This package provides Constructs for provisioning & validating SES Domain Identity which can be used in SES.
Inspired from Automatic DNS-validated certificates using Route 53 of aws-cdk-lib/aws-certificatemanager
This package automatically validates SES Domain Identity like aws-cdk-lib/aws-certificatemanager
Now @common-creation/aws-cdk-ses-domain-identity
has been migrated to CDK v2.
The major version of @common-creation/aws-cdk-ses-domain-identity
matches to compatible CDK version.
- For CDK v1 users: Use 1.x.x version (released by upstream)
npm i aws-cdk-ses-domain-identity@1 --save
- For CDK v2 users: Use 2.x.x version
npm i @common-creation/aws-cdk-ses-domain-identity@latest --save
- or
npm i @common-creation/aws-cdk-ses-domain-identity@2 --save
import * as route53 from "aws-cdk-lib/aws-route53";
import { DnsValidatedDomainIdentity } from "@common-creation/aws-cdk-ses-domain-identity";
// ... (truncated)
const hostedZone = route53.HostedZone.fromLookup(this, 'HostedZone', {
domainName: '',
privateZone: false,
const identity = new DnsValidatedDomainIdentity(this, 'DomainIdentity', {
domainName: '',
dkim: true,
region: 'us-east-1',
// ... (truncated)
new DnsValidatedDomainIdentity(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: DnsValidatedDomainIdentityProps)
interface DnsValidatedDomainIdentityProps {
* Fully-qualified domain name to request a domain identity for.
readonly domainName: string;
* Whether to configure DKIM on domain identity.
* @default true
readonly dkim?: boolean;
* Route 53 Hosted Zone used to perform DNS validation of the request. The zone
* must be authoritative for the domain name specified in the Domain Identity Request.
readonly hostedZone: route53.IHostedZone;
* AWS region that will validate the domain identity. This is needed especially
* for domain identity used for AWS SES services, which require the region
* to be one of SES supported regions.
* @default the region the stack is deployed in.
readonly region?: string;
* Role to use for the custom resource that creates the validated domain identity
* @default - A new role will be created
readonly customResourceRole?: iam.IRole;
Name | Type | Description |
identityArn | string | The ARN of the domain identity. |