},{"state":"CLOSED","title":"Ensure backpressure is maintained in streams","url":"","number":759,"repository":{"name":"comunica","nameWithOwner":"comunica/comunica","url":"","description":"📬 A knowledge graph querying framework for JavaScript"},"assignees":{"totalCount":1,"nodes":[{"name":"Jesse Wright","avatarUrl":"","url":""}]},"body":"#### Issue type:\r\n\r\n- :bug: Bug \r\n\r\n____\r\n#### Description:\r\n\r\nThere seem to be a couple of places where we are not adhering to Node's backpressure conventions with regards to streams.\r\n\r\nConcretely, we seem to be creating new streams (such as `Readable`, `PassThrough` and `Transform`), and `push`-ing into them (via a `'data'` handler on another stream). Node handles backpressuring via the return value of `push`, which we are ignoring in this manner.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nA better solution would be to simply `pipe` instead of calling `push` on each data element.\r\n\r\nRelated to\r\n\r\n-----\r\n\r\n## Bounty\r\n\r\nA [bounty]( has been placed on this issue by:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n| |\r\n|-|\r\n| []( |\r\n| €1088 |\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n[Click here to learn more]( if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.\r\n","bodyHTML":"There seem to be a couple of places where we are not adhering to Node's backpressure conventions with regards to streams.
\nConcretely, we seem to be creating new streams (such as Readable
, PassThrough
and Transform
), and push
-ing into them (via a 'data'
handler on another stream). Node handles backpressuring via the return value of push
, which we are ignoring in this manner.
\nA better solution would be to simply pipe
instead of calling push
on each data element.
Related to rubensworks/rdf-parse.js@269c757
\nA bounty has been placed on this issue by:
\n\n\n |
\n |
€1088 | \n
Click here to learn more if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.
","createdAt":"2020-11-12T14:10:28Z","closedAt":"2024-05-22T13:05:11Z"},{"state":"CLOSED","title":"Throwing `Projection of ungrouped variable` error on valid query","url":"","number":120,"repository":{"name":"SPARQL.js","nameWithOwner":"RubenVerborgh/SPARQL.js","url":"","description":"A parser for the SPARQL query language in JavaScript"},"assignees":{"totalCount":1,"nodes":[{"name":"Daniel Beeke","avatarUrl":"","url":""}]},"body":"We're encountering issues with the most recent sparqljs releases, where the error checking is too strict.\r\nThis query is valid, but throws an `Projection of ungrouped variable (?p)` error:\r\n\r\n```\r\nselect ?p (count(*) as ?n) {\r\n [ ?p [] ].\r\n}\r\n```\r\n\r\nThis seems to be introduced by this PR: #108\r\n\r\n\r\n-----\r\n\r\n## Bounty\r\n\r\nA [bounty]( has been placed on this issue by:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n| |\r\n|-|\r\n| []( |\r\n| €272 |\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n[Click here to learn more]( if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.","bodyHTML":"We're encountering issues with the most recent sparqljs releases, where the error checking is too strict.
\nThis query is valid, but throws an Projection of ungrouped variable (?p)
select ?p (count(*) as ?n) {\n [ ?p [] ].\n}\n
This seems to be introduced by this PR: #108
\nA bounty has been placed on this issue by:
\n\n\n |
\n |
€272 | \n
Click here to learn more if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.
