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EEA Relations

develop master

EEA Relations package redefines relations in Plone. Right now in Plone any object can be in relation with any other object. EEA Relations lets you to define possible relations between objects. EEA Relations also comes with a nice, customizable faceted navigable popup for relations widget.

Once installed from "Add-ons", the package will add an utility called "Possible relations" under "Control Panel".

Main goal of EEA Relations is to be an alternative to the default Plone related item widget.

EEA Relations features:

  1. Define/restrict what kind of content types a certain content can relate to
  2. Set restrictions on possible relations (e.g. relations can be made only with published content)
  3. You can define easy to use faceted searches (using EEA Faceted navigation) on the relate items popup
  4. Nice visual diagram showning all the relations and restrictions you defined (Control Panel -> Possible relations)
  5. Possibility to automatically publish/retract object's related items/backward references via Content-Rules.


Never do this directly on production servers and always backup your data before installing Plone add-ons.

  • Add eea.relations to your eggs and zcml section in your buildout and re-run buildout.

  • To use eea.relations widget for all default Plone Content-Types you'll also need to add 'eea.relations.default' within zcml section like:

    eggs +=
    zcml +=
  • Install EEA Possible Relations within Site Setup > Add-ons


This will not uninstall EEA Relations dependencies. See Dependencies section within this document and mannually uninstall them as described by their own documentation before uninstalling EEA Relations.

  • Backup your data.
  • Go to ZMI > PloneSite and remove portal_relations object.
  • Uninstall EEA Possible Relations within Site Setup > Add-ons
  • Remove eea.relations from your eggs and zcml section within your buildout and re-run buildout
  • Restart Zope

Once you install the package from "Control Panel Add-ons", the package will add an utility called "Possible relations" under "Control Panel" from where you can start define the relations, the constraints between contents etc.

EEA Relations has the following dependencies:

  • graphviz

    $ yum install graphviz
    $ apt-get install graphviz
  • pydot

  • eea.facetednavigation

  • collective.js.jqueryui normally installed by eea.facetednavigation. Make sure that you are using the proper version for your plone installation and that the following effects are enabled:

    1. transfer
    2. pulsate

Latest source code (Plone 4 compatible): - Plone Collective on Github - EEA on Github

The Initial Owner of the Original Code is European Environment Agency (EEA). All Rights Reserved.

The EEA Relations (the Original Code) is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

More details under docs/License.txt

EEA - European Environment Agency (EU)