This week we covered the topic of neural decoding and saw different techniques for extracting stimulus information from single neurons and populations of neurons.
Shows how the likelihood ratio test can be used to detect which of two stimuli was presented for a neuron that responds with a gaussian distribution to each stimulus.
Shows how the value of a continuous stimulus dimension can be extracted based on spiking activity from a population of neurons.
Illustrates the principles of the population vector method to decode wind direction in the cricket cercal system and arm directions from motor neurons.
Simulates the neural responses from the motion discrimination task performed by Britten et al (1992). Also introduces the concept of ROC curves.
In addition, I found that the following articles to be relevant to the topic of this week:
- Gold, J. I., & Shadlen, M., N. (2001). Neural computations that underlie decisions about sensory stimuli. TRENDS in Cognitive Sciences, 5, 1
- Pouget, A., Dayan, P., & Zemel, R., S. (2003). Inference and computation with population codes. Annual Review of Neuroscience. 26