","createdAt":"2020-10-29T10:13:22Z","closedAt":"2021-10-01T10:37:44Z"},{"state":"CLOSED","title":"URL encoded strings are decoded in IRIs","url":"","number":39,"repository":{"name":"rdfxml-streaming-parser.js","nameWithOwner":"rdfjs/rdfxml-streaming-parser.js","url":"","description":"Streaming RDF/XML parser"},"assignees":{"totalCount":1,"nodes":[{"name":"Thomas Tanon","avatarUrl":"","url":""}]},"body":"Hi, I have a rdf-xml file where an IRI contains the character sequence ` `, which is a URL encoding for newlines (`\\n`). In the output of rdfxml-streaming-parser, this string is decoded, so that my IRI now instead contains `\\n`. The same can be seen for other strings such as `>` and `<`. This is different from what N3 does for turtle-family parsing. I'm not certain which approach would be correct. \r\n\r\n```javascript\r\nconst fs = require('fs');\r\nconst RdfXmlParser = require(\"rdfxml-streaming-parser\").RdfXmlParser;\r\nconst N3 = require('n3');\r\n\r\nfs.createReadStream('test.rdf')\r\n .pipe(new RdfXmlParser())\r\n .on('data', console.log)\r\n\r\nfs.createReadStream('test.ttl')\r\n .pipe(new N3.StreamParser())\r\n .on('data', console.log)\r\n```\r\n\r\ninput files: \r\n\r\n```rdf\r\n\r\nHi, I have a rdf-xml file where an IRI contains the character sequence 

, which is a URL encoding for newlines (\\n
). In the output of rdfxml-streaming-parser, this string is decoded, so that my IRI now instead contains \\n
. The same can be seen for other strings such as >
and <
. This is different from what N3 does for turtle-family parsing. I'm not certain which approach would be correct.
const fs = require('fs');\nconst RdfXmlParser = require(\"rdfxml-streaming-parser\").RdfXmlParser;\nconst N3 = require('n3');\n\nfs.createReadStream('test.rdf')\n .pipe(new RdfXmlParser())\n .on('data', console.log)\n\nfs.createReadStream('test.ttl')\n .pipe(new N3.StreamParser())\n .on('data', console.log)
input files:
\n<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?>\n<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=\"\"\n xmlns:ns0=\"b:\">\n\n <rdf:Description rdf:about=\"a:
\">\n <ns0:b rdf:resource=\"c:c\"/>\n </rdf:Description>\n\n</rdf:RDF>
\nQuad {\n subject: NamedNode { value: 'a:\\n' },\n predicate: NamedNode { value: 'b:b' },\n object: NamedNode { value: 'c:c' },\n graph: DefaultGraph { value: '' }\n}\nQuad {\n subject: NamedNode { id: 'a:
' },\n predicate: NamedNode { id: 'b:b' },\n object: NamedNode { id: 'c:c' },\n graph: DefaultGraph { id: '' }\n}\n
A bounty has been placed on this issue by:
\n\n\n |
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€544 | \n
Click here to learn more if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.
","createdAt":"2020-06-30T12:55:55Z","closedAt":"2022-08-25T07:26:06Z"},{"state":"CLOSED","title":"Parsing issue with SPARQL query on inverse paths in anonymous node","url":"","number":99,"repository":{"name":"SPARQL.js","nameWithOwner":"RubenVerborgh/SPARQL.js","url":"","description":"A parser for the SPARQL query language in JavaScript"},"assignees":{"totalCount":1,"nodes":[{"name":"Daniel Beeke","avatarUrl":"","url":""}]},"body":"_Originally reported in by @jaw111._\r\n\r\nThere is an odd combination of syntax that is flagged as an error.\r\n\r\n```sparql\r\nSELECT *\r\nWHERE {\r\n ?movie a dbpedia-owl:Film ;\r\n dbpedia-owl:starring [\r\n rdfs:label \"Brad Pitt\"@en ;\r\n ^dbpedia-owl:starring ?otherMovie\r\n ] .\r\n}\r\n```\r\n\r\nGives the error:\r\n\r\n```\r\n# Parse error on line 21:\r\ Pitt\"@en ; ^dbpedia-owl:starrin\r\n----------------------^\r\nExpecting 'IRIREF', 'PNAME_NS', 'VAR', '}', 'GRAPH', ';', 'a', ']', 'PNAME_LN', '.', got '^'\r\n```\r\n\r\nWhilst removing the triple pattern for `a` works just fine:\r\n\r\n```sparql\r\nSELECT *\r\nWHERE {\r\n ?movie\r\n dbpedia-owl:starring [\r\n rdfs:label \"Brad Pitt\"@en ;\r\n ^dbpedia-owl:starring ?otherMovie\r\n ] .\r\n}\r\n```\r\n\r\n-----\r\n\r\n## Bounty\r\n\r\nA [bounty]( has been placed on this issue by:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n| |\r\n|-|\r\n| []( |\r\n| €272 |\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n[Click here to learn more]( if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.","bodyHTML":"Originally reported in by comunica/comunica#677 @jaw111.
