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Docker build for chips-domain image


This build extends the ch-weblogic image and adds a WebLogic domain configuration for the Companies House Information Processing System (CHIPS) application. The image produced by this build can be run, but it is not of practical value and is designed to be further extended by the chips-app build/image.

The domain is simple and comprises:

  • Administration server - (intended to run in wladmin container)
  • Four managed servers & nodemanager - (intended to run in wlserver1,2,3 & 4 containers)
  • Datasources for CHIPS OLTP and CHIPS Staffware databases

Building the image

To build the image, from the root of the repo run:

docker build -t chips-domain --build-arg ADMIN_PASSWORD=security123 .

Important The arg ADMIN_PASSWORD sets the administrator password that is used in the built image. The password can easily be discovered simply by running docker history chips-domain Therefore, the password must be reset, along with other sensitive credentials when the image is actually used to start containers. That reset is handled automtically by the start scripts.

Run time environment properties file

In order to use the image, a number of environment properties need to be defined in a file, held locally to where the docker command is being run - for example,

Property Description Example
ADMIN_PASSWORD The password to set for the weblogic user. Needs to be at least 8 chars and include a number. secret123
DOMAIN_CREDENTIAL A random string to override and reset the default credential already present in the image. kjsdgf5464fdva
LDAP_CREDENTIAL A random string to override and reset the default credential already present in the image. ldap01234
DB_URL_CHIPSDS Full JDBC connection string of CHIPS database
DB_USER_CHIPSDS Database username for CHIPS database CHIPSDBUSER
DB_PASSWORD_CHIPSDS Database password for CHIPS database chipsdbpassword
DB_URL_STAFFSDS Full JDBC connection string of CHIPS Staffware database
DB_USER_STAFFDS Database username for CHIPS Staffware database CHIPSSWDBUSER
DB_PASSWORD_STAFFDS Database password for CHIPS Staffware database chipsswdbpassword
START_ARGS Any startup JVM arguments that should be used when starting the managed server -Dmyarg=true -Dmyotherarg=false
USER_MEM_ARGS JVM arguments for setting the GC and memory settings for the managed server. These will be included at the start of the arguments to the JVM -XX:+UseG1GC -verbose:gc -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps -Xms712m -Xmx712m
ADMIN_MEM_ARGS JVM arguments for setting the GC and memory settings for the admin server. These will be included at the start of the arguments to the JVM -Xms32m -Xmx512m
AD_HOST The hostname or ip of the Active Directory server against which to authenticate users
AD_PORT The port to use for a SSL connection 636
AD_PRINCIPAL The user in AD for connecting in order to authenticate other user logins CN=myldpauser, OU=AD Groups, OU=MySection, OU=MyOrg, DC=MyDepartment, DC=local
AD_CREDENTIAL The password of the user in AD for connecting in order to authenticate other user logins password
AD_USER_BASE_DN The base location under which users can be found via a subtree search OU=MySection, OU=MyOrg, DC=MyDepartment, DC=local
AD_GROUP_BASE_DN The base location under which groups can be found via a subtree search OU=MySection, OU=MyOrg, DC=MyDepartment, DC=local
AUTO_START_NODES A list of managed server names to auto start when the container is launched wlserver1,wlserver2,wlserver3,wlserver4
WLADMIN_AWAIT_TIMEOUT The number of seconds to wait for the wladmin server to start up, before abandoning the auto start of a managed server. Optional, as there is a default of 180 secs if this is not set. 240
TZ The timezone to use when running WebLogic Europe/London
T3_HOST_FQDN The external hostname of the server to use when connecting via T3s protocol or
T3_HOST_PORT_PREFIX The external port prefix of the servers to use when connecting via T3s protocol. For example, if 2103 was set then wlserver1 would listen on 21031 and wlserver2 on 21032 etc. This must match up with the T3s ports exposed by docker and defined in docker-compose.yml 2103

Optionally, there are a number of tuxedo related properties that can be defined in order to provide WebLogic Tuxedo Connector (WTC) services:

