The primary purpose of an executor is either to submit process specifications or execute processes. A process specification defines a process that should be executed in the future. Note that a Colonies process is generic concept and is not the same thing as an operating system process. A process is simply a series of computations or activities that produce some kind of result. It can be almost anything, for example turning on a lamp, training a neural network, serving a statistical model, dispatching a drone etc.
A Colonies executor needs to interact with a Colonies server using the Colonies API. Every executor must have a valid executor id and a corresponding executor private key. The private key is used to sign all messages sent to the Colonies server. The server derives the executor id from the signatures and then check if the executor is a member of the colony it tries to interact with.
A process specification can either be created by using the Colonies SDK available in Go, Python, Haskell, JavaScript or Julia, or by defining a JSON file as below and then submit it using the Colonies CLI.
"conditions": {
"executortype": "cli"
"func": "sleep",
"args": [
The condition attribute defines constraints or requirements on the executor. The executortype attribute defines which executor types are eligible to execute a process. Note that there can be many executors of the same executor type. In this case, multiple executors compete executing processes. This is very useful for scaling computations beyond a single machine. It is also possible to directly specify an array of executor IDs to more precisely control which executor should execute a process.
The func attribute defines a function that should be executed by an executor. A executor might be capable of executing many functions. The args defines the arguments to the function. Note that it is up to the executor to interpret how to execute a particular process. After an executor has completed executing a function, it typically sets one or several output attributes on the process containing the result and then closes the process. As every process has an unique ID, other executors can then look up the process to retrieve the result.
A process can either be closes as successful or failed. A process may automatically fail if some the following conditions are met:
- A process has not been executed in a given time frame.
- A process has executed too long time.
"conditions": {
"executortype": "cli"
"func": "sleep",
"args": [
"maxwaittime": 10,
"maxexectime": 5,
"maxretries": 3
The maxexectime defines how many seconds a process may maximum execute before its moved back to queue maintained by the Colonies server. The maxretries specifies many times it may be moved to back to the queue before the process is automatically closed as a failure. These mechanisms are very useful for build fault tolerant systems. For example, a crashed executor will not be able to complete a process in time. In case, the process is automatically moved back to the queue so that other executors can execute it. The maxretries attribute prevents a process from bouncing around forever, for example if there is a bug in the executor code that prevents any executors from executing it, it will set a failed after the max retries has been reached.
The maxwaittime defines how many seconds a process may be in the queue before it is automatically closed as a failure. This mechanism automatically cleans up the queue and let IT operation teams focus on investigating failed processes. If something is wrong, a process will eventually fail. It can also be useful if a process must be executed within a given time frame, for example a user may have a requirement that a lamp must be turned on within a second, or something is wrong.
In the JSON example above, the sleep process must be completed in 5 seconds. This is ok since it will only sleep for 3 seconds. However, if we change the sleep args to 6 seconds, the executor will get an error message when it closes the process since it has timed out. As it is impossible in this case to complete the process in time, it will go back to the queue 3 times before it is finally closed as failed. The process will also fail if an executor has not been assigned the process within 10 seconds.
"conditions": {
"executortype": "cli"
"func": "sleep",
"args": [
"env": {
"TEST": "testenv"
It is also possible to specify environment variables (key-value pairs) as a complement to the args attribute. The env dictionary is automatically converted to attributes by the Colonies server, which can then be retrieved by the executor code after assignment. When using the built-in executor CLI (colonies executor), the env dictionary is automatically converted to standard OS environmental variables.
A executor connects to the Colonies server and tries to assign a process. This is done by sending an assign request. Note that an executor is not guaranteed to get a process. There are several reasons why an assign request may fail.
- The queue is empty or and another competing executor was assigned the process instead.
- The Colonies server is temporary down. This may for example happen during an upgrade, or if a Colonies server Kubernetes instance (Pod) has been removed, e.g. by a chaos monkey or system failure.
In case of an error, the executor should keep calling the assign method until it is assigned a process.
Golang executor example:
for {
process, err := client.Assign(colonyID, timeout, prvKey)
if err!=nil {
client.Close(process.ID, prvKey)
Note the timeout argument. The executor must specify how long time it is willing to wait for process. That is, how long time the Assign function should block. The timeout should be set to at least 1 second to prevent overloading the Colonies with too many assign requests.
Also note that there is no guarantee that the Assign function actually returns a process even if the function has not timed out. Another executor might have been quicker and was assigned the process.
while true
process = Colonies.assign(client, timeout, colonyid, prvkey)
Colonies.close(client, process.processid, true, prvkey)
catch err
# ignore, just re-try
function assign() {
executor.assignLatest(colonyid, executor_prvkey)
.then((process) => {
executor.closeProcess(process.processid, true, executor_prvkey)
.catch((err) => {
function subscribe() {
executor.subscribeProcesses("cli", 3, 0, executor_prvkey, (process) => {
.catch(() => {
setTimeout(() => {
In Javascript it might be useful to use Colonies pubsub protocol to avoid blocking the browser main thread. Note the assign_latest. Sometimes, we might only me interest in the latest submitted process spec, for example if we are synchronizing a state like turning on or off a lamp and the lamp executor became online after some process specs were submitted. In this case, it is important to set the maxwaittime attribute when submitting process specs to avoid polluting the queue with processes that are never executed. An alternative solution would be do call the assign function recursively until the queue is empty.
Also note the timeout mechanism. This needed to handle gracefully server errors. For example, if a Colonies server instance in Kubernetes dies, the code above will just re-subscribe to another instance.
See Colonies JavaScript SDK for a working example.
while True:
process = client.assign_process(colonyid, timeout, prvkey)
client.close_process(process.processid, prvkey)
pass # just ignore
As Colony contains all registered executors, it is possible to use it for service discovery, e.g. search for a particular executor and submit a process specification directly to it.
executors, err := client.GetExecutors(colonyID, prvKey)
for _, executor := range executors {
if executor.Name == "videocam" {
condition := &Condition{ExecutorID: []{executor.ID}, ColonyName: colonyID}
funcSpec := &FunctionSpec{Condition: condition, Func: "turn_on_video", Args: []{arg}, MaxExecTime: 1, MaxRetries: 3}
err := client.Submit(funcSpec, prvKey)
Resolving executors by name can also be done using the Colonies CLI.
colonies executor resolve --executorname videocam