\nThere is an odd combination of syntax that is flagged as an error.
\nSELECT *\nWHERE {\n ?movie a dbpedia-owl:Film ;\n dbpedia-owl:starring [\n rdfs:label \"Brad Pitt\"@en ;\n ^dbpedia-owl:starring ?otherMovie\n ] .\n}
Gives the error:
\n# Parse error on line 21:\ Pitt\"@en ; ^dbpedia-owl:starrin\n----------------------^\nExpecting 'IRIREF', 'PNAME_NS', 'VAR', '}', 'GRAPH', ';', 'a', ']', 'PNAME_LN', '.', got '^'\n
Whilst removing the triple pattern for a
works just fine:
SELECT *\nWHERE {\n ?movie\n dbpedia-owl:starring [\n rdfs:label \"Brad Pitt\"@en ;\n ^dbpedia-owl:starring ?otherMovie\n ] .\n}
A bounty has been placed on this issue by:
\n\n\n |
\n |
€272 | \n
Click here to learn more if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.
","createdAt":"2020-06-25T11:32:44Z","closedAt":"2021-11-29T13:39:03Z"},{"state":"CLOSED","title":"Achieve full test coverage","url":"","number":38,"repository":{"name":"sparqlee","nameWithOwner":"comunica/sparqlee","url":"","description":"⚙️ SPARQL expression evaluator library - Moved to @comunica/expression-evaluator"},"assignees":{"totalCount":1,"nodes":[{"name":"Thomas Tanon","avatarUrl":"","url":""}]},"body":"We need additional and effective (unit/spec/integration/util) tests so that we achieve a 100% testing coverage.\r\n\r\nRelated to:\r\n\r\n* #35\r\n* #37\r\n* #34\r\n* #50\r\n* #40\r\n* #41\r\n* #21\r\n* #20\r\n-----\r\n\r\n## Bounty\r\n\r\nA [bounty]( has been placed on this issue by:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n| |\r\n|-|\r\n| []( |\r\n| €544 |\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n[Click here to learn more]( if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.","bodyHTML":"We need additional and effective (unit/spec/integration/util) tests so that we achieve a 100% testing coverage.
\nRelated to:
\n\nA bounty has been placed on this issue by:
\n\n\n |
\n |
€544 | \n
Click here to learn more if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.