Property Description Example
TUX_WL_NODE_COUNT Weblogic instance count. A WTCServer resource will be created for each instance, with the 1st targeted at wlserver1, and 2nd at wlserver2 etc TUX_WL_NODE_COUNT=4
TUX_LOCAL_AP_N Local access points - where N is a unique id to allow for multiple entries. This takes the form: <unique name>=<local ap name>|<local port>. If TUX_WL_NODE_COUNT is greater than 1 then <local ap name> will be suffixed with an index, starting at 1, and all config will be replicated for each WL instance. Otherwise it will be used without a suffix. TUX_LOCAL_AP_0=CHIPS_EF_BATCH0_TUX|7075
TUX_REMOTE_AP_N Remote access points - where N is a unique id to allow for multiple entries. This takes the form: <unique name>=<remote ap local name>|<remote ap remote name>|<local ap name>|<connection policy>|<remote address>. TUX_REMOTE_AP_0=CHIPS_TUX_TO_CHIPS|CHIPS_TUX_TO_CHIPS|CHIPS_EF_BATCH0_TUX|INCOMING_ONLY|//
TUX_EXPORT_N Exported services - where N is a unique id to allow for multiple entries. This takes the form: <unique name>=<local service name>|<remote service name>|<local ap name>|<ejb>. TUX_EXPORT_0=ONLINE_SERVICES|ONLINE_SERVICES|CHIPS_EF_BATCH0_TUX|
TUX_IMPORT_N Imported services - where N is a unique id to allow for multiple entries. This takes the form: <unique name>=<local service name>|<remote service name>|<local ap name>|<remote ap names>. TUX_IMPORT_0=CABS_Ord|CABS_Ord|CHIPS_EF_BATCH0_TUX|CHIPS_TUX_FROM_CHIPS0,CHIPS_TUX_FROM_CHIPS1

Optionally, the domain can be initialised with additional internal realm users specified by environment properties:

Property Description Example
REALM_USER_N Additional user to add to the realm. This is mainly useful for adding users for the remote tuxedo domains, to allow for incoming calls. This takes the form: <unique name>=<username>|<password>. REALM_USER_0=myusername|mypassword

The domain configuration supports SAML2 Single Sign On, that can also be configured by environment properties:

Property Description Example
SSO_PUBLISHED_SITE_URL The URL of the saml2 endpoint on Weblogic that the external IDP will redirect the user to after authentication. Note that forward slashes need to be escaped.
SSO_ENTITY_ID A text identifier for the environment sso-identity-chips-sso-test
SSO_CHIPS_DEFAULT_URL The url that the user should be directed to if no redirect URL is provided from the IDP


docker-compose can be used to start all the required containers in one operation.

It uses the docker-compose.yml file included in the repository to start up the following:

  • WebLogic Administration server container
  • Four managed server/nodemanager containers

Preparing for running

The following steps should be taken before first starting the containers with docker-compose

Environment variables

In order to configure which version of the images to use when starting, there is an environment variable that can be set:

ENV VAR Description Example Default
CHIPS_DOMAIN_IMAGE The image repository and version to use for the chips-domain image chips-domain (latest local image)

Properties file for application

In addition, the file described under "Run time environment properties file" also needs to be present.

running-servers directory

Finally, the WebLogic managed server work directories are made available to, and persisted, on the host via a bind mount to a local directory. To create the directory run the following in the root of the checked out repository:

mkdir -p running-servers

Starting up

The following command, executed from the root of the repo, can be used to start up all the containers required to run the CIC service:

docker-compose up -d

Accessing the Administration server

After starting the containers, the Administration server console will be available on on the host. You can login with the user weblogic and the password you set for ADMIN_PASSWORDin the properties file.

Starting the Managed servers

The managed server containers will be running Node Manager, which can then be used to start up the managed server instances inside the containers using the Administration console. If the AUTO_START_NODES property is used, the servers listed will be started automatically.