- Nothing changed yet.
- Add new directive .. http:example-block:: to allow use with Sphinx tab libraries like sphinx-inline-tabs or sphinx-design. [AWhetter]
- Add new HTTP example builder plone-javascript [datakurre]
- Fix tabbing to no longer depend on jQuery [datakurre]
- Fix tabbing to support arrow key navigation [datakurre]
- Fix tab key to stop at tab list only once [datakurre]
- Fix requests builder to flatten simple values in form data [datakurre]
- Fix requests builder to pass form data as dictionary [datakurre]
- Change JavaScript-based tabbing to no longer require JQuery [datakurre]
- Add support for docutils 0.17.x [kvondersaar, datakurre]
- Add support for Python 3.8 [datakurre]
- Fix example tabs accessibility [datakurre]
- The curl command builder will now always specify a method [LefterisJP]
- Change to quote examples with " rather than ' [datakurre]
- Fix Sphinx deprecation warnings and support Sphinx 4.x] [kkrypt0nn, AWhetter]
- Fix to use ast.unparse instead astunparse on Python >= 3.9 [datakurre]
- Re-release 0.10.2 with wheel [datakurre]
- Add support for inline response examples without HTTP version (e.g. HTTP 200 OK) [datakurre]
- Fix regression where support for reading request examples from external files was broken since 0.10.0 [datakurre]
- Fix issue where it was not possible to request exmples with float values in payload JSON [fixes #42] [datakurre]
Add support of the URL query parameters, using the query field. Given a line :query param_name: param_value in an http example directive, the key value pair param_name, param_value will be added to the request URL (and excluded from further processing). [ludaavics]
GET /items HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost Accept: application/json Authorization: Basic dXNlcjpwYXNzd29yZA== :query from: 20170101 :query to: 20171231 :query user_id: 12 :query limit: 20 :query sort: date(asc)
- Fix packaging to include setup.cfg in sdist [datakurre]
- Add the guillotina docs (which now uses httpexample) [cdevienne]
- Add support for inlining responses [cdevienne]
- Fixed error when parsing top level json lists [AWhetter]
- Fix to not strip out Accept/Content-Type headers in builders [dokai]
- Improve logic to detect a JSON content type [dokai]
- Use redirected input to pass request payload to httpie [dokai]
- Fix quoting of non-trivial HTTP headers in builders [dokai]
- Change to use declarative packaging (setup.cfg instead of setup.py) [datakurre]
- Allow the URL scheme (http or https) to be configured [dokai]
- Quote the URL if it contains & characters in curl/httpie/wget examples [dokai]
- Release as universal wheel [datakurre]
- Support non-json requests [jaroel]
- Support application/json; charset=utf-8 [skyzyx]
- Fix packaging to include the files in static #3 [csenger]
- Update README and documentation [datakurre]
- Change development status to beta [datakurre]
- Fix issue where wget basic auth required challenge from backend, which is not always available [datakurre]
- Fix issue where generate httpie-commands did not always set Accept and Content-Type -headers [datakurre]
- Add support for wget [datakurre]
- Add generic 'Authorization'-header support [datakurre]
- Fix issue where Authorization-header was always requires [datakurre]
- Fix raise proper exception when parsing bad requests [datakurre]
- Fix issue where httpie-builder did not quote values with spaces [datakurre]
- Fix link to python-requests' documentation [datakurre]
- Add support for GET requests [datakurre]
- First release [datakurre]