","createdAt":"2019-05-20T15:53:09Z","closedAt":"2022-06-01T05:25:09Z"},{"state":"OPEN","title":"HTTP caching","url":"","number":166,"repository":{"name":"comunica","nameWithOwner":"comunica/comunica","url":"","description":"📬 A knowledge graph querying framework for JavaScript"},"assignees":{"totalCount":0,"nodes":[]},"body":"#### Issue type:\r\n\r\n- :heavy_plus_sign: Feature request\r\n\r\n____\r\n#### Description:\r\n\r\nWe should add support for proper client-side caching of HTTP resources.\r\nWe should check both the `Expires`, `Cache-Control`, `ETag` and `Last-Modified` headers, and appropriately send requests with `If-None-Match`/`If-Modified-Since` if needed.\r\n\r\nWe should make the cache actor work on the http bus.\r\n\r\nThere may be npm packages available that can help us out.\r\n\r\nThis article contains some useful information on caching:\r\n\r\nMore relevant papers:\r\n* Bahn, Hyokyung, et al. \"Efficient replacement of nonuniform objects in web caches.\" Computer 35.6 (2002): 65-73.\r\n* Jin, Shudong, and Azer Bestavros. \"GreedyDual∗ Web caching algorithm: exploiting the two sources of temporal locality in Web request streams.\" Computer Communications 24.2 (2001): 174-183.\r\n* Jin, Shudong, and Azer Bestavros. \"Popularity-aware greedy dual-size web proxy caching algorithms.\" Proceedings 20th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems. IEEE, 2000.\r\n\r\n-----\r\n\r\n**Implementation suggestions:**\r\n\r\n* A new package: `actor-http-cache` on the http bus\r\n* This new actor should be able to use a [`Cache`]( from the context (interface is available in TS when using dom types).\r\n* A simple default LRUCache-based `Cache` implementation should be set here if the user provided none in the context:\r\nIt can be implemented using\r\n* This actor should invoke the HTTP invalidation bus when cache entries become invalidation, to ensure that other parts of the query engine that cache things will be notified. This can be done by adding a `mediatorHttpInvalidate` to this actor, and invoking it like here:\r\n* This actor should also listen to manual HTTP invalidations via an HTTP invalidate observer, just like here:\r\n\r\n-----\r\n\r\n**Things that become possible after this issue has been resolved:**\r\n\r\n* The hardcoded cache store and cache semantics can be moved to a bus, with corresponding default actors. We should still allow values to be set for them via the context, in which case the bus should not be invoked.\r\n\r\n-----\r\n\r\n## Bounty\r\n\r\nA [bounty]( has been placed on this issue by:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n| |\r\n|-|\r\n| []( |\r\n| €544 |\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n[Click here to learn more]( if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.","bodyHTML":"We should add support for proper client-side caching of HTTP resources.
\nWe should check both the Expires
, Cache-Control
, ETag
and Last-Modified
headers, and appropriately send requests with If-None-Match
if needed.
We should make the cache actor work on the http bus.
\nThere may be npm packages available that can help us out.
\nThis article contains some useful information on caching:
\nMore relevant papers:
\nImplementation suggestions:
on the http busCache
from the context (interface is available in TS when using dom types).Cache
implementation should be set here if the user provided none in the context:
to this actor, and invoking it like here: that become possible after this issue has been resolved:
\nA bounty has been placed on this issue by:
\n\n\n |
\n |
€544 | \n
Click here to learn more if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.
","createdAt":"2018-07-03T10:59:23Z","closedAt":null},{"state":"CLOSED","title":"Clearer error reporting for incorrect input","url":"","number":119,"repository":{"name":"comunica","nameWithOwner":"comunica/comunica","url":"","description":"📬 A knowledge graph querying framework for JavaScript"},"assignees":{"totalCount":0,"nodes":[]},"body":"_This issue has been modified by @rubensworks to describe the intended solution_\r\n\r\n**Problem:**\r\n\r\nThe problem is that some (most?) errors that can be produced by Comunica are quite cryptic.\r\nThis is a consequence of inter-actor communication happening via mediators, which can produce errors such as:\r\n```\r\nError: https://.../rdf-dereference.json#mediatorRdfParse mediated over all rejecting actors:\r\nError: Unrecognized media type: text/html\r\nError: Unrecognized media type: text/html\r\nError: Unrecognized media type: text/html\r\n at MediatorRace.js:55\r\n```\r\n\r\nSo the common format is that mediators show an error message that accumulates error messages from failing actors.\r\n\r\n**Possible solution:**\r\n\r\nOne possible solution could be to reformat these types of error messages to something roughly like:\r\n```\r\nError: RDF parsing failed: none of the configured parsers were able to handle the content type 'text/html'.\r\n Error messages of failing actors:\r\n ActorNameX: Unrecognized media type: text/html\r\n ActorNameY: Unrecognized media type: text/html\r\n ActorNameZ: Unrecognized media type: text/html\r\n```\r\n\r\n(certainly open to other suggestions)\r\n\r\n**Implementation suggestions:**\r\n\r\nWe could have mediators accept an error message format (with placeholders for things such as `contentType` in parsing actions).\r\n\r\nEach mediator would also require some polishing (and alignment) in how it produces error messages.\r\n\r\nSomething like the following should be possible: `mediator.mediate(action, (failReasons) => 'This is an error message')`\r\n\r\n-----\r\n\r\nOriginal issue:\r\n\r\n#### Issue type:\r\n\r\n- :heavy_plus_sign: Feature request\r\n\r\n#### Description:\r\n\r\nWhen invoking `comunica-sparql` with (for instance) an error in the query, I get:\r\n\r\n```\r\nError: Unknown prefix: schema\r\n at Object.anonymous (/Users/ruben/.nvm/versions/node/v8.9.4/lib/node_modules/@comunica/actor-init-sparql/node_modules/sparqljs/lib/SparqlParser.js:498:29)\r\n at Parser.parse (/Users/ruben/.nvm/versions/node/v8.9.4/lib/node_modules/@comunica/actor-init-sparql/node_modules/sparqljs/lib/SparqlParser.js:642:36)\r\n at Parser.parser.parse (/Users/ruben/.nvm/versions/node/v8.9.4/lib/node_modules/@comunica/actor-init-sparql/node_modules/sparqljs/sparql.js:22:37)\r\n at Object.translate (/Users/ruben/.nvm/versions/node/v8.9.4/lib/node_modules/@comunica/actor-init-sparql/node_modules/sparqlalgebrajs/lib/sparqlAlgebra.js:30:25)\r\n at (/Users/ruben/.nvm/versions/node/v8.9.4/lib/node_modules/@comunica/actor-init-sparql/node_modules/@comunica/actor-sparql-parse-algebra/lib/ActorSparqlParseAlgebra.js:16:47)\r\n at MediatorRace.mediate (/Users/ruben/.nvm/versions/node/v8.9.4/lib/node_modules/@comunica/actor-init-sparql/node_modules/@comunica/core/lib/Mediator.js:80:22)\r\n atThis issue has been modified by @rubensworks to describe the intended solution
\nThe problem is that some (most?) errors that can be produced by Comunica are quite cryptic.
\nThis is a consequence of inter-actor communication happening via mediators, which can produce errors such as:
Error: https://.../rdf-dereference.json#mediatorRdfParse mediated over all rejecting actors:\nError: Unrecognized media type: text/html\nError: Unrecognized media type: text/html\nError: Unrecognized media type: text/html\n at MediatorRace.js:55\n
So the common format is that mediators show an error message that accumulates error messages from failing actors.
\nPossible solution:
\nOne possible solution could be to reformat these types of error messages to something roughly like:
\nError: RDF parsing failed: none of the configured parsers were able to handle the content type 'text/html'.\n Error messages of failing actors:\n ActorNameX: Unrecognized media type: text/html\n ActorNameY: Unrecognized media type: text/html\n ActorNameZ: Unrecognized media type: text/html\n
(certainly open to other suggestions)
\nImplementation suggestions:
\nWe could have mediators accept an error message format (with placeholders for things such as contentType
in parsing actions).
Each mediator would also require some polishing (and alignment) in how it produces error messages.
\nSomething like the following should be possible: mediator.mediate(action, (failReasons) => 'This is an error message')
Original issue:
\nWhen invoking comunica-sparql
with (for instance) an error in the query, I get:
Error: Unknown prefix: schema\n at Object.anonymous (/Users/ruben/.nvm/versions/node/v8.9.4/lib/node_modules/@comunica/actor-init-sparql/node_modules/sparqljs/lib/SparqlParser.js:498:29)\n at Parser.parse (/Users/ruben/.nvm/versions/node/v8.9.4/lib/node_modules/@comunica/actor-init-sparql/node_modules/sparqljs/lib/SparqlParser.js:642:36)\n at Parser.parser.parse (/Users/ruben/.nvm/versions/node/v8.9.4/lib/node_modules/@comunica/actor-init-sparql/node_modules/sparqljs/sparql.js:22:37)\n at Object.translate (/Users/ruben/.nvm/versions/node/v8.9.4/lib/node_modules/@comunica/actor-init-sparql/node_modules/sparqlalgebrajs/lib/sparqlAlgebra.js:30:25)\n at (/Users/ruben/.nvm/versions/node/v8.9.4/lib/node_modules/@comunica/actor-init-sparql/node_modules/@comunica/actor-sparql-parse-algebra/lib/ActorSparqlParseAlgebra.js:16:47)\n at MediatorRace.mediate (/Users/ruben/.nvm/versions/node/v8.9.4/lib/node_modules/@comunica/actor-init-sparql/node_modules/@comunica/core/lib/Mediator.js:80:22)\n at <anonymous>\n at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:188:7)\n at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:686:11)\n at startup (bootstrap_node.js:187:16)\n
Would be helpful to a) hide the stacktrace (only show it when a certain flag is set) and b) for this particular case, make the error message (a bit) more descriptive.
\nA bounty has been placed on this issue by:
\n\n\n |
\n |
€1632 | \n
Click here to learn more if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.
","createdAt":"2018-03-19T08:42:12Z","closedAt":"2024-09-06T13:44:53Z"},{"state":"CLOSED","title":"Allow HTTP timeout configuration","url":"","number":70,"repository":{"name":"comunica","nameWithOwner":"comunica/comunica","url":"","description":"📬 A knowledge graph querying framework for JavaScript"},"assignees":{"totalCount":1,"nodes":[{"name":"Thomas Tanon","avatarUrl":"","url":""}]},"body":"We should allow users to pass an HTTP timeout value via the context (`httpTimeout`).\r\n\r\nThis could be implemented using our own `setTimeout` and the fetch `AbortController`:\r\n\r\nWe should keep in mind here that we should clear our own timeout once the request completes (response object is available).\r\n\r\nAdditionally, we need an extra context option (boolean: `httpTimeoutOnBody`) to make it so that the timeout not only applies to the time until response starts coming in, but also to the time until the response body is fully available. The latter could take longer, or potentially be infinite for e.g. continuous data streams. This should also take into account that response bodies can be cancelled from within Comunica.\r\n\r\n-----\r\n\r\n## Bounty\r\n\r\nA [bounty]( has been placed on this issue by:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n| |\r\n|-|\r\n| []( |\r\n| €1088 |\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n[Click here to learn more]( if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.","bodyHTML":"We should allow users to pass an HTTP timeout value via the context (httpTimeout
This could be implemented using our own setTimeout
and the fetch AbortController
: node-fetch/node-fetch#95
We should keep in mind here that we should clear our own timeout once the request completes (response object is available).
\nAdditionally, we need an extra context option (boolean: httpTimeoutOnBody
) to make it so that the timeout not only applies to the time until response starts coming in, but also to the time until the response body is fully available. The latter could take longer, or potentially be infinite for e.g. continuous data streams. This should also take into account that response bodies can be cancelled from within Comunica.
A bounty has been placed on this issue by:
\n\n\n |
\n |
€1088 | \n
Click here to learn more if you're interested in claiming this bounty by resolving this issue.
","createdAt":"2018-01-15T14:21:31Z","closedAt":"2022-06-28T12:55:53Z"}]}}}},"__N_SSG":true} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/association/bounties/index.html b/association/bounties/index.html index afeac20e..6ac6633e 100644 --- a/association/bounties/index.html +++ b/association/bounties/index.html @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ -Variable budget |